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Australian DJ jailed for life in Thailand


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Two life sentences because drugs were found in his girlfriend's apartment? This General has really flushed the country down the karsy by letting this sort of thing carry on. I guess he's too busy shopping for ridiculous outfits to bothered by this but let's put this in perspective. A girl with no driving license or insurance murders 9 innocents people and gets 150 hours community service. I'm so glad I moved back to civilization after 15 years of this b/s. 

The Brit though... He's fortunate that this happened in Thailand and not Indonesia or the Philipines... He'd be dead by now


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12 minutes ago, PattayaBoy said:

Lol coffe doesn't alter the mind.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk


Yes it does, have you not noticed that a cup of coffee wakes you up?  It does this by interacting with the A1 adenosine receptor, blocking it and allowing dopamine and glutamate to function without interruption from the adenosine receptor, in this way caffeine effectively delays your own brain from shutting itself down which is clearly an alteration to the minds normal function. 

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This post is going round and round Admin.

What i am so glad of is that vast majority are not Anti Drugs and know the E isn't a proper dangerous drug, no where near it. I wasn't going to click on the post to start with as i thought it would be the other way round and it would bug me. 

Also i don't think there is on single person thinks the lads didn't deserve punished. We ALL know the score with drugs here. Just don't do them or get involved as if you do it's only going to end up bad places. They didn't deserve that length of sentence, but, again, they knew if they got caught they were in the soup big time.

Fair play to Admin for letting this run and allowing us that really know and have a hell of a lot of experience with this scene educate those that have no clue.

Maybe time to lock this thread as it's same old same old.

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The thought of going to prison...especially here in Thailand, is so awful that I go out of my way to stay within the law of this land. People would say I am "paranoid" but I don't think I would last many days locked away. Especially with the quality of food, language obstacles, and lack of legal aid.


As a result, I am the most honest, decent, law-abiding, drug-free boring person you will ever have the misfortune to meet. I also learned to avoid arguments and aggressive stances.  Yep. I am a wimpy guy...  lost my mojo (had tons of it that would get me in serious trouble before).  


Stay free and happy...I am the happiest I ever been in my life.


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14 minutes ago, slipperylobster said:

The thought of going to prison...especially here in Thailand, is so awful that I go out of my way to stay within the law of this land. People would say I am "paranoid" but I don't think I would last many days locked away. Especially with the quality of food, language obstacles, and lack of legal aid.


As a result, I am the most honest, decent, law-abiding, drug-free boring person you will ever have the misfortune to meet. I also learned to avoid arguments and aggressive stances.  Yep. I am a wimpy guy...  lost my mojo (had tons of it that would get me in serious trouble before).  


Stay free and happy...I am the happiest I ever been in my life.




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Jakes serving 2 life sentences because he was grassed up by Lance in an effort to reduce the trouble HE had got into. I knew Jake personally and he wasn't dealing unlike the grass. Lance spent his time in Pattaya driving around giving it large. Telling people he can get them what they want whenever they want....... he loved the image it gave him. Showed his true colours when it bit him in the ass. 

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So this other Thai guy that tried to rape a foreign girl, causing her to jump off a 45 meter cliff to escape, breaking her back, then having him slide down the rock-face after her so he could finish his two hour rape scenario, leaving her to die there, with snakes crawling on her in the dark.... he gets 10 years.


But our Aussie boy DJ here who had a few farging Es for sale to clubbers (who ** newsflash! ** like Es! ) gets two life sentences?


Nice one Thailand justice system - really got your farging head screwed on properly there.


Es ARE farging HARMLESS - forget about it!

Edited by Malthus101
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Given the facts that he played in certain gogo bars, he should have known better or at least know the right people or have his mind right to grease some palms with the help of friends and family before it got to into the system in the first place. 

I read this correct that the actual arrest happened 2 years ago? Will those be counted against his sentence so he can leave 2 years earlier to a prison in his home country? 

Since he didn't plead guilty I doubt they'll credit him the 2 years but who knows.. 


Looking at the pictures of him, he is a bit too 'handsome' to last 50 years in thai jail. Probably is a good girlfriend to many inmates now. Pretty sad :(

Edited by JerryinTH
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10 hours ago, dragons70 said:

Agree with what you say about pathetic statements from some who would be "happy" for their children to do extasy when they are adults...obviously these people have never had to tell parents that their "child" has overdosed on it or literally had their heart explode at the age of 15...MDMA is a synthetic substance concocted from all types of chemicals...the criminals who produce it do not care what effect those chemicals will have on the users, they just want to make it as cheaply as possible. Having seen many MDMA labs first hand, I've no doubt users would be shocked to see what toxic chemicals they are putting into their bodies. Every pill taken, especially in Asia, is like playing Russian roulette in my opinion...sooner or later you'll get a bad one, and that could be fatal. I've seen teenaged kids die from their first ever extasy pill...I'm yet to see a kid die from his first ever beer...If this Aussie DJ sold my kid a pill that proved fatal, no gaol sentence would be enough...just saying.

