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Lost In Love


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Got the idea form the "Why"-thread but this time answers are appreciated :o

Why am I so attracted to Thai women? They are just human beeings, aren't they? Is it their behaviour or just their appearance?

I am not lost in translation, because I learned to speak Thai. But I am still lost in love. With the one or with the other.

They are able to ruin foreigners, because they fall that much in love with them, starting to do astonishing things they never would consider doing back home.

So, what is it, I wonder? Why are they so... so dangerous. :D I can't find an answer. Can you?

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Got the idea form the "Why"-thread but this time answers are appreciated :o

Why am I so attracted to Thai women? They are just human beeings, aren't they? Is it their behaviour or just their appearance?

I am not lost in translation, because I learned to speak Thai. But I am still lost in love. With the one or with the other.

They are able to ruin foreigners, because they fall that much in love with them, starting to do astonishing things they never would consider doing back home.

So, what is it, I wonder? Why are they so... so dangerous. :D I can't find an answer. Can you?

It's not love .... It's Lust :D

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that's an excellent question and i ponder over that, day and night, 365 days a year until the day i die.

but i know the answer, so listen up and i'll let you in on some 125% straight up inside information. :D

they are,

beautiful, sensual, sexy beyond believe, awesome, soft., well spoken, smell like roses, your mother would love them, your dad would kill for them and leave your mother :D wear those tight fitting clothes that show off there incredible figures and they love noodle soup. :D

sorry mate,

but ive got to stop now as im starting to get real excited and i'll hurt myself thinking about this top little subject.

hope this helps you my friend. :D

cheers :o

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They are able to ruin foreigners, because they fall that much in love with them, starting to do astonishing things they never would consider doing back home.

So, what is it, I wonder? Why are they so... so dangerous. :D I can't find an answer. Can you?

Sorry mate but the foreigners ruin themselves, Thai woman are not dangerous, alot of foreigners are just a danger to themselves.

Wake up, slap yourself and get a grip. :o

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They are able to ruin foreigners, because they fall that much in love with them, starting to do astonishing things they never would consider doing back home.

So, what is it, I wonder? Why are they so... so dangerous. :D I can't find an answer. Can you?

Sorry mate but the foreigners ruin themselves, Thai woman are not dangerous, alot of foreigners are just a danger to themselves.

Wake up, slap yourself and get a grip. :D

you guys better listen up to the london crocodile as he speaks the truth here.

its not the thai girls, but you silly punters that are a danger to yourselves. :D

some of you guys would fall in love with a frigging soi dog. :D:D:D

as long as it could dance around a pole of course. :o

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that's an excellent question and i ponder over that, day and night, 365 days a year until the day i die.

but i know the answer, so listen up and i'll let you in on some 125% straight up inside information. :D

they are,

beautiful, sensual, sexy beyond believe, awesome, soft., well spoken, smell like roses, your mother would love them, your dad would kill for them and leave your mother :D wear those tight fitting clothes that show off there incredible figures and they love noodle soup. :D

sorry mate,

but ive got to stop now as im starting to get real excited and i'll hurt myself thinking about this top little subject.

hope this helps you my friend. :D

cheers :D

Terry,Terry Terry, I'm afraid you're just a red blooded Perth Boy who knows what he likes..

Nothing wrong with you and I agree about giving the Bg's a big miss.. :o

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They are able to ruin foreigners, because they fall that much in love with them, starting to do astonishing things they never would consider doing back home.

So, what is it, I wonder? Why are they so... so dangerous. :D I can't find an answer. Can you?

Sorry mate but the foreigners ruin themselves, Thai woman are not dangerous, alot of foreigners are just a danger to themselves.

Wake up, slap yourself and get a grip. :D

... and we all know what happens to soi dogs down Rambuttri eh Terry ...! :D

you guys better listen up to the london crocodile as he speaks the truth here.

its not the thai girls, but you silly punters that are a danger to yourselves. :D

some of you guys would fall in love with a frigging soi dog. :D:D:D

as long as it could dance around a pole of course. :o

... and we all know what happens to soi dogs down Rambuttri eh Terry ...! :D

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I'd be more than happy to help you find your way around. :D

(that is you in the picture, right?) :o

Lost as well? :D

My avatar is an eye-opener? Watch this: :D



You can be in what ever forum you choose to be. :D

I'll try to help you with your question, this is my perspective.

