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Colin Powell: Using private email same as private phone call


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Colin Powell: Using private email same as private phone call



WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Secretary of State Colin Powell is defending himself following the release of a 2009 email exchange with Hillary Clinton, describing his use of a private, dial-up email account to carry out U.S. government business.


Powell said in a statement Thursday he viewed his use of private email to communicate with foreign leaders and U.S. officials as private conversations similar to phone calls. He said he was unaware of any requirement that those messages be preserved as government records, potentially subject to public release.


A retired Army general, Powell served as America's top diplomat during Republican President George W. Bush's first term. His exchange with Clinton was released Wednesday by congressional Democrats.


Republicans have sought to portray the Democratic presidential nominee's use of a private email server as reckless.

-- © Associated Press 2016-09-09
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He threw himself under bus, as did Condi RIce for also using private email. Government server etc is reported to be a pain in the backside to use, so can understand why Clinton, Powell and RIce all used their own.

 BTW is there any evidence at all that any sensitive info got hacked?

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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Hillary sure threw him under the bus. He sent TWO retroactively classified emails. Hillary had thousands on a private server. The cases are nothing alike.


What Bull they have been belching about this for how long? A year now? . Hilary did what the previous guy's did, it is just if they are working under a Republican Administration it is not news to the  Banghazi chanting, spear waving Neanderthals who call themselves Conservatives.

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7 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:


.Hilary did what the previous guy's did,


Wrong. It always best to do some research before comenting. She used a PRIVATE SERVER and sent MANY more emails than the others.

Powell and the others were not big on email as it was not that popular back then. He only sent TWO emails that were retroactively classified. Hillary sent quite a few.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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1 hour ago, Emster23 said:

BTW is there any evidence at all that any sensitive info got hacked?


No need to hack anything



A Clinton Foundation laptop and a thumb drive used to archive Hillary Clinton’s emails from her time as secretary of state are missing, according to FBI notes released on Friday.




Someone is in possession of the missing laptop and thumb drive.

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People in important positions should be well aware they're prime targets for hacking, eavesdropping etc and therefore security conscious and act accordingly.

Like so many other things ignoring the rules is fine until something goes wrong and the more important you are the more serious it can be.

How many VIPs don't attend or listen to security briefings etc because they're a somebody and don't like, or think, they need to be told what to do ? 

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9 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


In your view, how many emails would be the acceptable limit?


Hillary sent tens of thousands on her PRIVATE SERVER. Many were classified at the time and many were retroactively classified. The acceptable limit would be far less than THAT. 

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7 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Hillary sent tens of thousands on her PRIVATE SERVER. Many were classified at the time and many were retroactively classified. The acceptable limit would be far less than THAT. 


Surely with issues of national security, there should be no wiggle room - either it is 100% acceptable to use a private server or it is 100% unacceptable. 

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11 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Hillary sent tens of thousands on her PRIVATE SERVER. Many were classified at the time and many were retroactively classified. The acceptable limit would be far less than THAT. 


Why would there be a limit?

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6 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


Surely with issues of national security, there should be no wiggle room - either it is 100% acceptable to use a private server or it is 100% unacceptable. 


It IS 100% unacceptable to use a private server. Hillary violated Federal records rules.

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7 minutes ago, SpokaneAl said:

Back in those days many of us dealing with corporate and government email were still figuring it out as we could. While Powell was doing his best to bring the State Dept up to speed, the ramifications involved with electronic security were still being calculated.

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2009 was hardly the wild west for internet security. Lovebug was almost 10 years old by then, so I do not see that as being an excuse for Powell's actions, even if he didn't understand the issues and risks involved.

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10 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


2009 was hardly the wild west for internet security. Lovebug was almost 10 years old by then, so I do not see that as being an excuse for Powell's actions, even if he didn't understand the issues and risks involved.


Powell was long gone by then. Hillary was the one violating national security left and right.

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7 minutes ago, SpokaneAl said:

Colin Powell served as Secretary of State from 2001 - 2005.

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Aplogies - I misread the opening sentence. Still in the wake of Lovebug, which, in 2000 was estimated to have caused $10 billion in damages around the world, are you saying that IT security in the only remaining world superpower was lax, and that some kid in Manila was more clued up?

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Aplogies - I misread the opening sentence. Still in the wake of Lovebug, which, in 2000 was estimated to have caused $10 billion in damages around the world, are you saying that IT security in the only remaining world superpower was lax, and that some kid in Manila was more clued up?

All I know is that in the early 2000s I worked for a corporation and was in charge of implementing email and its accompanying policies and procedures. We learned as best we could.

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Typical Conservatives making a mountain out of a molehill......if there was any lasting damage to security it would have been apparent by now. The NSA guy who released all the real secrets is more of a threat to national security.......but they can't touch him so let's blather on and on about Hillary ad infinitum. I would be much more concerned about the gorilla with the blonde wig who says something stupid every day.

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59 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Hillary sent tens of thousands on her PRIVATE SERVER. Many were classified at the time and many were retroactively classified. The acceptable limit would be far less than THAT. 

This is the one in a bathroom closet totally unsecured, right?  :facepalm:

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2 hours ago, LomSak27 said:


What Bull they have been belching about this for how long? A year now? . Hilary did what the previous guy's did, it is just if they are working under a Republican Administration it is not news to the  Banghazi chanting, spear waving Neanderthals who call themselves Conservatives.

I agree with you, this have gone on to long and I'm sure if they go in and put Condaleesa Rice and Powels use of private email under microscope they will find that they did the same and when Clinton took over the state department she just followed common practice. Yes now after it can be agreed that it was not the best practice but lessen learned and it should be the end of the story. This will not affect her ability to be president. I rather have her in the White House  as many high profile republicans then have a circus clown as Trump. He will piss of the rest of the world except Putin and Russia and maybe China unless he stop the trade agreement and start tax Chinese import with high procentage .

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4 minutes ago, Michael8511 said:

I'm sure if they go in and put Condaleesa Rice and Powels use of private email under microscope they will find that they did the same 


Wrong again. ONLY Hillary used a private server and sent thousands of questionable emails.

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His speech at the UN justifying the resolution for attacking Iraq was criminal. While Hilary is a pompous fool and ignored Benghazi warnings, Powell was party to the catalyst that destroyed the Middle East and leaves us mired in the mess we are in now. He should be tried along with the rest of them for war crimes.

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