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'help Boot My Girlfriend Out Of London' Sequel


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Thanks GH, spoken with logic, compassion and common sense.

dont mean to be harsh here mate but im exercising my logic, compassion and common sense just like you have advised me to do. :D

i think that you and guesthouse should get a room together. :D:o:D

but seriously mate you cant keep sticking up for this guy as he is refusing to face straight up logic.

it's like some one continually hitting you in the head with a baseball bat.

when are you going to get out of the way. ?

read the dudes post that owned the bar in pattaya everyday, and maybe you and some of your mates will learn something about how these bar girl operate.

i reiterate (adnausium), if you go there twice like our OP you deserve no sympathy. :D

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Like I say, I've spoken with the OP so I'm quite certain he's not trolling and also, as I have said above, he is who he claims he is, and he is where he claims he is. (One of the skeptics among us fails that test).

I'm also amused by the arrogance of many of the skeptics here. Their holier than thou attitude of 'this guy brought this on himself' and 'this wouldn't happen to me'.

We all of us make mistakes in life, those who make the mistake of getting involved with a Thai prostitute too often learn the lesson that these women do not make money by fcking guys, they make money by fking guys heads.

Who here can claim they would be able to think straight when they've been subjected to the kind of mind games common among Thai prostitutes?

The OP is where he is, in the position he is in and he has asked for advice here on TV.

Those that have valuable advice to offer have done so.

Those that delight in the problems of others have, once again, revealed themselves – lo and behold, it’s the usual suspects.

But it's a long game, so let’s see how it pans out.

I hope if ever I need advice I can find it, and I'm not too arrogant to pretend that I neither make mistake nor that I sometimes need help with advice.

I certainly don’t need to reassure myself of my own good fortune in life by mocking the problems others face.

cricky's guesthouse your at it again. :o

for a guy thats got some very good advise to the punters you also have some real bollicks as your post above indicates.

can you please except the fact that we all make mistakes in life as you have rightfully stated.

ive made <deleted> loads, but have learned from every one of them and will make some new mistakes as i go further down the track as this is real life.

the point is that a person is suppost to have the intellegence to learn from ones mistakes but your friend refuses to do so.

you continue to throw up this retoric of yours defending him and its getting silly.

why not deal with the facts at hand and face this situation head on.

maybe you can help your friend out by offering some straight up truthful facts instead of pissing around like this.

without predudice terry.

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Any chance of her mobile no ? Sounds like another that will just end up as an illegal, and dissapear in London....... On the game ! One mans loss is anothers gain ! LOL

:D brutal. :D:o

Brutal but true ! There are lots of Thail girls in my area, all are in the s.x business, I assume there are some here that are properly/ legaly/happily married ?

Full respect to them all ! They are the best in the Business ! or am I mixing in the wong circles ? LOL

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The OP seems to be paralysed midpoint between his emotional and rational brains.

This is not a reason to condemn him...whatever decision he makes, he alone will have to live with it and that is something to consider.

These girls are very good at playing nice guys; in fact they do it professionally.

Part of the relationship is undoubtedly 'real' (the part the OP is holding onto) and will be ‘felt’ by the girl. However in most cases this becomes insignificant when weighed against the girls own conditioning and beliefs (and advice from the other BG’s), weighting economic survival far above love.

I would not expect anyone to accept the above statement until they had practical experience to confirm this is the most probable outcome. I am assuming this is the OP's first time with a BG relationship, thus explaining the quandary in his mind.

Further if he responds in a way he sees as being overly harsh, he can be left with years of overbearing guilt that can slowly destroy a person.

The key to overcoming his mental paralysis is education, the OP needs to become aware of the many many similar cases, this will help clear his mind and heart.

Practically this can be done through searching any immigration case law database (try Thai + domestic violence), speaking with a lawyer who handles these types of problems, the TV forum, more educated Thai people and so on.

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ive made <deleted> loads, but have learned from every one of them and will make some new mistakes as i go further down the track as this is real life.

Terry (Mate), I'm of the opinion that whatever you claim to have done in life or do in life is not necessarily rooted in reality.

I only wish you’d go easy on the ‘clickable emotions’ it would at least remove half the content of your posts.

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Terry57 is spot on. He's just giving you the good oil :o

This guy doesn't seem to be able to help himself. In the course of two lengthy threads he has been told pretty much everything he needs to know.

He needs to get her sent back to Thailand, get this over and done with, and then get back on the plane in January and wash away these bad memories in the company of another little cracker.

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Thanks for all the advice on the last post guys.

