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I know a Bit who I heard call his girlfriend a "fukcing peaseant" and who he said the same about a Thai man to my girlfriend. I told him I thought that was a harsh way to describe his girlfriend, and he commented "it's just an expression". So, since we have all the Brits attention here, is it just a British expression that is commonplace and acceptable, or is that untoward behaviour by one of your own?

It is used amongst mates (in certain parts) as a slightly insulting but mostly good humoured piss take if someone has carried out a task in a stupid way, or said something stupid.. i.e acting a bit thick.

Whether or not the Brit you know was being serious or not, I cannot tell... however, I would say it's definitely not nice to swear at the missus.

totster :D

And you lose ... errr... play ground privileges :o

I like British people.

And you Good Sir, just got lifetime privileges :D

(Puff puff, pass it on man!! )

You forget they have the worst food except their Fish&Chips! And that Back-stabber Sir Paul when he got greedy! Still feel sorry for John.

I love the Beatles and I love John, but McCartney was just as good of a songwriter and musician as Lennon and a lot less of a twit.

For one thing, he never tried to sell a whole LP that was a recording of a babies heartbeat with no music what-so-ever! :D

Bad LP I agree, but love makes one "crazy" at times.

Else most of Lennons LPs were of fantastic quality, you must admit, being a Beatles fan.

I'm the ULIMATE Beatles fan, but:

Two Virgins

Life with The Lions

The Wedding Album

Some Time in New York City

all sucked big time and there were a few more "serious" ones that weren't a heck of a lot better.

John Lennon was a genuis sometimes and sometimes just a <deleted> with a tampon stuck on his forehead! :D

Paul was a Gent, and Lennon did not the Beatles make... Anyone ever hear the expression made famous by Pink Floyd ( oh! and maybe a politician or two)

"Together we stand - Divided we fall (we fall... we fall.. we fall... :D )

:D Thanks Fortitude,my geographical origins are clearly Australian, for those who are confused, well let them be so, I stated facts about the British influence in the genocide of Aborigines, take it or leave it.. :D Dukkha

Dukkha... you are without doubt one of the dumbest people I've met here!!

The only way we contributed to the genocide of the Aboriginal peoples was by sending our very worst scum there. It wasn't the "British" that used to go "Abo" hunting for fun it was you lot!!! A practice that only stopped in the 1960's.

So there you have it... Aussies hunting Aboriginals on horseback for a bit of fun... I am sure you're proud of your country now!!


Chaps, let's not forget all the lovely railroads we built.


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Glad to see there are so many out there still jealous of us Brits!

Keep the insults coming folks, every insult from the 'chip-on-the-shoulder/I wish I was a Brit' brigade reinforces my long held pride in the mother country. :o

jealous of poms (brits) (soapdodgers)

now that's an oxymoron if there ever was

have you got the oxy thing right now shady?

Moron perfectly descibes whoever nominated you to become a supermoderator.

They must have taken a shine to you (obviously spotted that you are a fellow moron). :D


Here are some shots of the English lads abroad displaying their best side to the world......and this was before they started brawling and urinating in doorways. :o

Go on, admit it; you're just jealous of the guy in the underpants because he's more endowed than you, Mr 'mouse'. :D

MIghty Mouse

nobody is saying we are the best looking country in the world.... whats your point!!


Bashing Brits is exactly the same as cheating the tax man, it's all part of Aussie sport....and we're very good at it. :D

Bashing Brits is exactly the same as cheating the tax man, it's all part of Aussie sport....and we're very good at it. :D

Did you never stop to think, it may be the tax man who is avoiding you because he's been sleeping with your wife. :o


to summise then

- 90% of all respondents do like the British

- 65% felt that alcohol tended to bring out hitherto hidden tendencies ergo.. that we like to get trolleyed

- 6% felt the British were no better than the Australians

- 31.6% felt that Britain was indeed a yob culture.

- 44% of respondents felt that overall Britain and its citizens were much to be admired.

- 100% of respondents admitted that deep down they wish they were British

Nice one :o

" long live the Queen " :D

She will live on in the hearts of all Australians for as long as they continue to have her picture on their monetary coins. Yes, that's right, they still have the Queen's head on their coins.

