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What To Do About David's Boy With No Meds


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I mentioned yesterday that I would be willing to help pay for AIDS medication for the boy that was living with David, but someone who knows him needs to find him a new home, or take him in.

That medication is useless without a stable environment, and someone to make sure the drugs are taken properly.

Larry Lek and another member said that they might be able to help out with the cost of the medicine as well, but we will need more people to make it easy on everyone.

We have to get in contact with the boy as well.

Any volunteers, ideas?

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I thought about the boy to Georgie but as the Doc says it's probably pointless. I also thought about the suggestion that we support him, but it's, sorry to say this, only one child when there are so many.

I dont know what the answer is but maybe Mouse is heading in the right direction with his venture. :o

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I mentioned yesterday that I would be willing to help pay for AIDS medication for the boy that was living with David, but someone who knows him needs to find him a new home, or take him in.

That medication is useless without a stable environment, and someone to make sure the drugs are taken properly.

Larry Lek and another member said that they might be able to help out with the cost of the medicine as well, but we will need more people to make it easy on everyone.

We have to get in contact with the boy as well.

Any volunteers, ideas?

I did receive a PM yesterday from someone in Mae Sot saying that he has personally seen the Thais drive the Burmerse(?) across the border. But he also added that it is common for them to come back, too, albeit often being robbed by the Burmese or Thai authorities at the border... My sense is that these kids have enough street smarts to find their way, but no one can be sure until they hear from them.

I was also sent a PM from Tomyken, offerring me the phone number of the kids...No way do I want my phone number showing up on his phone, it's just too risky for me to contact him or be a part of bringing him back here or finding a place for him to stay...

I can help financially with meds, as I earlier said.

But, as Georgie said, he needs to be in a more stable environment first, and this I can't help with.

What about David? He has money here, right? He should be doing all he can, even if locked-up, to help with this situation. After all, he caused the whole problem...

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I mentioned yesterday that I would be willing to help pay for AIDS medication for the boy that was living with David, but someone who knows him needs to find him a new home, or take him in.

That medication is useless without a stable environment, and someone to make sure the drugs are taken properly.

Larry Lek and another member said that they might be able to help out with the cost of the medicine as well, but we will need more people to make it easy on everyone.

We have to get in contact with the boy as well.

Any volunteers, ideas?

I will help out, but I want to know that the boy is getting the money - who will make sure the child is housed, clothed and looked after? If someone can guarantee that, I will pay for 1 years rent and some of the medical costs> Please let me know.

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I have set aside 20,000 baht towards the cost of medicine for David's victim, the young man who has been living with David since he was 12...

Since I do not want to find myself in the position of illegaly aiding any illegal aliens, my money will not be used for anything except emergency humanitarian needs, in the form of anti-HIV medicine. I want no contact with the young man myself, so somebody else, a third party, will need to coordinate with me over dispersion of my funds for the purchase of the meds..

Whoever is going to take reins here can PM me, and I will give them my phone number for further contact.

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Don't get me wrong. I really feel for the young man too, but there are thousands of kids in Thailand who are HIV positive and could need some help. I once did some odd jobs for a charity organization in Phuket (the Home Life Project) that takes care of children with AIDS, in their own centers.

I wonder if there are some reputable organizations in Thailand were you can "adopt" a kid "financially", by paying him/her a few hundred baht a month? I currently have a girl in Peru that I support. Maybe someone could look into this, given the jai dee of at least some of the posters in this forum. If only a few percent of Thaivisa members participated, it would make at lot of difference. And you would feel better too! Anyway, just a thought.

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Gentlemen, I would love to help in this matter, however, the risk would be too great. I will think on this tonight and maybe there is a way, without us becoming physically involved and in violation of Thai law. Totally removed from any illegal activity would be the requirement.

It is true that there are orphans with AIDS in Bangkok that could also use our help, and no matter how much it pains us to think of this sick young man, me must not contemplate getting involved in volatile situations such as this and risking our families well being.

I have vowed that Michelonia cannot and will not get invloved in politically sensitive or illegal matters. For then we would be shut down before even becoming operational and that would do no one any good.


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