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'help Boot My Girlfriend Out Of London' Sequel


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You gotta be Trolling. I mean I hope you are because if not you make me wish I was still selling Timeshare. "Wouldn't make sence to Enjoy 5 star luxury were ever you traveled so that your girl could blow a Swiss man in a nice room?"

Sumnumna, E quai...

nice.... very supportive, although i can't help but feel the guy is smitten.

BTW just to hlep you for your Thai before using the insults; E = female I = male

e.g. E kwai (which you probably wouldn't say too often) is to a woman and means you are <deleted> stupid/bone headed; I kwai is the equivalent to say to men, as in this case.

Also...Som-num-nah (something like that)

Kwarm ruk tum hai dtah bort - love makes us blind :o

Move on, look after yourself, and realise that there are plenty more fish in the sea, some of whom are not stinkingly rotten. However, if you look for love in the sewer, you maybe will be more likely to end up in the poo. Sad but true.

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thanks guys.

she got a 6 month student visa in january 2006. when that expired i paid for 12 months more tuition we sent this receipt off to the home office and they gave her a 14 month extension with temporary leave to remain. in that case i calculate August as being the time up date.

i bought her open return ticket in thailand in january. that expires this coming january. what i have only just thought of is that if i dont tell the authorites i could end up having to pay form her to go home after 8 months with another guy.

scouser told me in the visa forum that i could exersise certain rights to have her arrested at work. i will not do this. i still love her and dont really want to hurt her as such. revenge is there i admit but 90% is protecting my own rights. analysing her phone bill there are massive amounts of texts to more than one number. as a previous poster last week mentioned there is a small possibility of her selling herself.

as regards my 'trolling' i have never heard the word before. i can assure you i am a genuine poster simply looking for some friendly advice and believe it or not even being called an idiot has helped in some way. love is blind and i have acted irrationally i know that now. a slap round the face in that way is maybe what i needed a long time ago.

thanks again.

Walg, there was considerable mention of this in your original thread, but as yet remains unanswered.

How does a sponsored student visa tie in with her having to stay with you in a monogamous relationship (or any relationship)?

Surely if you were having a serious relationship with this girl you would have gone for a different type of visa which would have made it easy to send her back in the case of infidelity.

Did you perhaps go for a student visa to circumvent difficulties in obtaining a fiance visa (or whatever they are called in the UK)?

Edited by tropo
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It's hard to feel sympathy for the OP. Two years ago he posted about this wonderful student he was dating, and now it turns out she was a hooker and (surprise, surprise) he's now getting shafted by her.

Well, what exactly did you expect? Before people start getting upset and relaying stories of marriages / romances with bargirls that have worked, I think most would accept that the majority are doomed to fail.

As someone else has said, if you go fishing in the gutters you're more than likely to catch a turd.

(Having said that I still think it's pretty vindictive to deliberately try to get her booted out of the country - that's petty and small-minded. Simply walk away, and let her fend for herself).

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I don't understand why when people read stories like this they immediately presume it is a troll - these things happen and have probably happened more often than we wish to acknowledge. The OP keeps on going back to his gf coz he is in love with her and thus deluded that it will 'be all right now'. He is not pathetic and not a loser but just needs to get over her by doing the very difficult thing of shutting her out of his life, then, and only then will he be able to move on. Eventually this will happen but it is a lot easier said than done!

thats the biggest load of bollicks ive ever heard. :o

you would'nt happen to be in love with a bar girl would you mate.?

its a straight out case of a punter getting sucked in by a bar girl, getting shafted, (as usual) and then writing crap like this on the forum so blokes like you can feel sorry for him. :D

she shafted him and now he's letting her do it again ( moving back into house) .

not a man but a little tiny mouse.

a man can make a mistake like this once and should learn from it.

if he continues to let it happen he is a straght up pathetic loser who deserves no sympathy. :D

id be ashamed to let every body i was so stupid. :D

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thats the biggest load of bollicks ive ever heard. :o

you would'nt happen to be in love with a bar girl would you mate.?

its a straight out case of a punter getting sucked in by a bar girl, getting shafted, (as usual) and then writing crap like this on the forum so blokes like you can feel sorry for him. :D

she shafted him and now he's letting her do it again ( moving back into house) .

not a man but a little tiny mouse.

a man can make a mistake like this once and should learn from it.

if he continues to let it happen he is a straght up pathetic loser who deserves no sympathy. :D

id be ashamed to let every body i was so stupid. :D

I rarely take the bait but in this case have decided to make an exception.

