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French burkini ban ‘‘stupid reaction’‘, UN human rights office says


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French burkini ban ‘‘stupid reaction’‘, UN human rights office says




PARIS: -- The ban on burkinis in France is not only ‘‘a grave and illegal breach of fundamental freedoms’‘ but a ‘‘stupid reaction’‘ to recent terror attacks, the UN human rights office has said.


Demanding its immediate end, a spokesperson for the rights agency insisted the suspension had only succeeded in increasing tensions.


“It is frankly a stupid reaction to what we are having, facing, in terms of terrorist attacks. It does nothing to increase security, it does nothing to improve public order, if anything, it stimulates friction, and therefore undermines public order. If anything, it is having a counterproductive effect,” said Rupert Colville, the spokesman for the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.


France’s highest court, the Conseil d’Etat, has overturned the suspension in one French seaside town, effectively invalidating all the bans.


But French premier Manuel Valls says the debate isn’t over and ripped into the Burkini ban critics. Evoking France’s national symbol of freedom, a revolutionary era figure known as Mariane, who is always portrayed with one breast exposed, Valls said: ‘‘She has a naked breast because she is figuratively feeding the people. She is not veiled, she is free. That’s the republic and that’s who we are.’‘


So named because they resemble the burka, the hooded Burkini swimwear has become the burning issue in France this summer. While the ban has been declared unconstitutional, it still remains in place in around 30 French coastal resorts.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-08-31
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17 minutes ago, lust said:

The Burkini is a disgrace to western civilization.


Yeah, a disgrace to McDonalds, Starbucks, sweat pants, Britney Spears, shopping malls, obesity and reality shows.

Edited by Calach
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2 hours ago, Opl said:

High Commissioner: for Human Rights  Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein,


So we can expect a similar statement condemning any country that refuses to allow women the right to wear bikins on the beach or poolside and denies them rights equal to men?


Are they issuing that press release soon?


Silly me, it's only Muslim rights to do as they please whilst dictating to everyone else that must be respected. UN is just a daft not funny joke.

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2 hours ago, lust said:

The Burkini is a disgrace to western civilization.


The ban Burkini is a disgrace for our Western societies.




Fortunately common sense is beginning to overcome stupidity. Witness the reaction of non-Muslim women who bathe dressed in solidarity. On a beach of Finistere.


Stop the terrorists, killers, rapists and murderers but leave women in peace.

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But French premier Manuel Valls says the debate isn’t over and ripped into the Burkini ban critics. Evoking France’s national symbol of freedom, a revolutionary era figure known as Mariane, who is always portrayed with one breast exposed, Valls said: ‘‘She has a naked breast because she is figuratively feeding the people. She is not veiled, she is free. That’s the republic and that’s who we are.’‘
Marianne is not always portrayed bear breasted, here's an example were she is not bare breasted, there are very many more.
French premier Manuel Valls made the above statement without reading his own government's account of the history of the Marianne image which makes no reference to the bare breasted Marriane.
Stupidity in defence of stupidity.
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I really didn't know what to think about all this at first. 


In one way I agree that a woman should be allowed to wear what she wants at a beach. But in other ways there are plenty of places which have Dress Codes, with beaches being included in them. There are plenty of beaches, including in Thailand, that had this same woman stripped down to nothing, and decided to go nude, she would have been fined also. Yet nobody would see anything wrong in that. So if you are going to allow women to wear what ever they want on a beach, then this would have to include nothing at all. 


I know that this is a lot different, and bit of an exaggeration, but let's look at something that is not. Let's put the shoe on the other foot. If a French Woman decided to wear her Typical French Bikini, then stroll the beaches in Saudi Arabia, she would be arrested, fined, given several lashes, and then deported. If she never got raped along the way first, with nobody ever being charged. So if someone wants to fight for freedoms then maybe they should start their first, and leave the sexy free spirited beaches of France and Spain alone. 


Another sad truth is go back and look at what women were forced to wear on the beaches in America in the early 1900's. Not too much different then the present Burkini they are wearing today, except without the hair covering and they didn't need to cover there legs totally. Certain Authorities roamed the beaches with a tape measure, and would measure a woman from her knee to where to swimsuit came to. If it was too high and showed too much leg, or even Collar Bone, they would be charged for "Indecent Exposure". 


Now I ask you, do we really want to go back to a time like this? A time when woman had to fight for the right to do anything. To fight to vote, to fight to earn a living like a man, to fight to drink in a bar like a man, and to fight to wear a one piece bathing suit on the beach. You are not depriving a woman's right by not allowing her to wear a Burkini on the beach. You are depriving a woman her rights by forcing her to wear one. 


It has also been my experience that if you give an immigrant an inch, they will take a mile. They may start off slow in there places of worship. Then move into our schools. Then move onto the streets. Then on to our beaches. Then on your next trip to the French Riviera, you say what the Hell happened to this place? It looks like Saudi Arabia!


