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A Monk Cuts Off His...

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Today, I read in a newspaper, that a Buddhist monk in Bangkok had an erection during his meditating, therefore in his shame, he had cut off his penis. Apparently the other monks helped him, while he was bleeding, and also tried to save his limb, so it could be sewd on by doctors, but he said no, he wouldn't want to yield the temptation again.

I feel really sad, about this, I have pity for him, I'm overcomed with emphaty... :o

But by cutting it off...well, that was not the ideal solution. Actually, it was, for him physically, but that was the easiest way imagined. I mean, shouldn't he settle his ways in his mind? Instead off cutting it off...

I guess he was desperate in shame, and did it without thinking twice... :D



I'm sure if he'd meditated a bit more that he could have figured out some middle path that did not entail him hacking off his tadger.

I thought the premis of meditation was recognising feelings and sensations as they pass by, then observing as they dissipate.

Lopping off your ganderparts with a machete is not the way.


Gee, I don't understand this one. I've had others threaten to lop mine off, but I've never been tempted to do it myself. God, I don't even like cutting my toe nails!


This was actually a Reuters story picked up from the Khom Chat Leuk tabloid. There aren't any details but I'd say the monk has mental problems. Harming oneself is not a solution for anything, and there are established ways for monks to overcome lust. I suspect he could be disrobed for this irrational act.

It happened somewhere 480 miles south of Bangkok, not in Bangkok.

Gee, I don't understand this one. I've had others threaten to lop mine off, but I've never been tempted to do it myself. God, I don't even like cutting my toe nails!

:o I hear that!

But for the chap who did the deed... Couldn't he have just carried on meditating a bit longer? It would have passed as sure as all thoughts.

This is really quite tragi-comic, yet raises the questions:

How old was this monk? Perhaps still young enough to have his first erection, and not know how to deal with it? If older, than, what was he thinking/not thinking by cutting off his...

Was he perhaps a sex offender who truly wished to repent, and went a bit far?


How can he explain this so-called solution? It's almost like he took the easy way out.

I say almost for the obvious: It cannot be easy to cut off your own penis.

But for him it seemed easier, perhaps, than to live with his mind?


Did he cut off 'all' his tackle, or did he leave the gonads? As if he left the testicles he's have the same lustful problems again. Surely castration was a better option.

I agree though, he must have had mental problems. The problem is these stories give buddhism a bad name.

You can just hear Mr Joe Public, "Oh yeah, Buddhists cut off their tackle if they feel horny!"

Couldn't he have just carried on meditating a bit longer? It would have passed as sure as all thoughts.

Spot on. As a Buddhist Monk, I think that is exactly what he should have done.

He also should of contempleted things like dead decomposing women, skeletons, and other disgusting things to pacify his lustful thoughts.

I say almost for the obvious: It cannot be easy to cut off your own penis.

True. True. I saw a Jerry Springer show once (i flicked the channel and it came on. im not a Springer fan, really ) and a guy cut it off from a feeling of self-revulsion. He claimed it was very difficult to sever, like a really tough piece of gristle. :o

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