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Am I Drinking Too Much?


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Hi All,

During the week after work I have 2 or 3 pints of lager before going to bed. I have nothing at lunch or before work. At weekends that goes up to around 5 or 6 pints starting early evening. If I go for a meal I will have a few glasses of wine as well.

Is this the usual expat consumption or what?? :o

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Hi All,

During the week after work I have 2 or 3 pints of lager before going to bed. I have nothing at lunch or before work. At weekends that goes up to around 5 or 6 pints starting early evening. If I go for a meal I will have a few glasses of wine as well.

Is this the usual expat consumption or what?? :o

I think you're on your way to becoming one of those fat basterds like Stickman.

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A few pints NO PROBLEM,,,, If I drink I like to drink at least 2 750ML. bottles of JACK or GLENFIDICH,,,,,,,,, I dont drink everyday but maybe once a week,,,,, unless you include beer and I dont even consider that,,,,, "10 to 20 big bottles a day" and "A bottle of Wine with 2 VIAGRA for dinner"...... Be careful about drinking the water here thats whats DANGEROUS......

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If you're wondering the answer is allways yes...

Wise words, if a man is questioning his drinking habits, then he knows that he has a problem.

Try an experiment, go to the Pub and have 1 pint, go to the Restaurant and have no wine..............if it works out ok, do it again, and again , and again ad infinitum, if you cant stick to it, then you should quit now altogether

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As long as you are not drinking on the job you are not drinking too much. :o

I like this one. I had a boss once who drank like a fish almost everyday. He was always the first one at work and I never ever heard a peep from him about having a hangover. He never drank on the job and didn't let alcohol influence his family life. He ate well and exercised moderately. He was an admitted alcoholic who was productive and funtional in his life.

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I think it is advisable to have two alcohol free days per week, preferably consecutively as I understand that the liver can regenerate to some extent in 48 hours.....in fact, if you don't drink at lunch-time, two consecutive afd's gives you almost 72 hours. Also, a couple of days abstinence makes the days of enjoyment all the more enjoyable.

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If you think you have a problem, quit completely and see how long you can abstain. that should tell you something.

Anyone can quit for a certain amount of time,but staying quit is the real catcher.

I can quit smoking too,but I can not stay quit. The same thing with drinking, I quit a thousand time,maybe more,,But I could never stay quit.

I was a raging alcoholic for years,I never drank on the job,and never went to sleep,I would pass out drunk every nite tho.

But since I found out that I am not unique and just like other people,I have been able to stay quit for over 22 years,but if I have one drink i will be right back where I was,and I sure don't want that. :o

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Alcohol is a drug. Your question might be, "Am I a drug addict?".

Anything that affects your mental state, is addictive. Chocolate for example.

Labels mean little. The bottom line question is "Does my drinking affect my life in a negative way? Does it interfere with my getting done what I want to do? "Does it impact my love life or my significant other?"

Healthwise, long term alcohol abuse has significant consequences. What is "abuse".

The damage comes when the body doesn't get a chance to clear itself of the toxic affect of alcohol. Thus abstinance for 24 hours every couple or three days is necesssary, if you don't want to "pickle" your body.

You could call Alcoholics Anonymous, there is a number in every town, and ask for quidance in answering the question about your "problem". They are happy to help, as are any of us who have had the problem in the past and are recovering.

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Is this the usual expat consumption or what?? :o

From a classic MASH episode .......

Psychiatrist: Do you drink?

"Hawkeye" Pierce: Only to excess.

Just kidding of course ....

I've known a few alcoholics and they were very sick people. One of my former bosses couldn't get through the morning or afternoon without tapping the bottle of whiskey that he kept in his office desk. One of my relatives died from alcoholism and a spent liver. I'm no saint myself, but if you're looking for an opinion ....

If you don't need or crave a drink to get through the day then you're probably okay.

If you can behave the same after 6 or 8 drinks as you do after 2 drinks or not drinking at all, then you're probably okay.

If you occasionally need a few just to decompress from work or relax in general, then your probably okay.

If you turn from a nice person into a mean person after 2 or 4 or 8, then you may have a problem.

If you can't stop once you start, then you may have a problem.

If you can drink anything anytime (e.g., beer, whiskey, vodka, etc., during morning, day, night), then you may have a problem.

If you like to get behind the wheel after drinking, then you may have a problem.

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quote spee;

If you can't stop once you start, then you may have a problem.

If you can drink anything anytime (e.g., beer, whiskey, vodka, etc., during morning, day, night), then you may have a problem.

If you like to get behind the wheel after drinking, then you may have a problem."

End of quote

as far as I can see,these are the only truths in your post. Sorry.

Plus what BRONCO said, 55555

If elco is making sense to you then you have a drinking problem

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Oh I don't know Kevinn, mean drunks do have a problem with alcohol, it may not be alcoholism but often people who have a massive personality change from alcohol do have some sort of issue with alcohol. And let's face it, if you are a mean drunk then you shouldn't be inflicting yourself on the rest of the world.

And if you drink and drive, it's not that you may have a problem but that you are a problem.

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The only problem is when my old lady has the kareoke machine turned up on issan music to loud and cant hear me yelling "" GET ME A F,ING BEER,,,, GET OFF YOUR ARSSS,,,,"".... But thanks to modern HIGH TECH,,,,, problem solved....... She always awnsers CELL PHONE,,,,, She doesnt really like having to stop singing just to get me a beer.... But I promised her someday Ill take her away from all this and get her a DOUBLE WIDE TRAILER in ARKANSAS and then she can dial 911 and the POLICE will tell me if I drink to much............

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drink at night never in the morning or afternoon or early evening start about 8pm at the earliest - don't mix your drinks have a holiday now and then and stick to beer it will kill you slower and give up fags it kills you quicker than drink ever will

it's a hot country why deny your self booze it wouldn't be fair you could die tommorrow more so in thailand than anywhere else with all the hazzards here

the guys who give up everything because they got a problem prorbably miss it and wish they had chilled out before it got out of control

do what you feel

im off for a beer

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The only problem is when my old lady has the kareoke machine turned up on issan music to loud and cant hear me yelling "" GET ME A F,ING BEER,,,, GET OFF YOUR ARSSS,,,,"".... But thinks to modern HIGH TECH,,,,, problem solved....... She always awnsers CELL PHONE,,,,, She doesnt really like having to stop singing just to get me a beer.... But I promised her someday ill take her away from all this and get her a DOUBLE WIDE TRAILER in ARKANSAS and then she can dial 911 and the POLICE will tell me if I drink to much............

Excellent! Mai Krap, you da Man!

Even with one of those cordless mikes my wife's got with her machine, when she and her friends get howling, there ain't no way I can get her to fetch my beer. :o

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Hi All,

During the week after work I have 2 or 3 pints of lager before going to bed. I have nothing at lunch or before work. At weekends that goes up to around 5 or 6 pints starting early evening. If I go for a meal I will have a few glasses of wine as well.

Is this the usual expat consumption or what?? :o

whats the size of your beer belly , in centimeters ??

then we can pronounce you over the limit

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I don't know about anywhere else but in the UK the recommended maximum weekly alcohol intake is 21 (though may now be 28) units. A unit is equivalent to a half pint of lager so even 2 pints a day will put you over that limit.

As with everything else anything in moderation is OK and the occasional excesses won't do you any harm.


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If you think you may have a problelm with alcohol, itis a lot worse than you think!

People that do not have a problem do not go around asking if they have a problem. I went to the dr for a physical, and asked him if I was drinking too much, he asked me what I drank and how much, I told him and he said that beer would not hurt me. 2 years later I ended up in a rehab! :o

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