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Govt to announce two year progress on Sep 15


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Govt to announce two year progress on Sep 15

Thammarat Thadaphrom




Bangkok, 11 September 2016 (NNT) – The Thai government is slated to announce its two year achievements on Thursday, September 15th. 

Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha said on Saturday that the government will be announcing its 2 year progress report on Thursday from 9 am to 12 pm. The announcement will be broadcast live on the radio and television stations of the Public Relations Department. 

In addition, various details have been compiled in the form of a booklet which will be distributed amongst the people. Gen Prayut said both he and the six Deputy Prime Ministers will be summarizing the achievements, policies and guidelines of the government from when they first came in to office up to the present. 

He said the government has selected several major achievements to discuss in its program: “Thailand Moves Forward” which will be broadcast following the national anthem at 6 pm. The show can also be watched online on the government website. 


-- nnt 2016-09-11


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"Bangkok, 11 September 2016 (NNT) – The Thai government is slated to announce its two year achievements on Thursday, September 15th. "


IMHO the British informal definition is the most appropriate in this instance.





past tense: slated; past participle: slated


cover (something, especially a roof) with slates.



criticize severely.

"his work was slated by the critics"

synonyms:plan, schedule, book; 

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Govt to announce two year progress on Sep 15
  1. people still refer to us as "the government", even voluntarily sometimes
  2. our 20 year strategy to strangle the country is progressing well
  3. Most of our opponents are in prison, on trial, or in exile... even those pesky students... 
  4. the new "constitution" which guarantees military control over elected governments has been passed
  5. our lackeys in the "NLA" will create "organic" laws exactly as we tell them to.
  6. The General is a shoe-in as a non-elected "PM"
  7. Our General has a Prem-clone warddrobe ... although Sarit was a pretty stylish dude, too.



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10 minutes ago, tbthailand said:


Govt to announce two year progress on Sep 15
  1. people still refer to us as "the government", even voluntarily sometimes
  2. our 20 year strategy to strangle the country is progressing well
  3. Most of our opponents are in prison, on trial, or in exile... even those pesky students... 
  4. the new "constitution" which guarantees military control over elected governments has been passed
  5. our lackeys in the "NLA" will create "organic" laws exactly as we tell them to.
  6. The General is a shoe-in as a non-elected "PM"
  7. Our General has a Prem-clone warddrobe ... although Sarit was a pretty stylish dude, too.




"even voluntarily sometimes" - champagne comedy.

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I would love to see some group take this opportunity to make a program summarizing the damage the regime has done to the country as a counterpoint, but we seem to be almost totally lacking in organized opposition. All the exiles are probably at some academic conference in Europe that will never have one ounce of effect on internal politics.

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1 hour ago, debate101 said:

I would love to see some group take this opportunity to make a program summarizing the damage the regime has done to the country as a counterpoint, but we seem to be almost totally lacking in organized opposition. All the exiles are probably at some academic conference in Europe that will never have one ounce of effect on internal politics.


Those in exile may well still have family members in Thailand.


They know the risk of too high a profile.

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Let's see........


Moved a few deck chairs

Put an end to happy endings

Threw bananas at reporters, rubbed thier ears and threatened to have others shot who write the truth about him and his regime.

Established a floating market in his honour.

Cancelled visas of foreign journalists to prevent truth leaking out

Created the Uncle Too comedy routine

Has 2 number 1 hit songs and the top rating television show

Created Article 44 which gives him alone total power over everyone and everything in Thailand

Rewrote the constitution and conducted a secretive and sham referendum which now gives the military control over the government allowing them to appoint senators and politicians and not the people.

Gave himself an amnesty for any crimes leading up to, during the coup and throughout his reign.

Reluctantly attended U.N and G20 summits after being requested to attend by the International community where he gave advice on economics, human rights and health.  He rubbed shoulders with world leaders receiving total praise, admiration and support for himself and his regime.

Created the cure for Ebola

Put an end to the drought

Realised that students should adopt critical thinking then arrested those that displayed it.

Introduced pokemon as a major tourism attraction to Thailand and established a pokemon task force of smart police to hunt them down


The list of achievements by the Messiah goes on.


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removing democracy from thailand must surely be his greatest achievement. he even made it look like it was achieved democratically. i believe if he can delay elections indefinitely him and his minority gang can hold power for a long time. not that elections can result in him being voted out but the people will realize they have no say in who runs their country and it will lead to violence.

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