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Trump supporters struggle to sideline 'birther' issue


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4 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


How about CORRECTING it? It was HIS LITERARY AGENT and he did not bother to change it for 16 years. :rolleyes:


You keep screaming "HIS LITERARY AGENT" like a mantra. They were his agent for a short period of time in the early 1990's. And after Obama left them, why would this agency bother to change the Bio?


How about you fully read this URL:

Obama’s Literary Agency Error: A Clarification and Rebuttal



7) Sometime after the publication of Dreams From My Father, Obama changed literary agents, switching from Acton & Dystsel (which became Dystel & Goderich) to Washington D.C. lawyer and agent Robert Barnett ... It stands to reason that, if Obama left the Dystel umbrella, they would have no need to revise his biography, as their only title with him was out of print and they would not be representing any future works.


9) In 2007, according to Breitbart, the Dystel website finally updated Obama’s biography to state his correct birthplace of Hawaii. It was in 2007 that Obama announced his candidacy for President, and began to more heavily scrutinized. Hence the Dystel website finally updating the biography of Obama, who had not been an active client of theirs since the mid-1990s

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Silurian and others:  Ulysses wants to beat this issue like a the mule in a 10-mule team that's lagging.  It would have been a non-issue for us and tens of millions of other Americans, except Trump blew the issue up like the Hindenberg blimp and kept flailing it for years.  Even when his hard-right ignorant friends were wrongly saying Trump had let it go (recently), Trump kept flailing it - until a few days ago.


The birther issue was what propelled Trump to front page stardom (not much different than Buttafuccio becoming famous for having his dick cut off, except with sustained news coverage over 9 years).  It made Trump a newspaper ink hogging idiot, but now it's a lodestone around his neck, so he wants everyone to forget it ever happened.  "I finished it, ok? I finished it."


Yea, sure, Mr. Trump.  Because you said you finished it, I'll forget it ever happened.  Now let's go on with your flip-flopping agenda.  Come on Mr. Trump; tell me what I should be thinking about now, and every day.


Other things Trump wants us all to forget we ever heard:

>>>>    he allegedly raped a 13 yr old girl (four separate times!) with a witness in the room.

>>>      he violently raped his 1st wife, according to her sworn testimony.

>>>      he said women who seek abortions should be criminalized.

>>>      he said he is not the fictitious 'John Miller' even though he earlier admitted he was.

.......and that's just a partial list.

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More things Trump would like us to forget we ever heard from him:


>>>    he has a mutual admiration pact with David Duke

>>>    he wants' to dismantle or at least weaken NATO

>>>    he's a big fan of Putin, and thinks Putin has done a much better job of being president than Obama.  Apparently Trump likes the idea of Russia reassembling its Soviet empire.

>>>    he's declared bankruptcy five times

>>>    he got a draft deferment five times for a heel-bone-spur. Yet, at that same time, he was playing four different sports at college.  He now can't remember which foot it was.

>>>    "I would love to release my tax statements."    Yes, a direct quote from you-know-who.


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22 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Because - most - normal - people would direct their literary agents to correct their place of birth imediately. :whistling:


Maybe it just didn't bother Obama as much as it seems to upset you.


Anyway, I am done with this conversation as I have put forth easily located information on what exactly happened with this particular bio in a no longer published obscure booklet. Have fun with someone else.


There I finished it! (Taken from Trump's playbook).

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46 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Silurian and others:  Ulysses wants to beat this issue like a the mule in a 10-mule team that's lagging.  It would have been a non-issue for us and tens of millions of other Americans, except Trump blew the issue up like the Hindenberg blimp and kept flailing it for years.  Even when his hard-right ignorant friends were wrongly saying Trump had let it go (recently), Trump kept flailing it - until a few days ago.


Yeah, I agree. It is just another one of Trump's many lies and half-truths that he can just dump when it becomes burdensome.  

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22 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

For us in Thailand, I think the debate is Tuesday morning. Any suggestions how best to watch them.  I want a front row seat.   Almost as much fun; watching the spin by talk show hosts - all of whom skewer Trump, as he's so skewerable.

Here you go.




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41 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

For us in Thailand, I think the debate is Tuesday morning. Any suggestions how best to watch them.  I want a front row seat.   Almost as much fun; watching the spin by talk show hosts - all of whom skewer Trump, as he's so skewerable.




Continuous live from USA coverage pre, during, post debate, from Thailand time 9 pm Monday forward until they all flop over face down on their desks counters and roundtables, which should be some time around the Thailand Wednesday noon. Maybe sunset.




(From 9 a.m. Monday in the USA, Eastern Daylight Time -- New York City time.)

Edited by Publicus
Accurate time difference and reference.
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Btw, the Eastern Time Zone of the USA has 17 states and it is the most populous time zone of the US, with 141.6 million people of the 335 million USA total population. None of the other three continental time zones approaches this population number. It also has the most registered voters of the four continental time zones of the USA (plus respectively Alaska and Hawaii).


By the time the polls close at 8 pm in the Eastern Time Zone on November 8th, HRC will have 146 Electoral College Votes.


By the time polls close in the next over Central Time Zone, which will be at 9 pm Eastern Zone time, HRC will have a total of 210 ECVs.


When the polls close in the (Rocky) Mountain Time Zone, which will be 10 pm Eastern Time, HRC will have 240 ECVs with 270 needed to win.


When polls close in the Pacific Time Zone, which is 11 pm in the Eastern Time Zone, HRC will have 341 ECVs. Trump will end it up with a grand total of 189 ECVs.


(Included in the totals are red Alaska (3 ECVs) in the Alaska Time Zone and blue Hawaii (4 ECVs) in the Hawaiian Time Zone, respectively, +1 and +2 from the Pacific Time Zone of California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington. Nine states have two times zones in 'em, but each of these states is assigned to one specific dominant time zone. In red Indiana for example, which is between Chicago (Central Time) and Detroit (Eastern Time), 18 counties (in the west) are in the Central Time Zone, and 82 counties are in the Eastern Time Zone....so the state does not release its voting result total until all counties have reported, which occurs at 9 pm in the Eastern Time Zone -- 8 pm Central time. Some states close their polls evenings at 7 pm local time. others close 'em at 7:30 pm local time, yet others close 'em at 8 pm, and a few go to 8:30 with a couple of 'em closing at 9, which is the latest local time of poll closings.)

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On Monday, September 19, 2016 at 0:12 AM, Ulysses G. said:

Trump did NOT start the birther issue. Hillary Clinton supporters are the ones fanning the flames 3 years before Trump even mentioned it.  She has some gall blaming him.

For a self confessed reluctant Trump supporter , you certainly spend a lot of time and energy licking his arse.

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