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Injustice echoes from all sides two years after Koh Tao murders


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Two young guys who made it to another country to make a little money are NOT going to do anything so dumb as murder 2 tourists in that land. Not on an island where there is no way off and they don't speak the language!


I believe 100% they are not the killers and the real one/ones needs to be found.


This story really makes me sick.

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

I am saying that i trust the family more then you and any other in making judgement believing they are kept in the loop more then you I or anyone on this forum. I also believe that for them there was far more at stake then anyone on this forum so they would not have come lightly to this decision. 


They have seen more evidence then any of us, have talked with the British cops too. 


Now you might think that is ill informed so be it.. I believe they had the most information and the most at stake..  Those are my views.


Would I bet my life on it that they are guilty.. No I wont.. But I do believe that the family knows more then all your internet detectives together. 

Come on man... surely you can do better than this... Do you really need to resort to applying derogatory names to those who have an opinion that differs from yours? Why would you do that? Is it because the facts alone do not stand up to scrutiny so you feel it necessary to start name-calling to support your position?


Or maybe you think that calling people 'internet detectives" is not derogatory - if so, then please name those you are referring to with that term. (You may want to keep in mind Thailand's rather strict defamation laws though...)


If you can't name names then clearly you were either fabricating this story about "internet detectives" or else you agree it is a derogatory term and would rather not risk being found guilty of defamation.

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1 hour ago, swanny321 said:


  So you're indicating a cover-up by the bar...?

  that is a very curious statement...surely no-one could DENY the police!


Oh I suspect it depends just who is doing the denying, and how rich and connected they are.....

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2 hours ago, robblok said:

I am saying that i trust the family more then you and any other in making judgement believing they are kept in the loop more then you I or anyone on this forum. I also believe that for them there was far more at stake then anyone on this forum so they would not have come lightly to this decision. 


They have seen more evidence then any of us, have talked with the British cops too. 


Now you might think that is ill informed so be it.. I believe they had the most information and the most at stake..  Those are my views.


Would I bet my life on it that they are guilty.. No I wont.. But I do believe that the family knows more then all your internet detectives together. 

"Would I bet my life on it that they are guilty.. No I wont.. But I do believe that the family knows more then all your internet detectives together."


You wouldn't bet your life but you seem happy enough betting theirs, Rob. That is what is at stake here... 

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2 hours ago, robblok said:



You have never seen the police do a U turn before.. I remember many last one was that they thought it was the reds that bombed the south and changed it to the militants later on. Its not the first nor the last time and it certainly does not always mean a cover up and so on. 


I said what I wanted to say im done arguing here.. I keep my opinion that I believe the family knows more and are better equipped then internet detectives to make judgement and for them there is far more at stake. How did you guys even check if your evidence was real ? Its easy to call the BIB their evidence fabricated.. but who has ever validated all this "internet" evidence.


Again.. I would not bet my life on it that these guys are guilty.. but think the family knows best.. and i stay with that opinion.


How did you guys even check if your evidence was real ? "


We don't. It's enough to check the police's evidence and find out - it's not existing. (DNA samples e.g.)

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5 hours ago, Toscano said:

In the same justice system , had they been Thai they would have been executed by now .  The Thai police have been accused of incompetence , the waters have been muddied !

The accused look like two innocent babes that couldn't possibly have committed such a horrendous crime .  I still believe they did it ; having consumed a fair bit of alcohol while working in the bar ; it doesn't take too much to get orientals really drunk .


There have only been two executions in the last 10 years these were in 2009 and nothing since, with nearly 700 prisoners on death row I think they are more likely to die of old age...


There again had they been Thai I doubt they would have even been tried.

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I quote this from Anonymous on Facebook:


1.Hannah's clothing untested for forensics and missing from evidence (obviously would have the murderer's DNA on them)
2.Both young Burmese men were allegedly tortured for a false confession. Their bruises seen by witnesses.
3.No valid DNA evidence was presented at the court.
4.According to Thai police DNA samples were contaminated or ‘used up’.
5.Thai police didn't test the alleged murder weapon for DNA. Dr. Pornthip, head of the Central Institute of Forensic Science stated in court that the DNA on the murder weapon does not match the defendants.
6.There are undisclosed discrepancies between Thai coroner’s report vs UK report.
7.Thai suspects DNA sample never received and tested.
8.CCTV footage at pier never checked despite an early morning boat leaving on the day of the murders.
9.Two actual eyewitnesses to the murders of Hannah and David too afraid to testify.
10.High ranking police gave very contradictory statements whilst testifying at court.
11.No "chain of custody" maintained with forensics.
12.No DNA evidence regarding cigarette butts given to the court.
13.Blonde hair found in Hannah's hand with root on it never forensically tested. now, missing from evidence.
14.Official questioning of the suspects was flawed and unprofessional. Questions were raised by the witnesses about ethnic biases on the part of the translators. The embassy interpreter, who said that he handled most translations for cases like this, said the quality of the work done by the two unofficial translators was low quality and unprofessional.
15.Mr Stephen Cole from Acume Forensics has confirmed that Wai Phyo could not be the so-called running man seen in the ‘selective’ CCTV footage collected by Koh Tao police.

