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My new neighbors keeps dropping money on the ground


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Taking it up a notch....my old neighbor was dropping notes on the first level for weeks at a.time...50, 100, 1000 baht notes.....I was getting up in the wee hours of the morning......great way to pay my rent??  Turns out he was just getting pissed to the blind side and I was being the banker.....??????

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On 9/15/2016 at 2:56 AM, rogeroc said:

You are definitely running low on ideas for new topics! I think the trend is moving towards positive topics so perhaps you can invent something around how wonderful your life in Thailand and your wife / gf are.

I reckon it's the OP's dropped dosh....:lol:

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2 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

I drop coins all the time and don't pick them up....value of them is not worth my time to stop and bend over.

there is a saying in german, i'll give that to you translated:

he who does not cherish the cent is not worth the dollar.

i always lived by that, has not hurt me one little bit...

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