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Hairdresser on trial for refusing hijab-wearing client in Norway


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Hairdresser on trial for refusing hijab-wearing client in Norway




OSLO: -- A Norwegian hairdresser is on trial for refusing to cut the hair of a Muslim client wearing a hijab.


It is the first case to go to court concerning the head covering in Norway.


Hairdresser Merete Hodne faces up to six months in jail after turning Malika Bayan away from her salon.


She refused to pay a fine for religious discrimination , which meant the case went to trial.


The court heard that she saw the hijab as a political symbol representing an ideology that frightened her rather than a religious symbol.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-09-09
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No info on how we can donate to help her win this case? Looks like she is being victimized for holding on to her cultural sensibilities. Meanwhile the 1000s of rapists that are active in certain Norwegian enriched zones go unpunished. Totally rotten how warped PC has left Scaninavia.

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You said Norway and you said a new Muslim country in formation, there are so many of them there, everywhere in Norway and still many more are being ushered in with open arms on a daily bases, in couple of decades or so, Norway will have Sharia laws and majority in The Storting,  the supreme legislature of Norway......

Enjoy Norway......

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Defense suggestion - the hairdresser should claim that she is a lesbian and that removal of the hijab for hair cutting would cause her uncontrollable lust possibly leading to sexual assault and/or rape.

Hard to refute when the logic behind the wearing of the hijab is to prevent such reactions in men.

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If Bakeries refuse to make cakes for gays and a birthday cake for an 18 year old yesterday that wanted Trump 2016 on it, this hairdresser can certainly refuse to cut someones hair if she wants.Let  the SJW's go to town on this one and get it sorted!  :lol:

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I was wondering how can give a haircut if wearing a hijab.... I once replaced generator on my Sunbeam in the dark (just feel around "under the hood").... brings to mind those dolls Chinese doctors were purported to use with women patients who would indicate on doll where problem was.... maybe hairdresser should have told Ms Hijab "I'd like to cut your hair, but need to tell you some men will be coming in shortly".

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I read that the initial reason she turned the woman down is that the Hijabi wanted all male customers and employees to leave before taking off her headscarf.  If this is true (I only saw it mentioned in one article about this) then she was fully justified in turning her away.


Edited to add - OK, I double checked it and it's half true/half false:


Edited by otherstuff1957
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The law in most Western countries states that a business open to the public must serve everyone equally.  I do not know the details in this case . It could be the shop owner was afraid of the customer and declined or the customer asked for something the shop owner could not provide.  The problem is that Muslims today go into countries worldwide and expect the people of that country to adjust to their lifestyle when it is the immigrant who must adjust and become assimilated. The Muslim population is making their situation worse by refusing to assimilate; insisting on wearing clothing like burkas which are out of place in the Western World and a security threat because the face is covered; and not being tolerant of the fact that the West has its own history and religions that do not include Islam. I have no problem with people having and practicing their religion but it appears that many of the Muslim World have problems with me believing or not believing in a religion other than theirs.

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1 hour ago, antibes said:

The word freedom , it is her business she choice to serve or not to serve plenty more hairdresser  in her city get a life



The concept of freedom has been legally changed over the years to enslave us to politcial correctness and the destruction of national culture by immigration.


It is interesting to note that according to ONS the most popular baby boy's name in the UK is, allowing for three different spellings, once again, well guess.


(Clue : It is not one of the traditional British names, and starts with "M".)





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5 hours ago, webfact said:


The court heard that she saw the hijab as a political symbol representing an ideology that frightened her rather than a religious symbol.


4 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

It is.


Yup. I mean, even ISIS is banning burqas out of fear and security concerns! :cheesy:

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I still can't get my head around the idea that there are Muslims living in Scandinavia at all.

No colonial legacy, no geographic proximity, no cultural affinity, a completely different climate to what they are used to, and a society that clearly doesn't like them or want them (the last point being the most significant). Why are they even there?

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3 hours ago, otherstuff1957 said:

I read that the initial reason she turned the woman down is that the Hijabi wanted all male customers and employees to leave before taking off her headscarf.  If this is true (I only saw it mentioned in one article about this) then she was fully justified in turning her away.


