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Doctor: Clinton has pneumonia, recovering after 9/11 event


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9 minutes ago, Pinot said:

. Relax boys. She has a cold. She'll be elected POTUS in UNDER 60 days...in a landslide that will also take the Republican party under for good. 



Does this look like a 'cold' to you?



She almost does a face-plant and has to be bodily lifted into the van.

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If Donald Trump were elected President- the US Dollar would immediately lose 15% of it's value around the World- that translates to about 29 Baht =$1.00.   What would Trump's answer be- he would shrug it off as if he wasn't responsible for it- . Yet- if I really believed this man would really 'make America great again'- I would vote for him. What I firmly believe and most independent pundits know is that his election would cause havoc in the World and destroy what little credibility that America has left in the World. Donald Trump is a wealthy man who is a narcissistic meglomaniac and could never be trusted  with America's nuclear arsenal or the power to send American Forces to war. He takes every slight as something personal and would retaliate immediately over incidents that should be handled with diplomacy. He  and his right wing supporters are members of a radical fringe group that believes might is right- a theory that has been debunked by the Korean War; the Vietnam War and the Iraq War. He is the last thing that America needs at this time.

He would do nothing to help the middle class and poor of America. He would do nothing to stop the  US military budget of $630 Billion- the largest in the World- from rising further along with the intelligence agencies budgets  of several more billions. All to be paid off the backs of the poor and middle class while he gives the wealthy large tax breaks claiming the wealthy will create jobs for the middle class and poor. The only jobs the wealthy create are minimum wage jobs in call centers  or working in McDonalds or Burger King while they reap huge profits because they moved their manufacturing base abroad.  Even the vaunted I-phone is not made in America- it's made in China.

This man is the ultimate Flim Flam man- he will sell you snake oil and tout it as the cure for cancer and watch you die as you drink it.  A vote for this man is a vote for  chaos.


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45 minutes ago, Johnpound46 said:


I'd much rather have a president that's sometimes physically not well (HRC) than a president that's always mentally out of whack (The Donald) ...


Wouldn't you prefer to choose someone that has neither of those afflictions? Hey, and maybe a shred of honesty too! That would be refreshing.

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Only two choices.


Well, not really. There have always been the corrupt, incompetents and charlatans looking for power. Oddly I don't blame them so much because the electorate used to be composed of largely moral people who filtered them out, so they were never a real threat to anyone. All my contempt now, is reserved for the people who would vote for a Trump or a Clinton.

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1 hour ago, slipperylobster said:


She cancelled?  I thought they did.

In any case....we all wish her a speedy recovery.

Love ya Hillary...even if I won't be supporting you in the elections.



Your jokes Are not funny.  Typical irrational republican.


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6 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Reading now that MSNBC is blaming the weather on Hillary almost eating the pavement.  Seems it's been in the 70's and low 80's with some humidity.  

What we would give here in LOS for that kind of weather! :thumbsup:




I guess they forgot to show video footage of dozens of others feinting due to the 80 degree heat. 80 degrees - that's 26.7 Degrees C.


When I have my A/C on I get a chill if it reaches as low as 25 degrees C.


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1 hour ago, Thaidream said:

It's amazing to me how many people cannot understand that if a person has pneumonia and is taking medication- it may make them woozy and they stumble a bit.  What are you people going on about?  So Mrs Clinton has a temporary illness that she is recovering from  How does this make her unqualified  to be President. She is  younger than Trump and certainly not infirm.

If you want to argue she is unqualified from an experience and temperament  basis-make the case.  Th e only person running  for President that is completely unqualified is Donald Trump. He has no experience at all and as a businessman- he is not very successful. In addition, his temperament makes him a huge risk. If this man ever became President- the US would be at war with Iran; North Korea and a continuation of the Iraq and Afghanistan errors. He will bankrupt the US just like he has used the bankrupt laws to enrich himself- the difference being that a country can't use this as an excuse not to pay its debts.

While I am not a Hillary supporter and would prefer to have Bernie Sanders running or even John Kasich or Paul Ryan on the Republican side- the fact is that Trump's utter inability to succeed as President is so evident that the only choice left is Hillary.  I wouldn't say that his supporters are deplorable- just uniformed- but I will say that Donald Trump is the most unqualified  person ever to run for President.


I agree.  Women must stand up to criticism way too much.  It is time the media went back to that foolish trump...and his bad mouth.


We had disabled presidents in the past.  One little cough and Hillary gets bad press.

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My contempt is not for those who would vote for either of the candidates. My contempt is for a system that was created then seized by the wealthy to allow only those candidates that would put forth an agenda that would protect the assets of the wealthy and allow them to continue their control of the American and World economy.  Bernie Sanders was the closest candidate I have ever seen that actually told the truth; laid out the problems with the solutions and could have really made America great again.

Regarding this election- one could vote for the Libertarian or  Green Party candidate- however doing thi could split the vote in such a way that it favored Donald Trump just as in the 2000 election too many votes for Ralph Nader got us George Bush.  The only real choice is Hillary. If Paul Ryan; John Kasich or even Marco Rubio were running on the Republican side- there might be a real choice. With Trump tbeing the candidate- America cannot take the risk that split voting could get him the White House..

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1 minute ago, Thaidream said:

My contempt is not for those who would vote for either of the candidates. My contempt is for a system that was created then seized by the wealthy to allow only those candidates that would put forth an agenda that would protect the assets of the wealthy and allow them to continue their control of the American and World economy.  Bernie Sanders was the closest candidate I have ever seen that actually told the truth; laid out the problems with the solutions and could have really made America great again.

