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Clinton tries to blunt fallout from not disclosing pneumonia 


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Methinks she has a cardiovascular disorder of some description. Pneumonia is not normally treated  with antibiotics.


Anyway, I wish the woman well. Telling the truth would help a lot. Remember FDR was mostly in a wheelchair, and he was elected 4 times.

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On 9/13/2016 at 2:59 PM, tubby johnson said:

Such a frail physical wreck is clearly unfit for the high-stakes, high-pressure job of president.


Should we trust this spoilt habitual liar with the US presidency if she is in such a decrepit state?

Well......Regan ran for his second term knowing he had dementia in its early stages that he did not disclose and he did just fine. I would not be concerned about undisclosed pneumonia.  Personally I don't care for the pantsuit queen but I am not sure Trump is the right guy either. That said I do not believe for a second Trump is a racist. I just don't think he is the businessman he thinks he is. That said I am all for a non politician outsider to

shake things up. I like Bloomberg as an outsider and true successful businessman and Bernie from all who ran. Looking forward to the debates. If Trump is presidential I think he has a good chance of being elected. The US presidential race is the very best in reality TV. :D 


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1 minute ago, sgtsabai said:

Anybody that denies the Trump is a racist, fits in that basket of Deplorables. Neither candidate should be allowed to run for much less be elected dawg catcher in a one dog town.

But one will be president and EXTREMIST positions like yours are helping the obviously MUCH WORSE and much more DANGEROUS choice, the orange clown trump. 

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Clinton has hidden some of her medical history, the Trump has hidden all of his. He is old, older than Clinton, overweight, and unfit for anything.


I refuse to vote yet once again for the "lesser of 2 evils". Both are equally evil, just in different ways. It would have been Bernie had not Hillary's DNC cheated him out of the primaries and shame on him for not fighting. Maybe somebody had a little "come to jesus" talk with him. Jill Stein for president. She will pardon all whistle blowers, really supports the working/middle class, shutting down the un-Constitutional spying, ending TPP and all the corporate coups and went to Standing Rock to show her support for those on the correct side.


If Clinton loses, she has nobody to blame but herself and the lying corporate blue dawg Democrat elite. What should already be a blowout not just for president but the Senate and unlikely but possible for the House and would be if Bernie was the candidate,as he rightly should be, is in doubt. Leave it to the Democrats to yet once again snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory.


Yours is an old argument that doesn't hold water anymore.

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I strongly suggest that members stay on topic.   This topic is about Clinton's health and how it may or may not affect her election or presidency.   Comparisons with other presidents and candidates is acceptable but going off on tangents is off-topic and is not permitted.  

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But one will be president and EXTREMIST positions like yours are helping the obviously MUCH WORSE and much more DANGEROUS choice, the orange clown trump. 

Do try to stay on topic.

Hillary is obviously suffering from way more than pneumonia.

Of course we dont know what it is she has but the story from her camp simply does not pass muster.

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