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Three dead as violence erupts in the West bank and East Jerusalem


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Three dead as violence erupts in the West bank and East Jerusalem




Violence has flared up in the occupied West Bank.


Israeli forces say they shot dead a Palestinian after he wounded a soldier with a knife near Hebron.


In a seperate incident a car carrying two people rammed into a bus stop injuring three civilians.


Police say one of the assailants has been shot dead, the other wounded.


In East Jerusalem Israeli forces have shot dead a knife-wielding attacker. 


He was killed at the heavily patrolled Damascus Gate, a main entrance to Jerusalem’s walled Old City.


Police claim he ran toward a group of officers waving a knife before they opened fire.


The man, believed to live in Jordan, had another knife about his person.


At least 213 Palestinaians have died in violent incidents since last October in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-09-17


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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:

When will the Palestinians ever !earn?

They learnt a long time ago that the only way they will ever reclaim Palestine is to emulate the murderous, racist and terrorist acts that the world has come to accept from Israel. Israel has no intention, now or in the future, of conceeding anything.

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4 minutes ago, xineohp said:

They learnt a long time ago that the only way they will ever reclaim Palestine is to emulate the murderous, racist and terrorist acts that the world has come to accept from Israel. Israel has no intention, now or in the future, of conceeding anything.


Hasn't done them any good for the last 70 years. Israel has a successful, functioning country with a vibrant tech industry.


The Palestinian's violence has brought them nothing but loss, poverty and misery.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:

More terrorism. It has gotten them nowhere. :(


When will the Palestinians ever !earn?

Arabs, in general, are quite unable to learn of their own mistakes, they tend to blame others, or project their wrongdoings on others.

There are no Palis on the West bank, only Arabs, Egyptians, forcibly converted Jews, and remnants of other groups.

Like in Jordan.

Palestinians is an invention of the KGB from the 1960's

Edited by hansnl
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At some point - some day - the underlying compliant population that makes up the West Bank and Gaza will decide to stop supporting the futile efforts of the Islamist Radicals.  At some point they will look across the border and figure out that peace will allow them to have prosperity that they see in the distance.  Leaders will emerge that are not afraid to challenge the Jihadis ... and over several years the once thought never to end Infitada will slowly melt away ... No matter the continued indoctrination of the youth -- enough of a percentage will not believe and will decide not to support the senseless violence. 

Edited by JDGRUEN
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12 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:

At some point - some day - the underlying compliant population that makes up the West Bank and Gaza will decide to stop supporting the futile efforts of the Islamist Radicals.  At some point they will look across the border and figure out that peace will allow them to have prosperity that they see in the distance.  Leaders will emerge that are not afraid to challenge the Jihadis ... and over several years the once thought never to end Infitada will slowly melt away ... No matter the continued indoctrination of the youth -- enough of a percentage will not believe and will decide not to support the senseless violence. 

One senses you have no experience working, living, or socialising with Arabs. They frequently display what is to western eyes a somewhat fatalistic approach to life. Much akin to many Asians. This of course in no way deminishes their hopes and aspirations.

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Where is this violence taking place?

The occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem the article says.

It will continue until the illegal Israeli settlements and land-grabs end.

The first step toward resolving this conflict is for Israelis to realize that the Zionist dream of Eretz Israel belongs in the dustbin of history.

Live within your internationally recognized 1967 borders and the rest of the world will support you.

As it is now, Israel is a pariah state facing international condemnation for its illegal occupation of Palestinian land.

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21 minutes ago, DaddyWarbucks said:

Live within your internationally recognized 1967 borders and the rest of the world will support you.



What nonsense. That is what they were doing when 5 Arab armies surrounded and provoked them. No support then - until they whipped them all and sent them packing. 

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Western sourced aid money for the palestinian arabs is up for review: Check

PLA in west Bank has run out of money: Check

Hamas in Gaza is being squeezed by Egypt because of its alleged support of muslim brotherhood: Check

Turkey has  moved to normalize relations with Israel: Check

Turkey has a hostile relationship with Iran: Check

Iran is  uncomfortable with the US - Russian understanding on Syria; Check


What better time to  stir the pot and to try and leverage the west and Turkey than to have a new wave of unrest, just in time for the  jewish religious holidays that are in October.  Last time we saw a war during the  holy roller days was when the arab armies launched their surprise attack on Israel in the yom kippur war.


I find it odd that we are  treated to  full out plaintive wailing and hand wringing because some guy who tried to stab someone was stopped and yet nary a word from these people as to the ongoing  muslim on muslim  killings in Syria and Iraq. Today a bomb went off in Libya  killing and maiming dozens. This doesn't elicit any concern from  TVF's resident social advocates. Geee. I wonder why.


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1 hour ago, Pakboong said:

For many,  the struggle is all they have.


Maybe instead of pushing their violent way of life they should consider using the billions in aid money they receive for social development  and secular education.

No need to have 12  kids and to  tell them to go blow themselves up for martyrdom.

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2 hours ago, DaddyWarbucks said:

Where is this violence taking place?

The occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem the article says.

It will continue until the illegal Israeli settlements and land-grabs end.

The first step toward resolving this conflict is for Israelis to realize that the Zionist dream of Eretz Israel belongs in the dustbin of history.

Live within your internationally recognized 1967 borders and the rest of the world will support you.

As it is now, Israel is a pariah state facing international condemnation for its illegal occupation of Palestinian land.