So I finally agree with France. I would say this is France and our Beaches are French. It is okay to cover your hair or wear a hat, but if you can't find it in yourself as a guest of France to wear a normal swim suit, then stay at home, and let the others enjoy our beautiful beaches.  

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Sheikh Yusuf al Qaradawi, one of the main EU (European Union of Islamic organizations, whose French branch is the UOIF)  declared in 2002 " "With your democratic laws we will colonize you. With our Koranic laws we will dominate you."

Islam never fails to use the weapon of human rights to force European countries to adopt a low profile facing the Muslim population there. under the cover of non-discrimination and respect for religious freedom,

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On August 31, 2559 BE at 6:27 PM, GOLDBUGGY said:

I really didn't know what to think about all this at first. 


In one way I agree that a woman should be allowed to wear what she wants at a beach. But in other ways there are plenty of places which have Dress Codes, with beaches being included in them. There are plenty of beaches, including in Thailand, that had this same woman stripped down to nothing, and decided to go nude, she would have been fined also. Yet nobody would see anything wrong in that. So if you are going to allow women to wear what ever they want on a beach, then this would have to include nothing at all. 


I know that this is a lot different, and bit of an exaggeration, but let's look at something that is not. Let's put the shoe on the other foot. If a French Woman decided to wear her Typical French Bikini, then stroll the beaches in Saudi Arabia, she would be arrested, fined, given several lashes, and then deported. If she never got raped along the way first, with nobody ever being charged. So if someone wants to fight for freedoms then maybe they should start their first, and leave the sexy free spirited beaches of France and Spain alone. 


Another sad truth is go back and look at what women were forced to wear on the beaches in America in the early 1900's. Not too much different then the present Burkini they are wearing today, except without the hair covering and they didn't need to cover there legs totally. Certain Authorities roamed the beaches with a tape measure, and would measure a woman from her knee to where to swimsuit came to. If it was too high and showed too much leg, or even Collar Bone, they would be charged for "Indecent Exposure". 


Now I ask you, do we really want to go back to a time like this? A time when woman had to fight for the right to do anything. To fight to vote, to fight to earn a living like a man, to fight to drink in a bar like a man, and to fight to wear a one piece bathing suit on the beach. You are not depriving a woman's right by not allowing her to wear a Burkini on the beach. You are depriving a woman her rights by forcing her to wear one. 


It has also been my experience that if you give an immigrant an inch, they will take a mile. They may start off slow in there places of worship. Then move into our schools. Then move onto the streets. Then on to our beaches. Then on your next trip to the French Riviera, you say what the Hell happened to this place? It looks like Saudi Arabia!


So I finally agree with France. I would say this is France and our Beaches are French. It is okay to cover your hair or wear a hat, but if you can't find it in yourself as a guest of France to wear a normal swim suit, then stay at home, and let the others enjoy our beautiful beaches.  

 Also unsure of what to make of this burkini storm. If women choose to look like the terrorists they presumably admire then up to them i say. It makes them easier to avoid since I treat them all as ticking timebombs and keep as much physical distance as possible . Thing is, the sheer scale of whining and frothing by the extreme left and general establishment leads me to believe the burkini ban was well worth it. 

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On 2/9/2559 at 6:17 AM, jaidam said:

 Also unsure of what to make of this burkini storm. If women choose to look like the terrorists they presumably admire then up to them i say. It makes them easier to avoid since I treat them all as ticking timebombs and keep as much physical distance as possible . Thing is, the sheer scale of whining and frothing by the extreme left and general establishment leads me to believe the burkini ban was well worth it. 

You mention that if a "women choose to look like the terrorist". Perhaps this is a popular misconception as many Arab Women do not have any kind of choice in what they can wear at all. They are property of their father after they are born, and then their husband after they are married. In many cases they can not even leave their own country without there permission, or drive cars, or go shopping by themselves.


In the Arab World, "Your Son is your Pride and Your Daughter is your Honor.". This is very important to know. An Arab Woman wearing a Bikini on the beach without her father or husbands permission can be considered disrespectful, and dishonorable. Back Home she could be killed for this without legal punishment. Thus the term "Honor Killing". 


I once asked a Young Saudi, who I befriended and who was educated in the USA, and the oldest sibling in his large family, what he would do if his sister were to uncover her face and walked around in public this way. Without hesitation he told me that he would have to kill her. When I looked at him in disbelief, he continued to tell me that I don't understand this but that he would have to kill her because he was the oldest son and this was his duty.  


He was right! I didn't understand this or even do now. But I do understand that in certain countries these are the rules, and even though they may move to another country, these rules can and do still apply.   

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3 hours ago, stander said:

You can see how far feminism has fallen from its once lofty ideals. It now supports women in shrouds.


I don't have the time right now, but it would be intersting to search and see if the members ranting against Islam on the basis of women's rights also support feminist topics.



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