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How far in advance can one apply for WP renewal?

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My situation is that my single entry Non Imm B (90 days) expires mid September and

I will have to go apply for a new single entry Non Imm B visa, which I will probably

do at Savannakhet, Laos. The thing is that my WP will expire early October, or about 3 weeks

after my visa expires. This means the Thai consulate will not give me a new single entry

Non Imm B visa (since that one is for 90 days, while there are only 3 weeks left on the WP).


Now my question is: can I apply for WP renewal before the WP expires, say 4 or 5 weeks before

the WP expiry date, so that I can that ‘Letter of Approval’ and submit it with the visa application

(which would be 3 weeks before the WP actually expires)??

If yes, will I still have the WP book in my possession when I apply for the visa, or will I only have

that letter, and will that letter be enough?


If it is not possible, how would I best go about it to get a new Non Imm B visa (without first having to get a tourist visa and

have that changed to a non imm B in Bangkok, CW)?


Also, if it is not possible and I will first have to get a tourist visa, will that then be an SETV and would

I have to show funds of THB 20,000 when applying (in Savannakhet)?


Thanks in advance for any helpful replies!!

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Labour should allow you go in to make a WP5 application early and, providing all your other paperwork is in order, they should issue the WP5 Receipt/Letter of Approval marked awaiting Issue of New Non Immigrant 'B' Visa entry.


You might be able to sweet talk Labour into then letting you take you WP with you to get the new Non 'B' - Theoretically it is not needed but always better if it's in your hand.

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