Exactly.  I've seen kids come in post seizures and that was bad.  I work in and HIV/AIDS treatment clinic fo a while easily half the Docs were gay.  I went to some of their parties and saw some people in a bad way from time to time.  The more my colleagues did it, it seemed to have a cumulative effect.  They were never really right again.  I'm talking about physicians and surgeons.  They were "not firing on all cylinders"  With time it just got worse.  We had a couple of nervous breakdowns.  One was my best friend.  pretty sad.


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5 hours ago, tmd5855 said:

Many years (2011) I got to know this guy from Birmingham, England.  His GF was the owner of a bar on 2nd road (Pattaya) after a while when he knew I worked offshore asia on 4 weeks on/off rota and went back to the UK for 5 nights every leave.  He made me a business proposition!!


"Seeing you go back and forward to the UK on a regular basis for legitimate reasons, would you be interested in a business deal"  "What kind of deal" I said?  "I am in the pharmaceutical business"  he said.  


I went to the toilet leaving my bin behind, left the bar complex and never returned to that area again.  

You have no Idea who could be watching??


Just to add, I were always, regularly singled out by customs going through the green channel at Heathrow, no doubt working asia, living thailand and coming back to the UK for only a few nights did flag up somewhere on some computer.  (Regular travels back were between 2004 - 2015)  


Only desperate or stupid people would get involved in drugs, (my opinion)

Thanks.  There really are a few sane people here.  Appreciate your input.


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5 hours ago, MyFrenU said:

I'm really worried about what may become of me,considering I'm in Europe and we're talking about the illegal drugs I was taking 25-30 years ago.I'm expecting to see the BiB sliding down ropes in Tenerife and Ibiza back in the day,like a modern day Minority Report without Tom Cruise! :facepalm:
joeyg I'm just praying that you are over 60-years old because if not you could really do with taking all of the above and having a good time in your life for a change,my biggest fear here is that you are some young kid trying to lecture people from your Mom's basement,who's idea of real life is YouTube clips and thinks that a disco biscuit is a Custard Cream with hundreds and thousands sprinkled on top of it!

You're gone man.  No hope... 


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6 hours ago, bark said:

Why don't you fly to Bali with a Bag of E and let us know how it goes ?

His drugs kill people.

Tell me how many girls have been raped by someone high on drugs ?

Or Die on Thai  highways ?

Do you think this guy cared about this ?

And your answer is 2 people.


Yet another voice of common sense and reason


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1 hour ago, JerryinTH said:

Given the facts that he played in certain gogo bars, he should have known better or at least know the right people or have his mind right to grease some palms with the help of friends and family before it got to into the system in the first place. 

I read this correct that the actual arrest happened 2 years ago? Will those be counted against his sentence so he can leave 2 years earlier to a prison in his home country? 

Since he didn't plead guilty I doubt they'll credit him the 2 years but who knows.. 


Looking at the pictures of him, he is a bit too 'handsome' to last 50 years in thai jail. Probably is a good girlfriend to many inmates now. Pretty sad :(


The two years will be deducted from his sentence and that means he can apply in six years to go home to Australia to serve the balance of sentence.

The time that must be spent in a Thai prison for a life sentence is 8 years before a transfer can take place.

There is very little sexual harassment of new inmates by Thais in these prisons as there are more than  enough willing participants, both males  and ladyboys all wanting something be it drugs, mobile phones, food, cigarettes etc.



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3 minutes ago, joeyg said:

Yet another voice of common sense and reason



Another 'hanging judge', happy to see someone's life ruined for what would be a misdemeanour in their own country. They deserve to be punished "if" they actually peddled ecstasy tablets, but 30 years is an excessive amount ... we all know that in Thailand a connected 'hi-so' would not have received a sentence like this ... neither would a foreigner with wealth. 


Drugs ruin lives, well, some lives, many just grow up and grow out of it  ... but those that use them are as bad as those that deal in them. No one forces them down your throat. The worst drugs are alcohol and tobacco.



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12 hours ago, AlexRich said:


You have an opinion. Did I dispute that? Am I allowed to have one? Or is it just a one-way street?


Strange that the very places that execute drug dealers have the biggest drug dealing problem? Doesn't seem to be working, does it? I read recently that the Thai Government are considering de-criminalising certain drugs that are currently illegal. So you might not be on the side of the law for much longer, you'll be on the other side. 


As for 'persons of interest', I don't recall anyone confessing to crimes on here, do you? When you talk about the delusional, are you really just referring to yourself?





Very far from delusional.  Take a good long look in the mirror, you'll see, maybe.