Back off Terry, not everyone in the world resides on the top of Morality Hill, nor are they blessed with brass balls, a heart of cold steel and and an iron clad will. I don't see anywhere that the man is seeking sympathy other than in your all condemning mind.

Mr. Omnipotent, we admire you for never having made mistakes in your life, but how about letting others live their life and learn. Some people are not as blessed as you in the gradient of their learning curve.

Personal comments such as your are un-wanted, un-needed and un-called for.

Edited by dvk1951
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Well said dvk....

Friday night I'll pay for the first beers and you pay for the first slappers!!!

Your on ............now where did I put the leather paraphernailia................

Looks like the old finger tips have been smokin' lately, idle fingers perhaps :o

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Well said dvk....

Friday night I'll pay for the first beers and you pay for the first slappers!!!

Your on ............now where did I put the leather paraphernailia................

Looks like the old finger tips have been smokin' lately, idle fingers perhaps :o

Enable your PM,s so we can pick a place to inspect

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thats the biggest load of bollicks ive ever heard. :D

you would'nt happen to be in love with a bar girl would you mate.?

its a straight out case of a punter getting sucked in by a bar girl, getting shafted, (as usual) and then writing crap like this on the forum so blokes like you can feel sorry for him. :D

she shafted him and now he's letting her do it again ( moving back into house) .

not a man but a little tiny mouse.

a man can make a mistake like this once and should learn from it.

if he continues to let it happen he is a straght up pathetic loser who deserves no sympathy. :D

id be ashamed to let every body i was so stupid. :D

I rarely take the bait but in this case have decided to make an exception.

Back off Terry, not everyone in the world resides on the top of Morality Hill, nor are they blessed with brass balls, a heart of cold steel and and an iron clad will. I don't see anywhere that the man is seeking sympathy other than in your all condemning mind.

Mr. Omnipotent, we admire you for never having made mistakes in your life, but how about letting others live their life and learn. Some people are not as blessed as you in the gradient of their learning curve.

Personal comments such as your are un-wanted, un-needed and un-called for.

sorry mate,

only telling it how it is. :D

thanks for calling me omnipotent as i love your insight. :o

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thats the biggest load of bollicks ive ever heard. :o

you would'nt happen to be in love with a bar girl would you mate.?

its a straight out case of a punter getting sucked in by a bar girl, getting shafted, (as usual) and then writing crap like this on the forum so blokes like you can feel sorry for him. :D

she shafted him and now he's letting her do it again ( moving back into house) .

not a man but a little tiny mouse.

a man can make a mistake like this once and should learn from it.

if he continues to let it happen he is a straght up pathetic loser who deserves no sympathy. :D

id be ashamed to let every body i was so stupid. :D

I guess I have the same feeling as you, terry. Not to say that I have never made mistakes but I think lots of people have tried their best to give this guy a practical opinion but he doesn't seem to be willing to help himself.

In that case, go ahead. I guess people will only learn well if they get burnt by the heat. Just warning them about the fire is not enough.

He knows he's blinded by love but he is putting too much hope in that dream and not willing to wake up. So, let him be and hope the girl finish him off till he drop. :D:D

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It's hard to feel sympathy for the OP. Two years ago he posted about this wonderful student he was dating, and now it turns out she was a hooker and (surprise, surprise) he's now getting shafted by her.

Well, what exactly did you expect? Before people start getting upset and relaying stories of marriages / romances with bargirls that have worked, I think most would accept that the majority are doomed to fail.

As someone else has said, if you go fishing in the gutters you're more than likely to catch a turd.

(Having said that I still think it's pretty vindictive to deliberately try to get her booted out of the country - that's petty and small-minded. Simply walk away, and let her fend for herself).

yeah, but probably VERY satisfying :o

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Like I say, I've spoken with the OP so I'm quite certain he's not trolling and also, as I have said above, he is who he claims he is, and he is where he claims he is. (One of the skeptics among us fails that test).

I'm also amused by the arrogance of many of the skeptics here. Their holier than thou attitude of 'this guy brought this on himself' and 'this wouldn't happen to me'.

