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Brit Bashing


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Robski wrote:

Just want to make it clear that in no way do I see myself as right wing.

With a name like Robski, how could you . . . :o

Here we go again 00 Sing .. I thought we had cleared this up last time ... :D

This guy should be bashed, for NOT being FUNNY!

Personaly, I've always liked British humor, and No matter where you're from there is bad as well as good people. Its an individual thing!!! Man, can't you see that!

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i dont ever go near a kangaroos back bottom.

and do you know why that is mate.?

because the kangaroo dont like that and will kick you in the bollicks.

Is that the only reason Terry? So if they would not kick you in the balls would you try to get near it's back bottom :o

no i would not because i like sheep better. :D:D:D

much easier to hang on to and and are better at moving backwards. :D

Gee.pers, Terry, Is this a confession or are you just getting started.

And me, who thought you were just the straight firefighter from Freo?

hello gens and good to see you back my old mate.

im just talking it up mate, having some fun but sheep are better for doing the funky chicken as the kiwi's are always telling people that, so it must be true. :D:D:D

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Australian is with a capital "A", :D and stand at attention when you mention our country.

With an attitude like that i can see why you would be concerned about a Brit giving you a good kicking.

It would be understandable :o

it seems that nobody likes that little mouse does it. :D

I always preffered speedy gonzalez, he seemed to have a way with the female mice also.

I never saw mighty mouse with a female, i always suspected he was a closet homosexual.

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Robski wrote:

Just want to make it clear that in no way do I see myself as right wing.

With a name like Robski, how could you . . . :o

Here we go again 00 Sing .. I thought we had cleared this up last time ... :D

This guy should be bashed, for NOT being FUNNY!

Personaly, I've always liked British humor, and No matter where you're from there is bad as well as good people. Its an individual thing!!! Man, can't you see that!

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Australian is with a capital "A", :D and stand at attention when you mention our country.

With an attitude like that i can see why you would be concerned about a Brit giving you a good kicking.

It would be understandable :D

it seems that nobody likes that little mouse does it. :D

I always preffered speedy gonzalez, he seemed to have a way with the female mice also.

I never saw mighty mouse with a female, i always suspected he was a closet homosexual.

i think you could be right there london croc but just to be politically correct one must always add,

(not thats theres anything wrong with that)

im out of here.

cheers :o

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There used to be this mad black geezer on the T.V. years ago called Normski,

Why did you feel the need to mention the colour of the mans skin? If he had been white skinned would you have said 'There used to be this mad white geezer on the T.V.?

Please don't get defensive over this question like you have done with another poster and start hurling personal insults, it is a genuine question.



Why shouldn't I call him black? he was black, maybe by saying he was black it might jog your memory as to he was, if I sad he was an Irish dwarf with red hair and a speech impediment would you have been offended? would you have posted me? I know black guys, but I don't know any that are offended by being called black. do you? or is it somethging else that bothers you? what are you trying to say? :o

Like i said, don't get to emotional about it, i was just curious to know why you felt the need to mention skin colour, if i had been talking about a white guy of the TV i would not have mentioned the colour of his skin, i was just curious as to why you felt you had to mention the fact he had 'black' skin.

No big deal. Peace, love, respect and all that. :D

Robskis right, it did jog my memory and I do remember Normski. :D

The reason he says he's black was because if he had left it unmentioned people would assume he was white and their memories might not have jogged that far. :D

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I think Guesthouse slightly overplays the importance of class in British culture. Class is certainly significant but has become less so in the last two decades. This is largely to do with class identity becoming less important - 30 years ago people knew what they were because of their occupation and their union membership - now white collar jobs such as call centre work have taken over from the factory and coal mine - but people have less loyalty and identity to these positions. As a result class based voting has almost entirely disappeared too (is this the cause or the result of the three main parties having no clear water between their policies?). The yobs who run amok down English high streets are as just as likely to be students or decently paid lads in their mid 20's than those stuck in a culture of state dependence. (Yes I do agree that the archaic drinking laws have only helped to create this situation).

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will you ever become civilised? instead of drunken,loud mouthed farting whingers. now thats what i call common ! delighted you are at the ends of the earth. is it true you shag sheep and kangaroo,s.?

Australian is with a capital "A", :o and stand at attention when you mention our country.

I was going to write a stinging reply to your observations, but as I don't know you, I thought I'd have a quick look at your profile.

It seems that Secrets is most active in the "I Drink Too Much" forum, the "Stop Smoking" forum and the "Bird Flu" forum. :D

With all the problems that you seem to have, I decided to show a little Aussie sympathy towards you and give you time to get your mind together. I hope that you will soon be able to overcome all of your ailments and recover your sanity.

