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Deplorable? Trump more so than Clinton, AP-GfK poll finds


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Deplorable? Trump more so than Clinton, AP-GfK poll finds



WASHINGTON (AP) — It was supposed to be her "47 percent" moment.


When Hillary Clinton said that half of Donald Trump's supporters belonged in a "basket of deplorables," Republicans thought they just might have found her campaign-crushing-blunder.


The gaffe, they hoped, was a way to cement an image as an out-of-touch snob, just as Democrats did four years ago to Mitt Romney after he said "47 percent" of voters backed President Barack Obama because they were "dependent on government."


But a new Associated Press-GfK poll finds that Clinton's stumble didn't have quite the impact that Trump and his supporters wanted. Instead, it's Trump who's viewed as most disconnected and disrespectful.


Sixty percent of registered voters say he does not respect "ordinary Americans," according to the poll. That's far more than the 48 percent who say the same about Clinton.


Trump supporters had begun showing up at his rallies with shirts and signs riffing on the word "deplorable." The hashtag #BasketofDeplorables began trending on Twitter, as the Republican nominee's backers demanded an apology. At a rally last week in Florida, Trump walked out to a song from the play Les Miserables.


"Welcome to all you deplorables!" he shouted, standing in front of a backdrop that read, "Les Deplorables."


But the poll findings underscore how Trump's no-holds-barred approach may be wearing on the country. Despite efforts by his campaign to keep him on message, his image as an outspoken firebrand who brazenly skips past societal norms appears deeply ingrained among voters.


Nearly three in four do not view him as even somewhat civil or compassionate. Half say he's at least somewhat racist. Those numbers are largely unchanged from the last time the AP-GfK survey was conducted in July.


Even among those saying they'll most likely vote for Trump, 40 percent say they think the word "compassionate" doesn't describe him well.


"He was always a decent guy even with his marriages and everything," said David Singer, a retiree from Simsbury, Connecticut. "But when he got on the debate stage something happened to him. The insults just got me crazy. I couldn't believe what he was telling people."


Trump is viewed unfavorably by 61 percent of registered voters, and Clinton by 56 percent. But despite her similarly high unfavorability rating, voters do not hold the same negative views about her as they do of Trump.


Only 21 percent believe she's very or somewhat racist. Half say she's at least somewhat civil and 42 percent view her as compassionate.


Democrats see Trump's inflammatory rhetoric as a major campaign asset — for them. Clinton's campaign spent much of the summer casting Trump as a dangerous force in American society, one that consorts with racists, anti-Semites and white supremacists.


"Our most cherished values are at stake," Clinton told students at Temple University on Monday. "We have to stand up to this hate. We cannot let it go on."


It's a strategy lifted right out of the party's 2012 playbook. Four years ago, Democrats seized on a leaked video showing Romney at a private fundraiser in Florida dismissing "47 percent" of voters who pay no income tax, people who believe "the government has a responsibility to care for them" and would automatically vote for Obama.


The comment helped Democrats paint the GOP nominee as a heartless plutocrat only concerned about protecting the wealthy, a message they'd been pushing for months through a barrage of battleground state ads.


This year, Clinton's campaign and allies have spent more than $180 million on TV and radio advertising between mid-June and this week, according to Kantar Media's political ad tracker. Trump and his supporters spent about $40 million in the same time period.


Many of the Democratic ads focus on Trump, featuring footage of him insulting military leaders, women and immigrants — often with explicit language.


"You can tell them to go f--- themselves," he's shown saying in ads aired repeatedly by the campaign. The word is bleeped out, but the message is clear.


Clinton's comments about Trump's supporters at the fundraiser were a clumsy version of her campaign message, one that she'd expressed in other settings as well.


Speaking to donors in New York City, Clinton said half of Trump's supporters were in "a basket of deplorables," a crowd she described as racist, sexist, homophobic or xenophobic. Clinton later said she regretted applying that description to "half" of Trump's backers, but stuck by her assertion that "it's deplorable" that the GOP nominee has built his campaign on "prejudice and paranoia" and given a platform to "hateful views and voices."


Most American voters don't see his backers as deplorable. Seven percent say Trump's supporters are generally better people than the average American, 30 percent say they're worse, and 61 percent consider them about the same.


But Clinton's comments resonate with the voters her campaign must turn out to the polls in large numbers on Election Day. Fifty-four percent of Democratic voters think that Trump's backers are generally worse people than the average American.


About half of black and Hispanic voters, and more than 4 in 10 voters under 30 years old, agree.


