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Brit Bashing


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Think you're on the wrong forum. We don't discuss politics. There are plenty of sites on the net where you can post your looney right wing cut and pastes.

Easy now... I don't see what is so "looney" about quoting a respectable source to make a point on this topic (albeit one that does not quite follow the direction of the thread :D )

You don't see what's wrong with pasting an article from a newspaper which has nothing to do with the topic being discussed on this thread ?

My apologies, I stand corrected. :o

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Often on this board bad farangs and Brits have become synonymous, are we really that bad?? Have all the people that love to go on about how "pathetic, ugly and violent" we all are, have they actually been on the recieving end of this seemingly commonplace behaviour, or is it that you just read something somewhere, see someone drunk and assume he's gonna beat you up?? I would really love to know.

Seriously, who has had a bad experience with us Brits??

Hmmm. I like Britain people. I met some nice Britain people. They aren't that bad. Bad farangs and Brits become synonymous, I think that's not true. It's like saying Bad Katoy and Thai become synonymous.

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Maybe you should try a DICTIONARY instead.. :D:o


totster :D

Thank you for pointng that out, but if you'll refer back to my post, you'll see that I ammended it to say the definition was found,

The Wikipedia source was very comprehensive and will be using that source in the future.

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Good to see ya'll be havin' a sense of HUMOR (Proper Spelling) ...

Since this is a Brit oriented thread, I suggest that all spellings be the proper (UK) English versions, not the truncated, 'can't spell for toffee' US.

So we will call it HUMOUR :o:D

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Could somebody bring me up to speed on the progress of this thread so far ? I'd like to get in on this.

Brits 180, The rest of the world all out for 0. :o:D

"The welfare state cost 79 billion pounds last year, more than is spent on the entire education system, twice as much as on law and order and almost as much as on the NHS. It totals nearly 3,000 pounds a household a year.There are 51 different benefits, with 39 per cent of households claiming one or more. Although the Chancellor often boasts about his record on unemployment, there are 5.4 million people of working age who are out of work and living on benefits. Many of those are registered disabled; Britain has more long-term sick than any European country besides Poland. The benefits system has become so generous that being "on welfare" is no longer a mark of even relative poverty. Households with incomes of up to 66,350 pounds - which puts them in the richest fifth - can be entitled to welfare".


Well it is pulled out of a newspaper (Murdochs' 'official' government one at that) so it's not really objective.

The point being the thread is more about your personal perception of Brits, especially here in Thailand.

I don't know the figures (so I'll guestimate) but Brits have been permanently leaving the Uk since the mid 80's, and the yearly numbers are rising from an average 70,000 per year to over 100,000.

Says a lot for the state of the place and I think those that leave permanently are some of the best, with skills and ambition, a brain drain if you like. That type of Brit is quite distinct from your average Joe Punter who's on a two week jolly.

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Anyway we're still the best in the world for music and style and that's still the reason other countries want to put us down, 'cos we lead where others follow. No reply to that from the Brit bashers would confirm the fact that it's true. :o


You are best in the world for mindnumbing noise for the world's plebs. In classical music you do lack finesse, and your slightly more cosmopolitan upper classes naturally listen to German, Austrian, French and Italian composers. :D

And not just in your Royal family you have to resort to German bloodlines, also your most famous composer - Haendel - was a German import.

And yes, British latest innovation in "style" - Chav "culture"... :D


what about australian classical music mate.

wev'e got 2 bits of classical music.

# 1. god save the queen ( cant beat the sex pistols version )

# 2. advance australia fair ( gurt by frigging sea) what's that bloody mean. :D

oh sorry punters, theres one more about some dude that camps around a billibong and i salute every time i frigging hear it. :D:D:D

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I never saw mighty mouse with a female, i always suspected he was a closet homosexual.

Such a statement just proves how little you know.

thats not a female, little mouse as its got a head like a robbers dog but i must say you make a lovely couple.

off you go back to bedlam before you get caught in a rat trap. :D:D:o:D

your out of your depth here. :D

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"The welfare state cost 79 billion pounds last year, more than is spent on the entire education system, twice as much as on law and order and almost as much as on the NHS. It totals nearly 3,000 pounds a household a year.There are 51 different benefits, with 39 per cent of households claiming one or more. Although the Chancellor often boasts about his record on unemployment, there are 5.4 million people of working age who are out of work and living on benefits. Many of those are registered disabled; Britain has more long-term sick than any European country besides Poland. The benefits system has become so generous that being "on welfare" is no longer a mark of even relative poverty. Households with incomes of up to 66,350 pounds - which puts them in the richest fifth - can be entitled to welfare".


Wait a few years and that will change, as they are all coming over to the uk

I can hear the sick notes already, (benefit scam time)

Sad old uk, glad im out of it al,


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Yeh bit of a clue in there really, I got the tag a long time ago from a mate called Tony. There used to be this mad black geezer on the T.V. years ago called Normski, can't even remember the programme but he was mad on music and style and was just so OTT he was funny. don't know if you remember or it was your thing.

And the relevence :D to this thread is................................. :D

When it comes to music and style the British are the best in the world and that's what lies at the root of all this Brit bashing, every other country is jealous of us Brits and is just looking for any excuse to bring us down....... :o

Actually, I'll give you the music lead . . . the culture of pub bands is really only found in a few countries and that's what gives many beginners a hand in becoming known. Triple :D to the Brits for that.

