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Finally Got My 1 Year Visa Stamp

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Last week the final stamp procedure was executed with admirable efficiency. I was back at my appt within the hour including traffic

But the whole business has left me severely rattled. How can I plan for a future long term retirement based on the capricious whims of the authorities. I planned to invest several million in a condo next year but that is suspended indefinitely. Several of my pals have voted with their feet voluntarily and one guy is in appeal just now as he only has 35k (quite sufficient for his retired single needs) and after 10 years where will he go. He has nothing back home

No doubt the new year will usher in an increasing clarification of future directions, We shall see how the high seasons tourist figures match up to expectations.

If anyone can see any reason for optimism please let me know. I was looking for a quiet respectable retirement with my long time family and now thats up in the air.

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well, i can't helpmuch,but lemme just say congrats on getting your your visa this time.

It'll make things slightly easier in the future.

As far as the future is concerned, by the way, Personally, I'd adopt a more Jai Yen attitude, and take it as it comes.

Chances are, everything will work out fine for you, especially if you have managed to build up a friendly relationship with your local immigration boys.

And don't worry too much about all the Immigration Clampdown announcements. There are constantly announcements.

Some get made into laaw,but even then, many are disregarded/not communicated/eventually forgotten, it seems.

These are just one klown's opinions however.

Chok dii, !khrap

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I do understand as we get up in years change becomes less than welcome (I am among that group) but it is life and should be expected.

The only change in retirement conditions is if you use bank deposit it must be proven to be your money by being in the account for 3 months in the future rather than the open for abuse borrow today/payback tomorrow method that some have been using. If you want a lifetime guarantee that conditions today will be the same tomorrow do not believe you will ever find it here or anywhere else. The world changes and the whole process of planning for retirement is to have enough extra to provide for the changes we can expect to happen.

We sometimes seem to focus on items that may not even concern us and ignore items that do. We don't have many talking about the requirement for a medical check being dropped or that the marriage now can now be joint money rather than depending on husband support only. The fact that immigration has been accepting fixed deposit accounts (paying good interest rates) seems to be lost to many of us. That those over age 50 (who should not need employment) are now allowed to stay just on the basis of having a child.

Obviously there will be changes we like and dislike but it is best to take a deep breath when we read something and try to look at it in the light of day; even if that means a slight delay. All this recent hoopla is probably going to work to the benefit of most of us. A lot of those making border and visa runs are, or can easily, qualify for extensions of stay and this is providing the jump start for them to take that route. I believe most will be very happy with the result.

Hopefully the decentralization will provide local officials the authority to prevent too many of those deserving of help from falling through the cracks. Unfortunately there is no way we can judge that aspect from this point in time.

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