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Analysis: In debate, Clinton was prepared, Trump was Trump


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1 minute ago, uptheos said:



Well, they have started building one at Calais, France where the migrant jungle was, so I guess that answers your question for a start. A wall doesn't necessarily have to be bricks and mortar, it can be a philosophy an ideology.....as long as Muslims are kept out any wall any place is OK with me.



I'm not fully informed about the situation in England but I admit to being surprised at some news and videos i've seen  in which  there seems to be near control by some immigrants.   


The entitlement situation  appears to be that toothpaste which has left the tube.


I guess  I'd feel better if the approach was not such a blanket one but  instead was more finely tuned.

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22 hours ago, rijb said:

I'd like to see both of them in a debate with the top 5 foreign leaders.  

I think my mind is getting fuzzy could you please name me 5 top foreign leaders, Cameron, Blair, Harper nope sorry they have moved on to greener pastures, Angela, Putin, Lula, Rouseff, Mandela great but dead, Mugabe, Trump sorry to early oh yest Mr. Prayuth is one. Najib in Mayalasia, Duerete from the Philippines. 

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The situation in the UK is different than in the US.  In America there are at least 11 Million unocumented people mostly of Hispanic origin who have come looking for economic opportunity. Most have not run away from a war or unrest.  However, there are pockets of Muslims- from Somalia and Iraq/Afghaistan/Syria that have been allowed into the US with careful vetting and since America is so vast- they are hardly noticed. Donald Trump's answer to the illegal problem is to build a wall on the Southern Border which will cost billions and to deport the majority of the illegals which will cost more billions and create massive chaos in America. It will never work.  America needs reasonable Immigration reform ; a guestworker program; and a path to becoming legal for those already here.  In addition- more border control is needed but a wall won't do it.

As far as the UK goes- while I am not British and do not have all the facts- there is a reason Nigel Farage has become popular and it is because many British feel they have been inundated by unfettered Immigration espoused by the EU.  Brexit happened because of it.  I cannot understand how the UK authorities can allow the establishment of so called no go zones in certain immigrant communities; the establishment of any type of Sharia law; and allowing 'religious police' to hassle British citizens. Therein lies the resentment. Britain is also smaller than the US and large scale immigration has a major impact on British traditions and culture.

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I'm not a Trump supporter but even I can see the biased 'chairing' and as for CNN... they were balanced pretty much at the start but are now totally biased and Anderson Cooper will be a terrible pick for the next debate for Trump and Clinton must be wetting herself in joy at all this 'support'

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2 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

I'm not a Trump supporter but even I can see the biased 'chairing' and as for CNN... they were balanced pretty much at the start but are now totally biased and Anderson Cooper will be a terrible pick for the next debate for Trump and Clinton must be wetting herself in joy at all this 'support'

Some days are more joyous from me than others. Guess its an age thingee. Note to self watch for a an adult diaper sale. 

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1 hour ago, uptheos said:


As the little loud mouthed Gremlin would say...."what does it really matter how it happened, it happened"........she should always quote Benghazi and how she helped murder Stevens.

She'll always have to listen to these pitiful lies from the right.


I suspect it goes in one ear and out of the other.

When you spend decades throwing rubbish at people, after a while everyone starts to realise it's just that, rubbish.

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I'm not a Trump supporter but even I can see the biased 'chairing' and as for CNN... they were balanced pretty much at the start but are now totally biased and Anderson Cooper will be a terrible pick for the next debate for Trump and Clinton must be wetting herself in joy at all this 'support'

Their arrogance and hubris means they are unaware they are damaging the prospects of their own anointed one. People recoil in horror and revulsion at the establishment and their wooden effigy far more than they do at Trump, a flawed human being, with the selling point of at least appearing human.

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28 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

Their arrogance and hubris means they are unaware they are damaging the prospects of their own anointed one. People recoil in horror and revulsion at the establishment and their wooden effigy far more than they do at Trump, a flawed human being, with the selling point of at least appearing human.

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1 hour ago, LannaGuy said:

I'm not a Trump supporter but even I can see the biased 'chairing' and as for CNN... they were balanced pretty much at the start but are now totally biased and Anderson Cooper will be a terrible pick for the next debate for Trump and Clinton must be wetting herself in joy at all this 'support'


I don't know if Clinton will be wetting herself,  but Andy Pandy will certainly be wetting his knickers.