:cheesy: :cheesy:

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5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

More terrorism. It has gotten them nowhere. :(


When will the Palestinians ever !earn?


Sadly not until the brainwashing stops. The attackers believe they are fighting Jihad and will die a martyr, zip straight to Allah and heaven and get their rewards. How can anyone reason with people who earnestly believe such?



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3 hours ago, DaddyWarbucks said:

Where is this violence taking place?

The occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem the article says.

It will continue until the illegal Israeli settlements and land-grabs end.

The first step toward resolving this conflict is for Israelis to realize that the Zionist dream of Eretz Israel belongs in the dustbin of history.

Live within your internationally recognized 1967 borders and the rest of the world will support you.

As it is now, Israel is a pariah state facing international condemnation for its illegal occupation of Palestinian land.


A pariah state - did you miss the news about increased US aid then?

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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


What nonsense. That is what they were doing when 5 Arab armies surrounded and provoked them. No support then - until they whipped them all and sent them packing. 


Definitely not the case in the 1973 Arab-Israeli conflict. Israel were on the canvas big time and were about to be pushed into the sea until Papa bear came to their rescue with a massive weapons and ammunition resupply.

Edited by coma
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5 hours ago, DaddyWarbucks said:

Where is this violence taking place?

The occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem the article says.

It will continue until the illegal Israeli settlements and land-grabs end.

The first step toward resolving this conflict is for Israelis to realize that the Zionist dream of Eretz Israel belongs in the dustbin of history.

Live within your internationally recognized 1967 borders and the rest of the world will support you.

As it is now, Israel is a pariah state facing international condemnation for its illegal occupation of Palestinian land.

Excellent start. But wait.   Hamas' first step should be _____.   Surely this cannot be resolved by Israeli back pedaling alone.    Surely Israeli actions since 67 were not in a vacuum.   If you are not anti Semitic why in gods name would you not indicate Hamas first step also.  And that would be.....

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11 hours ago, hansnl said:

Arabs, in general, are quite unable to learn of their own mistakes, they tend to blame others, or project their wrongdoings on others.

There are no Palis on the West bank, only Arabs, Egyptians, forcibly converted Jews, and remnants of other groups.

Like in Jordan.

Palestinians is an invention of the KGB from the 1960's


That got to be one of the oddest posts I've read on these topics. Right out there with the poster who claimed most Palestinians are mostly Copts.

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10 hours ago, DaddyWarbucks said:

Where is this violence taking place?

The occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem the article says.

It will continue until the illegal Israeli settlements and land-grabs end.

The first step toward resolving this conflict is for Israelis to realize that the Zionist dream of Eretz Israel belongs in the dustbin of history.

Live within your internationally recognized 1967 borders and the rest of the world will support you.

As it is now, Israel is a pariah state facing international condemnation for its illegal occupation of Palestinian land.


"As it is now, Israel is a pariah state facing international condemnation for its illegal occupation of Palestinian land."


Wishful thinking.

International condemnation notwithstanding, how many countries (other than Arab/Muslim ones) cut their diplomatic relations or economic ties with Israel? And please, spare us the BDS nonsense, and refer to something concrete.


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5 hours ago, coma said:


Definitely not the case in the 1973 Arab-Israeli conflict. Israel were on the canvas big time and were about to be pushed into the sea until Papa bear came to their rescue with a massive weapons and ammunition resupply.


Not quite:



Israel began receiving supplies via U.S. Air Force cargo airplanes on October 14, although some equipment had arrived on planes from Israel's national airline El Al before this date. By that time, the IDF had advanced deep into Syria and was mounting a largely successful invasion of the Egyptian mainland from the Sinai, but had taken severe material losses.



The bulk of US supplies arrived after the ceasefire. And, of course, not a word about the massive military resupplies sent to Egypt and Syria by the USSR at the same time.

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12 minutes ago, Morch said:


Not quite:




The bulk of US supplies arrived after the ceasefire. And, of course, not a word about the massive military resupplies sent to Egypt and Syria by the USSR at the same time.


Not quite Lord Morch ? The Israelis were $hitting their pants at the thought of defeat and made preparations to go nuclear. Whether that was really on the table or a threat to the US to get them to start backing Israel up shows that Israel believed that defeat by the Arab coalition was imminent. English ain't my first language but I can read your own link provided and got this............




During the night of October 8–9, an alarmed Dayan told Meir that "this is the end of the third temple."[292] He was warning of Israel's impending total defeat, but "Temple" was also the code word for nuclear weapons.[293] Dayan again raised the nuclear topic in a cabinet meeting, warning that the country was approaching a point of "last resort".[295] That night Meir authorized the assembly of thirteen 20-kiloton-of-TNT (84 TJ) tactical atomic weapons for Jericho missiles at Sdot Micha Airbase, and F-4 aircraft at Tel Nof Airbase, for use against Syrian and Egyptian targets.[293] They would be used if absolutely necessary to prevent total defeat, but the preparation was done in an easily detectable way, likely as a signal to the United States.[295] Kissinger learned of the nuclear alert on the morning of October 9. That day, President Nixon ordered the commencement of Operation Nickel Grass, an American airlift to replace all of Israel's material losses.[296] Anecdotal evidence suggests that Kissinger told Sadat that the reason for the U.S. airlift was that the Israelis were close to "going nuclear"   


And to use the great words of Forrest Gump... That's all I got to say about that.



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