Edited to add - OK, I double checked it and it's half true/half false:



The part about wanting men kicked out of the salon is wholly false - no half/half, as Snopes makes clear.

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1 hour ago, ddavidovsky said:

I still can't get my head around the idea that there are Muslims living in Scandinavia at all.

No colonial legacy, no geographic proximity, no cultural affinity, a completely different climate to what they are used to, and a society that clearly doesn't like them or want them (the last point being the most significant). Why are they even there?


Maybe they want to lead a simple, peaceful life in a modern and progressive democracy?

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a discriminating hair dresser and her racist action. 

does she refuse, nuns, sikhs, jews etc too as they also wear religious symbols too or her actions are specific for muslim people?

and you know such actions create more division, more misunderstanding between groups. and radicals born and bombs follow.



I still can't get my head around the idea that there are Muslims living in Scandinavia at all.

No colonial legacy, no geographic proximity, no cultural affinity, a completely different climate to what they are used to, and a society that clearly doesn't like them or want them (the last point being the most significant). Why are they even there?


really? those immigrants worked/works in factories, mines, cleaned the toilets and did all nonsense jobs Scandinavians or europeans does not want to do and now they dont belong there?

dont be funny. let all those migrants leave now, who will clean the toilets and do s...ty jobs, you? are you volunteer for that? be honest!

basically european economies collapse if they leave.

European economy raised on the shoulders of those migrants and you have no chance to complain now. if europe had long sighted politicians and less greedy factory owners 50 - 60 years ago calling those migrants in as cheap workers, there should be no problems now.

go blame them.

Edited by Galactus
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4 hours ago, Prbkk said:

Silly cow. Frightened because someone wants a haircut, for which she was going to pay ( and take off the hijab for the procedure). Pathetic, moronic white trash who deserves to go broke.



That's outrageous. I expected better from you. I think anyone has the right to refuse anyone for whatever reason.

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14 minutes ago, Galactus said:

really? those immigrants worked/works in factories, mines, cleaned the toilets and did all nonsense jobs Scandinavians or europeans does not want to do and now they dont belong there?

dont be funny. let all those migrants leave now, who will clean the toilets and do s...ty jobs, you? are you volunteer for that? be honest!

basically european economies collapse if they leave.

European economy raised on the shoulders of those migrants and you have no chance to complain now. if europe had long sighted politicians and less greedy factory owners 50 - 60 years ago calling those migrants in as cheap workers, there should be no problems now.

go blame them.


I blame both sides. I blame the politicians for reckless economic exploitation, and I blame the immigrants for brazen economic parasitism.


Actually, I don't think they just clean toilets. A lot of them seem to be in the business of buying up and renting out property.


What I still don't understand is why any group of people would choose to live somewhere - especially such an alien environment - where they know their mere presence antagonises the indigenous population.

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The hijab wearing lady was going to keep it on during the cut? Hard to cut hair that way.

Seriously though, a hijab is not a political symbol. It is both a cultural and religious garment. Cultural because the specifics of the coverings (or any covering at all) will be different in different Islamic cultures. 

In liberal secular western democracies yes all comers to a hair salon should be served. Some salons make it clear they are serving only one gender so not sure how laws deal with that. One time I asked a black hairdresser to cut my hair and he honestly told me he only has experience with African American hair (which does tend to have different properties) and wasn't confident about doing me. I don't even remember if I tried him anyway.

I kind of feel sorry for this lady. Maybe she really is afraid. She's probably poorly educated. It's hardly the crime of the century.

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33 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


Maybe they want to lead a simple, peaceful life in a modern and progressive democracy?

Hmm, more likely the welfare system pays better. Also bear in mind a while ago there were pamphlets being distributed to immigrant groups pointing out how tasty looking the local women were.


Weird how the Scandinavians are so completely PC, empowered women and emasculated men. Didn't the term berserker come from there, what happened?

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7 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:

I blame the immigrants for brazen economic parasitism.


Don't blame them because they are immigrant, blame them because they are human. It is an innate human instinct to act in a manner most likely to benefit the individual. 

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