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2 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

I think my mind is getting fuzzy could you please name me 5 top foreign leaders, Cameron, Blair, Harper nope sorry they have moved on to greener pastures, Angela, Putin, Lula, Rouseff, Mandela great but dead, Mugabe, Trump sorry to early oh yest Mr. Prayuth is one. Najib in Mayalasia, Duerete from the Philippines. 


Maybe that could be the first topic for debate.  :smile:

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2 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

I'm not a Trump supporter but even I can see the biased 'chairing' and as for CNN... they were balanced pretty much at the start but are now totally biased and Anderson Cooper will be a terrible pick for the next debate for Trump and Clinton must be wetting herself in joy at all this 'support'


I honestly don't get what you Trump guys mean by "biased."  (And yes, you are a Trump guy if you think there was bias)  The moderator must absolutely ensure that the candidate answers the question and also point out lies or exaggerations.  By that standard, the moderator could have done more to keep Trump on the straight and narrow.  But he did enough.  There was no bias. 

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4 hours ago, Steely Dan said:

No sour grapes, it doesn't even matter whether there is any truth in the allegations. People are sick of the establishment, it's all about perception, the liberal establishment are too blind to even see it.

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Well it shouldn't be about perception.

It should be about rubbish journalism, deceitful politicians and poorly educated web surfers.



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2 hours ago, Steely Dan said:

Their arrogance and hubris means they are unaware they are damaging the prospects of their own anointed one. People recoil in horror and revulsion at the establishment and their wooden effigy far more than they do at Trump, a flawed human being, with the selling point of at least appearing human.

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There is no "They". 

The debates are about the individuals presenting themselves.

For example, there was a Cyber Security question for BOTH nominees; Trump therefore had ample opportunity to hit Clinton hard on emails and cyber security, especially her carelessness with the classified emails, but instead decided to ramble on about 400lb men.

Because he hadn't done his homework, and wasn't able to comprehend that the forensics have been done and published, and most of the recent hacks have been traced back to state-linked Russian hackers. He was probably afraid that Clinton would expose the fact that he didn't know this, when she clearly did.



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4 hours ago, uptheos said:


Nope, build that wall, keep all Muslims out for starters and USA will be on the way up. 

Take the word of a Brit, I wish we had!!

You'd have to keep copies of the Koran out too, otherwise someone might accidentally read it and become a Muslim and then we'd have to throw them out also. Too difficult to wait for that to take action I reckon. It's probably better just to ban the book and prosecute those who read it in secret. Might be a bit of problem keeping it off the internet, but I suppose that could be done too. Some folks reckon it's pretty hard to stop ideas getting into peoples' heads, but I see evidence right here that it's pretty easy.

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52 minutes ago, Berkshire said:


I honestly don't get what you Trump guys mean by "biased."  (And yes, you are a Trump guy if you think there was bias)  The moderator must absolutely ensure that the candidate answers the question and also point out lies or exaggerations.  By that standard, the moderator could have done more to keep Trump on the straight and narrow.  But he did enough.  There was no bias. 


Maybe you need to get out more often...


"NBC’s Lester Holt, the moderator for the debate, started getting flak before the debate was over after he repeatedly interrupted Trump to “fact-check” him, except that his fact-checks were more or less wrong.


In one of the more contentious exchanges, Holt insisted that Trump had supported the Iraq War from the beginning, but Trump continuously denied it, USA Politics Today reported.


Rather than ask Clinton why she voted for the war, Holt continued to press Trump, saying that in an interview with Fox News’ Neil Cavuto, Trump expressed his support for the war '






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7 minutes ago, chuckd said:


Maybe you need to get out more often...


"NBC’s Lester Holt, the moderator for the debate, started getting flak before the debate was over after he repeatedly interrupted Trump to “fact-check” him, except that his fact-checks were more or less wrong.


In one of the more contentious exchanges, Holt insisted that Trump had supported the Iraq War from the beginning, but Trump continuously denied it, USA Politics Today reported.


Rather than ask Clinton why she voted for the war, Holt continued to press Trump, saying that in an interview with Fox News’ Neil Cavuto, Trump expressed his support for the war '






Word for word from the echo chamber. Precisely the same wording as: http://conservativetribune.com/lester-holt-lies-during-debate/


Pathetic parroting "news" sources.



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9 minutes ago, Neurath said:

Word for word from the echo chamber. Precisely the same wording as: http://conservativetribune.com/lester-holt-lies-during-debate/


Pathetic parroting "news" sources.




