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TAT thanks thousands of tourists for sustained confidence in Thailand


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TAT thanks thousands of tourists for sustained confidence in Thailand




BANGKOK, 30 August 2016 (NNT) - Tourism Authority of Thailand’s (TAT) Governor Yuthasak Supasorn has expressed gratitudes to thousands of tourists for their sustained confidence in Thailand following untoward incidents earlier this month. 

He thanked the private sector for their shows of unity in the face of the adverse situation. “We would like to thank everyone in the tourism sector who has contributed to the revival of Thailand’s tourism. This includes the tourists from around the world who keep coming to our destinations as well as both the private and public sectors who have unitedly helped restore the situation back to normal in a short period of time.” 

Visitor arrivals immediately after the bombings in various southern spots indicated just a small percentage drop, which lasted exactly a week. As of 19 August, arrivals began to increase again. The arrivals are expected to fluctuate over the next few days and to return to a steady growth by September. The TAT was optimistic that the projected arrivals of 33 million visitors throughout this year can be met. 

Mr. Yuthasak credited several factors for the minimal adverse impact and cited the positive force of social media as playing a large role. 

“It was obvious that visitors no longer just relied on mainstream TV news and print media for information. Social media networks could also be used effectively to provide accurate and updated news,” he added. 

“We did well via our in-house crisis management channels at TAT. I am happy to report that our private sector, which has a very high stake in warding off cancellations, also did a good job. Thousands of visitors who were in Thailand at the time of the untoward incidents were able to make use of their own social media channels to communicate.” 

He noted that all the recovery campaigns would remain in place, especially those targeted at women visitors for this month to mark the auspicious 84th birthday anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit. 

“We look forward to communicating a strong business-as-usual message at all international travel trade events for the rest of the year. And once more, we thank all our visitors, security units and the private sector for their support and confidence in Thailand.”

-- nnt 2016-08-30
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Congratulations to TAT ....the fears of bombers still loose are really not worth worrying about.

And I can't wait to try Pokémon in all those exciting locations .

i also love watching the Thai PM who looks just like a real PM teach us wise lessons in life.


The food and culture , friendly bouncers and guides .

Police keeping me safe .


Thailand really is Amazing and I trust you 100% everything is safe and normal and absolutely nothing to worry about.

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With the TAT in charge, who has anything to fear? They are a peerless group, that hardly ever sleeps, nor rests, in an effort to make their country the best place in the world. The constant improvement of society, the improvement of the tourist attractions, public and traffic safety, are all high on their lists of ways to improve lives here for everyone. Whenever we are dealing with such high levels of competency, training, education, and excellence, there is no need to be afraid, nor to have any lack of confidence. 

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He could thank me for 25 years survival here. I am not complaining, just looking forward to my next 90 day reporting as an "Alien" ,which makes we feel as welcome as tertiary syphilis., after 20 years of paying more tax than he will ever pay in his life.

Edited by eddie61
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For personal reasons I will continue to visit Thailand 3 or 4 months per year.

Having said that the endless stream of self congratulatory articles from TAT make me wonder what they are covering up .

Success stories speak for themselves , they dont require constant promotion.

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2 hours ago, Plutojames88 said:

Congratulations to TAT ....the fears of bombers still loose are really not worth worrying about.

And I can't wait to try Pokémon in all those exciting locations .

i also love watching the Thai PM who looks just like a real PM teach us wise lessons in life.


The food and culture , friendly bouncers and guides .

Police keeping me safe .


Thailand really is Amazing and I trust you 100% everything is safe and normal and absolutely nothing to worry about.

Brilliant - just brilliant! I do so agree with you!

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2 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:

For personal reasons I will continue to visit Thailand 3 or 4 months per year.

Having said that the endless stream of self congratulatory articles from TAT make me wonder what they are covering up .

Success stories speak for themselves , they dont require constant promotion.


What they are covering up is the fact that the return per tourist is dropping, even in the context of an overall increase : the traditional high spending markets have stagnated and the numbers are inflated by the lower margin 'new market' visitors ( ie looks good on paper but doesn't do much for the middle and high end hotels, restaurants, malls)....but does put a huge strain on some infrastructure such as airports, services.

They need to get a greater share of the big spenders from US, UK, Europe, Australia, NZ, Canada, Singapore...as well as the focus on Russia, China, ME.

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why dont they just close Tat down and say tourist figures  will never  fall only rise and go on indefinitely. 

They could save a  lot of paperwork and tedious TV "updates" ..........isnt Thailand  the best country in the world with the friendliest nicest people everythings  hunky dory, no need for anything more to be said.

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Why would anyone promote a junta there are plenty of other like minded countries in the region , unfortunately except for Singapore and to a lesser extent Burma all the others are run by totalitarian Governments ,err I forgot Malaysia ....................................................:cheesy:

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13 minutes ago, chainarong said:

Why would anyone promote a junta there are plenty of other like minded countries in the region , unfortunately except for Singapore and to a lesser extent Burma all the others are run by totalitarian Governments ,err I forgot Malaysia ....................................................:cheesy:

I have a good idea for TAT (the new 'reformed' agency)  - a new policy: why don't they jump on the bandwagon of promoting 'ethical tourism'? They could have the following slogan: 'Want to have an ethical, conscience-free holiday? Put Thailand on your list - as the place NOT to visit!'

Edited by Eligius
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Governor Yuthasak Supasorn is clearly the master of the understatement, as I would hardly call several bombings, acts of terrorism, deaths, injuries, etc as "untoward incidents".


I shall, however,follow his lead and from now on describe myself as "pleasantly rotund" and after several glasses of Scottish water as "jolly".

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11 hours ago, ClutchClark said:

I am just guessing here but I bet TVF memberships were not on the list for thank you cards.




You mean in the same way Snowden wasn't on the NSA's list?  Or Linda Tripp not on Slick Willy's list?  Or Frank Serpico not on the NYPD's list?   No.  Probably not.  And your point is?


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17 hours ago, eddie61 said:

He could thank me for 25 years survival here. I am not complaining, just looking forward to my next 90 day reporting as an "Alien" ,which makes we feel as welcome as tertiary syphilis., after 20 years of paying more tax than he will ever pay in his life.


In Mexico, after living there for 10 years, you are treated, and regarded as an honorary Mexican. After 20 years you are fully assimilated, and considered Mexican. That is how hospitable hosts, who are not pathologically fearful of the outside world treat their ex-pats. Good, law abiding people, who have been contributing to Thai society on so many positive levels for decades, deserve some honor. 

Edited by spidermike007
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On 31/08/2016 at 9:07 AM, spidermike007 said:


In Mexico, after living there for 10 years, you are treated, and regarded as an honorary Mexican. After 20 years you are fully assimilated, and considered Mexican. That is how hospitable hosts, who are not pathologically fearful of the outside world treat their ex-pats. Good, law abiding people, who have been contributing to Thai society on so many positive levels for decades, deserve some honor. 



please write a friendly letter to "the General" and tell him exactly that

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4 hours ago, siam2007 said:



please write a friendly letter to "the General" and tell him exactly that



From everything I read and hear about the little man, he is not particularly open minded, nor open to suggestions. At this point, a mere suggestion might result in a jail sentence for treason, or worse. Let us not bring up the Lese word. Power is intoxicating, it would appear. 

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