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UKIP's Nigel Farage to speak at Donald Trump rally


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Attributing Farage with the status of leader of the Brexit cause is over-reach. What is the need for some to invest such things in individuals; to encourage the idea that Great Men are the primary influencers of history.  We should be wary of this tendency, since Carlyle wrote that:


"We cannot look, however imperfectly, upon a great man, without gaining something by him. He is the living light-fountain, which it is good and pleasant to be near. The light which enlightens, which has enlightened the darkness of the world..." http://history.furman.edu/benson/fywbio/carlyle_great_man.htm


Such simpering, fawning adoration of Great Men that is pushed by some denies the need to examine and critique issues of a more immediate and confrontational nature.


Farage used base racism and bigotry to further a political career that was based on attacking the very institution to which he was elected. This facade of acting as the disrupter, the enfant terrible was entirely self serving. it did not serve a 'cause'. Leadership is not demonstrated by destruction but by creation. Farage may have given voice to a marginalized mob but it was others who paved the way for this to result in the Brexit vote.


For the title of leader of Brexit, we should look no further than Boris Johnson. As forbes wrote No Boris No Brexit http://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewcave/2016/06/30/no-boris-no-brexit-five-scenarios-for-what-happens-next-in-britains-european-union-crisis/#1c2a15b7186f


Boris became the leader of the Brexit movement, primarily through the absence of real leadership by the political class, or those who assumed they were members of the political class. But that leadership came with the smell of the racism that the many and varied agitators of race baiting and of the dispossessed like Farage had generated. As the Ft reported 'Immigration Message puts Boris on the Spot' http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/00a534ae-3492-11e6-ad39-3fee5ffe5b5b.html#axzz4IzvhidLQ


Farage was not the leader of Brexit. His failure extends even to that. The desire by some to assign some Great Man status to this cretin is bordering on incoherent ignorance. He should be assigned immediately to the trash can of history. Without Johnson, Brexit would not have happened. The same cannot be said of Farage.

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Attributing Farage with the status of leader of the Brexit cause is over-reach. What is the need for some to invest such things in individuals; to encourage the idea that Great Men are the primary influencers of history.  We should be wary of this tendency, since Carlyle wrote that:


"We cannot look, however imperfectly, upon a great man, without gaining something by him. He is the living light-fountain, which it is good and pleasant to be near. The light which enlightens, which has enlightened the darkness of the world..." http://history.furman.edu/benson/fywbio/carlyle_great_man.htm


Such simpering, fawning adoration of Great Men that is pushed by some denies the need to examine and critique issues of a more immediate and confrontational nature.


Farage used base racism and bigotry to further a political career that was based on attacking the very institution to which he was elected. This facade of acting as the disrupter, the enfant terrible was entirely self serving. it did not serve a 'cause'. Leadership is not demonstrated by destruction but by creation. Farage may have given voice to a marginalized mob but it was others who paved the way for this to result in the Brexit vote.


For the title of leader of Brexit, we should look no further than Boris Johnson. As forbes wrote No Boris No Brexit http://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewcave/2016/06/30/no-boris-no-brexit-five-scenarios-for-what-happens-next-in-britains-european-union-crisis/#1c2a15b7186f


Boris became the leader of the Brexit movement, primarily through the absence of real leadership by the political class, or those who assumed they were members of the political class. But that leadership came with the smell of the racism that the many and varied agitators of race baiting and of the dispossessed like Farage had generated. As the Ft reported 'Immigration Message puts Boris on the Spot' http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/00a534ae-3492-11e6-ad39-3fee5ffe5b5b.html#axzz4IzvhidLQ


Farage was not the leader of Brexit. His failure extends even to that. The desire by some to assign some Great Man status to this cretin is bordering on incoherent ignorance. He should be assigned immediately to the trash can of history. Without Johnson, Brexit would not have happened. The same cannot be said of Farage.

Nobody is suggesting Farage was leader of the Brexit movement.What is being said by most commentators is that Brexit could not have happened without Farage.As earlier noted a tremendous political achievement.

Your comment on Boris Johnson is as thoughtless as we have come to expect from you.Nobody - probably including himself - knew which side he would opt for until a month before the poll.
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