Women from different countries are pretty much the same, you've got good lookers and those not so pleasing to the eye, personally I'd prefer a european woman compared to a Thai, but then some just strike you as 'the one'.

There are some very attractive Thai ladies, like Mrs Robski, I have to say that because she has eyes in the back of her head and can read through walls. Yes Mrs Robski sure is one of the better ones, but do you know how she managed to pull this butterfly's wings off?

she knew how to play the game.

Women from different countries play the game differently, some can't get it right, they've taken their eye off the ball so to speak, but Thai women know how to play it very well.

The game comes down to a simple formula (guys you're going to thank me for this one)

and if it sounds chauvinistic, thats because I'm a man and can't help it.

It is the difference between a bad woman and good woman.

When your with a 'bad' woman, the first time you meet, when you're 'hitting the hay', when you're getting into a relationship or getting married, it is all about what she wants, and she will let you know it.

When you are with a good woman it is all still about what she wants, but she makes you think it is all about what you want.

Of course it is an illusion, but it is one that Thai women in general are very good at making.

That was quite a lot of thinking for me, I have to go and chop some wood or put up some shelves or some other manly activity.


Edited by Robski
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Women from different countries are pretty much the same, you've got good lookers and those not so pleasing to the eye, personally I'd prefer a european woman compared to a Thai, but then some just strike you as 'the one'.

There are some very attractive Thai ladies, like Mrs Robski,

So what are you saying here? You would have liked a European woman but had to settle for Thai Mrs Robski as you could not pull the Euro version? :o

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Women from different countries are pretty much the same, you've got good lookers and those not so pleasing to the eye, personally I'd prefer a european woman compared to a Thai, but then some just strike you as 'the one'.

There are some very attractive Thai ladies, like Mrs Robski,

So what are you saying here? You would have liked a European woman but had to settle for Thai Mrs Robski as you could not pull the Euro version? :o

I'm asuming that most people using this forum can read.

I see you didn't critisize anything else in my post.

Just to clarify for you SB, I don't fancy 90% of Thai women, and being English prefer the look of an English rose, lets just say it's in the genes, but there are some Thai women that really float my boat.

Mrs R being right in that other 10%

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but it is attitude that holds my attention.

As for not being able to pull an English woman, really that is not the problem.

It's more to do with having the choice not too.

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:D how many times can we possibly go over this again and again :D

um, urr,

sorry mate but about 30 million times and that would still not be enough for me as i frigging love those sexy thai girls.

i only look at the moment, as i dont live here full time , but im giving you the big tip, that when i move here full time its frigging game on and an AK 47 wont stop me. :D

i got to tell you,

you wont catch me dead with a bar girl but there's so many good decent women in this country the possibility's of meeting a nice one ( non bar girl) are endless.

im a lucky guy as know guys here that having cracking good women, long term relationships and love there ladies so i know the go. :D

cheers mate :o

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Maybe it’s just you.

You might have a split personality which only we know about.

Or maybe because you have ‘learnt’ and now can speak the Thai language you have shackled yourself too Thai woman only.

Are you speaking from experience about ruining foreigners, or are you still in denial from a past relationship that you did astonishing things in.

Maybe your not a original person and enjoys joining in with the risk takers.

I can find some answers hope they help.


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I would guess that these desirable creatures that the OP is finding so hard not to resist are actually just prostitutes.

Having read other great threads he has given us with such titles as 'Is the Nana Plaza in Soi 4 called "Nana Plaza" or "Nana Entertainment Plaza" (NEP )? Or both?' it quickly becomes rather obvious. :o

Edited by London Crocodile
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im talking staight of the street normal bloody thai girls....