As has always been clear to me and has probably become abundantly clear to all over the course of this thread, they do indeed still bear an allegiance to the mother country and sceretly wish that they were Brits. Quite touching really. :D

What's not so touching and indeed a little disturbing is the fact that 'Mighty' Mouse is so obsessed with the Brits that he's taken to putting up posters of Englishmen in skimpy underpants on his bedroom wall. An example of which he felt compelled to share with us in one of his earlier posts. :o


" long live the Queen " :D

She will live on in the hearts of all Australians for as long as they continue to have her picture on their monetary coins. Yes, that's right, they still have the Queen's head on their coins.

As has always been clear to me and has probably become abundantly clear to all over the course of this thread, they do indeed still bear an allegiance to the mother country and sceretly wish that they were Brits. Quite touching really. :D

What's not so touching and indeed a little disturbing is the fact that 'Mighty' Mouse is so obsessed with the Brits that he's taken to putting up posters of Englishmen in skimpy underpants on his bedroom wall. An example of which he felt compelled to share with us in one of his earlier posts. :D

And the Canadians have our dear Queen adorned over their money.!!!

I really do believe that they too wish they could be Brits :o:D


" long live the Queen " :D

She will live on in the hearts of all Australians for as long as they continue to have her picture on their monetary coins. Yes, that's right, they still have the Queen's head on their coins.

As has always been clear to me and has probably become abundantly clear to all over the course of this thread, they do indeed still bear an allegiance to the mother country and sceretly wish that they were Brits. Quite touching really. :D

What's not so touching and indeed a little disturbing is the fact that 'Mighty' Mouse is so obsessed with the Brits that he's taken to putting up posters of Englishmen in skimpy underpants on his bedroom wall. An example of which he felt compelled to share with us in one of his earlier posts. :D

And the Canadians have our dear Queen adorned over their money.!!!

I really do believe that they too wish they could be Brits :o:D

Very possibly, and the fact that they are of better stock than the Antipodeans (convicts to a man) would mean that we could indeed welcome them back to our shores.

Perhaps for those Aussies longing to reclaim their lost Brit nationality, we could put in place some sort of scheme whereby they could work for us for a certain number of years until they earned the right to call themselves Brits. Rather like their ancestors working for their freedom. :D


" long live the Queen " :D

She will live on in the hearts of all Australians for as long as they continue to have her picture on their monetary coins. Yes, that's right, they still have the Queen's head on their coins.

As has always been clear to me and has probably become abundantly clear to all over the course of this thread, they do indeed still bear an allegiance to the mother country and sceretly wish that they were Brits. Quite touching really. :D

What's not so touching and indeed a little disturbing is the fact that 'Mighty' Mouse is so obsessed with the Brits that he's taken to putting up posters of Englishmen in skimpy underpants on his bedroom wall. An example of which he felt compelled to share with us in one of his earlier posts. :D

And the Canadians have our dear Queen adorned over their money.!!!

I really do believe that they too wish they could be Brits :o:D

Very possibly, and the fact that they are of better stock than the Antipodeans (convicts to a man) would mean that we could indeed welcome them back to our shores.

Perhaps for those Aussies longing to reclaim their lost Brit nationality, we could put in place some sort of scheme whereby they could work for us for a certain number of years until they earned the right to call themselves Brits. Rather like their ancestors working for their freedom. :D

Yeh, the Aussies are ok, good sense of humour, know their place , and all that. But Canadians?? :D:D

Perhaps for those Aussies longing to reclaim their lost Brit nationality, we could put in place some sort of scheme whereby they could work for us for a certain number of years until they earned the right to call themselves Brits. Rather like their ancestors working for their freedom. :D

Are you kidding !!!!

Those convicts that were shipped to Australia never had it so good.

Whilst living in England they stole a loaf of bread right under a sleeping bobbies nose.

Had to wake him up so that he could witness a crime taking place and make the arrest.

They went before the courts and were then transported, free of charge to the Land of Opportunity, where they took advantage of what was on offer.....and there was plenty on offer. Sunshine and warmth, great beaches and coastlines, fertile open plains, clean water, no diseases, beautiful black sheilas, kookaburra meat pies and somewhere out in the forest was Mr and Mrs Donz.

How long has this joint been here ????? This is paradise.

Before long they were granted acres of land where they built their own empires in the sun, they became proud Australians, as did their children.

