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Khon Kaen Immigration - Bravo

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I have been attended to by all of the staff at KK imigration and cannot find a bad worf to say against any of them, all very helpful. Like anyone else, they have the off days, but on the occasions I have had to sit and wait, I notice they justified in having a go at those who waste their time. That is, with incorrect paperwork, more so when it is someone they know should know better.  

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In 7 years, my dealings with KK Immigration have been 95% trouble-free. However, that just makes the odd inconsistency that much more aggravating.


My last three 90-Day Reports have required no paperwork at all, just hand over the passport & receipt from last visit and everything was completed from there. I always had a completed TM47 just in case, though, but have been able to throw it in the bin on the way out.


The last visit was 2 weeks ago. The 'cute girl' - who I've dealt with on 2 of the 3 previous visits when she didn't want any copies at all - wanted the TM47 and copies of 4 passport pages. No problem - outside, the girls do the copies & back to the IO. Not anything to get upset about, really, but the lack of consistency for something that should be so simple is a little annoying.


Having said that, the receipt form was hand-written this time rather than printed, so perhaps I was having a sensitive day and they had computer/printer problems.


NO personal information form requested yet, BTW.



Edited by MartinL
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NO personal information form requested yet, BTW.

My last visit was about 2 weeks ago for my year extension and the personal information form was stapled to the extension of stay form. Probably don't have to do it when 90 day reporting?

I seem to get the cute girl most times since she has been there. She seems to be more efficient and gets through the extensions quickly. And always with a big smile. Sometimes I actuslly enjoy going to KK immigration office :)

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16 minutes ago, loong said:

... the personal information form ... Probably don't have to do it when 90 day reporting?



That's what I thought but I know people who've completed it on a 90-Day at KK. Others have reported having to do it on a 90-Day on KK forum. 

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Thank you ubonjoe.  Is this form the infamous "new form" which has been the topic of recent discussions?  I didn't know that it even had an Official Name.  When I did a recent single reentry permit request I was asked to fill a form similar/same to that one. I really didn't pay much attention to it, just handed it to a nice lady at the check in desk who filled it out using only my name and address and whatever other info was on my TM8 form while I got the required photo plus 100 Baht tip.


I know of another guy (80+ yo) who was scared shitless when given this form and returned to his condo in a panic seeking help from someone else who also knew nothing about the form.

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22 minutes ago, kokopelli said:

I know of another guy (80+ yo) who was scared shitless when given this form and returned to his condo in a panic seeking help from someone else who also knew nothing about the form.

I fel that I have to write about my own feelings what regvards this foreigner report form that so many falangs have been writing about, and being scare to death.... I filled it in as it should be, I never found it to be the least strange, more than of course all this repetion of addresses and names and passportnumbers of course.


But all the rest was optional, no one forced me to fill in stuff that i didnt want to fill in. I mean who is scared to fill in phone number and emailadress?? Who is scared to fill in Facebook or if you dont want that for Gods sake fill in just SKYPE and everybody happy...


I for one found this form to be just that,,,, a form to fill in, and nothing else..... Dont be scared and let all these guys with their theories about privacy gets to you. Relax nobody want you any harm... it is just a damn form..



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26 minutes ago, kokopelli said:

Thank you ubonjoe.  Is this form the infamous "new form" which has been the topic of recent discussions?  I didn't know that it even had an Official Name.  When I did a recent single reentry permit request I was asked to fill a form similar/same to that one. I really didn't pay much attention to it, just handed it to a nice lady at the check in desk who filled it out using only my name and address and whatever other info was on my TM8 form while I got the required photo plus 100 Baht tip.


I know of another guy (80+ yo) who was scared shitless when given this form and returned to his condo in a panic seeking help from someone else who also knew nothing about the form.

Yes it is the form. Not so new now since it started months ago.

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1 hour ago, 1337markus said:

Glengolo. Would you like to swap your Immigration staff at KK with ours at Chiang Mai?

If you manage to spell my nickname correct, I may consider it. I think the staff is not the problem up there, but maybe some falangs up there..??



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