Thai girl is a thai girl - profession means nought!!! :D

How can you say profession means nought?

If you start a romantic and sexual relationship with someone that is a prostitute it's a bad choice. By the very nature of her 'job' she does this for a living not for the love. (or are you different) :o

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So, what is it, I wonder? Why are they so... so dangerous. :o I can't find an answer. Can you?

My theory is that Thai women grow up in a more competitive "market" than other cultures, forcing them to develop their powers of attraction. Hence the apparent multitude of beautiful and lovely ladies.

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Well London Croc - I've seen non BG behaviour out do anything a BG could ever come up with.

I know happy/successful lads who've married former bg(s), and I also know quite a few lads who married non-bg and absolute disaster has occurred. I also know of successful non-bg relationships and some disasterous bg relationships.

So....What I am saying is you can't categorize because not every lady or relationship fits the same situation.

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Is the OP a troll then Britmaveric? have I just been seduced by the sexy avatar and video clip? I thought I had it right first time when I asked if the OP had something to hide.

Oh what the hel_l! it's a subject worthy of debate so let it roll.

Obviously I'll have to spare any reference to Mrs R, but oh the firmness!

I once heard that eating spicy food makes a woman horny, the hotter the food the better the sex.

I always made sure I got a good ruby murry or chilli into the ladies on the way home, and it always seemed to do the trick, but always had a niggling thought in the back of my mind that it may have been the dozen or so Bacardi Breezers that made them feel it was ok to be so naughty.

Well as we all know Thai ladies like to scoop on the chilli like the national economy is depeding on it,

and most of them don't drink a hel_l of a lot either and man are they rampant little crackers in bed.

you knows it, morning, noon and night can't get enough of the old chap.

It's the chilli makiing them so HOT.

Flame me! :o

Edited by Robski
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Well London Croc - I've seen non BG behaviour out do anything a BG could ever come up with.

I know happy/successful lads who've married former bg(s), and I also know quite a few lads who married non-bg and absolute disaster has occurred. I also know of successful non-bg relationships and some disasterous bg relationships.

So....What I am saying is you can't categorize because not every lady or relationship fits the same situation.

Extremely well put Britmaveric...

You should never generalize..

Problem here is we only ever get one side of the event..

It takes two to tango,,have a relationship, make babies, have fights, get it wrong..

Could go on forever but wont ..Think you all get the message..

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Is the OP a troll then Britmaveric? have I just been seduced by the sexy avatar and video clip? I thought I had it right first time when I asked if the OP had something to hide.

Oh what the hel_l! it's a subject worthy of debate so let it roll.

Obviously I'll have to spare any reference to Mrs R, but oh the firmness!

I once heard that eating spicy food makes a woman horny, the hotter the food the better the sex.

I always made sure I got a good ruby murry or chilli into the ladies on the way home, and it always seemed to do the trick, but always had a niggling thought in the back of my mind that it may have been the dozen or so Bacardi Breezers that made them feel it was ok to be so naughty.

Well as we all know Thai ladies like to scoop on the chilli like the national economy is depeding on it,

and most of them don't drink a hel_l of a lot either and man are they rampant little crackers in bed.

you knows it, morning, noon and night can't get enough of the old chap.

It's the chilli makiing them so HOT.

Flame me! :o

Sorry, but I don't have the same reference points as you. After 2 years in LOS, I find that their physical beauty has no relationship to sexual performance. I encountered one "pro" in BKK who I would give high marks to, as good as a high school prom date and looked like one. They rest of the pros were robots. As for the regular girls, there are a lot of cold fish - passive and unresponsive. For starters they don't like to kiss, many claim they don't do sex in the daytime, etc, etc. The list goes on. I never found such "dead in the water" ladies with Koreans or Chinese.

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im talking staight of the street normal bloody thai girls....

Thai girl is a thai girl - profession means nought!!! :D

sorry i cant agree with you on that brits but we cant turn this into a bar girl thread can we. :o

there's a huge difference between all women and one just has to explore our oportunitys to meet the right one. :D


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