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Twitter, 'lies' and videotape: Trump shames beauty queen


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Twitter, 'lies' and videotape: Trump shames beauty queen

JOSH LEDERMAN, Associated Press
STEVE PEOPLES, Associated Press


GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (AP) — Plunging deeper into campaign controversy, Donald Trumppublicly shamed a former beauty queen on Friday for her "disgusting" sexual past and then — in one of presidential history's more bizarre moments — encouraged Americans to watch a "sex tape" he said would support his case.


Even many of Trump's supporters shook their heads at his latest outburst, which could further hurt him among the nation's women, many of them already skeptical, whose votes he'll badly need to win election.


"Did Crooked Hillary help disgusting (check out sex tape and past) Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in the debate?" read a missive from Trump posted on Twitter at 5:30 a.m. That referred to 1996 Miss Universe winner Alicia Machado, a Venezuela-born woman whose weight gain he has said created terrible problems for the pageant he formerly owned.


Unsurprisingly, Trump's pre-dawn tweet-storm ricocheted across the campaign trail.


Trump's campaign accused the media and Hillary Clinton of colluding to set him up for fresh condemnation, to which Clinton retorted, "His latest twitter meltdown is unhinged, even for him."


Machado took to Facebook to say his tweets were part of a pattern of "demoralizing women," calling them "cheap lies with bad intentions." Planned Parenthood said it showed that Trump's"misogyny knows no bounds." And Clinton said they showed anew why someone with Trump'stemperament "should not be anywhere near the nuclear codes."


With less than 40 days left in the election, Trump's broadside threw his campaign into a fresh round of second-guessing the candidate's instincts and confusion about what to do next. To believers in traditional political norms, the tirade seemed like the opposite of what was needed to win over females, Hispanics and young Americans whose support could well determine the election.


Shaming Machado over intimate details from her past could be particularly risky as Trumptries to win over more female voters, many of whom are turned away by such personal attacks. It also risks calling further attention to the thrice-married Trump's own history with women.


What kind of a man, Clinton asked, "stays up all night to smear a woman with lies and conspiracy theories?"


Even Trump's most vocal allies seemed at a loss for words.


"He's being Trump. I don't have any comment beyond that," said former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a top supporter. Generally chatty and occasionally critical of Trump, Gingrich said tersely that Trump sometimes does "strange things," but that Clinton lies. "I'll let you decide which is worse for America."


But Trump's inner circle followed his lead by refusing to concede any missteps. Trump didn't mention the tweets Friday evening as he rallied supporters in Michigan. Instead, he returned to Twitter to invoke Clinton's famous ad from her 2008 campaign portraying her as the best candidate to pick up an urgent call at the White House at 3 a.m.


"For those few people knocking me for tweeting at three o'clock in the morning, at least you know I will be there, awake, to answer the call!" Trump wrote.


Machado has been thrust to center stage in the campaign since Clinton noted Monday in the first debate that Trump had mocked her publicly for gaining weight after she won Miss Universe. If that was a trap laid by Clinton, the irrepressible Trump dug himself deeper the next day by saying Machado's "massive" weight gain had been "a real problem."


That gave Clinton's campaign the opening it wanted. Her team circulated videos featuring Machado accusing Trump of destroying her self-confidence and arranged for reporters to interview her, just as many voters were starting to cast early ballots. Clinton's spokesman said she called Machado Friday to thank her for her courage.


Said Trump spokeswoman Jessica Ditto, "This is the single biggest coordinated media attack in history."


His Twitter taunts referred to footage from a Spanish reality show in 2005 in which Machado was a contestant and appeared on camera in bed with a male contestant. The images are grainy and do not include nudity, though Machado later acknowledged in the Hispanic media that she was having sex in the video.


In the meantime, the website BuzzFeed reported that Trump had made his own cameo in an explicit 2000 Playboy video. In a short clip posted on the site, Trump is seen pouring a bottle of champagne on a Playboy-branded limo on a New York street, surrounded by a gaggle of women.


Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill said late Friday, "There's been a lot of talk about sex tapes today and in a strange turn of events only one adult film has emerged today and its star is Donald Trump." Merrill said he not seen the film.


