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Five foreigners arrested after shooting of tourist cop in Sukhumvit as cut up body is found in their freezer

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3 minutes ago, gdgbb said:

Tourist Police are a division of RTP, why shouldn't they be involved?

As far as the internet searches provided, the RTP Tourist Police according to Wikipedia (not the best source but beggars can't be choosers)





Tourist police are uniformed personnel who lack police powers and are largely responsible for writing out reports for insurance companies for victims of theft. In more serious cases, they will translate reports to be passed on to the regular police in Bangkok. Recently recruiting foreign nationals living in Thailand.

According to Reuters correspondent, Andrew Marshall, "The country has a special force of Tourist Police, set up specifically so that foreigners have as little contact as possible with the ordinary police—the effect on the crucial tourism industry would be chilling



with that limited insight, I'm inclined to believe the tip-off was likely to be by a foreigner and the Tourist Police simply took the lead since it dropped on their laps?

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There'll be one more question added to the TM 47 questionnaire.


How many body pieces are in your fridge and where do they belong to?   


  Can't be too serious about this topic, even when it's frightening that such people can reproduce. :stoner:



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Death Penalty for all of them send a message do not come to Thailand to carry out your illicit businesses. I dont understand people coming to Thailand and imposing their culture on the Thai people if you want it like home stay at home do not come here leave Thailand as you find it. I spend a lot of time in Rural part of Thailand I love the food and the people are lovely what you get in the cities is what you foreigners have created.

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Charges so far (according to sanook.com):

1. Attempted murder of official while carrying out duty.
2. Assault and resisting official while carrying out duty.

3. Possession of gun and ammunition without permission.
4. Possession of counterfeit government documents.
5. Concealment of a corpse.

Edited by Gecko123
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4 hours ago, jippytum said:

well the passport had 46 stamps and was used to enter Thailand  so your eyes must be better than Immigration control at many locations

We can assume the passport has been amended with fake details at some point, the article states they entered Thailand in 2000, and both the British and US passports pictured were issued after that point. 

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7 hours ago, Sooo Upto Me said:
21 hours ago, bangkapi said:

I want to see how this plays out.  I can't tell from the pixelated images, but as a budding TV armchair detective, I think there are Nigerians involved.


And wot makes u think this Sherlock?


Humor can sometimes be too subtle for the masses

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18 hours ago, SoFarAndNear said:


What is wrong with them? Too much Channel 3 gossip propaganda? Just because there are a few bad guys out of a hundred thousands does not mean that foreigners in general are bad. Like you hear every day a story like this. Things like this happens almost daily in Thailand but every few months or years foreigners are involved and then its big headline for a few weeks. Of course this would not happen if you just kickout every foreigner of the country but this is called globalization. And same as every Thai can settle down in foreign countries if they follow the rules you should be able to settle in Thailand if you follow the rules.  

To be totally frank bruce, who really cares? So the local Thai's in your mooban are looking at you askance, so? Growl at them and say something like "they haven't caught me yet!" and scurry out of the shop! It'll frighten the b'jesus out of them and give them something to brighten up their otherwise totally boring lives for......say.......2 months? :thumbsup::wai:

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Actually in this case I do know a lot more about these guys. As I said they are regulars in several of the bars along Soi 22 which another poster has confirmed to be correct. I won't name the bars as that's not fair on the owners to have their businesses connected with these alleged criminals. 


Peter, the guy in the passport photos has tried to kill himself in custody (during an interrogation apparently) and the body in the freezer is that of a friend according to another site (not allowed to post links here). The younger guy in the checked shirt is Aaron.


They are involved in other serious criminal activities apparently. All their previous training would have come in useful for that.


Not saying any more at the moment. :rolleyes:

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21 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Well, this wins my vote for weirdest, most likely to be made into a mini series/movie story of the month. 


Body in freezer, dismembered body at that. 


Holders of said body renting premises next to a clinic (all sorts of odd and bizarre story lines possible here re body disposal)


Copper being shot at scene


Pesky foreigners. 


Fake passports. 


Get Tarantino to work on a script and we have an oscar nominee at least.  




We could call it " The Body in the freezer" or subtitled " A BBQ in Paradise ."

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22 hours ago, Pib said:

An article in the Bangkok Post newspaper said when one of the suspects mentioned fake passports were in a safe in the room and the police asked him to open it, upon opening the safe the suspect reached in grabbing a pistol and then fired three shots at a policeman wounding him.  Me thinks that suspect will be spending a lot of time in prison if true.