A couple of weeks on and things have not changed. She came to see me at work last Monday and apologised and said she would move back into my house. The next day her tone was different or should i say indifferent. Then again on thursday she came to stay the night. I stupidly believed her. Then in the morning while she showered I found her phone and on it where 16 text messages from another guy. 'I miss you! where are you?' etc. etc.

when i asked her about them i got a slap and told to '###### off and die'. later on she called to say sorry and again said she would change her number and move back in with me. i'm blind with love for the girl and had another happy day again. she said she was working. i went there she was not.

i gave her friends husband a call. he confirmed she had been seeing this guy for months. he also told me something which shook me to the core. she had told her friend that she had left me because i had beaten her up. this was a possibility that a few of you had suggested. of course i have not beaten her up and she has never had any bruises or anything to prove i had.

i think i am going to go down to lunar house in croydon tomorrow afternoon and tell them everything. i have been told that they will investigate her ability to survive without my sponsorship which means they will probably ask to see her wage slips which i know all display a major excess of legal hours. they will also probably contact her college which is the reason she is here. They will probably find out a lack of attendance.

question is am i doing the right thing? I know she is seeing another man for definate and has been lying for months and then constructing more lies to cover up the uncovered ones. her deception is staggering now i think back. i feel i cant sponsor her anymore now i dont even know for sure where she is and considering i know she is in breach of her visa. the big thing that scares me is whether she will play the battered girlfriend card she told her friends. she is so ###### good at lying they may take her side and i may end up in big trouble and she may get permanent residence.

we were going to go to thailand for a month together in 2 weeks. she has now cancelled her ticket. the ticket i bought her is an open return and expires in mid january.

any advice gratefully recieved once again.

either put her on the game at kings cross or launch the lie thai in the thames..your choice troller :o

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As far as actual work goes, I wouldn't pay these girls a satang

you wouldn't need to - im sure they help theirselves to the takings. :o

You know your stuff.

Yes, they cheat, steal and lie. It's a way of life for them.

There were/are a few exceptions tho, some nice girls actually, but it's risky, if you pick the wrong one there's definitely no changing her, as in this OP's case.

Just move on.

The problem for this guy is that he thinks he's in love. You're c@*t struck buddy. You'd best hope this experience doesn't leave you bitter for life.

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As far as actual work goes, I wouldn't pay these girls a satang

you wouldn't need to - im sure they help theirselves to the takings. :D

You know your stuff.

Yes, they cheat, steal and lie. It's a way of life for them.

There were/are a few exceptions tho, some nice girls actually, but it's risky, if you pick the wrong one there's definitely no changing her, as in this OP's case.

Just move on.

The problem for this guy is that he thinks he's in love. You're c@*t struck buddy. You'd best hope this experience doesn't leave you bitter for life.

I was going to respond to your first post, but didn't...now I will

100% correct in everything you posted :o

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Like I say, I've spoken with the OP so I'm quite certain he's not trolling and also, as I have said above, he is who he claims he is, and he is where he claims he is. (One of the skeptics among us fails that test).

I'm also amused by the arrogance of many of the skeptics here. Their holier than thou attitude of 'this guy brought this on himself' and 'this wouldn't happen to me'.

We all of us make mistakes in life, those who make the mistake of getting involved with a Thai prostitute too often learn the lesson that these women do not make money by fcking guys, they make money by fking guys heads.

Who here can claim they would be able to think straight when they've been subjected to the kind of mind games common among Thai prostitutes?

The OP is where he is, in the position he is in and he has asked for advice here on TV.

Those that have valuable advice to offer have done so.

Those that delight in the problems of others have, once again, revealed themselves – lo and behold, it’s the usual suspects.

But it's a long game, so let’s see how it pans out.

I hope if ever I need advice I can find it, and I'm not too arrogant to pretend that I neither make mistake nor that I sometimes need help with advice.

I certainly don’t need to reassure myself of my own good fortune in life by mocking the problems others face.

Guesthouse..You say you know this lad and he's telling the truth..OK..You believe him..

So we all screw up at times just some of us can handle some cant, this lad cant..

All the posts on the first thread he had a lot of people on side..Now the second thread

he is copping flack..Are you really suprised?? I think Terry put it all into correct perspective..

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You gotta be Trolling. I mean I hope you are because if not you make me wish I was still selling Timeshare. "Wouldn't make sence to Enjoy 5 star luxury were ever you traveled so that your girl could blow a Swiss man in a nice room?"

Sumnumna, E quai...

nice.... very supportive, although i can't help but feel the guy is smitten.

BTW just to hlep you for your Thai before using the insults; E = female I = male

e.g. E kwai (which you probably wouldn't say too often) is to a woman and means you are <deleted> stupid/bone headed; I kwai is the equivalent to say to men, as in this case.