None wanted to go back to Mother England, in fact in later years more of your mob paid ten quid to get out here. Stuff Mother England. :o

Aussies now travel to Britain as tourist just so that they can see all the things that their forefathers left behind....and then they laugh their heads off. We take pity on you poor Poms but we thank your system of justice. For the price of a loaf of bread we Aussies now have a life to be proud of.....and you bums have the crumbs. :D:D


Here are some shots of the English lads abroad displaying their best side to the world......and this was before they started brawling and urinating in doorways. :D

Go on, admit it; you're just jealous of the guy in the underpants because he's more endowed than you, Mr 'mouse'. :D

classic mate. :D:o:D:D


us aussies had a referendum to gauge whether we should split from the mother land.

the queen romped it in and here we are today tied to mother england. :D

but who really gives a toss as id rather have a pommy mate than a yank mate.. :D

and all you yanks out there, will you please stop crying as i can here you reaching for your guns. :D

im only frigging joking. :o

well i think i am. :D

cheers yanky mates,

and i liked bill clinton the best as he cracked on to monica. :D:D


It's sad that there is a thread devoted to Brit bashing. I've been to England and find it to be one of the most fascinating places on earth. Almost everyone I know who has visited there has fallen in love with the place and it's people.

One of the things that probably makes it so nice is that a lot of the bad ones seem to leave, with a significant number here in Thailand. I've met more undesirable Brits in Thailand than anywhere else. That said the good ones still far out number the bad ones--even here!

thankyou so much.

i am english and i live in England and rather like you i have only met the worst type of brits

living in foreign countries. they certainly give Britain a bad name.!

You are right as a Pakistan from England I love the English in England just ask anyone from my country that's wjy we love to live in England.

However in Thailand only the stupid one are here


" long live the Queen " :D

"a faschist regime"

Thanks to messrs Vicious and Rotten. :o

Thanks my friend, glad you like it.... not only do we have the greatest monarchy in the world, the greatest punck rock group too!


Hey, 'Mighty' Mouse, keep looking at the pictures, sweetie... :D


Perhaps for those Aussies longing to reclaim their lost Brit nationality, we could put in place some sort of scheme whereby they could work for us for a certain number of years until they earned the right to call themselves Brits. Rather like their ancestors working for their freedom. :D

Are you kidding !!!!

Those convicts that were shipped to Australia never had it so good.

Whilst living in England they stole a loaf of bread right under a sleeping bobbies nose.

Had to wake him up so that he could witness a crime taking place and make the arrest.

They went before the courts and were then transported, free of charge to the Land of Opportunity, where they took advantage of what was on offer.....and there was plenty on offer. Sunshine and warmth, great beaches and coastlines, fertile open plains, clean water, no diseases, beautiful black sheilas, kookaburra meat pies and somewhere out in the forest was Mr and Mrs Donz.

How long has this joint been here ????? This is paradise.

Before long they were granted acres of land where they built their own empires in the sun, they became proud Australians, as did their children.

None wanted to go back to Mother England, in fact in later years more of your mob paid ten quid to get out here. Stuff Mother England. :o

Aussies now travel to Britain as tourist just so that they can see all the things that their forefathers left behind....and then they laugh their heads off. We take pity on you poor Poms but we thank your system of justice. For the price of a loaf of bread we Aussies now have a life to be proud of.....and you bums have the crumbs. :D:D

I see you missed out the part where the convicts had to work off their sentence under terrible conditions, hard labour.. under ruthless land owners... slaves really

totster :D


This isn't the last time we'll lose at cricket or football or rugby, it's not the end of the world, as Britons, we have learned to live with it because we all know that we as a country have contributed so very many things to the world through science, literature, art, culture, and yes even sport, the list is endless... and this gives us a good feeling inside, as we look at the contributions of lesser countries throughout the world especially those young countries down under, who have contributed nothing to the world of any note, but yes they are quite good at a few sporty things, probably as a result of genetic inheritancce, forever trying to runaway from whomever was chasing them.. so not being the best at sport is I think a small price to pay for being able to say "I am British"..

... cue "Rule Britannia"


This isn't the last time we'll lose at cricket or football or rugby, it's not the end of the world, as Britons, we have learned to live with it because we all know that we as a country have contributed so very many things to the world through science, literature, art, culture, and yes even sport, the list is endless... and this gives us a good feeling inside, as we look at the contributions of lesser countries throughout the world especially those young countries down under, who have contributed nothing to the world of any note, but yes they are quite good at a few sporty things, probably as a result of genetic inheritancce, forever trying to runaway from whomever was chasing them.. so not being the best at sport is I think a small price to pay for being able to say "I am British"..[/b]

... cue "Rule Britannia"


dont say it to loud, someone might hear ya


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