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"We love you Papa!" - farang repairing potholed road wows Thais!


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Good on you ..got a few on my road ..for over a year ....tempted to get some sand and cement and fill them in ..

They tell me there always a village elder (or whatever they are called) but guess need to do a 'donation' to make thinks happen. 

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4 hours ago, Fookhaht said:

He's definitely taking away work from Thais who don't/won't do it.  Such a dilemma.  

Forget the workers the repair money was long gone before it filtered down to them. You know the drill folks! subs, tanks, anything military first. Medical road and school repairs etc. last. Its the trickle up effect not down. 

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27 minutes ago, Jools said:

Working without a permit.....at least a fifty thousand baht fine. :D


 And being the village fool/idiot + 100,000 baht per year for Lao Khao.....


   I hope he didn't close our favorite fishing spot.....

Farang fishing at the wrong place.jpg

Edited by lostinisaan
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3 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

Great! Another old guy doing something for the benefit of his community  and apparently doing it well and receiving 100% support from 2,169,000 people and those in his village.

 If the local council  or puyai gave a toss, they would have shown up and had a chat with him and discussed his road mending abilities.  Might even have learned how to repair a local blacktop road. And warned him not to do it again as they lost face big time.

I seriously doubt if he will be deported or seriously reprimanded.

No but he just elimated the kick back set up for roads maintenace

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nice effort and hat's off to him. unfortunately he is wasting his time, repairing a tarmac road with what looks like concrete isn't going to last long.


he'd probably do better giving the local highway people a backhander to fix them properly, well probably not properly, but at least use appropriate materials.

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2 minutes ago, samsensam said:


nice effort and hat's off to him. unfortunately he is wasting his time, repairing a tarmac road with what looks like concrete isn't going to last long.


he'd probably do better giving the local highway people a backhander to fix them properly, well probably not properly, but at least use appropriate materials.

ill pass  your info re concrete ( thermal expansion rate differences) onto the orbortor...................who uses concrete now instead of tarmac mainly because it DOES last longer due to "application method" ie throw  tarmac in hole  loosely then let vehicles compact ( sic) it. time to revisit my  old thread me thinks

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      He's old enough to understand the laws. People made jokes about working without a work permit, but that might soon happen.


          When the deadly Tsunami hit Thailand end Germany immediately sent forensic specialists, they're sent back home after only a few days, or maybe hours.


     Thais don't want foreigners to fix their roads for several reasons.


  1. It makes them look lazy and they lose face.


 2. It makes the guy whose job it is look like a lazy pricka, nobody wants that.


 3. The department of rural roads, the part belongs to will also have a word, as not everybody can just start to do some construction work, even when it makes sense.


4. The locals will come up with stories that they don't have a job, because somebody will give the fool something.


  5. This is Thailand and road constructions are usually made by Thais, guys from Laos, or Cambodia.


 6. The teacher who put the photos on her farcebook page might be his Mia Noi now by many people.


  Finally, the guy made a fool out of him. You can do that in rural Bavaria, where they still mumble a not understandable slang, but not in Lieland. 




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The point is well made that appropriate authorities might be embarrassed by Mr. Peter's

actions. To that we say "Good!" Perhaps they might then be driven to do the right thing.

While they are at it, those 'appropriate authorities' in Chiang Mai might take a look at all

the graffiti that defaces the city. They can easily remove graffiti on public spaces and can

require owners of private property so vandalised to do the same. Apprehending the graffiti

'artists' would also serve as a good deterrent. Gaol, fine and/or either/both. Too easy!


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54 minutes ago, Lupatria said:

In a worst case scenario one pothole re-emerges after an overloaded truck ran over it. Next a motorcycle driver crashes in and will sue the shitake out of "Papa" for causing the damage.


Exactly the same thing I was thinking. Also the people saying he will get in trouble for a work permit etc. should consider he would face far worse doing this in a western country. No first world country in the world that I know of would let somebody do something like this without a permit and approval. I once plowed a forest road in the USA with out permission and got into a bit of trouble over that. 


If he didn't put metal and build this right it might be more of a danger than it was. More power to him but he would get into trouble in many countries if he attempted such a thing.

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2 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

What's up with calling such guys "Papa"?


He is not your damn papa.

Some Thais apparently call us older Farangs "Papa" as some sort of mark of respect.when they get to know us a bit.  I get called it at my local Immigration office to my amusement and my (younger Thai) wife says they are being polite and she sees no offence in it.  She would tell me if they were "extracting the Michael."

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4 hours ago, Johnniey said:

Of course they are, they are all by  Kusuma Namwon's friends.


Put it on the Labour Dept.'s facebook page or the Road Department's site and you'll see some very different responses.


Roads here are not made to last, it how the local government make a livable wage, getting contracts/money to repair the same roads every year.


Or perhaps to reverse the chicken and the egg, they buy the cheapest materials available so that they can trouser the difference, meaning the roads need repairing much sooner.



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1 minute ago, JHolmesJr said:

Just shows how bored farangs in thailand actually are.


What a lovely thing to do; sneer at someone who actually does something for his local community *and* gives farang a good name.

And what exactly have you contributed other than regular bar tabs?

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