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Trump rebukes racism claims as Clinton warns of radicalism


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It's hard for me to imagine a smear against Hillary that would persuade me that trump is better. Again these arguments are for the benefit of the small segment that is undecided. Neither side is going to be able to change people that have already decided. That's why trump is so desperate. His support level happily is in the toilet.

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These two Presidential nominees embody everything that is currently wrong with America.


Total lack of class and much needed Presidential demeanor.  While US citizens mourn for the good ole days, world citizens look on in dismay and glee.


A huge void in quality leadership with no sign of hope on the horizon.

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3 hours ago, JetsetBkk said:



Since you clearly like Mrs Clinton, here's something I thought you should know...



Wow, so that was one of those trials where there was no prosecutor, judge or jury, right?


Hillary single handedly had him released.   


Could you go back further,  perhaps some things from her pre-school days?

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3 hours ago, JetsetBkk said:



Since you clearly like Mrs Clinton, here's something I thought you should know...



Video removed...no need to rehash it again. Anyway, did you research any of this case or did you just accept the video as is?


One, That affidavit doesn't show, as claimed, that Hillary Clinton asserted the defendant "made up the rape story because [she] enjoyed fantasizing about men"; rather, it shows that other people, including an expert in child psychology, had said that the complainant was "emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men and to engage in fantasizing about persons, claiming they had attacked her body,"


Two, The victim says it was her mother who pushed for a quick plea deal to avoid the humiliation of having her daughter testify in open court. Rape laws are much stronger today than back in the 1970's.


Three, Hillary was appointed to the case and actually tried to get herself removed but was denied. She legally had to fulfill the obligation. Someone has to defend this type of rapist scum. Makes me glad I am not a lawyer.


Lastly, I am not sure about the laughter during the 1980 interview. Granted it is a bit strange. It was this laughter that outraged the rape victim as is understandable. Before this interview the victim bore no ill will against Hillary. Rape is not something to be taken lightly. From what I can tell, Hillary laughed about the fallacy of lie detectors not the case itself but in the context of the interview it was a faux pas.


I am NOT defending the rapist (may he rot in hell). There are many defense lawyers that have to represent all types of scum. Hillary had to perform her duties as do all defense lawyers. It doesn't mean they like doing so or even want to. They don't always get the luxury of picking their clients (guilty or otherwise).

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Yes, that was her JOB. To get off defendants. All defense lawyers defend guilty people. That's their JOB. It's part of the system. All accused deserve a defense. Poor defendants usually get very poor services and need to plea bargain, even when they are actually innocent. There is a lot wrong with the U.S. justice system.

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

It's hard for me to imagine a smear against Hillary that would persuade me that trump is better. Again these arguments are for the benefit of the small segment that is undecided. Neither side is going to be able to change people that have already decided. That's why trump is so desperate. His support level happily is in the toilet.


What I notice Trump doing lately is accusing Hillary of stuff that he clearly is....sort of like a preemptive strike.  The crooked thing, the lying thing, and now the bigot thing.  It's like a 6th grader calling another kid something first so he can say that she's just accusing him because he accused her first.  One would have to be an idiot to fall for that sort of stuff, but in America....one can never tell.

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46 minutes ago, Rod Gold said:

These two Presidential nominees embody everything that is currently wrong with America.


Total lack of class and much needed Presidential demeanor.  While US citizens mourn for the good ole days, world citizens look on in dismay and glee.


A huge void in quality leadership with no sign of hope on the horizon.


Fear not for while America is hopeless the situation is not serious.  ;)

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1 hour ago, Berkshire said:


What I notice Trump doing lately is accusing Hillary of stuff that he clearly is....sort of like a preemptive strike.  The crooked thing, the lying thing, and now the bigot thing.  It's like a 6th grader calling another kid something first so he can say that she's just accusing him because he accused her first.  One would have to be an idiot to fall for that sort of stuff, but in America....one can never tell.

It's not working. 

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1 hour ago, Berkshire said:


What I notice Trump doing lately is accusing Hillary of stuff that he clearly is....sort of like a preemptive strike.  


Actually, Hillary lies about him and he lies back. Calling her Crooked Hillary is pretty accurate though.

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10 hours ago, Jingthing said:

It's hard for me to imagine a smear against Hillary that would persuade me that trump is better. Again these arguments are for the benefit of the small segment that is undecided. Neither side is going to be able to change people that have already decided. That's why trump is so desperate. His support level happily is in the toilet.

Well, good luck with  supporting Hillary's military-grade exoskeleton across the finish line this fall!  :thumbsup:

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Yesterday I saw the trump clown say that he doesn't even know what alt-right means.

Obviously in response to the Hillary Clinton speech calling him out, CORRECTLY, on the trumpist movement's close connection to the HORRIBLY RACIST alt-right movement.

This dangerous demagogue just put the head of Breitbart, BANNON, a beacon of the alt-right movement, to run his campaign.

Never has there been anyone as existentially dangerous to the future of the USA so close to the presidency as trump.





The “alt-right” has taken the media by storm this summer. From the rise — and downfall — of Milo Yiannapoulos to Trump tweeting anti-Semitic graphics to the hiring of Steve Bannon, chairman of Breitbart News, to run the Trump campaign, the neo-white supremacist movement has never been more visible.

