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nexus 5x, Nougat, How Spelling/word suggestions during SMS or keyboard entries?


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nexus 5x, Nougat, How Spelling/word suggestions during SMS or keyboard entries?


apparently Nougat is supposed to have Multi Locale Language Settings. 

I though I already sort of did with Marshmellow  6.0 ; as I hit the little world key and it would flip to Thai, in Nougat, I was able to add Thai and have 2 languages, I don't know if that is what they mean by "Multi Locale Language Settings. "?



but, I've seen other people typing SMS's in thai and getting suggestions,  maybe this only works with Iphones or something ?


or I need the whole phone to be using Thai OS ?

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I've asked around and have been told that Android does not offer predictive text for Thai like it does for English and some other languages.


The LINE app has its own kind of predictive text but not based on a dictionary. Instead, it suggests text based on what you have written in earlier LINE messages. For example if you wrote, in Thai, "I go to the cinema" in an earlier message, when you later plan to write "I go to Chiang Mai" it will, after you have written "I go", suggest "to the cinema"

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thanks, I did notice the Go keyboard, does some predictive thai text, in certain apps. ; and manman keyboard, changes the size of the next possible Thai letter to be entered. ; maybe the LINE thing explains what I saw once, which was predictive thai words, I didnt know certain apps,  did it for only their app  thanks again 

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