Good luck. :D


bird flu?, i think you are looking at another forum.

i chose to stop drinking,and i would like to stop smoking.

why would you have a problem with that.? its things most people would like to stop.?you are very weird and dare i say creepy.

capital A, not for you teeny weeny mouthtrap.

aussie sympathy is not needed from the likes of you and does not exist in your book......as it happens we have 3 Australians staying with us right now,they are a delight and great company,

it must be their upbringing. !

they have read your posts and are appalled.

look mate,

im a strait up top aussie bleeder and i think that the mouse has been hit on the noggin by the mouse trap when he was pinching the cheese. :D

most of us aussie's are top blokes but the mouse is definately not one of us and i feel exactly the same as you mate. :D

maybe its a size issue. :D:D

he also appalles me. :D

could be he does have a problem cause most aussie,s are REAL blokes with a good atittude.

of course there are good and bad in every country,including UK, best to ignore and avoid em cause they are bad news.

i,m afraid to mention that my best friends live in NZ and Australia, i,ve visited twice and had the time of my life. :D

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Prior to moving to Thailand from America 6 years ago I was an avid Anglophile and did not have much contact with British nationals, except for a few vacation visits.

However I now find that most of them I have encountered in Thailand are boorish, loud, aggressive, abusive YOBS (think that is the correct slang term). There are exceptions, of course, who behave and dress like gentlemen.

In all fairness, I assume, by their accent, British Nationality. I cannot distinguish between British, Australian, NZ whatever, but lump them all together as Brits. This is no doubt unfair and perhaps Brits are getting a bad rap from the behavior of others.



This is for chuck6660

you from the other side of the pond by any chance? i assume though by the drivel you are posting. First of all iam just 1 of the hooligans you mentioned. I have been 1 of these hooligans since before 11/11 and iam still one now.

I have lost friends to US bullets in NI when it was OK for the US to support terrorism because they werent the targets. I have worked along side US forces for many years some are good some are <deleted>. I have worked with your USMC on more times than i care to mention in the US and in every other shit hole but i will tell you something they are ALWAYS glad to have Brit hooligans with them!

You mention the officers, is that your class distinction coming through, you some officer or hanger on,dont like it when the Brits lower orders dont kiss your arse. You think we should be choirboys? its a dirty world we live in and knobs like you need a reality check. As for Brit bashing that is fine i think it is quite amusing and too be honest we deserve some but your holier than thou <deleted> really struck a nerve.

The next time iam on the ground and something happens just be happy that your Brit hooligans are there to help no matter whether it is US, Canadian, Kiwi, Aussie, or whoever and that your average Brit bootneck has a slightly better grasp of reality than you do.

have a nice life


only an american could write a load of bollicks like that and every other punter on this forum knows exactly what i mean. :D

of you go and have a nice sleep. :D

so true, thats calling the kettle black alright. :D

the loudest ,most opinionated race has to be americans,and of course due to their present president also the most disliked race in the world.

I have travelled throughout the world, Europe, the America's, Middle East and most extensively Asia. Wherever I go, I am amazed at how people, when you get to know them, are basically the same...there is good and bad everywhere! :o

As for the British, my experience comes from working with NATO forces. I found the officers to be intelligent, professional, and overall good chaps to be around. as for the lower enlisted...the word "Hooligans" comes to mind! I believe this would have much to do with the "class" system mentioned in other posts.

Finally, If my history serves right, I believe the Americans had a problem with the Brits 200 (+)years ago...they just kicked them out :D

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The reason he says he's black was because if he had left it unmentioned people would assume he was white and their memories might not have jogged that far. :D

I disagree but i have taken this thread way off topic. :D

Mai pen rai. :D

No worries.

I never really thought of it, it's just the way I'm used to speaking, it's not offensive in the UK.

Black, Asian, White.

But then I'm not at home am I? I'm in a public forum.

In a way I feel it shows' that Brits don't have such a hang up about race. (or is that a contradiction in its self?)

Anyway we're still the best in the world for music and style and that's still the reason other countries want to put us down, 'cos we lead where others follow. No reply to that from the Brit bashers would confirm the fact that it's true. :o


Edited by Robski
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The reason he says he's black was because if he had left it unmentioned people would assume he was white and their memories might not have jogged that far. :D

I disagree but i have taken this thread way off topic. :D

Mai pen rai. :D

No worries.

I never really thought of it, it's just the way I'm used to speaking, it's not offensive in the UK.

Black, Asian, White.

But then I'm not at home am I? I'm in a public forum.

In a way I feel it shows' that Brits don't have such a hang up about race. (or is that a contradiction in its self?)

Anyway we're still the best in the world for music and style and that's still the reason other countries want to put us down, 'cos we lead where others follow. No reply to that from the Brit bashers would confirm the fact that it's true. :o


hear hear .....we certainly do not have a problem with colour or creed.

Black,Asian,White.....its all the same to me.

we are all the same under the skin. :D

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Anyway we're still the best in the world for music and style and that's still the reason other countries want to put us down, 'cos we lead where others follow. No reply to that from the Brit bashers would confirm the fact that it's true. :o


Not to mention your fabulous cuisine.

