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Clinton tells Trump to apologise for Obama 'birther' claims


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7by7 asks; " As an outsider I cannot comprehend why this birther issue is an issue at all! "


Boomer responds: It's an issue because it further shows what a decrepit character Trump is, to wit....


>>>  he vehemently pursued an issue for years which he and all his followers should have known was false. It was pure bullying.


>>>  It was a crass attempt, with prejudicial undertones, at trying to show the president is not qualified to be president.


>>>  It propelled Trump's name recognition higher.  Most of T's money comes via selling the rights to use his name.  In sum, Trump was denigrating a good man while relishing how the smear campaign was fattening his wallet.


>>>   Trump publicly challenged Obama to produce a birth certificate.  Obama didn't need to comply to a bully, but he did.  Trump then shouted louder about wanting 'to see the long form'  Again, Obama didn't need to comply, but he did.   Even then, years passed before Trump conceded defeat, and when he did, blamed it on others.  Trump is lower than dog poop stuck on the heel of your shoe.


>>>  Trump publicly offered $50 million "to a charity of Obama's choice" if Obama could produce his birth certificate.  Obama complied - not once, but twice.  Will the promised money be paid by Trump?  Will the Pope get a sex change and perform as one of Lady Gaga's dancers?


......All the while, Trump won't release his tax forms.  If there was an adjective lower than 'despicable', Trump would personify it.

Edited by boomerangutang
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Until a few days ago, over 2/3rds of Trump supporters thought Obama was born outside of the US.  Now that their messiah has admitted Obama was born in Hawaii, how many of Trump's sheeple still believe in the long-running malicious lie? 


Similarly, over half of Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim.  Nearly all believe in virgin birth and creationism - both of which are obviously anti-science.  


I'm an American, and have a tough time acknowledging there is such pervasive ignorance among my fellow citizens. If the poll numbers are correct (which show Trump is still popular among tens of millions of Americans) then I can only conclude that those Americans are profoundly ignorant.  


Perhaps in their defense, most of those ignoramuses WANT TO BELIEVE things which they should know, down deep, are untrue.  It feeds into their voodoo-like xenophobia.  It's a weird sort of cultural thing - somewhat akin to our ancestors throwing virgin girls into deep holes (or burying them alive) to appease the Gods.


'Deplorables' is too nice a word for them.  They're actually contributing to the worsening of the USA, both domestically, and its image overseas.

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On 9/17/2016 at 6:47 AM, ezzra said:


Not before Obama  apologies to the American people for wasting 8 years they will never get back and for ruining the US reputations within and with the wide world with his bad policies.....



You must not have been keeping up with current news regarding to how many leaders and citizens of other countries already dislike Trump and his ridiculous policies and statements The US's reputation is already ruined even though he is not elected. To be honest, I actually like some of his recent policies, but most of what comes out of his mouth is rubbish, but perhaps if he is elected his advisers will guide him into the right direction, which is why he is pulling back from his ridiculous claims lately and coming up with more sound policies. US presidents are always highly regarded by foreigners, but it seems like the most recent election, many don't view the candidates in the same light as before.

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5 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

 On liberal media maybe. Not in the real world.


Trump is renown, not just for lying and flip-flopping and name-calling, but also for shouting out poll numbers when they bolster his aims. Yet hed denigrates the same poll takers when the numbers don't please him.  Here are some numbers which won't please him and his sheeple.....



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I admit I did not read all of your posts, so I apologize for any redundancy.


When Clinton was running against Obama, she toyed with the idea that Obama may not have been born in the United States. Hawaii is the 50th state.


Now she seems to have forgotten those days against him? Pathetic.

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20 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


Trump is renown, not just for lying and flip-flopping and name-calling, but also for shouting out poll numbers when they bolster his aims. Yet hed denigrates the same poll takers when the numbers don't please him.  Here are some numbers which won't please him and his sheeple.....




It says that 71% of Repubicans think Obama was born in America. That is what the thread in about. They probably say they think he is Muslim because they can not stand him and do not believe he is a Christian. Personally, I think he is an athiest or agnostic. It fits with his ideology.

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3 hours ago, 7by7 said:

As an outsider I cannot comprehend why this birther issue is an issue at all!


Firstly, Obama has served his two terms, he cannot serve again. What does it matter if by some technicality he shouldn't have served at all?


More importantly, did he, or any other candidate for POTUS past, present or future, have to be born in the USA? It appears not.


From Do Presidents Have to Be Born On U.S. Soil?


Natural born citizen, not native born citizen: there is a difference between the two


Every other source I can find says essentially the same thing.


It seems to me that Trump using the issue of where Obama was born as a stick with which to beat him over that last 4 years plus only shows that Trump is ignorant of his own constitution or hopes that most of his fellow Americans are.


This arrogant fool wants to be the leader of the free world! God, if s/he exists, help us all if the American people are stupid enough to elect him such. Clinton may not be ideal, but anyone would be better than Trump.

It's an issue brought up by the Dems to divert attention from HRC's disastrous campaign, as she is unable to get over 50% popularity against what is described by all the HRC supporters on here to be an unelectable man. If he's so unelectable, why isn't she over 60 %?

It is indeed a red herring and will make ZERO difference in November.

Meanwhile, I'm salivating at the prospect that HRC will be humiliated in the debate.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

It's an issue brought up by the Dems to divert attention from HRC's disastrous campaign, as she is unable to get over 50% popularity against what is described by all the HRC supporters on here to be an unelectable man. If he's so unelectable, why isn't she over 60 %?