As for fashion . . . yes, pinstripe suits and white shirts . . . :D

Sorry, have not heard of Normski . . . only started watching the Beeb when I was working in Holland for 5 (miserable) years in the early 90's and needed some 'good' television . . . got hooked on Eastenders 'Oi, wot's your game ven, eh?' when I wasn't on a biz trip. The only reason I admit to that is because this is an anonymous board. :D

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"The welfare state cost 79 billion pounds last year, more than is spent on the entire education system, twice as much as on law and order and almost as much as on the NHS. It totals nearly 3,000 pounds a household a year.There are 51 different benefits, with 39 per cent of households claiming one or more. Although the Chancellor often boasts about his record on unemployment, there are 5.4 million people of working age who are out of work and living on benefits. Many of those are registered disabled; Britain has more long-term sick than any European country besides Poland. The benefits system has become so generous that being "on welfare" is no longer a mark of even relative poverty. Households with incomes of up to 66,350 pounds - which puts them in the richest fifth - can be entitled to welfare".


Wait a few years and that will change, as they are all coming over to the uk

I can hear the sick notes already, (benefit scam time)

Sad old uk, glad im out of it al,


nothing sad about the UK.....the annoying thing is the scroungers and residents of Downing Street.

apart from that i LOVE England with warts and all.

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Now this mouse knew how to pull em. :D


your spot on croc, :o

that mouse is intelligent, handsum, charming and quite obviously spanish. :D

that little australian mouse is just a little p-ss ant compared to the above mouse. :D

Sorry to be a pedant, but Speedy Gonzalez is Mexican.

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Now this mouse knew how to pull em. :D


your spot on croc, :D

that mouse is intelligent, handsum, charming and quite obviously spanish. :D

that little australian mouse is just a little p-ss ant compared to the above mouse. :D

Sorry to be a pedant, but Speedy Gonzalez is Mexican.

It might be a Spanish mouse on holiday in Cancun ... it would be hard to differentiate ... :o

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"The welfare state cost 79 billion pounds last year, more than is spent on the entire education system, twice as much as on law and order and almost as much as on the NHS. It totals nearly 3,000 pounds a household a year.There are 51 different benefits, with 39 per cent of households claiming one or more. Although the Chancellor often boasts about his record on unemployment, there are 5.4 million people of working age who are out of work and living on benefits. Many of those are registered disabled; Britain has more long-term sick than any European country besides Poland. The benefits system has become so generous that being "on welfare" is no longer a mark of even relative poverty. Households with incomes of up to 66,350 pounds - which puts them in the richest fifth - can be entitled to welfare".


Wait a few years and that will change, as they are all coming over to the uk

I can hear the sick notes already, (benefit scam time)

Sad old uk, glad im out of it al,


nothing sad about the UK.....the annoying thing is the scroungers and residents of Downing Street.

apart from that i LOVE England with warts and all.

You must be very very rich to say that.

Do you live in Royal Tunbridge Well s as well.

Have a nice day

Warts and all.


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Its funny, I recently posted a rather tounge in cheek response about the Welshman being stabbed in Phuket. Although I was responding jokingly (what could be funnier about a stabbing, so long as its not anyone I know or myself?) I have had bad experiences with drunken Brits. Usually it has been people I thought were my friends untill I was sat with them while they were stupendously inebriated. They would start insulting and berating me for no reason. I had one guy (a scouser) come into my house so drunk he began to stumble and knock over lamps and tables. When I asked him to leave he answered "what are you going to do about it?" Unbelievable. There are good and bad in every culture/society, Brits just seem to consume more alcohol than they should. British culture seems very forgiving about this kind of behavior, for me though, once you have come into my house and insulted me for no reason, thats it, we are no longer friends.

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The way you try to use Thai language in some of your posts i have read, leads me to the assumption that you don't know much about it. :D

You seem to have enough trouble with English for that matter, in a previous thread you were talking about how you had 'just celebrated my 62th birthday'. :D:D:D

Edited by London Crocodile
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"The welfare state cost 79 billion pounds last year, more than is spent on the entire education system, twice as much as on law and order and almost as much as on the NHS. It totals nearly 3,000 pounds a household a year.There are 51 different benefits, with 39 per cent of households claiming one or more. Although the Chancellor often boasts about his record on unemployment, there are 5.4 million people of working age who are out of work and living on benefits. Many of those are registered disabled; Britain has more long-term sick than any European country besides Poland. The benefits system has become so generous that being "on welfare" is no longer a mark of even relative poverty. Households with incomes of up to 66,350 pounds - which puts them in the richest fifth - can be entitled to welfare".


Wait a few years and that will change, as they are all coming over to the uk

I can hear the sick notes already, (benefit scam time)

Sad old uk, glad im out of it al,


BACK ON TOPIC, please, or I'll fall asleep!

Note: And Mighty Mouse is NON-sexual, as I have it in my hand alot , it can be bought at all good Apple stores, and came free with my new Tiger Apple computer (this is NOT a commercial!) the other mouses are dead or dieing, this is called PC bashing, Storekeeper!

Edited by SamuiJens
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