"He's a bully and he's just made it acceptable," said Patricia Barraclough, 69, a Clinton supporter in Jonesborough, Tennessee. "Since he started running, civility has just gone down the tubes. The name-calling. The bullying. All of a sudden it's like it's OK to act on it."


The AP-GfK Poll of 1,694 adults, including 1,476 registered voters, was conducted online Sept. 15-19, using a sample drawn from GfK's probability-based KnowledgePanel, which is designed to be representative of the U.S. population. The margin of sampling error for all respondents is plus or minus 2.5 percentage points, and for registered voters is plus or minus 2.5 percentage points.


Respondents were first selected randomly using telephone or mail survey methods and later interviewed online. People selected for KnowledgePanel who didn't have access to the internet were provided access for free.


AP writer Jill Colvin contributed from Philadelphia.



Poll results: http://ap-gfkpoll.com

-- © Associated Press 2016-09-23
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It's too bad Americans don't have a choice between decent candidates, like Kasich (the best of a rotten batch of Republicans) and Sanders.  Yet, Americans in their respective party affiliations, chose the two we have now.   Oh, but wait a cottonpickenminute.  There are 2 other candidates:

I'm voting Green.  I vote in CA where HRC will take the most delegate-rich state in the nation.  However, if I were in a state where HRC wasn't a shoe-in to win, I'd vote for HRC.  Anything to keep The Divider out of the Oval Office.


Besides all his gaping flaws, one sticks out (it's hard to pick one flaw from Trump's flush array, because there are so many).  Here goes:  He's a back-stabbing pretend-friend.  He went to Mexico and acted decent (even a bratty 6 yr old boy can act decent for a few minutes if his grandma is nearby).     Then, 5 hours later, Trump is in AZ shouting red-faced about how draconian he will treat Mexicans.   Go figure.

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This is a quote from Julia in an email I got this morning.....


"Just in case we'd forgotten what a shady, selfish man the Republican party's nominee for President is, Politico reported this week that Trump's campaign has paid his personal businesses more than $8.2 million dollars. Just imagine the things he'd try to get away with if he had more power. Now, imagine how much easier those things would be if he had Republicans all over Congress to do his bidding for him."

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Speaking of "deplorables," this is an example of how Trump supporters think....


["If you're black and you haven't been successful in the last 50 years, it's your own fault. You've had every opportunity, it was given to you," Miller, who is white, said in video posted by the Guardian.

"You've had the same schools everybody else went to. You had benefits to go to college that white kids didn't have. You had all the advantages and didn't take advantage of it. It's not our fault, certainly," she said.]




I'm guessing most Trump supporters agree with this woman.

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I simply don't understand these results. After more than a year of running one of the most racially, ethnically divisive, and dishonest campaigns in decades, how could Trump be the most deplorable candidate running? Gee, maybe the American voter at large really is paying attention.


Edited by lifeincnx
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24 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

This is a quote from Julia in an email I got this morning.....


"Just in case we'd forgotten what a shady, selfish man the Republican party's nominee for President is, Politico reported this week that Trump's campaign has paid his personal businesses more than $8.2 million dollars. Just imagine the things he'd try to get away with if he had more power. Now, imagine how much easier those things would be if he had Republicans all over Congress to do his bidding for him."


I'm going to do the odd thing of responding to my own post;


              Since Trump is so jazzed about fattening his wallet every way he can, imagine what he could do if elected president.  Similar to his campaign, he could arrange to have official functions at his personal venues:   He has a new hotel in Wash. D.C., and other large hotels in several other major US cities.   He could arrange to have foreign dignitaries stay at his Mar-El-Lago complex in Florida or in one of his NY penthouses, all the while charging mega-inflated prices (he tripled the rent he pays to himself from campaign funds for NY offices he owns - which have less personnel than before).


         Trump charged Florida Police a six-figure sum to use his Florida mansion for one evening ....for a Trump fundraising event!  He also has golf courses, all of which have banquet facilities.   Yet more revenue for the shyster, not counting his sons' and daughters'  facilities - yet more ways to suck money from official coffers (all of which stems from taxpayers).   

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Trump is anti establishment and anti-globalist and anti one world government.

He is the first person in more than a generation running for president who cares about US citizens.

The fake polls and name calling by the establishment cannot change the facts.

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      My guess is; if he's elected, he will immediately buy the largest hotel/resort complex he can get in Washington D.C. - in his wife's or in Ivanka's name.  That will then be the designated place for as many government-related functions as possible.  Great money maker.  So what if taxpayer money pours into Trump's bank accounts through devious means.  