I can see injustice, not sure how many sides it has !

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4 hours ago, greenchair said:

And there goes that lie again. 

We went home at 2am and went to sleep. 

I find telephone in the night while walking home. 

When if fact Wei Phyo went back to the beach at between 4 and 5am and then "found" the deceased phone. Or so Wei Phyo says. 

Unfortunately, I do often wonder if Zaw Lin is innocent with Wei Phyo trying to ride on his coat tails. 

I was reading of a legal issue in England, a mans wife had died of drowning in the bathtub in the early hours of the morning. There was no evidence of a crime. 10 years later his second wife died in exactly the same way. His case and some other cases comes under a special law and was judged solely on the probability, of having a wife die in exactly the same way on 2 occasions to 1 man. 

The probability was infinite numbers and he was imprisoned. 

What is the probability of being on the beach at the same time as a murder and finding the victims phone hours later and forgetting  your shoes right near the murder and having your clothes stolen , and buying a bottle of wine, later to be found at the scene all in the same night. The odds are staggering. 

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6 hours ago, Brer Fox said:

Just to remind people of the initial direction of the investigation.




Then immediately after that a complete change in the direction of the investigation.

Like the old saying "he who pays the piper calls the tune".


6 hours ago, Brer Fox said:

Just to remind people of the initial direction of the investigation.




Then immediately after that a complete change in the direction of the investigation.

Like the old saying "he who pays the piper calls the tune".

I would think the family's would have seen this, but I don't know how they could be satisfied if they had. Worst cover up I've ever seen.

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8 hours ago, kingalfred said:

If the family of the deceased believe or have been convinced the Burmese pair are the guilty then it's hard to see where it goes!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

THat has got absolutely nothing to do with the family - as  victims they are least unbiased people you could refer to in this situation.

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5 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


You actually have no idea who came, how long they were here, what they did, what they found out and what the report said.


But of course, you'll comment as if you do.

Do you or is that another example of your cheap rhetoric? Try Andrew Drummond for starters.

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5 hours ago, ddavidovsky said:

Seems like most people here wouldn't be happy unless the perpetrator was someone linked to the local power network.
Seems like the Burmese are considered innocent simply because they are Burmese and therefore the usual suspects.

In other words seems like the objections are mainly based on prejudice against the authorities.

If there were other suspects who had been let off I might understand it, but no one is naming alternate suspects. It's all supposition.

Possibly the Burmese didn't do it. But am I the only one requiring more than prejudicial feelings to prove it?


Btw,  perhaps just to show some prejudice of my own, I think this case has got so much attention mainly because the two victims are beautiful people. If two slovenly blokes were killed it would quickly have been forgotten.


The suspects who have been let off cannot have done it because they've been let off? That's what you're saying. No more suspects? Why would there be? They have the two Burmese lads and have "let off" (as you say) the other suspects. If you want more than prejudicial feelings why don't you go back to the beginning when the Thai police said they had one of the murderers and the other one was on the run? They said they had proof of it. Next thing, that particular policeman was taken off the case new police brought in, all of the proof disappeared and then two Burmese boys were arrested. Arrested with no evidence or proof, tortured and charged. The crime scene was then totally destroyed by the police when they walked all over it with reporters. DNA evidence was shown to be unreliable as the police said the DNA results was back after less than a day. In the real World this can take several months but an express job would be 2 to 3 weeks. So this was debunked be DNA experts. When asked to retest the DNA, the police said they cannot, as it's run out...... I could go on and on but why don't you spend some time researching? It will be therapeutic for you

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1 hour ago, greenchair said:

I was reading of a legal issue in England, a mans wife had died of drowning in the bathtub in the early hours of the morning. There was no evidence of a crime. 10 years later his second wife died in exactly the same way. His case and some other cases comes under a special law and was judged solely on the probability, of having a wife die in exactly the same way on 2 occasions to 1 man. 

The probability was infinite numbers and he was imprisoned. 

What is the probability of being on the beach at the same time as a murder and finding the victims phone hours later and forgetting  your shoes right near the murder and having your clothes stolen , and buying a bottle of wine, later to be found at the scene all in the same night. The odds are staggering. 

This post is staggering- anyone who seeks to find information about this case from almost 100 years ago will quickly see that it bears zero resemblance to the KT murders.

