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Trump to make quick trip to Mexico before immigration speech 


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Trump to make quick trip to Mexico before immigration speech 
JULIE PACE, Associated Press
JILL COLVIN, Associated Press


EVERETT, Wash. (AP) — In a surprise move, Donald Trump will travel to Mexico on Wednesday to meet with President Enrique Pena Nieto, just hours before the Republican delivers a highly anticipated speech on immigration.


Trump took to Twitter on Tuesday night to say he looks "very much forward" to meeting with the Mexican leader. Pena Nieto's office confirmed the meeting with its own tweet, saying the two men would meet privately.


The unexpected trip comes as Trump seeks to clarify his stand on illegal immigration, a contentious issue that has been a centerpiece of his Republican presidential campaign. Trump has long called for deporting people currently living in the U.S. illegally and building a wall along the country's border with Mexico.


But in meetings recently with Hispanic supporters, Trump has suggested he could be open to changing the hardline approach he outlined during the GOP primaries. After one such roundtable this month, his new campaign manager said Trump's stance on deportations was "to be determined."


In the days since, Trump and his staff have broadcast varied and conflicting messages, with Trump himself saying one day he might be open to "softening" his stance, and days later saying he might, in fact, be "hardening."


Pena Nieto has been sharply critical of Trump's original immigration policy, particularly the Republican's insistence that Mexico would pay for the border wall. In a March interview, Pena Nieto said that "there is no scenario" under which Mexico would do so.


In the same interview, Pena Nieto compared Trump's language to that of dictators Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, saying it had hurt U.S.-Mexico relations. Former Mexican Presidents Vicente Fox and Felipe Calderon have also alluded to Hitler in describing Trump.


New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a close Trump adviser, has been among those pushing Trump to make the trip to Mexico, according to a person familiar with their conversations who spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to discuss them publicly. Christie made his own successful trip to Mexico City in September 2014 and has a warm relationship with the Mexican president.


Pena Nieto extended invitations to visit Mexico to both Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton last week. The Washington Post first reported Tuesday that Trump was considering making the trip to Mexico.


Trump is scheduled to speak on immigration Wednesday evening in Phoenix. He was already out West on Tuesday for a campaign stop near Seattle, giving him enough time to jet to Mexico before the Wednesday speech.


Trump's short stop in Mexico marks his first campaign visit to a foreign country. The Republican has faced a torrent of criticism from Clinton, a former secretary of state, about his preparedness to lead on the world stage. Several Republican foreign policy experts have also warned that Trump is unprepared for the numerous international issues that land on a president's desk.


Clinton's campaign has urged voters to not "be fooled" by what it calls Trump's attempts to disguise his immigration policies.

"Donald Trump will be who he has always been: Donald Trump," the campaign said in an email Tuesday night.


Pace reported from Washington.

-- © Associated Press 2016-08-31
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I think the Mexican president is making a mistake meeting trump. trump is a clown candidate. Meeting with him gives him normalcy and legitimacy. trump is losing badly now. Neito is helping him by dignifying him with any meeting. Idiotic. Of course if trump does manage to win, then they can meet ... but don't help him. 

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

I have accepted the invitation of President Enrique Pena Nieto, of Mexico, and look very much forward to meeting him tomorrow.

He's already acting more Presidential than his opponent.

This election just got more Real...:)


Poor old Breitbart, they're going to have to do some serious rewriting now. Back in June, Nieto was the devil incarnate.





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Word on the street is El Chapo's henchmen hatched a plot to kidnap Trump for a hostage swap to get their drug lord back. Plan was nixed when they found out large majority of Americans would want them to keep Trump: he'd be your problem now. Now working on alternative: "if we keep Trump, will you send El Jefe back?"

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3 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

I have accepted the invitation of President Enrique Pena Nieto, of Mexico, and look very much forward to meeting him tomorrow.

He's already acting more Presidential than his opponent.

This election just got more Real...:)

Just call him by his native Indian name "He who speaks out of the side of his mouth" Read Bershire's comments above. 

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4 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

I have accepted the invitation of President Enrique Pena Nieto, of Mexico, and look very much forward to meeting him tomorrow.

He's already acting more Presidential than his opponent.

This election just got more Real...:)


Talk about setting the bar low :whistling: You should all be kicking and screaming and getting out all those Guns you stockpiled just for this very reason, and you say "he is being more Presidential than his opponent' because he says he accepted an invitation and he is looking forward to meeting him. I guess my six year old is Presidential in your eyes then for saying the same about a Birthday invitation last week.

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21 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

He is floundering and doesn't know which way to jump next.  If he really had any guts he would refuse to go and stick to his guns about his pledge to build the wall.


Why would he refuse to go.


Trump articulated quite well that he had a problem with Mexican criminals coming to the US...he never said he had a problem with all the Mexican people.


