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Apple Watch icloud issue......Help if possible please

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Long story very short my lad purchased 2nd hand Apple Watch he's not had it long but is under the impression its not really his style after all.

Fair enough hes only 16 you know what kids are like.


In short the 2nd hand purchase places here in UK are actually offering him more than he paid for it, fair enough up to them but they need the icloud cleared...... That actually means nothing to me although my lad explained. He cant get hold of the person he bought it off (who apparently should be able to clear it) as few months ago and Apple themselves refuse to help on their helpline. Its a "not something we get involved with" response


Any of you bright sparks got any suggestions to clear it please.....??  I could put on depop or ebay and sell for him but that's not fair on the next person that buys. Why he's not had reason to access this icloud I have no idea...... Get the impression its been in a drawer and was flavour of the week at some point !


Thanks for reading....


Something else to bear in mind is that everything your son does with the watch gets backed up to the iCloud. So warn him not to use it for anything personal or something he might find embarrassing.

16 hours ago, maxtwo said:

He can never of used it then if it is not linked to his iPhone.Chances are its nicked.


Helpful responses appreciated only. He has been using it which kinda debunks your post

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