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If I was facing this kind of sentence I would lie and claim innocent...just like old Red & Andy said in Shawshank "don't you know boy everyone in here's innocent".

Of course he didn't do it! even if he did do it he comes from an innocent until proven guilty country. I just hope those games we play in the western world will work for him but these Asian countries are on a damn killing spree so appears it's not really gonna matter if he had drugs or not...is OK I'm sure there are other DJ's that are just as good as him.

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10 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


Another 'hanging judge', happy to see someone's life ruined for what would be a misdemeanour in their own country. They deserve to be punished "if" they actually peddled ecstasy tablets, but 30 years is an excessive amount ... we all know that in Thailand a connected 'hi-so' would not have received a sentence like this ... neither would a foreigner with wealth. 


Drugs ruin lives, well, some lives, many just grow up and grow out of it  ... but those that use them are as bad as those that deal in them. No one forces them down your throat. The worst drugs are alcohol and tobacco.



It is what it is. Do you smoke and drink?


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17 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:



Not sure about Thailand, but in Indonesia, there is a threshold for possession, above which one is considered to be dealing.  I think that's the case in Australia also?

The thing is this report merely mentions possession:


A Melbourne DJ will serve two life sentences in jail for possessing ecstasy pills in the Thai beach city of Pattaya after losing an appeal to have the term reduced.


In Australia there's a scale of penalties depending on how much you're caught with, but they still need to have proof a person is dealing to charge him as a dealer/trafficer. Heavy drug users have managed to get off as users with quite large quantities of drugs.


At least that's what one would expect in civilized countries. 61 tablets could easily be personal use. Heavy users often buy in bulk to get better prices.  


It would seem here they just arrest, charge and lock you away based on the quantity you possess. This is very harsh indeed.

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16 hours ago, PepeLePew said:


You really haven't read it at all have you! It in fact states the opposite to your claim (again). It stipulates in 43(1) that any substituted sentence cannot be longer than the original.


In essence when transferring it gives the AG 3 options


1 Enforce the original sentence

2 Substitute the original sentence for a sentence consistent with Australian law for that offence

3 Substitute a different sentence


It does not state, anywhere, as you previously claimed, that 'the prisoner must serve the original sentence'. It states directly that any sentence substituted by the AG must not be 'Harsher, in legal nature or duration' than the original!

I read that a few times too. 


The way I read it it should mean a reduced sentence (by decades) if the sentencing became "consistent with Australian Law for that offence".


Perhaps, because Thailand knows that he'll probably be let out soon after he's transferred due to the inconsistency of Thai vs Australian law, they wouldn't allow the transfer???

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6 minutes ago, joeyg said:

Good boy.  Just quit the juvenile name calling and it will be OK.



"Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a f*cking big television. Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. Choose fixed interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the <deleted> you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit crushing game shows, stuffing junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, f*cked up brats you spawned to replace yourself. Choose a future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life: I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin?"


Trainspotting, by Irvine Welsh

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15 hours ago, puukao said:

If this guy was ON the drug, then I feel bad because he needs some medical care.  But he knew the laws, tried to make money while ruining others, and that deserves a harsh penalty.  Oh, you want to ruin as many lives as possible for money?  This isn't like selling a car that doesn't run.....drugs will destroy families, generations...


no sympathy.......some idiots think because pot is legal in one place they can smoke it anywhere and the other country will "see to their logic."  of course, they are thinking like this while on the drug..


my advice...if you HAVE to sell drugs to survive.....pick a country with very lenient drug penalties....



Can you please point me to the report that says he was selling the drug? I missed that. I only see "possession" as the charge. Is it not possible that a heavy user could buy that many tablets in bulk to use over several months?.. and maybe have some extra to give to friends?


I find the "hang him high" brigade to be particularly offensive. Some are even suggesting he should be executed... (which is probably a lessor sentence to life x2 in prison). 


I have a lot of sympathy for this young Australia.

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15 hours ago, puukao said:

If this guy was ON the drug, then I feel bad because he needs some medical care.  But he knew the laws, tried to make money while ruining others, and that deserves a harsh penalty.  Oh, you want to ruin as many lives as possible for money?  This isn't like selling a car that doesn't run.....drugs will destroy families, generations...


no sympathy.......some idiots think because pot is legal in one place they can smoke it anywhere and the other country will "see to their logic."  of course, they are thinking like this while on the drug..


my advice...if you HAVE to sell drugs to survive.....pick a country with very lenient drug penalties....



Can you please point me to the report that says he was selling the drug? I missed that. I only see "possession" as the charge. Is it not possible that a heavy user could buy that many tablets in bulk to use over several months?.. and maybe have some extra to give to friends?


I find the "hang him high" brigade to be particularly offensive. Some are even suggesting he should be executed... (which is probably a lessor sentence to life x2 in prison). 


I have a lot of sympathy for this young Australian.

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