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Colin Powell: Using private email same as private phone call


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22 minutes ago, tonray said:

His speech at the UN justifying the resolution for attacking Iraq was criminal. While Hilary is a pompous fool and ignored Benghazi warnings, Powell was party to the catalyst that destroyed the Middle East and leaves us mired in the mess we are in now. He should be tried along with the rest of them for war crimes.

I'm not getting involved in heated arguments over US politics but Powell spoke at the UN using false info supplied by the intelligence community which had Cheney's fingerprints all over it.

Powell was hung out to dry as was subsequently proved when it was shown the WMD's didn't exist,.

He was let down big time and was rightly indignant.

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15 minutes ago, NongKhaiKid said:

I'm not getting involved in heated arguments over US politics but Powell spoke at the UN using false info supplied by the intelligence community which had Cheney's fingerprints all over it.

Powell was hung out to dry as was subsequently proved when it was shown the WMD's didn't exist,.

He was let down big time and was rightly indignant.



Ahhh...so you are making the argument that he was grossly incompetent at his job ?  We cannot afford that level of incompetence...he does not get a pass because he thinks he was duped. Sorry.



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5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Hillary sure threw him under the bus. He sent TWO retroactively classified emails. Hillary had thousands on a private server. The cases are nothing alike.


Ye gods...it's exactly the same thing. 


Wingnuts are going to keep pushing this email server nonsense because it's all they have.


Let's talk about National security...Hey, remember the time Cheney outed Valerie Plame? That was a good one. Good times.  

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Good God, you republs have really gone off the deep end... Powell said it right, like making private phone calls... No classified info, no conspiracy, nothing but perhaps an unintentioned mistake... I've never seen so much hysteria over nothing... get over it already... 

You want respect? Focus on the issues and policies and make a compelling argument... this hysteria is really old...


Some people believe politics is war in which truth and reason are irrelevant ...

Political warcraft:  discredit... marginalize.... destroy....

Edited by arend
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4 hours ago, Emster23 said:

He threw himself under bus, as did Condi RIce for also using private email. Government server etc is reported to be a pain in the backside to use, so can understand why Clinton, Powell and RIce all used their own.

 BTW is there any evidence at all that any sensitive info got hacked?

I understand that many government servers, including the State Department servers, have been hacked over the years - as I understand it, this was the case during Powell's Rice's and Clinton's time in office.

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8 minutes ago, Jonmarleesco said:

He sent TWO retroactively classified emails.' To your knowledge.


Two or two thousand - they are either both guilty or both innocent; there seems to be a degree of partisanship in who is cast as the wrong-doer here. 

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5 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


Surely with issues of national security, there should be no wiggle room - either it is 100% acceptable to use a private server or it is 100% unacceptable. 


1 hour ago, RuamRudy said:


Two or two thousand - they are either both guilty or both innocent; there seems to be a degree of partisanship in who is cast as the wrong-doer here. 


There is no question that both broke the rules. That said, the potential damage is not necessarily similar.

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2 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


Two or two thousand - they are either both guilty or both innocent; there seems to be a degree of partisanship in who is cast as the wrong-doer here. 

Surely you are joking? There is untold legal precedent that a person can't be found guilty for an action that was legal at the time it was committed.


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Surely you are joking? There is untold legal precedent that a person can't be found guilty for an action that was legal at the time it was committed.


Sorry - I was using the terms guilty and innocent rather more generally. I have no idea of the law in this regard, then our now, however the thrust of the anti Hillary posts are that Powell only had a couple of infractions compared to her thousands, and therefore she should be burned at the stake whereas he made a forgivable lapse of judgment.

Personally, I am no fan of hers - as many have pointed out on TV, in any other election she would have little support, but in view of her opponent, she is the least bad of two very bad options.
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8 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


In your view, how many emails would be the acceptable limit?


None were bleach bitted nor devices smashed with hammers, or deleted after a Congressional subpoena

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5 hours ago, Pinot said:


Ye gods...it's exactly the same thing. 


Wingnuts are going to keep pushing this email server nonsense because it's all they have.


Let's talk about National security...Hey, remember the time Cheney outed Valerie Plame? That was a good one. Good times.  


And the architect of the Iraq war Paul Wolfowitz is a Hillary supporter. You choose great wingnut company ....


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7 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


Two or two thousand - they are either both guilty or both innocent; there seems to be a degree of partisanship in who is cast as the wrong-doer here. 


Wrong again. Only ONE of them was using a PRIVATE SERVER and that was HILLARY.

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25 minutes ago, Pinot said:

As the FBI director said, it wasn't a hard call. There is nothing there. It's over. Nothing to see here folks. Move along. 


I am afraid you are banging your head on a brick wall. Even if the FBI or anyone else gave evidence under oath under pressure of death and said "nothing happened, she is not guilty' the whack jobs on here will NEVER EVER accept it. Some of our esteemed members will be cussing Hillary for this to their graves, even then when they meet God and he says, 'nope she was innocent' they will argue. they eat their own bodyweight in conspiracy every day. Their thirst cannot be quenched by rational argument only by hate.

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The government IT system was already damn near useless when I left government, and that was just the Unclass network (NIPRNet).  The classified system (SIPRNet) was a whole other level of IT and physical security requirements, and that's where Hillary Clinton should of been.


When I traveled to remote/outlying sites with no .mil infrastructure, I had to use my own Yahoo email address to communicate back to my staff and department head, and recall a number of times we had to cease talking about something because going any further required classified reference.  It was a limiting factor, no doubt, but that's the way it was and you adjust accordingly, because you are required to and it's the right thing to do.


So I can sort of understand what Clinton and her predecessors thought, although she certainly had access to resources I didn't, including classified capable Blackberry, which I saw being issued before I retired in 2007.   However I believe Hillary Clinton took it to a whole other level, and while I don't fault her for wanting to keep her personal comms outside public scrutiny, she really screwed the pooch by mixing official and classified material the way she did, to the extent she did, for as long as she did, at the level she did (TS-SCI).... and then continue to thumb her nose at the institution by lying, obstructing and stalling when it blew up in her face, brought to light as she was questioned about negligence in another area of her responsibilities.  


As my former (private sector) SVP, a retired US Marine Colonel, once told me, bad news doesn't get better with age.  The more you try to cover it up, the more it blows up in your face and makes you look worse than whatever it was you screwed up in the first place.   This attitude and way of conducting yourself, speaks to one's character.  People know when your lying, and Hillary can't pull it off anywhere near as good as Bill could/can.   People know and appreciate when you tell them the truth, moreso when it sucks for you personally.  That takes Honor, Courage and Character.  Hillary Clinton's got none of that and I wouldn't piss on her if she was on fire.

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On 9/8/2016 at 9:46 PM, Emster23 said:

He threw himself under bus, as did Condi RIce for also using private email. Government server etc is reported to be a pain in the backside to use, so can understand why Clinton, Powell and RIce all used their own.

 BTW is there any evidence at all that any sensitive info got hacked?


The only pain in the backside I experienced, was trying to work out a way to duplicate connection problems with a tethered, secure, Blackberry cell phone, for internet connections to a secure server, when you also had to use that same tethered Blackberry for the secure voice comms, when communicating with the IT tech support in Washington, DC!

For some reason, IT techs rarely understood that you could not use the Blackberry to talk on and use it for internet connections at the same time!

Some of the IT techs, also did not know that there were people working outside of DC. 



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