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Migrant arrivals in Italy surge


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Migrant arrivals in Italy surge




ROME: -- At least 13,000 migrants have arrived in Italy in just four days as numbers being rescued in the Mediterranean surge.


Good weather has meant more people have been packed onto boats, many setting sail from Libya.


The spike in numbers arriving on European shores comes as the leaders of Germany, France and Italy will meet with Turkey on the sidelines of the G20 summit in China.


Ankara is threatening not to implement a deal to stem the flow of migrants to Europe unless the EU agrees to visa-free travel for Turkish citizens. Brussels insists that Turkey must fulfil all of the conditions of the deal.


Germany and Italy also showed a hardening of their stance on economic migrants, announcing that they would step up efforts to send back migrants who had no claims to asylum.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-09-02
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 Strange to note in the photo above that all are young fighting age males, and they are even wearing some sort of uniform on this navy frigate. It almost looks like they are an armed force. 

 Can we also bear in mind this 13,000 is just from one port that is being reported on. Arriving boats carrying illegals to other areas such as the whole Spanish coast, French islands, Greece, overland from Turkey, Russia are not being reported on. I have no idea of the real numbers arriving daily but my previous est of 20,000 is way to low - by a factor of at least 10.

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Maybe they could help build the foundations for the re-build of the quake hit towns?
At least they would be of some use!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

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Maybe they could help build the foundations for the re-build of the quake hit towns?

At least they would be of some use.

If they couldn't be bothered to rebuild their own country, what makes you think they would have the slightest interest in helping others rebuild theirs?

Not exactly their MO it would appear.

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16 minutes ago, BaldPlumber said:

If they couldn't be bothered to rebuild their own country, what makes you think they would have the slightest interest in helping others rebuild theirs?

Not exactly their MO it would appear.

Exactamondo. If they wanted to work they would have just stayed home. No. What they want is the whole free money package that was promised to them by the clerics and people smuggling gangs. They say the welfare payments are Jizya - that is to say a tax levied on infidels that is made payable to believers. I do not blame the chancers from accepting this money thrown at them, but I very much do resent the European politicians for offering our tax money to sworn enemies of secularism, human rights and democracy.

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No one seems to be either able or interested in putting an end to this mass migrations

of people from Africa and north Africa, I mean how many more migrants can Italy

and Greece can take in before a they will collapse themselves? if no one will stop

them, soon enough, millions more will follow, who wouldn't want to be a EU citizen

that to be an African? this situation is very disturbing where no one is trying to do

anything to stop this madness.....



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1 hour ago, BaldPlumber said:

If they couldn't be bothered to rebuild their own country, what makes you think they would have the slightest interest in helping others rebuild theirs?

Not exactly their MO it would appear.

I don't think you quite got what my sarcasm meant :thumbsup:

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3 hours ago, jaidam said:

 Strange to note in the photo above that all are young fighting age males, and they are even wearing some sort of uniform on this navy frigate.


Just blankets provided by the rescuers by the looks. I agree, though, it's mostly opportunists looking for an easy life. The real question is, would these countries, if they were sound, be prepared to take in millions of Christian/Catholic/whatever refugees from Europe if the shoe were on the other foot?

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58 minutes ago, BaldPlumber said:

Your sarcasm went flying over my head unfortunately. I feel I right duffer now emoji26.png

Where were the clues?

There probably weren't any to be honest, clearly a fair attempt by myself :D

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28 minutes ago, daveAustin said:


Just blankets provided by the rescuers by the looks. I agree, though, it's mostly opportunists looking for an easy life. The real question is, would these countries, if they were sound, be prepared to take in millions of Christian/Catholic/whatever refugees from Europe if the shoe were on the other foot?


Not a cat in hells chance

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I wonder when they'll start replacing the old churches with mosques and rip down the castles as symbols of Islamic oppression and the crusades. Better get a Euro holiday in while there is still something of interest to see.


What bemuses me isn't so much the ongoing Islamification of Europe, but how so few Europeans have woken up to why they are all escaping the Middle East, wouldn't even occur to them that its due to NATO wars being conducted there. In effect Europe is deliberately creating the scenario for them to come to Europe. But rather than stopping the meddling in the ME they protest burkinis, like treating some minor side effects and ignoring the cause.

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1 hour ago, Rancid said:

I wonder when they'll start replacing the old churches with mosques and rip down the castles as symbols of Islamic oppression and the crusades. Better get a Euro holiday in while there is still something of interest to see.


What bemuses me isn't so much the ongoing Islamification of Europe, but how so few Europeans have woken up to why they are all escaping the Middle East, wouldn't even occur to them that its due to NATO wars being conducted there. In effect Europe is deliberately creating the scenario for them to come to Europe. But rather than stopping the meddling in the ME they protest burkinis, like treating some minor side effects and ignoring the cause.

 Yes absolutely, old churches, monasteries, medieval castles, historic ruins, ancient texts etc etc will all eventually be torn down, blown up, burnt due to their being unIslamic or whatever reason they have been giving for dynamiting all those historic sites across the middle east. Our culture is offensive to these "refugees" and once they are in control (which they soon will as they will vote how they are told to by their religious leaders - so will have a huge voting block against the infidels split voting) they will act to remove any object that is unIslamic. Fair enough I say, after having warned of this happening for years and being vilified at every turn. We Europeans do not seem to appreciate our culture and history although IMO it is the richest the world has ever seen.

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7 hours ago, Caps said:

Maybe they could help build the foundations for the re-build of the quake hit towns?
At least they would be of some use!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

Don't hold your breath on that one. They think they are coming to the land of milk and honey and free money. Halala food is not an option but a must. They also want to avail themselves of the fair maidens of the country not surprising when you consider their jaded outlook on the female sex. They must be customers of the Grumpy Traveller travel book or The Lonely Planet. Not many females in the crowd. Most of these males seem to think they died and went to heaven? and their virgins await. A scarce commodity to be sure.  Like taking coals to Newcastle. 

Edited by elgordo38
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54 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Don't hold your breath on that one. They think they are coming to the land of milk and honey and free money. Halala food is not an option but a must. They also want to avail themselves of the fair maidens of the country not surprising when you consider their jaded outlook on the female sex. They must be customers of the Grumpy Traveller travel book or The Lonely Planet. Not many females in the crowd. Most of these males seem to think they died and went to heaven? and their virgins await. A scarce commodity to be sure.  Like taking coals to Newcastle. 

Not in the way it was meant :thumbsup:

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4 hours ago, xineohp said:

Follow Australia's lead and tow them back from where they came.


Or even monitor the Libyan/Egyptian coastlines, find out where these boats are being launched from, and send them back after they put to sea. Think of all the lives you would save.

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Saw this elsewhere, and it is most apropo.  


The Arabs are not happy! 

They're not happy in Gaza.
They're not happy in Egypt 
They're not happy in Libya.
They're not happy in Morocco.
They're not happy in Iran. 
They're not happy in Iraq.
They're not happy in Yemen. 
They're not happy in Afghanistan. 
They're not happy in Pakistan.
They're not happy in Syria. 
They're not happy in Lebanon. 

So, where are they happy? 

They're happy in England.
They're happy in France.
They're happy in Italy. 
They're happy in Germany. 
They're happy in Norway. 
They're happy in every country that is not Muslim. 

And who do they blame? 

Not Islam.
Not their leadership.
Not themselves. 


Edited by landslide
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