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Anyway we're still the best in the world for music and style and that's still the reason other countries want to put us down, 'cos we lead where others follow. No reply to that from the Brit bashers would confirm the fact that it's true. :D


Not to mention your fabulous cuisine.

indeed it now is.! as good as anywhere in the World. :D:o

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Anyway we're still the best in the world for music and style and that's still the reason other countries want to put us down, 'cos we lead where others follow. No reply to that from the Brit bashers would confirm the fact that it's true. :o


You are best in the world for mindnumbing noise for the world's plebs. In classical music you do lack finesse, and your slightly more cosmopolitan upper classes naturally listen to German, Austrian, French and Italian composers. :D

And not just in your Royal family you have to resort to German bloodlines, also your most famous composer - Haendel - was a German import.

And yes, British latest innovation in "style" - Chav "culture"... :D


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You are best in the world for mindnumbing noise for the world's plebs. In classical music you do lack finesse, and your slightly more cosmopolitan upper classes naturally listen to German, Austrian, French and Italian composers. :D

And not just in your Royal family you have to resort to German bloodlines, also your most famous composer - Haendel - was a German import.

And yes, British latest innovation in "style" - Chav "culture"... :o


I would have expected a troll of such great cognitive abilities (or imagination) as your good self to be able to come out with something a little better than that ColPyat.

If you tell me what country you come from i will come up with some just as inane examples about your culture and history. :D

BTW Don't you take your name Colonel Pyat, From books writen by Michael Moorcock? If so, then i guess at least a Brit has given you a name to call yourself.


Edited by London Crocodile
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the brits have a good laugh with others and they have a good quality along with a few other nations to laugh at themselves which is a great attribute to have.

have you heard the american and english afro carribean rappers singing to each other calling each other yo my n+++++ they can sing and laugh about this but when and if even in jest someone was to even mention this word without being of afro carribean desent, well the pc boys would be up in arms, yes.

i thank britain for what it has done but we are now run by pc faceless european beurocrats which imho is changing peoples attitudes and sense of humour for the worse. and believe me thats one thing the brits need with the present governmental set up.

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BTW Don't you take your name Colonel Pyat, From books writen by Michael Moorcock? If so, then i guess at least a Brit has given you a name to call yourself.


Yes, indeed. At least finally a Brit who recognises a fellow British literary genius. You are the first one here. Not all hope is lost. :o

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Australian is with a capital "A", :D and stand at attention when you mention our country.

With an attitude like that i can see why you would be concerned about a Brit giving you a good kicking.

It would be understandable :o

Fair dinkum Mate. .....and I always thought that you Poms had a good sense of humour.

If you can't see 'tongue in cheek' in my post, then you need a white stick and a guide dog. :D

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As for the British, my experience comes from working with NATO forces. I found the officers to be intelligent, professional, and overall good chaps to be around. as for the lower enlisted...the word "Hooligans" comes to mind! I believe this would have much to do with the "class" system mentioned in other posts.


let me get this straight.... you are basing your opinion of British people on the behaviour of squaddies.. :D:D


totster :D

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"The welfare state cost 79 billion pounds last year, more than is spent on the entire education system, twice as much as on law and order and almost as much as on the NHS. It totals nearly 3,000 pounds a household a year.There are 51 different benefits, with 39 per cent of households claiming one or more. Although the Chancellor often boasts about his record on unemployment, there are 5.4 million people of working age who are out of work and living on benefits. Many of those are registered disabled; Britain has more long-term sick than any European country besides Poland. The benefits system has become so generous that being "on welfare" is no longer a mark of even relative poverty. Households with incomes of up to 66,350 pounds - which puts them in the richest fifth - can be entitled to welfare".


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"The welfare state cost 79 billion pounds last year, more than is spent on the entire education system, twice as much as on law and order and almost as much as on the NHS. It totals nearly 3,000 pounds a household a year.There are 51 different benefits, with 39 per cent of households claiming one or more. Although the Chancellor often boasts about his record on unemployment, there are 5.4 million people of working age who are out of work and living on benefits. Many of those are registered disabled; Britain has more long-term sick than any European country besides Poland. The benefits system has become so generous that being "on welfare" is no longer a mark of even relative poverty. Households with incomes of up to 66,350 pounds - which puts them in the richest fifth - can be entitled to welfare".


Think you're on the wrong forum. We don't discuss politics. There are plenty of sites on the net where you can post your looney right wing cut and pastes.

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Think you're on the wrong forum. We don't discuss politics. There are plenty of sites on the net where you can post your looney right wing cut and pastes.

Easy now... I don't see what is so "looney" about quoting a respectable source to make a point on this topic (albeit one that does not quite follow the direction of the thread :o )

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