But that firing three shots without the suspect getting cut down in a hail of returning gunfire don't sound right.

I think you are watching to many cop shows on television.

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22 hours ago, lostinisaan said:


 I can see that with my bad eyes, even without eye glasses. 


 P.S. It's in the TV now and doesn't look good. All Thais around me make very bad comments about foreigners in general. I never did something wrong, pay my taxes, but.....holy .....


 I don't know what you guys are looking at. The American passport looks just like mine. I don't see any poor quality printing, but it's hard to tell form a low quality photograph where the pages aren't flat. I'm wondering, how hard is it for an American to become a naturalized British Citizen? No, that doesn't fit, because the names are different, but it's surely the same man in the picture.

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1 hour ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


Unsubstantiated rumours on the grapevine are the tip off came from another farang that one of the perps had a fight with in Soi Cowboy quite recently.


I despair at the lack of professionalism within the criminal fraternity. They're up to no good in Bangkok ... every Tom, Dick and Father Fintan Stack knows what they're up to, and they go hiring maids, leaving dead bodies in fridges and drink and fight in high profile nightspots.


Father, please don't tell me they're in the spying game ... they're tradecraft is pitiful?



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Police also found hundreds of forged passports at the Phrakanong compound. Sathien described the three arrested men as English-speaking foreigners but said police did not know their nationalities as they had been traveling on forged U.S. and British passports.
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12 hours ago, Scouse123 said:

Hardly underway with any kind of investigation and the TV Sherlock Holmes of this world are already telling us their amazing theories of what went on instead of just waiting a day or so as evidence comes to light. Never let the truth get in the way of a good story, ,eh?


The most neurotic posts on here are by those who seem to imply that they have some kind of magical or psychic abilities as to what the Thais are now thinking about foreigners because of this incident and a few Hells angel bikers in Pattaya, giving some Thai a kicking.


Well firstly, evidence has come to light that the bikers had retaliated after a young group of Thai males had attacked the pick up following a minor collision not knowing that it contained four burly Hells angels; the Thais were using  machetes and sticks. True to form there was a young mob of them not caught on the CCTV as it happened prior to what was shown, no doubt " cameras weren't working " in the aforementioned attack  will be their answer. They get their ass kicked, then like the cowards they are, go running to the police. The Hells angels will be offering compensation merely to avoid a court case, bail, lawyers rip off charges and bail monies meaning an extended stay in Thailand.


Next, too early to comment on the latest " body in the fridge, police shooting, and copied passports "  I will await further information coming to light.


Moving on to the " We are all bad foreigners " and what will the Thais think of us,written by some obsequious Thai ass crawling posters. They won't think much is the answer, because few of them actually take time out to use their grey matter!!! Even the xenophobic Thais cannot class all the millions of foreigners that pass through these lands yearly as all the same or they are even more stupid than we give them credit for.


What about atrocities committed by Thais?


1. Recent murder of an elderly Japanese by a woman and her " brother " aka husband. It then comes to light there have been others, murdered, dismembered and thrown in the Chao Phra river, all for insurance money.

2. The murders in Chiang Mai of Kirsty Jones, attempts by police to masturbate and plant DNA on a foreigners and forensics proving the perpretator was an Asian.

3.The disgusting attacks in Hua Hin at Songkran on a grandmother and her husband and son.

4. The Koh Tao fit up of the Burmese boys.

5.The daily attacks by motorbike taxi gangs in Pattaya on foreigners who have had too much to drink.

6.Recent murders of two Lao women in Kalasin by three Thai males, bodies raped, murdered and dumped in a rubber plantation.


These are not even the tip of the iceberg as to violence committed by Thais against foreigners and their own people on a REGULAR basis and some of the reasons given are just impossible to comprehend.


We hear daily of sex attacks and murders carried out by Thai Paedophiles and Yaa. Baa addicts, so please the do gooders on here; do not attempt to suggest foreigners are the root of the problem in Thailand's messed up society nor will many be shocked by recent events. They may pretend to be shocked and horrified because it involves foreigners, but is nothing more than a whitewash to cover up the misdeeds of Thais in general,


In one part of your post you criticize the Thai police for colluding in a stitch up of the Hells Angels and helping to extort money from them unfairly, in another part you criticise posters on here for jumping to conclusions about the body in the fridge case and caution them to wait a few days before the proper facts emerge from the police investigation, as though the police can now be trusted.
Make up your mind.

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