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Dialysis Soluiton into thailand


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Hi everyone

I am just wondering if anyone is on or has been on peritoneal dialysis and been to Thailand for a holiday

If yes did you get a courier to take your boxes of icodextrin solution over and what was the go with the boxes passing threw customs.

Do customs need any paperwork? is there any reason why customs would not allow it threw? any information would be much appreciated.

I am going for 24 days so ill need 6 boxes with 4 bags in each box.

Thanks Geoff


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I haven't known of anyone doing this. Others on peritoneal dialysis have arranged to have it done in a Thai hospital while here.


You will have huge problems trying to bring in what is clearly a pharmacological item through a courier...as in, unlikely you'll ever get it.  Couriers in Thailand tend to magnify, not facilitate, issues with customs.


The rule with Thai customs re prescription meds is (1) accompanied baggage only; (2) a 30 day supply, clearly  with patient's name, name of prescribing doctor. Also advisable since it is a parenteral product is a letter from the doctor explaining why it has been prescribed - actually you should have a medical summary with you anyhow in case you need to see a doctor while here.


Since the amount is for not more than 30 days you are within the law to bring it in with you as accompanied baggage and that is what I suggest, large though it is. If checked in customs you can expect  a fair amount of inquery as they will be put off my the appearance of what to them will look like IV bottles, as well as by the fact that you have needles etc with you. However, icodextrin is on the approved drug list for Thailand and listed as not requiring even a prescription and you are bringing an amount for not more than 1 month so you are entirely within the law. With luck your bags won't even be checked; if they are, be patient and explain and show the medical report/doctor's letter.


Your biggest problem, both with customs and possibly with police later on, would be being suspected of illicit drug use by officials who have never heard of peritoneal dialysis.


Be sure you either have health insurance that will cover you in Thailand or get a travel insurance policy that includes coverage for "exacerbations  of pre-existing conditions" while here in case any problems develop related to your renal failure (or for that matter, an accident or other illness).



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