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Thailand's first halal hotel hopes to help boost Muslim arrivals


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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

OK, now I have to look this up.

Again, in actual practice, not theory, are the non-Halal slaughterhouses in THAILAND really all that humane.

What you've asserted may be true or maybe not true.

Slaughtering animals is not my thing ... but we can always learn.

But I see you seem to be implying something very negative about Halal slaughter and pointing to the Jews as the source of that.

Funny, it's always the Jews ... :facepalm:


My POV here is no secret.

I eat meat. I'll eat Secular, Kosher, and  Halal. Whatever is being served. Don't kiss a gift horse in the mouth. Horse meat. Yummy. 

I don't want food animals to suffer more than they have to but I also recognize the value of human beings and their rights (within humane limits) of practicing their religious traditions, and also the rights of people who don't want anything to do with religious traditions.








Honest to God (whom I don't believe in), Jingthing, nothing anti-Semitic about this, and it isn't always the Jews - indeed it is sometimes, but vary rarely compared with the Goyim! So no offense intended.


But  a Theravada Buddhist country should not be promoting the slitting of throats of animals. I'd never  do so myself - but of course I hypocritically consume prepared meats from supermarkets most every day.

Edited by dru2
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I think the Thai officials are thinking of and dreaming of the money that the cousins and relatives of the royal families and dictators from the middle east have and that do come and spend a lot of money. 

Just don't mention blue diamonds for Mo's sake!

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Can people or other religions stay in this hotel.. or women in western clothes, gays, lesbians, etc..


If not I think is racist and discriminatory!



If you wear a naqib, nobody would know!
Actually, im sure some short arab perv has dressed up like deaths bride to sneak into the ladies, I mean, who would know?

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On 31/08/2016 at 0:11 AM, Jingthing said:

To my knowledge, there is only one source for Kosher meat in thailand for a tiny tiny market (most Jews in thailand are Israeli tourists and don't keep Kosher) so it's pretty silly to suggest an equivalence to Halal which is big here. So since you brought it up, perhaps you wish to share your great knowledge about how wonderfully humane the non-Halal slaugherhouses are in thailand compared to the Halal ones. I'm quite skeptical. Not just theory, but realities. Do you know? I don't know but you seem to present yourself as someone that does. 




First off, being a lifelong vegetarian, I agree that, in my mind, the slaughter of animals whether by a bolt to the brain or being swung upside down so their blood will drain as they slowly die are equally heinous. However, you'll see Halal signs everywhere in my part of Phuket.

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Yes, of course, Halal meat is very common in Thailand.

On the animal cruelty issue, I don't think Halal (a large industry in Thailand) and Kosher (obviously much less than one percent of Halal in Thailand) should be singled out for demonization. Thailand is a nation that respects freedom of worship, and for religious Muslims and religious Jews, Halal and Kosher are part of the faith practice. Of course, societies have the right to draw lines in regards to details of faith practice if those practices are illegal, and where those lines are are open to discussion. 

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