Also...Som-num-nah (something like that)

Kwarm ruk tum hai dtah bort - love makes us blind :o

Move on, look after yourself, and realise that there are plenty more fish in the sea, some of whom are not stinkingly rotten. However, if you look for love in the sewer, you maybe will be more likely to end up in the poo. Sad but true.

Yes your correct E is feminine, I used it purposefully as a insult, similar to a man calling another man a bitch, with overtly negative feminine implications. So in this exsample I was shooting for the Thai version of "Stupid B itch A ss individual" would that be correct our should I have used a different word to imply cowardess and weakness?

And Sumnumnah is just how it sounds to me since I don't know how to spell it in Thai script.

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Like I say, I've spoken with the OP so I'm quite certain he's not trolling and also, as I have said above, he is who he claims he is, and he is where he claims he is. (One of the skeptics among us fails that test).

I'm also amused by the arrogance of many of the skeptics here. Their holier than thou attitude of 'this guy brought this on himself' and 'this wouldn't happen to me'.

We all of us make mistakes in life, those who make the mistake of getting involved with a Thai prostitute too often learn the lesson that these women do not make money by fcking guys, they make money by fking guys heads.

Who here can claim they would be able to think straight when they've been subjected to the kind of mind games common among Thai prostitutes?

The OP is where he is, in the position he is in and he has asked for advice here on TV.

Those that have valuable advice to offer have done so.

Those that delight in the problems of others have, once again, revealed themselves – lo and behold, it’s the usual suspects.

But it's a long game, so let’s see how it pans out.

I hope if ever I need advice I can find it, and I'm not too arrogant to pretend that I neither make mistake nor that I sometimes need help with advice.

I certainly don’t need to reassure myself of my own good fortune in life by mocking the problems others face.

I don't think it's a question of delighting in other's misfortune GH. I think it's general impatience that - despite all historical evidence and common sense - the OP can't see the wood for the tree.

He knew himself what he was getting into two years ago - he obviously had some reservations because at the time he gave the impression she was a good student girl, and it now turns out she was a hooker. Why did he need to attempt that silly deception, except to try to convince himself (not others) that it would all turn out well.

Two years on, the inevitable happens. You can't blame him or her - what has happened is just the way of the world.

A relationship has broken down. Boo hoo. It happens every minute of every day around the world.

He has far more world experience, more education, more maturity to deal with it than her. I dont get why it's such a big deal. Head up, shoulders back, move on with your life.

And let her move on with hers.

Why does it have to be any more complicated than that?

One more thing: He is now in a powerful position. He can be magnanimous and mature and leave her alone to fend for herself, or he can be petty and small-minded and actively try to get her deported.

Which would you choose?

Edited by bendix
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ive made <deleted> loads, but have learned from every one of them and will make some new mistakes as i go further down the track as this is real life.

Terry (Mate), I'm of the opinion that whatever you claim to have done in life or do in life is not necessarily rooted in reality.

I only wish you’d go easy on the ‘clickable emotions’ it would at least remove half the content of your posts.

my dear friend guesthouse,

after reading your posts for a long time now, verbal sparing with you in bedlam amoungst other places i have come to like you, as i realise you are not a bad fella.

the problem is that when we have some verbal sparing and i destroy your arguments you get a tad defensive.

now take your above reply to me after i kicked your arse about your friend.

you've come back with this crap about me using to many emotions and not being rooted in reality. link:

its just the same old same old as last time when you accused me of making up stories about myself being a veteran firefighter serving the people of perth.

now you took the piss out of me over that one, accused me of lieing and being a fraud.

when confronted by the truth with the said photo you dived for cover under a frigging rock and did not come out for a month. :D

now its ok if you critisize me guesthouse but you must except that i am the real deal and never tell lie's to you. :D

you are a smart guy guesthouse but for gods sake son, bolt down to the 7/11 and buy yourself a sense of frigging humour. :D

B.T.W. i love my emotions. :D:D:o:D:D

cheers guesthouse. :D

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my dear friend guesthouse,

after reading your posts for a long time now, verbal sparing with you in bedlam amoungst other places i have come to like you, as i realise you are not a bad fella.

the problem is that when we have some verbal sparing and i destroy your arguments you get a tad defensive.


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Theres a very sad fact here, there are so many people around like the op that get prayed upon by these vixen. Infact, I have a good friend of mine who is in exactly the same circumstance. I really cant tell him any more than i have, as he is so in love with her and If i continue to warn him, it will destroy our relationship. He's a good lad, and hes been around the block maybe more than two or three times in Thailand, but unfortunately when it comes to matters of the heart, judgements can become severely clouded. Without personally knowing the OP and his bg, oops sorry gf, it really is hard to say. Thats why all opinions should be offered, so he can have well rounded, group observation. It just so happens that 99 times out of 100, unfortunately, Terry's opionion is more likely to be correct.

