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Australian DJ jailed for life in Thailand


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9 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


While we're at it, if you are a bad parent and allow your kids access to hard drugs, you should also be executed. 



Think the crime is bringing a child into a world full of intolerance and hate , bigotry  corporate greed, media manipulation,   and inequality. 

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2 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


True, if looked at from the perspective of US's DEA and Thai drug laws which are dictated by the DEA.

Same for all of SE Asia.


However, the people who make the laws have their heads up their asses.  They simply don't know the effects of the drugs they're criminalizing.  All they have are worst case scenarios from alarmists and people in the pharma/alcohol industries - whose interests it is to keep all rec. drugs illegal except alcohol (for booze dealers).   Most if not all the people who make laws against all rec. drugs other than alcohol are themselves alcohol drinkers.  CONFLICT OF INTEREST!  


If we made laws on other substances based on worst-case scenario, then water would be illegal (yes, people have died from drinking too much water), alcohol would certainly be illegal, so too would MSG (again, people have died from too much MSG).  At least one farang died from too-spicy Thai food.  I jest not.  He had just arrived from Holland, and his gf cooked a Thai meal for him.  He died an hour later.  Should we then outlaw all spicy food in Thailand?   I heard of a woman who died from drinking too much Gator Aide (electrolyte poisoning).  Again, true story.  From that, all energy drinks should be outlawed.  And what about all the hyper-caffeinated drinks everywhere?  A giant Buddha statue is being built near my house.  True story.  I've heard between 15 and 20 workers have died from falling off scaffolding on that project.   All of them had been drinking Red Bull or equivalent.   Connect the dots.


I've always believed that the sudden surge of Alcopops like Hooch, WKD etc in the early 90's was because of the E phenomena. We were at these night and either drinking water or soft drinks as beer just didn't work with it. Although the nightclub would be full the ratio to punters through the door to those drinking alcohol was low. So they brought in these sweet tasting drinks which did appeal much more to us Pill heads.

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Former South Bromsgrove High School student Whitmore entered a guilty plea hoping it would get his sentence halved.

Whitmore had returned to Thailand in March, 2014, following the death of his 25-year-old fiance Jitma Tahin, known as Tree, from meningitis. He had lived there, off and on for five years.

Mrs Caswell previously told the Mail: “If I could change places with him, I would. If I could walk in there and take over, I would. He is my only son, the light of my life.”

She added: “He has done wrong, but there is a reason he got mixed up in all that, everything that was going on.

“I know he was not in his right mind. He was vulnerable, very vulnerable. He was in a very bad place.”

Back in the Far East, where he had watched Tree's final days, grief clouded her son's judgement.

"He was back here for quite a while, but he was not himself. He adored that girl, loved her to bits," she explained.

"I begged my son, I begged him to stay."

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Thai officials and Thais who make drug laws don't even know the effects of the drugs they're criminalizing.  .....to make laws which destroy young peoples' lives.   They flat out don't know.  All they have are reports from subjective people who themselves are likely alcohol drinkers.  The same people who are probably paid directly or indirectly by alcohol or Big Pharma industry to squelch the competition.  


It would be like a Nepali who's never been near an ocean - making the rules for a surfing competition. 

or a baker drawing up design plans for a navy cruiser.  They simply don't know what they're doing, and don't care that they're destroying peoples' lives.  61 pills!  I could do all 61 pills and might not feel more stoned than two glasses of brandy.   How do the authorities know whether or not the pills were blanks?   Have they been tested?   Back in the hippie days, some unscrupulous dealers would sell acid or other drugs which were fake / nothing - as a ruse. 


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4 hours ago, joeyg said:

Deal hard drugs.  Should be executed.  Now before you jump on me.  Think of how you'd feel if one of your children got addicted or died from his drugs.  That's what I thought...


You've never done Ecstasy, have you?

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3 hours ago, rwdrwdrwd said:

I grew up in the UK in the 80s and was a teenager in the 90s - MDMA is neither addictive, nor 'hard', it simply needs to be treated responsibly.

As a parent, I'm perfectly happy for my kid to take he when he gets older, as I did and much of my generation did when I was younger. Not in this country though, it's unfortunately backward in terms of drug legislation.


I'd far prefer my son to be taking ecstasy as a teenager than for him to be binge drinking like most kids do.


Naive beyond belief !!  Its classed with Crack, Cocaine and Heroin for a reason

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3 hours ago, AlexRich said:

I don't approve of anyone peddling drugs in Thailand, or any other country for that matter, but this sentence is far too severe for the crime committed. Would a Thai citizen be handed the same sentence? A few years (3 max) would have been sufficient.


......oh and make it clear we're not too bothered if you deal or not. No a 15 year sentence would have sent the correct message out, 50 years was far too much I agree

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6 minutes ago, Chivas said:


Naive beyond belief !!  Its classed with Crack, Cocaine and Heroin for a reason

You don;t do irony, you don't even come close. You have ZERO idea what you are talking about. Zero.

Screen Shot 2016-09-07 at 13.17.35.png

Edited by Franky Bear
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3 minutes ago, Franky Bear said:

You don;t do irony, you don't even come close. You have ZERO idea what you are talking about. Zero.

