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Immigration chief promises tough action against illegal workers doing Thai jobs


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2 hours ago, Nemesis7 said:

Wondering what exactly is a Thai's Job means???

Prohibited Jobs for Foreigners in Thailand

  1. Labour work except labour work in fishing boats under the next category below. The said work which is forbidden to aliens shall not apply to aliens who have entered into Thailand under an agreement on hire of labour concluded between the Government of Thailand and other nations, and also aliens whose status has been prescribed as legal immigrant and who possess a residence certificate under the law governing immigration.
  2. Agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry or fishery, except work requiring specialized knowledge, farm supervision, or labour work in fishing boats, particularly marine fishery.
  3. Bricklaying, carpentry, or other construction work.
  4. Wood carving.
  5. Driving motor vehicles or vehicles which do not use machinery or mechanical devices, except piloting aircraft internationally.
  6. Front shop sales and auction sale work.
  7. Supervising, auditing, or giving service in accountancy, except occasional internal auditing.
  8. Cutting or polishing precious or semi-precious stones.
  9. Haircutting, hairdressing, or beautification.
  10. Cloth weaving by hand.
  11. Mat weaving or making utensils from reed, rattan, jute, hay, or bamboo.
  12. Making rice paper by hand.
  13. Lacquer work.
  14. Making Thai musical instruments.
  15. Niello work.
  16. Goldsmith, silversmith, or gold/copper alloy smith work.
  17. Stone work.
  18. Making Thai dolls.
  19. Making mattresses or quilts.
  20. Making alms bowls.
  21. Making silk products by hand.
  22. Making Buddha images.
  23. Knife making.
  24. Making paper or cloth umbrellas.
  25. Making shoes.
  26. Making hats.
  27. Brokerage or agency except in international trading.
  28. Professional civil engineering concerning design and calculation, systemization, analysis, planning, testing, construction supervision, or consulting services, excluding work requiring specialized techniques.
  29. Professional architectural work concerning design, drawing/making, cost estimation, or consulting services.
  30. Dressmaking.
  31. Pottery.
  32. Cigarette rolling by hand.
  33. Tour guiding or conducting.
  34. Hawking of goods & Thai typesetting by hand.
  35. Unwinding and twisting silk by hand.
  36. Clerical or secretarial work.
  37. Providing legal services or engaging in legal work, except arbitration work; and work relating to defense of cases at arbitration level, provided the law governing the dispute under consideration by the arbitrators is not Thai law, or it is a case where there is no need to apply for the enforcement of such arbitration award in Thailand.

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2 hours ago, Sean87s said:

No more lawn mowing guys. You can forget about grocery shopping too.  Better to hire a local. 

There is already a crackdown on foreigners working in Thailand.

And btw, mowing the law will get you deported if somebody reports you. 


The official definition of work is "to engage in work by exerting energy or using knowledge whether or not in consideration of wages or other benefits" (Source: Ministry of Labour). Punishments for those ignoring this law include fines, imprisonment and deportation from Thailand. Any employer ignoring this law can also be imprisoned and/or fined.


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....this is really showing as 'all odds against anyone but Thais'...


...while they go abroad and cry bloody murder if they don't get whatever they want....


...a little tiring.....




...on the plus side at least we can have a lesson on the plight of other 'visible minorities'....


...ut it doesn't make it easier to face...day after day...at every turn....



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6 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

Bloody foreigners, coming here, taking our jobs, taking our women.





Yes! Exactly the same as the Dutchies when they came to New Zealand in the 50's. They worked, the buggers. Nearly destroyed the unions. And took our women.

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32 minutes ago, useronthenet said:

There is already a crackdown on foreigners working in Thailand.

And btw, mowing the law will get you deported if somebody reports you. 


The official definition of work is "to engage in work by exerting energy or using knowledge whether or not in consideration of wages or other benefits" (Source: Ministry of Labour). Punishments for those ignoring this law include fines, imprisonment and deportation from Thailand. Any employer ignoring this law can also be imprisoned and/or fined.