It was loosely reported that way and plenty misunderstood it from the reporting. I hope you weren't tsken in by the reporting as well.

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5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I think the Mexican president is making a mistake meeting trump. trump is a clown candidate. Meeting with him gives him normalcy and legitimacy. trump is losing badly now. Neito is helping him by dignifying him with any meeting. Idiotic. Of course if trump does manage to win, then they can meet ... but don't help him. 


It's Trump. Posting propaganda too rapidly to capitalize these days? I see you managed a capital "I". Very Obamaistic. Or should it be Obamabombastic? Too long? How about Obamabastic?

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What he has said about the Mexicans is well documented.  He has made a pledge to build a wall to keep them out and they will be made to pay for it.  Given that commitment what on earth has he got to say to them unless he is going to backtrack and flip flop? 

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1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

What he has said about the Mexicans is well documented.  He has made a pledge to build a wall to keep them out and they will be made to pay for it.  Given that commitment what on earth has he got to say to them unless he is going to backtrack and flip flop? 


If he's gone to negotiate payment terms, I think he's going to be very disappointed.



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I don't think most American's ever realistically believed we would deport all 11 million (if that's the correct number) that reside in the USA illegally.  What Trump has brought to the forefront is that the government of the US has been impotent to stop the problem.  Most Americans probably know Hispanics who have come to this country legally or illegally to have a better life.  But also a great number of Americans realize that this massive influx over a relatively short period of time has cause a change that has not been all that good for the society and culture. I really think what Trump supporters want is a complete stop to illegal immigration and a return to lawful immigration.  There is no way that this influx has not depressed wages, has not put a strain on medical facilities, school, and public services.  A good many of these illegal immigrants are working at cash jobs which means they pay no taxes.  It is a problem that has continued to grow over the years.  Many Americans think we should fix the problems of poverty and unemployment here first before allowing more immigration. Trump surely has softened his rhetoric and I for one am happy about that. Maybe his tough stance on immigrants is what we need.  Should they be rewarded with a path to Citizenship when they illegally entered the country? Should they be given complete Amnesty?  A good number of Americans say no.  I think it is reasonable to assume that while Trump got the issue to front stage, he can also be a person to negotiate some form of deal which allows most to stay while getting rid of the people that we don't want and don't need here, particularly criminals. But in the end the illegal immigration must be stopped and since neither the Democrats nor Republicans in government can do that maybe Trump should build his wall and control the border first and take care of illegals after that. Just maybe we can get to a point where the matter is settled and that it is known that future illegal entry to the USA will be result in instant deportation.

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25 minutes ago, Trouble said:

I don't think most American's ever realistically believed we would deport all 11 million (if that's the correct number) that reside in the USA illegally.  What Trump has brought to the forefront is that the government of the US has been impotent to stop the problem.  Most Americans probably know Hispanics who have come to this country legally or illegally to have a better life.  But also a great number of Americans realize that this massive influx over a relatively short period of time has cause a change that has not been all that good for the society and culture. I really think what Trump supporters want is a complete stop to illegal immigration and a return to lawful immigration.  There is no way that this influx has not depressed wages, has not put a strain on medical facilities, school, and public services.  A good many of these illegal immigrants are working at cash jobs which means they pay no taxes.  It is a problem that has continued to grow over the years.  Many Americans think we should fix the problems of poverty and unemployment here first before allowing more immigration. Trump surely has softened his rhetoric and I for one am happy about that. Maybe his tough stance on immigrants is what we need.  Should they be rewarded with a path to Citizenship when they illegally entered the country? Should they be given complete Amnesty?  A good number of Americans say no.  I think it is reasonable to assume that while Trump got the issue to front stage, he can also be a person to negotiate some form of deal which allows most to stay while getting rid of the people that we don't want and don't need here, particularly criminals. But in the end the illegal immigration must be stopped and since neither the Democrats nor Republicans in government can do that maybe Trump should build his wall and control the border first and take care of illegals after that. Just maybe we can get to a point where the matter is settled and that it is known that future illegal entry to the USA will be result in instant deportation.


Very well said.


From the heart and not one of the guys so common on here playing the usual TVF game.


Have a good night.

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Well it hasn't been a short period of time, because Reagan was kicking immigration down the road in the '80s.

And I'm sorry, but Trump was quite explicit in stating that all 11 million had to go home, and he was going to set up a "deportation force" to do it.

But you're right: Most Americans realise it's a stupid and unfeasible idea.

However, those that attend his rallies hang off every word, and really think he's going to build a wall, and that Mexico's going to pay for it.

Now, given that Breitbart have spent most of this quarter telling us how corrupt the Mexican president is, I wonder if Trump actually thinks he can pay him off? 



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So apparently mexcians are do the kind of jobs that americans shy away from….plucking fruit, mowing lawns, odd jobs etc….in that case the US needs to come up with a labourers visa where quotas are carefully set out and adhered to. 

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