Regarding this election- one could vote for the Libertarian or  Green Party candidate- however doing thi could split the vote in such a way that it favored Donald Trump just as in the 2000 election too many votes for Ralph Nader got us George Bush.  The only real choice is Hillary. If Paul Ryan; John Kasich or even Marco Rubio were running on the Republican side- there might be a real choice. With Trump tbeing the candidate- America cannot take the risk that split voting could get him the White House..


This topic has now changed again?   Wow.  I can't keep up.

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She should get a doctor like Trump's. For $300 he would sign a piece of paper she wrote saying she's in supremely excellent health.  Indeed the healthiest presidential candidate to ever grace the face of the US.  No matter if the doc is a proctologist with an IQ of a terrapin. All that matters is the doc has a certificate on his wall that says he's a doctor, and his willingness to take a flat payment for signing a piece of paper.  There.  That would shut the critics up.  It might even lessen the intensity of vultures circling above, salivating in the hope she will falter and fall.

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4 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

My contempt is not for those who would vote for either of the candidates. My contempt is for a system that was created then seized by the wealthy to allow only those candidates that would put forth an agenda that would protect the assets of the wealthy and allow them to continue their control of the American and World economy.  Bernie Sanders was the closest candidate I have ever seen that actually told the truth; laid out the problems with the solutions and could have really made America great again.

Regarding this election- one could vote for the Libertarian or  Green Party candidate- however doing thi could split the vote in such a way that it favored Donald Trump just as in the 2000 election too many votes for Ralph Nader got us George Bush.  The only real choice is Hillary. If Paul Ryan; John Kasich or even Marco Rubio were running on the Republican side- there might be a real choice. With Trump tbeing the candidate- America cannot take the risk that split voting could get him the White House..



Then your contempt is misplaced. It is the people that have been captured, and willingly too, it would seem.

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How annoying.  Don't you ever catch a cold?  This is all ridiculous. I find your post deplorable.


Huh? I like the tweet. It describes Hillary's very admirable consistent character and persistence to fight the good fights against the radical right wing.
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Well, not really. There have always been the corrupt, incompetents and charlatans looking for power. Oddly I don't blame them so much because the electorate used to be composed of largely moral people who filtered them out, so they were never a real threat to anyone. All my contempt now, is reserved for the people who would vote for a Trump or a Clinton.

Yes really.
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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Huh? I like the tweet. It describes Hillary's very admirable consistent character and persistence to fight the good fights against the radical right wing.


The deplorables?  Yes...I agree.  They are not looking out for America like we do

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12 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

She should get a doctor like Trump's. For $300 he would sign a piece of paper she wrote saying she's in supremely excellent health.  Indeed the healthiest presidential candidate to ever grace the face of the US.  No matter if the doc is a proctologist with an IQ of a terrapin. All that matters is the doc has a certificate on his wall that says he's a doctor, and his willingness to take a flat payment for signing a piece of paper.  There.  That would shut the critics up.  It might even lessen the intensity of vultures circling above, salivating in the hope she will falter and fall.


Her doctor said she is fine...so we should be happy.   Hope she wins.

go Hillary....strong ferever. Longer together with her. 


Some good hot tea and some rest up time. She will be looking great really quick

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

I'll bet she wishes she could take back this Tweet:


The most important quality in a president and Commander-in-Chief is steadiness—an absolute, rock solid steadiness.







The Alt Right are complete literalists? She is absolutely correct. Clinton - Steadfast. Deplorable Donald - Flip Flop and then back again and then flips again - Immigration, Outsourced jobs. All his dog whistle issues. More returns than Wimbledon.


Good catch on this one Booner.

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   I just don't get it!  Am I supposed to give up on the democratic platform that has been discussed and voted on and disseminated as a plan after the convention because Hillary has a cold?  My grandparents voted for FDR in 1944.   My grandpa said FDR had good programs, he was a wise decision maker, he had the depression under control and the war just about wrapped up.  What was not too vote for?  He didn't think FDR would live out the term and was prepared for Truman to take over.   He still felt that it was the right decision as he explained it to me more than 20 years later when I was kid visiting his farm for the summer.

   I like the idea of creating 5 million new environmentally friendly jobs.  I hope we get universal health care and education so we can be competitive with Europe.  I want a path to citizenship for the people that work here and are productive members of society.    I want as many of our problems solved as possible.

    And no I don't need any 'secret plans' from Trump.  Jeez!  Can't anyone remember Nixon?  I also don't need his endless adjectives that so awesomely goodly greatly describe plans he has not made a single detail of available for release.

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3 hours ago, slipperylobster said:


I do have feelings...for anyone that is suffering.


Hillary has had a tremendous amount of pressure put on her.  She is unable to perform her duties.  Absent, unreachable, fainting, freezing up, seizures, loosing clothing (shoes), tripping, and exhibiting irrational criticism to US citizens who need to believe in her. Her past "errors" have taken their toll on her well being.


I am not a doctor...but it is obvious that she is sick.  I am not sure if it is just her mental health, but she has serious issues, and should take better care of herself.  Let somebody else carry the load....her time is over.


People in this state find solace in religion or some kind of faith that promotes goodness and a sense of "well being". She should find some kind of "faith" that promotes the ideas of "forgiveness" for past mistakes.  She will sleep easier.

I have done so , myself.



take care hillary.



Have the rules on Trolls been changed in the last 23 hours?

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2 minutes ago, PTC said:


The Alt Right are complete literalists? She is absolutely correct. Clinton - Steadfast. Deplorable Donald - Flip Flop and then back again and then flips again - Immigration, Outsourced jobs. All his dog whistle issues. More returns than Wimbledon.


Good catch on this one Booner.



Had ad to agree with pee t  c .   Alt rights Are putting Hillary out as sick or disabled. The real truth is nobody wants trump except the al right people

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