The 'Mowing the lawn' myth has been around for as long as I have lived hear and is utter baloney.

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2 hours ago, AsianExport said:

What I am sure that they should do is replace all immig officers by foreigners, at least the job would be correctly done !

Please don't. The most ignorant and arrogant guy I ever met at immigration was a German Farang. 

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A Thai's job:


Waiting for the rice to grow.

Waiting for the rubber tree to grow.

Waiting for any business to get succesful and grow, so money can be extorted.

Waiting for the one pretty daughter to bring home the bacon from Pattaya.

The list is endless.

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  1. Bricklaying, carpentry, or other construction work. They only want unqualified construction workers that have no idea what they are doing  otherwise the building, bridges etc will never collapse and thais will not get jobs  repairing them. They do no apprenticeships, no technical training have no licenses, only hire illiterate Burmese mums, dads and their kids to do the work and wonder why the work they do is so pathetic, not square/level, fittings dont work, water pipes leak, electrical wiring shorts out, doors/windows dont open, taps dont align with the basin, toilet pans are placed wrongly, paint is all over the fittings, floors, windows but they refuse to allow people that are trained to actually do it properly. This is one of the problems here, they refuse to let trained/licensed trades people that are far better than the locals do the work so they can keep unemployment low, then again thais would refuse to pay for it to be dome properly anyway.......
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It's so fun to read what foreigners can and can't do again:

# Agriculture... I know 2 quite large farms (pig and fish) that only has Burmese workers because they can't find Thai people that work for 250-300 Baht a day.

# Construction work... Most construction workers are either Burmese or Laotian and that's all over the place, not only in BKK.

# Wood carving...my estimation is that  90% of the work force are Laotian or Vietnamese.

# Cutting or polishing precious stones... I would not buy a stone cut in Thailand, I have looked on rubies, sapphires and diamonds cut here in Thailand and the facets has been uneven and not the same angles. One Thai friend bought a diamond ring for his wife... The "diamond" scratched when polished with a microfiber cloth!

# Gold and/or silver smiths... I know 2 shops that has Laotian and Vietnamese workers.

# Buddha image making... I have met one westerner monk making amulets including "met mor" # knife making.


And the list goes on for work prohibited for foreigners.


But maybe we shoul make a preposition for the governments in Sweden and Finland to prohibit Thai workers (there are thousands of them running around in the forests every autumn) who go there and pick the wild berries as those berries are the property of the Swedish and Finnish people and not the Thai people. We can also write to Israel and Japan to stop the tens of thousands Thai people working there in agriculture as they would be needed at home. 

There are some Thais that have made it in to agriculture in northern Europe but they are not many as its cold and they actually have to work...

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15 hours ago, phuketrichard said:

all of the employees in junk ceylon Patong in the basement are NOT thai's and it has always been this way.  

add in the 1,000,000+ Burmese on Phuket island... why so many migrants one wonders?  Could it be the Thai's just dont want minimum wage jobs??

Yes, that combined with the fact that all the rich Thai and their corporations see no reason to pay reasonable wages to Thai when they have a ready supply of illegals that can be exploited and extorted to ensure the rich are the only segment of the population that is happy and well off.

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Am i the only one thinking that the only reason that keep this country openly supporting Buddhism, it's because they haven't yet realized that the idol they adore was a foreigner???

And what about "Thailand", the "land of the free", when someone tell you "I am Thai" what are they are try to tell you exactly? ...that they are "free" from what? Nationalism??? Maybe time for a couple of additional crackdowns out there and update a few things in between, perhaps they should rename the place as the local language equivalent of "in denial" or similar, can you imagine it? "Hey mate where are you from?"....."I am In Denial, what about yourself?"

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Nothing new in this , if I have seen this kind of press announcement once I've seen it a hundred times, for the uninformed , there is a list of what jobs are not allowed  to be done by outsiders, all this is a re-enforcement of those requirements from immigration, bearing in mind every country has a list foreign workers  regulations, as this concerns the country called  Thailand,  as always nothing will change or happen........................................:coffee1:..  

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