       Trump has no sense of money, because it's always been given to him, mostly by his daddy, by banks, and by investors - most of which never gets paid back as promised.  


        He also saves a lot of money by not paying contractors their final payment due (after a job is done).  What recourse do jilted contractors have?   They can get tied up in courts forever, while paying lawyers on retainer, but Trump knows they're not going to do that.  Even if they do, they may wind up getting ten cents on the dollar which, after lawyers' expenses is negative cash flow.

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Just now, boomerangutang said:

      My guess is; if he's elected, he will immediately buy the largest hotel/resort complex he can get in Washington D.C. - in his wife's or in Ivanka's name. 


You don't think that he will start selling influence, like HILLARY has been doing?

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11 minutes ago, bangkapi said:

Trump is anti establishment and anti-globalist and anti one world government.

He is the first person in more than a generation running for president who cares about US citizens.

The fake polls and name calling by the establishment cannot change the facts.


The really, really sad thing is that Trump supporters actually believe this.  But in reality, Trump only cares about himself and his pocket book. 

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13 minutes ago, bangkapi said:

Trump is anti establishment and anti-globalist and anti one world government.

He is the first person in more than a generation running for president who cares about US citizens.

The fake polls and name calling by the establishment cannot change the facts.


"He is the first person in more than a generation running for president who cares about US citizens."

Is that a joke?  If so, it's not very funny.


I watched a video of Obama thanking his campaign staff after his re-election.  He stood on floor-level with staffers.  He spoke to them in a soft but firm tone, without any fancy words or inflection.  He spoke sincerely, as if he were thanking a grown child for saving a dog from being run over by a truck.  In sum:  he showed what a genuine, decent person he is.


Trump is the opposite.

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It's a lot easier to get rich from a bogus charity like the Clinton Foundation than to make money from a legitimate business. I guess that Trump is not as smart as the Clintons. Maybe I should say that Trump has a conscience. 

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2 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

Yah like Hillary and all the other politicians don't. Name one?


Politicians, especially Republicans, have a history of doing next to nothing.  But by definition, they are involved in public service.  What has Trump done?  Rip off small American businesses, be constantly involved in fraudulent activities, cheat on his taxes, use his tax exempt foundation for personal gain,  bribe public officials, engage in frivolous lawsuits, and just constantly lie his ass off.  And this is just for starters.     

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33 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

Yah like Hillary and all the other politicians don't. Name one?


I'll name three:   Stein, Sanders and Warren.


11 minutes ago, DiamondKing said:

Nobody cares about these left wing propaganda pieces 

PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP got a great ring to it 


uh huh, like a ring around the inside of a bathtub after the Dallas Cowboys take turns bathing - after a loss to the SF 49'ers.


8 minutes ago, DiamondKing said:

his pocket book is FULL ALREADY with BILLIONS 


So, are you saying Trump can't continue to be money-grubbing if he's already rich?  Actually, that argument worked with Thaksin's campaign in Thailand.  If it worked with rice farmers it should work with American rednecks.   BTW, in reality, Trump is worth well less than 1 billion.   That's one of several reasons he will forever avoid showing his tax returns.   

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:

This election is the pits. However, IMO, Trump is the better of two lousy choices.



Well, I suppose the best that comes from your opinion is that you will not be voting for the Bloviator.

In other words, as you have stated specifically, many times, you are not a Trump supporter.

So, you have another choice?



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Trump has no conscience and no ethics. This is the same man who used the eminent domain law in New Jersey to force an elderly woman to sell her family home so Trump could build a parking lot for his casino. In addition, Trump has filed bankruptcy and closed casinos in New Jersey forcing many low paid employees out on the street. He refused to use any of his billions to salvage any jobs for these people or pay decent severance.

Donald Trump tried to compare himself as a person who sacrificed in life when confronted by his criticism of the Khan family regarding the death of their Army son Capt Khan in combat. The mere fact that Donald Trump would even dare to think he has sacrificed anything for America shows his warped mentality and his narcissistic megalomania.

A vote for Trump is a wasted vote because if elected he will  cause further divisions when we need inclusion; destroy what is left of America's credibility and push the country into a war with Iran and North Korea.

A Vote for Clinton while not moving the country forward will at least maintain the status quo until a dynamic leader comes forward like a Bernie Sanders who will actually make America great again.