Screen Shot 2016-09-07 at 13.17.35.png


How about a yes or no answer to the bracketing of the Drug itself......Over to you

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12 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Thai officials and Thais who make drug laws don't even know the effects of the drugs they're criminalizing.  .....to make laws which destroy young peoples' lives.   They flat out don't know.  All they have are reports from subjective people who themselves are likely alcohol drinkers.  The same people who are probably paid directly or indirectly by alcohol or Big Pharma industry to squelch the competition.  


It would be like a Nepali who's never been near an ocean - making the rules for a surfing competition. 

or a baker drawing up design plans for a navy cruiser.  They simply don't know what they're doing, and don't care that they're destroying peoples' lives.  61 pills!  I could do all 61 pills and might not feel more stoned than two glasses of brandy.   How do the authorities know whether or not the pills were blanks?   Have they been tested?   Back in the hippie days, some unscrupulous dealers would sell acid or other drugs which were fake / nothing - as a ruse. 



    Most European countries' drug law makers have no idea about the topic itself. Doesn't alcohol destroy a lot more lives, marriages and friendships worldwide?


Drunk drivers killing innocent people almost everywhere on this planet, but it's legal because it's taxed.


    Ecstasy was once called the "love drug" and is hardly to compare with a real hard drug like heroin, cocaine, or speed.


    How can you sentence a kid to two life sentences because he had 61 pills that are in no way as dangerous as Jabba?


       Would a Thai with 61 Jabba pills get such a sentence? I pretty much doubt it.  I feel sorry for the kid, even when some here have the feeling that he should deserve even more.


       Do guys on ecstasy become thieves to have their needed drug? No. Do they kill people to have money to buy the next shot? No.


     3 years would have been long enough to educate him. 









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It's an amphetamine. Thousands of thais have been got with way more. Nobody with 61 tablets has ever received two life sentences. My Ex' s sister in law was got with both, ya-e and ya-ba. She was selling the crap to schoolkids.She got eight years. I took her four year old daughter.  She was out in five.

The judge is just one of those biased Thai officials that hates the images of full moon parties and probably Pattaya as a whole. 

Disgusting sentence.  It would be interesting to review his sentencing history. Then write an expose about it.

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4 hours ago, joeyg said:

Deal hard drugs.  Should be executed.  Now before you jump on me.  Think of how you'd feel if one of your children got addicted or died from his drugs.  That's what I thought...


Utter nonsense...now before you jump on me...my daughter has a problem with meth....very sad but at the end of the day she made the choice...no-one tied her down and forced it on her.

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1 minute ago, Agent Sumo said:


Ahhh he looks like such a nice boy and he fought for his country too


They should've given him a year. 




 He looks like an addict and if that's true that might have been a reason for selling some pills. But would that count here? 

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23 minutes ago, Chivas said:


Naive beyond belief !!  Its classed with Crack, Cocaine and Heroin for a reason

LOL I'd be careful about throwing the naive label around Chivas, what reason is ecstasy classed with Crack, Powder coke, and heroin for exactly? And while you're at it get some information to remind us what year the classifications were set, and amended in line with any new scientific testing.

And more on the topic, the sentencing is utterly ridiculous. When an underage, unlicenced driver can void any jail at all for killing 9 through her reckless driving, while these lads who despite being bloody stupid are staring down half a century in the nick for intent to supply a few tablets to users who i'd dare say wanted them for recreational purposes.


There's a big gulf in logic there don't you think? Who would you say is the he bigger criminal then, the one whose reckless actions have killed 9 people and unequivocally damaged the lives of their immediate family. Or a couple of lads who wanted to (stupidly) dish out a few tablets to party goers who would be more than likely very happy to have received them.


The classifications of the drugs, the sentencing, the defense of it all. All a total farce

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28 minutes ago, Chivas said:


......oh and make it clear we're not too bothered if you deal or not. No a 15 year sentence would have sent the correct message out, 50 years was far too much I agree


The point is would a Thai be given the same sentence? I doubt it. 30 years will deter no one ... Bali is full of drugs and they have a death sentence. 



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5 hours ago, joeyg said:

Deal hard drugs.  Should be executed.  Now before you jump on me.  Think of how you'd feel if one of your children got addicted or died from his drugs.  That's what I thought...



I'm a responsible parent who wouldn't let my children get into a situation where they were exposed to such things. Are you? Thought not. What a dumb post you made.....you were probably slumped on the porch over a bottle of Lao Khao when you wrote that drivel.....

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5 hours ago, joeyg said:

Deal hard drugs.  Should be executed.  Now before you jump on me.  Think of how you'd feel if one of your children got addicted or died from his drugs.  That's what I thought...



I would definietly be down on myself for not EDUCATING them properly. That's all.

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What staggeringly ridiculous and shameful sentences. I say this with first-hand knowledge of the light sentences the courts hand out to poor low-life Thais who deal in amphetamines/ecstasy. The weight of these sentences is only because they are foreign. I know Thais (they are not my friends but I know of them) who regularly deal and who occasionally get banged up and then are out again in a few months. The difference in sentences between these two sets of people is astonishing.

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