It is indeed a red herring and will make ZERO difference in November.

Meanwhile, I'm salivating at the prospect that HRC will be humiliated in the debate.

It will be interesting for sure - who has the dirtiest laundry? todays addition to the laundry list ? https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-used-258000-from-his-charity-to-settle-legal-problems/

Tomorrow's may be more from Wilkileaks, re HC's emails.

My point is - both of these pols should apologize to the people of the USA

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On 9/20/2016 at 1:08 PM, Publicus said:


Bloomenthal never suggested Barack Obama had been born in Africa, in Kenya, or anywhere outside the United States.


My post to your fellow far out fringe poster demanded even one quote by HR Clinton that said Barack Obama had been born outside the USA. One quote. There's nothing. Indeed, in contrast to no Clinton quotes, there must be101 quotes by Trump over the past several years that Barack Obama was not born in the United States.




A direct quote from a candidate is not necessary...their campaign is acting on their behalf. Unless the candidate is not even in control of their own campaign and if they can't control their own campaign, heaven help us if they become president. 


Everyone should remember Trump making a big deal about Obama's birth 5 years ago or so. Everyone should also remember that it was only because of Trump that Obama finally released a long form birth certificate so technically Trump can be credited for settling the issue once and for all. Well, until Hillary started dropping in the polls and started desperately grasping at straws.


BTW - the official who released Obama's birth certificate was later killed under fishy circumstances...  http://www.nbcnews.com/news/other/health-director-who-approved-obama-birth-certificate-dies-plane-crash-f2D11732106)

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3 minutes ago, mopar71 said:


A direct quote from a candidate is not necessary...their campaign is acting on their behalf. Unless the candidate is not even in control of their own campaign and if they can't control their own campaign, heaven help us if they become president.


Who ordered the Hillary campaign to distribute photos of Obama in Muslim clothing? 

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7 minutes ago, mopar71 said:


A direct quote from a candidate is not necessary...their campaign is acting on their behalf. Unless the candidate is not even in control of their own campaign and if they can't control their own campaign, heaven help us if they become president. 


Everyone should remember Trump making a big deal about Obama's birth 5 years ago or so. Everyone should also remember that it was only because of Trump that Obama finally released a long form birth certificate so technically Trump can be credited for settling the issue once and for all. Well, until Hillary started dropping in the polls and started desperately grasping at straws.


BTW - the official who released Obama's birth certificate was later killed under fishy circumstances...  http://www.nbcnews.com/news/other/health-director-who-approved-obama-birth-certificate-dies-plane-crash-f2D11732106)


Trump has been bombastic about the Birther thing. Trump has been its leader over several years until last week.


Denying it is counter productive and only puts Trump deeper into the hole he's already in.


Trump has had his surge in this election. He closed a big post-convention gap in the polling. However, Trump fell short of taking a consistent lead across the board of the reputable and reliable polling. Trump and his March Against Washington and the Constitution have peaked. HRC is back in the lead again is the reliable and reputable polls coming out this week. Up again by 5 points on average.


Trump's campaign peaked with six weeks still to go. Premature election.


HRC is going in to the first debate in a couple of days back out in a substantial lead. Trump can only continue to flail and the Birther lies of Trump will be hung around his neck in each debate. This is the killer issue as the new polling attests and will continue to show.


Bye bye.

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6 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Trump has been bombastic about the Birther thing. Trump has been its leader over several years until last week.



Since Hillary's supporters gave up popularizing it when Hillary got her butt kicked by Obama. Although no one but liberals ever thought he was the "leader".

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On ‎9‎/‎21‎/‎2016 at 8:44 AM, 7by7 said:

As an outsider I cannot comprehend why this birther issue is an issue at all!


On ‎9‎/‎21‎/‎2016 at 8:58 AM, Ulysses G. said:


It should not be, but Hillary has dragged it out to use as a talking point. What is rather ironic is the fact that her supporters popularized the rumor during the 2008 campaign and her staff fanned the flames by distributing photos of Omama in African garb at about the same time.


From what I can ascertain, in 2008 someone in Clinton's camp suggested using the rumour that Obama wasn't born in the USA as a campaign tool against him. The suggestion was considered, then dropped; probably because

  1. it wasn't true
  2. it was irrelevant anyway.

How high up in Clinton's campaign organisation this idea reached before being dropped, we don't know. Irrelevant anyway, as dropped it was.


What we do know is that in politics, as elsewhere, many ideas are put up for consideration, but most of them never get any further.


It also seems that Trump, personally, has picked up on this idea and run with it over the last 4 to 5 years.


Which may be why Clinton brought it up again; not because she or anyone in her camp believes it, but to show what a bigoted, racist, liar trump is. Something which she would not have been able to do had Trump enough sense to engage his brain before opening his mouth.


None of which answers my actual question.


Which is why is this an issue at all as there is nothing in the US constitution, no US law or statute which says the president of the USA must have been born on US soil?


Only that s/he must be an American citizen by birth, not by naturalisation. Having one parent who is an American citizen will give someone that, no matter here they are born.


Is the average American so ignorant of their own constitution that their ignorance can be exploited by people like Trump?


It seems the 'good ole boys' are well clued up on the 2nd amendment, but totally clueless when it comes to the rest of it!

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