We all of us make mistakes in life, those who make the mistake of getting involved with a Thai prostitute too often learn the lesson that these women do not make money by fcking guys, they make money by fking guys heads.

Who here can claim they would be able to think straight when they've been subjected to the kind of mind games common among Thai prostitutes?

The OP is where he is, in the position he is in and he has asked for advice here on TV.

Those that have valuable advice to offer have done so.

Those that delight in the problems of others have, once again, revealed themselves – lo and behold, it’s the usual suspects.

But it's a long game, so let’s see how it pans out.

I hope if ever I need advice I can find it, and I'm not too arrogant to pretend that I neither make mistake nor that I sometimes need help with advice.

I certainly don’t need to reassure myself of my own good fortune in life by mocking the problems others face.

Edited by GuestHouse
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opinions are like <deleted>, everyones got one. Terry's advice in my opinion is spot on.

I assume you are invoking heavy literary license when you refer to Terry's diatribe as 'advice'. :o I am having a hard time finding anything there to "follow".

It is not so much what he says, it's more the continual "tick...tick...tick...tick" you hear from the turntable just before it replays again that gets annoying. :D:D

Just my opinion of course :D

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I have a friend who is very simular to the OP, sometimes you just got to let him sort it out himself, as my mate just cant listen and says yes he is getting rid of her etc, but keeps getting BS after BS.

The OP seems like he might be too far from help, we can give him advice but the question is. Will he listen?

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(Having said that I still think it's pretty vindictive to deliberately try to get her booted out of the country - that's petty and small-minded. Simply walk away, and let her fend for herself).

agreed. :o

to OP:

getting revenge is just playing her game and I doubt it will make you feel any better.

you need her out of your life.

as I said before, get some space, ignore her calls and texts & dont fall for her 'im so solly tilac' <deleted> when she comes running.

you might care about her but think of everything you have done for her then think what she has done in return.

you owe her nothing. :D

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Thanks for all the advice on the last post guys.

A couple of weeks on and things have not changed. She came to see me at work last Monday and apologised and said she would move back into my house. The next day her tone was different or should i say indifferent. Then again on thursday she came to stay the night. I stupidly believed her. Then in the morning while she showered I found her phone and on it where 16 text messages from another guy. 'I miss you! where are you?' etc. etc.

when i asked her about them i got a slap and told to '###### off and die'. later on she called to say sorry and again said she would change her number and move back in with me. i'm blind with love for the girl and had another happy day again. she said she was working. i went there she was not.

i gave her friends husband a call. he confirmed she had been seeing this guy for months. he also told me something which shook me to the core. she had told her friend that she had left me because i had beaten her up. this was a possibility that a few of you had suggested. of course i have not beaten her up and she has never had any bruises or anything to prove i had.

i think i am going to go down to lunar house in croydon tomorrow afternoon and tell them everything. i have been told that they will investigate her ability to survive without my sponsorship which means they will probably ask to see her wage slips which i know all display a major excess of legal hours. they will also probably contact her college which is the reason she is here. They will probably find out a lack of attendance.

question is am i doing the right thing? I know she is seeing another man for definate and has been lying for months and then constructing more lies to cover up the uncovered ones. her deception is staggering now i think back. i feel i cant sponsor her anymore now i dont even know for sure where she is and considering i know she is in breach of her visa. the big thing that scares me is whether she will play the battered girlfriend card she told her friends. she is so ###### good at lying they may take her side and i may end up in big trouble and she may get permanent residence.

we were going to go to thailand for a month together in 2 weeks. she has now cancelled her ticket. the ticket i bought her is an open return and expires in mid january.

any advice gratefully recieved once again.

Any chance of her mobile no ? Sounds like another that will just end up as an illegal, and dissapear in London....... On the game ! One mans loss is anothers gain ! LOL

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One of the best investments I ever made was buying a small bar in Pattaya.

The bar itself lost money, but what I saw and learnt was invaluable.

The way the girls worked the punters was amazing. A few of them had guys sending them regular monthly pay cheques to keep them out of the bar but they still worked there anyway.These naive punters would come back for their holidays to see their Teeruks at different times and way the girls juggled them was pure genius.

As far as actual work goes, I wouldn't pay these girls a satang, but for pure cunning and guile and the ability to suck in the punters, well........

So Walq, get on a plane and get back here, we need your business.

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