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1 hour ago, Gary A said:

It's a lot easier to get rich from a bogus charity like the Clinton Foundation than to make money from a legitimate business. I guess that Trump is not as smart as the Clintons. Maybe I should say that Trump has a conscience. 


Stop repeating the wingnut lies about the Clinton Foundation


Clinton Foundation has given millions to charity. It is responsible for distribution of Aids drugs throughout the world. It has an "A" rating from Charity Watch, an independent charity rating service. https://www.charitywatch.org/ratings-and-metrics/bill-hillary-chelsea-clinton-foundation/478


The wingnuts love to repeat the lie that the Clinton Foundation is a bogus charity. It's a lie. 


The Clinton Foundation works to improve global health & wellness, increase opportunity for women & girls, reduce childhood obesity, create economic opportunity & growth, and help communities address the effects of climate change.


Trump's Charity on the other hand is nothing but a slush fund for Trump's personal use. That's true. 


Department of Justice is looking into a $25,000 political donation made through the foundation in support of Florida’s attorney general, Pam Bondi, around the time her office was reviewing allegations against Mr. Trump’s for-profit education programs. Ms. Bondi ultimately decided not to take action against Mr. Trump.


In one instance reported by The NY Post, the foundation made a $158,000 donation to settle a lawsuit by a golfer who was denied a promised $1 million payout for getting a hole in one at a charity golf tournament at a Trump course in Westchester County, N.Y.


$20,000 was paid to an artist to paint a portrait of Mr. Trump, and $12,000 for an autographed helmet from the football player Tim Tebow.


No one is sure what the Trump Foundation actually does, but if Hillary ran her charity like Trump runs his, she'd be heading for prison instead of the White House. 


Revelations that Donald Trump’s so-called charity helped him settle legal disputes are extraordinary, and would sink Clinton.  From the Guardian


Donald Trump Used Over $250,000 From Charity for Business Disputes - NY Times




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4 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

It's too bad Americans don't have a choice between decent candidates, like Kasich (the best of a rotten batch of Republicans) and Sanders.  Yet, Americans in their respective party affiliations, chose the two we have now.   Oh, but wait a cottonpickenminute.  There are 2 other candidates:

I'm voting Green.  I vote in CA where HRC will take the most delegate-rich state in the nation.  However, if I were in a state where HRC wasn't a shoe-in to win, I'd vote for HRC.  Anything to keep The Divider out of the Oval Office.


Besides all his gaping flaws, one sticks out (it's hard to pick one flaw from Trump's flush array, because there are so many).  Here goes:  He's a back-stabbing pretend-friend.  He went to Mexico and acted decent (even a bratty 6 yr old boy can act decent for a few minutes if his grandma is nearby).     Then, 5 hours later, Trump is in AZ shouting red-faced about how draconian he will treat Mexicans.   Go figure.

I wish more people would realize this simple fact. There are more than 2 choices. 

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Yes, there are more than 2 choices but the real issue then becomes that a Donald Trump could be elected because many people actually vote for one of the 3rd or 4th choices taking enough votes to push Trump to a victory.  It has happened in previous elections.  In this election there are really only 2 choices because a Trump Presidency would cause  a Worldwide depression; major instability in the currency markets driving the US Dollar down and possible street riots . Clinton is the only viable choice.

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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

"It is too bad Americans don't have a choice between decent candidates...".


Roger that.

This election is the pits. However, IMO, Trump is the better of two lousy choices. Hillary has violated national security and lied to the American people too many times.


How many times have Trump lied and keep on doing so to the American people? 

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Sadly Trump seems to be attracting the "People from Walmart" types as a voting block. Once a voter affixes his brain to a candidate they accept everything that said candidate states as gospel. The "Walmart"  people better not forget who they get their food stamps and handouts from and its surely not the Republicans. The Republicans motto seems to be "Get of your keister and get a job" which I am a bit in favor of. We seem to be at a bit of an impasse here as the dole seems to be a better route than working for peanuts which the Republicans seem to think the less educated are worth. 

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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


You don't think that he will start selling influence, like HILLARY has been doing?

I don't agree that HRC was selling influence, but even if she did, she did so for charitable purposes and not for her own pocket, as Trump has been doing for quite some time now!

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4 hours ago, Berkshire said:


 But in reality, Trump only cares about himself and his pocket book. 


The same can be said about the Clintons and their Clinton Foundation scam. How much money has this little family made over the years, an enormous sum is the answer.


Does she care about the ordinary person in the street, of course not. 



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