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Theres a very sad fact here, there are so many people around like the op that get prayed upon by these vixen. Infact, I have a good friend of mine who is in exactly the same circumstance. I really cant tell him any more than i have, as he is so in love with her and If i continue to warn him, it will destroy our relationship. He's a good lad, and hes been around the block maybe more than two or three times in Thailand, but unfortunately when it comes to matters of the heart, judgements can become severely clouded. Without personally knowing the OP and his bg, oops sorry gf, it really is hard to say. Thats why all opinions should be offered, so he can have well rounded, group observation. It just so happens that 99 times out of 100, unfortunately, Terry's opionion is more likely to be correct.

do me a favour please mate/ miss whatever you are. :o

can you please tell my friend guest house that, as he thinks im an absolute lunitic for thinking this way. :D

and a big hello to my top buddy guesthouse. :D

cheers guesthouse. :D:D:D:D:D:D

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Theres a very sad fact here, there are so many people around like the op that get prayed upon by these vixen. Infact, I have a good friend of mine who is in exactly the same circumstance. I really cant tell him any more than i have, as he is so in love with her and If i continue to warn him, it will destroy our relationship. He's a good lad, and hes been around the block maybe more than two or three times in Thailand, but unfortunately when it comes to matters of the heart, judgements can become severely clouded. Without personally knowing the OP and his bg, oops sorry gf, it really is hard to say. Thats why all opinions should be offered, so he can have well rounded, group observation. It just so happens that 99 times out of 100, unfortunately, Terry's opionion is more likely to be correct.

do me a favour please mate/ miss whatever you are. :o

can you please tell my friend guest house that, as he thinks im an absolute lunitic for thinking this way. :D

and a big hello to my top buddy guesthouse. :D

cheers guesthouse. :D:D:D:D:D:D

Bloody ell ... you're up early this morning Terry ... whats going on ...? :D

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your joking boys ,

this guy is having a top laugh at your expense.

he's trolling you all like a frigging marlin.

give it a miss punters and head down the rubbity. :D


Spot on assessment Terry. I'm with you. :D

guest house confirmed the OP is genuine...

...or maybe GH is in on this if it is trolling!! :D:D:D:o

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ive made <deleted> loads, but have learned from every one of them and will make some new mistakes as i go further down the track as this is real life.

Terry (Mate), I'm of the opinion that whatever you claim to have done in life or do in life is not necessarily rooted in reality.

I only wish you’d go easy on the ‘clickable emotions’ it would at least remove half the content of your posts.

my dear friend guesthouse,

after reading your posts for a long time now, verbal sparing with you in bedlam amoungst other places i have come to like you, as i realise you are not a bad fella.

the problem is that when we have some verbal sparing and i destroy your arguments you get a tad defensive.

now take your above reply to me after i kicked your arse about your friend.

you've come back with this crap about me using to many emotions and not being rooted in reality. link:

its just the same old same old as last time when you accused me of making up stories about myself being a veteran firefighter serving the people of perth.

now you took the piss out of me over that one, accused me of lieing and being a fraud.

when confronted by the truth with the said photo you dived for cover under a frigging rock and did not come out for a month. :D

now its ok if you critisize me guesthouse but you must except that i am the real deal and never tell lie's to you. :D

you are a smart guy guesthouse but for gods sake son, bolt down to the 7/11 and buy yourself a sense of frigging humour. :D

B.T.W. i love my emotions. :D:D:o:D:D

cheers guesthouse. :D

You should of seen the belting of reply's I gave him in our last tangle, he stays well away from me now. Guesthouse has some really good posts but tends to also make some really bad ones when he does make a bad one.

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There's obviously something in Australian sheep dip that causes those who come into regular contact with the stuff to believe they possess intellectual powers beyond what is evident to the rest of us from their pitiful posts.

Terry I can excuse; his imagination, if not his intellect, is truly outstanding.

However Donz, I do admit to owing you an apology.

I mistook your last outpouring for nappy rash induced whimpering, I had no idea you where exercising your powers of wit.

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There's obviously something in Australian sheep dip that causes those who come into regular contact with the stuff to believe they possess intellectual powers beyond what is evident to the rest of us from their pitiful posts.

Terry I can excuse; his imagination, if not his intellect, is truly outstanding.

However Donz, I do admit to owing you an apology.

I mistook your last outpouring for nappy rash induced whimpering, I had no idea you where exercising your powers of wit.

thats bloody outstanding guesthouse, :D

as you did go down to the 7/11 and buy yourself a sense of humour. :D

i salute you my friend. :D

it took me a while to get you there mate, but your coming on strong. :D

keep up the good work. :D

cheers guesthouse. :o

PS. please let me know if ive used to many emotions. :D:D:D

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