I fear you may suffer not a little ridicule for this latest barrel scraping.


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7 hours ago, robblok said:

IMHO the family has had access to far more information then anyone here on the forum and also has far more at stake.. so I kinda trust their judgement. The family has had information from the UK police and other info.


Anyway like you I have not followed this closely but I would certainly think that the family had a lot at stake here and would have had far more information and would know more then most .. if not all.. on this forum.


Just because we have not seen it does not mean its not there.


You can depend on the junta fanboys to approve of these lads being done for the crime. It would reflect badly on their heroes if the Burmese were found to be innocent. It'd be a nice change if you lot were to try to be a little less predictable.



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8 hours ago, Toscano said:

In the same justice system , had they been Thai they would have been executed by now .  The Thai police have been accused of incompetence , the waters have been muddied !

The accused look like two innocent babes that couldn't possibly have committed such a horrendous crime .  I still believe they did it ; having consumed a fair bit of alcohol while working in the bar ; it doesn't take too much to get orientals really drunk .


Nonsense; Thailand has executed only a couple of people in more than a decade, and they were several years ago.


The Thai police are very competent at muddying the waters, and have done so right from the time that some high up police officer said that no Thai could have committed such a horrendous crime.

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Hard one to conclude ! police negligence & lost evidence is just too convenient .

The original arrest & second suspect on run which never gets mentioned is VERY interesting .

Video of our first arrested suspect looking seriously stressed & real mean threatening Sean is very interesting and never investigated .

Personally I think several people were there or came on the scene at some stage of events .

Burmese guys have some role due to evidence such as the phone .

Doubt truth will ever be known & every thai will be tarnished from it so it in their interest to put it right .

Disgusting mess of either corruption or incompetence but being amazing thailand it a mix of both :-/

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6 hours ago, robblok said:



You have never seen the police do a U turn before.. I remember many last one was that they thought it was the reds that bombed the south and changed it to the militants later on. Its not the first nor the last time and it certainly does not always mean a cover up and so on. 


I said what I wanted to say im done arguing here.. I keep my opinion that I believe the family knows more and are better equipped then internet detectives to make judgement and for them there is far more at stake. How did you guys even check if your evidence was real ? Its easy to call the BIB their evidence fabricated.. but who has ever validated all this "internet" evidence.


Again.. I would not bet my life on it that these guys are guilty.. but think the family knows best.. and i stay with that opinion.


You keep going on about trusting "the family". But Hannah's family believe the two Burmese boys are innocent. Why don't you trust them?

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8 hours ago, NextStationBangkok said:

Sad thing is, the real culprit is still free and enjoying due to the high level connection.


This is one of the eye opener for Thai society that anyone have money and connection, never gone to jail.


Hope UK will press the charges, and two innocent Burmese victims are freed.

So this case is the eye opner, you are saying that Thais didn't know how their country worked until this case broke.

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8 hours ago, NextStationBangkok said:

Sad thing is, the real culprit is still free and enjoying due to the high level connection.


This is one of the eye opener for Thai society that anyone have money and connection, never gone to jail.


Hope UK will press the charges, and two innocent Burmese victims are freed.

So this case is the eye opner, you are saying that Thais didn't know how their country worked until this case broke.

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8 hours ago, NextStationBangkok said:

Sad thing is, the real culprit is still free and enjoying due to the high level connection.


This is one of the eye opener for Thai society that anyone have money and connection, never gone to jail.


Hope UK will press the charges, and two innocent Burmese victims are freed.

So this case is the eye opner, you are saying that Thais didn't know how their country worked until this case broke.

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8 hours ago, NextStationBangkok said:

Sad thing is, the real culprit is still free and enjoying due to the high level connection.


This is one of the eye opener for Thai society that anyone have money and connection, never gone to jail.


Hope UK will press the charges, and two innocent Burmese victims are freed.

So this case is the eye opner, you are saying that Thais didn't know how their country worked until this case broke.

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6 hours ago, swanny321 said:


  So you're indicating a cover-up by the bar...?

  that is a very curious statement...surely no-one could DENY the police!


The police went along with it, saying the CCTV recordings were the private property of the bar owners :blink:.

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It would be interesting to know who the shills on his thread are and what connection they have to Koh Tao and the actual gang that perpetrated these and other murders there. Pretty pathetic considering the sham of a trial and the police incompetence. I spoke with a very senior Thai legal person (obviously can't name them as it's hardly a free country) recently and was told that the case was a great embarrassment for the country both here and internationally but no-one can do anything as it just goes too high up the chain of command. They told me everyone in the legal profession knows the Burmese two are innocent and also who the guilty parties are - funnily enough I guessed right first time..

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