The movement and its racist, anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant and homophobic ideologies is supported by a network of online publications. Here is a short primer on this corner of the internet.



Alt-right -- racist, anti-semitic, ultra nationalist/nativist in the worst possible sense.

So does anyone actually believe trump doesn't know what alt-right means?:facepalm:

So which is worse -- the ignorance, the lying, or both? 


It's one thing to be fair and to not blame trump the man himself for finding so much support from the most disgusting elements of American politics -- KKK, David Duke, alt-right, Neo-Nazis, white supremacists, etc.


That's plausibly deniable.

Now he has enlisted BANNON from Breitbart to run things.


That is not deniable.


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8 hours ago, Jingthing said:


So does anyone actually believe trump doesn't know what alt-right means?



 I had never heard of it until HILLARY dishonestly brought it up. Trump is anything but far right. Why would he pay attention to such a unknown fringe movement?

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10 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


 I had never heard of it until HILLARY dishonestly brought it up. Trump is anything but far right. Why would he pay attention to such a unknown fringe movement?

Please, dude.

He just picked BANNON to run his campaign.

Are you seriously saying this trump clown who thinks he's qualified for the most powerful job in the world with zero experience should not know the movement BANNON is strongly linked to. Come on now! There is a limit to being disingenuous. 

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4 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

As far as I can tell, Banning is NOT LINKED to the "alt right" clowns - but so me of them read his website. This is the same kind of dishonest smear used on Trump, just because a few racist nuts prefer him over Hillary for president.

"Yiannopoulos has been called a spokesperson for the alt-right.[10] He considers himself a reporter of and sympathizer with the movement.[11] "


"In October 2015, the Breitbart News Network placed Yiannopoulos in charge of its new "Breitbart Tech" section, which he said will "be free speech central—and we'll talk about stuff people really care about: Freedom, free speech, love, sex, death, money and porn." 


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11 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

As far as I can tell, Banning is NOT LINKED to the "alt right" clowns - but so me of them read his website. This is the same kind of dishonest smear used on Trump, just because a few racist nuts prefer him over Hillary for president.


We're the platform for the alt-right," Bannon told me proudly when I interviewed him at the Republican National Convention (RNC) in July. 


You can say want you want about the source,  but it's a direct attributed quote.

Here's another one



As said earlier, you are just being disingenuous.


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7 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Just as I thought. You folks are trying to smear him for associating with someone else. Pretty typical.


You are amazing.  Trump hired him as his campaign executive, in charge of the whole thing. That's a bit more then just "associating" with him.


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7 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

As far as I can tell, Banning is NOT LINKED to the "alt right" clowns - but so me of them read his website. This is the same kind of dishonest smear used on Trump, just because a few racist nuts prefer him over Hillary for president.



My Bold



"We're the platform for the alt-right," Bannon told me proudly when I interviewed him at the Republican National Convention (RNC) in July. Though disavowed by every other major conservative news outlet, the alt-right has been Bannon's target audience ever since he took over Breitbart News from its late founder, Andrew Breitbart, four years ago. -  Sarah Posner





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22 minutes ago, thaihome said:




You can say want you want about the source,  but it's a direct attributed quote.



A Mother Jones hit piece and the quotes are completely different from the very biased claims of Mother Jones. Despite the spin, the guy is putting down racism - not embracing it at all.

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clown man trump claims (said the silly bombastic lying old fool yesterday) that he doesn't even know what alt-right is.

This is long after the appoints Bannon.

Does anyone believe trump?

Either way, it's so damning.

Of he course he knew, and he knows.

In the tiny chance he didn't, the incompetence revealed in NOT knowing would be epic. 





David Duke Approves of Donald Trump Hiring Breitbart’s Stephen Bannon

According to Breitbart News’ former editor-in-chief Ben Shapiro, the website took a significant alt-right shift after Bannon took charge.

“Andrew Breitbart despised racism. Truly despised it.” Shapiro wrote. “With Bannon embracing Trump, all that changed. Now Breitbart has become the alt-right go-to website, with [Breitbart’s technology editor] Yiannopoulos pushing white ethno-nationalism as a legitimate response to political correctness, and the comment section turning into a cesspool for white supremacist mememakers.”




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38 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

clown man trump claims (said the silly bombastic lying old fool yesterday) that he doesn't even know what alt-right is.



He is far from the only one. This is another left wing smear - guilt by association. Bannon hired someone who identifies with a movement that - in his words - does not support the beliefs that they are accused of. Hillary has lied so much, about so many things, that almost no one is going to take her word for it. Her supporters are even worse.



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On 8/26/2016 at 4:37 PM, Jingthing said:

Blah blah blah. Already know. It's not so much liking Clinton as seeing trump as an existential danger to the American nation. 

I'd say he's a danger to the world if he managed to get elected (which is doubtful).

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9 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


He is far from the only one. This is another left wing smear - guilt by association. Bannon hired someone who identifies with a movement that - in his words - does not support the beliefs that they are accused of. Hillary has lied so much, about so many things, that almost no one is going to take her word for it. Her supporters are even worse.




I truly feel sorry for you that you have lowered your standards to this level all out of a irrational hate for the Clintons which you do not even realize you were manipulated into.


I think I'm done with you in this thread.?


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