Here is another piece for your reading pleasure.




By the way, I missed Hillary's answers when she was questioned about the Clinton Foundation foreign influence donations and her other nefarious activities while earning only $26 million in two years to pull the Clinton's from the edge of bankruptcy.


Could you comment on them?

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7 hours ago, Silurian said:


If you are going to quote Stephen Colbert, you might want to mention that.


Found the quote Far Removed from Colbert... hats off to him if he originally penned it ... It is just a joke for heavens sake ... 

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2 hours ago, chuckd said:


Maybe you need to get out more often...


"NBC’s Lester Holt, the moderator for the debate, started getting flak before the debate was over after he repeatedly interrupted Trump to “fact-check” him, except that his fact-checks were more or less wrong.


In one of the more contentious exchanges, Holt insisted that Trump had supported the Iraq War from the beginning, but Trump continuously denied it, USA Politics Today reported.


Rather than ask Clinton why she voted for the war, Holt continued to press Trump, saying that in an interview with Fox News’ Neil Cavuto, Trump expressed his support for the war '







The interview Holt referred to was Trump with Neil Cavuto ... Cavuto has since published the transcript of that Trump interview and Guess What? ... Trump was nothing but tepid about Bush's pushing the war with Iraq - Trump mildly supported the President just because it was traditional to support the President.... Amazing how the Dems have to have a third debater to beat the Republican... Same as with Candy Crowley ... who became attached at her Big hip with Obama in the debate with Romney... 


Trump should have ask for double talk / answer time as it evolved quickly into a 3 way debate... Clinton/Holt Team versus Trump 

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1 hour ago, mesterm said:

New York Post: Hillary failed as secretary of state — why would president be any different?


Author of that garbage hit piece is a right wing trumpist stooge. Described as a "serial disinformer" by Media Matters. Has been dogging Hillary for decades, it's like she's obsessed, particularly nasty on health care access reform legislation. In favor of raising the Medicare eligibility age. I'm sure all the angry old white guys loving trump would love that.

Edited by Jingthing
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3 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:


The interview Holt referred to was Trump with Neil Cavuto ... Cavuto has since published the transcript of that Trump interview and Guess What? ... Trump was nothing but tepid about Bush's pushing the war with Iraq - Trump mildly supported the President just because it was traditional to support the President.... Amazing how the Dems have to have a third debater to beat the Republican... Same as with Candy Crowley ... who became attached at her Big hip with Obama in the debate with Romney... 


Trump should have ask for double talk / answer time as it evolved quickly into a 3 way debate... Clinton/Holt Team versus Trump 


Neil Cavuto Just Exposed Lester Holt’s Lies!

After the debate was over, Cavuto aired the interview in question and showed that Trump wasn’t all gung-ho about invading Iraq before we went in — he had his reservations.

“You know, what happened to the days of Douglas MacArthur? I mean he would go in and attack. He wouldn’t talk. I mean we have to, you know, it’s sort of like either do it or don’t do it,” Trump said.

Well, he’s (Bush) either got to do something or not do something perhaps. Because perhaps he shouldn’t be doing it yet. Perhaps we should be waiting for the United Nations. You know, he’s under a lot of pressure,” said Trump, clearly unsure if invading Iraq was the right choice.

You can see it here:

Instead of hammering Trump for his alleged “support” for the Iraq War, the moderator really should have asked Clinton why she voted to authorize the war when she had access to much more information than Trump did.



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2 hours ago, Assurancetourix said:



Exact but only those who don't want to see  .....





Infowars obviously missed the story I posted earlier that 4Chan and Reddit users used Bots to troll 70-odd online polls with Trump votes.

But then Infowars could not be any further removed from reality.


They probably think Hillary is one of those shape shifting lizard aliens.



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Just now, Jingthing said:

Author of that garbage hit piece is a right wing trumpist stooge. Described as a "serial disinformer" by Media Matters. Has been dogging Hillary for decades, it's like she's obsessed, particularly nasty on health care access reform legislation. In favor of raising the Medicare eligibility age. I'm sure all the angry old white guys loving trump would love that.


You'd be surprised how many young people support Trump as well. It's alright, polls are just around the corner. Then we can go back to being friends :)

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9 hours ago, JDGRUEN said:

Trump won every OnLine Poll conducted in America since last night's 'Debate' and you guys think Hillary won ... amazing








Try looking at the polls that can't be so easily manipulated. You'll see a different story. 

Edited by SoiBiker
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