Clinton's campaign has highlighted Machado's status as a new U.S. citizen and her plans to cast her first vote for the former secretary of state. But spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri said Clinton did not help Machado become a citizen.


For Republicans, the outburst seemed to foreclose any possibility that Trump, in the campaign's final weeks, might reinvent himself as someone with the discipline and restraint that many voters want in their commander in chief. Trump's allies have implored him to stick to attacks on Clinton's family foundation, her emails or her long history as a political insider, critiques that fall further out of view whenever he sparks a new controversy.


In another risky move, Trump warned voters this week that a Clinton victory would bring former President Bill Clinton's sex scandal back to the White House. The fresh rehash of the 1990s Monica Lewisnky scandal came despite Trump's insistence that he's been courageously restrained in not bringing it up.


-- © Associated Press 2016-10-01
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From the OP: "Even many of Trump's supporters shook their heads at his latest outburst...."


And who would those be?  Oh, maybe they're the remaining supporters who have their heads firmly planted in sand, so they don't hear anything bad about Trump, and can stick with their thoughts of HRC as the wicked witch.


Even Gingrich was at a loss of words!  Jeezo, the master of vindictiveness (almost as vindictive as his fake-haired guru), can't find a way to justify Trump's most recent mouth fart!? 


There's a good campaign video for HRC which shows little kids watching the Blovator cussing and spewing lies.  Effective.  If I had the link, I'd post it here.  I'm hard pressed to think of a worse influence on America's kids - than the stinko Trumpster.  



Edited by boomerangutang
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Analysis: Trump's Alicia Machado Tweet Storm Points to Deeper Problems

"Donald Trump, always at least knee deep in the fever swamps, is now drowning in them."

"Still reeling from Monday's widely panned debate performance, the Republican nominee has found refuge in a fringe media environment where his victory is assured, his setbacks are the result of shadowy plots, and his critics are humiliated by sordid revelations."  :cheesy::clap2:

"On Friday, he let loose with an early morning Twitter outburst against former Miss Universe Alicia Machado, escalating a feud with her that began at the debate over his past criticism of her weight — criticism he repeated on Tuesday and Wednesday."



This is glorious to watch.

The Bloviator will go down as the most crass, buffoonish Clown ever.

Keep doin' what yer doin' Donnie.  :thumbsup:

Edited by iReason
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24 minutes ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

I've always assumed he was seeing how far he could take it, and never really expected to be the candidate. I doubt that he cares

Donald doesn't take well to being humiliated or to losing.   He will go nuclear first.   


God help us if he ever gets any real power.   

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1 minute ago, Scotwight said:

It is an an** sex video.  So I guess it might be a bit scatological.  

have you seen it?  where can it be seen?  I'm a grown-up, I can handle it.


An aptly-named little video segment titled, "TRUMP FANS ARE AS DUMB AS YOU THINK"


watch and weep. . . . . . . ., as you might weep for a zika baby not allowed to enter nursery school.



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5 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

It is an an** sex video.  So I guess it might be a bit scatological.  


Well, that's appropriate.   Trump has close to 50% of the people bent over and taking it from behind.   

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22 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

have you seen it?  where can it be seen?  I'm a grown-up, I can handle it.


An aptly-named little video segment titled, "TRUMP FANS ARE AS DUMB AS YOU THINK"


watch and weep. . . . . . . ., as you might weep for a zika baby not allowed to enter nursery school.



Google her name and anal.  I saw it on one of the porn channels but I think it is everywhere.

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12 minutes ago, wonder6281 said:

He obviously didn't like being ambushed at the debate and he was. Sinking to the lows of HRC is not the way to overcome scum like her. 


Ambushed? He could have blown this off like he usually does but he doubled down and went after everyone involved. This is the Republican nominee for President of the United States in action. He's such a classy guy. 


Shakespeare's phrase, "hoist with his own petard," comes to mind. It's an idiom that means "to be harmed by one's own plan to harm someone else" or "to fall into one's own trap", implying that one could be lifted (blown) upward by one's own bomb, or in other words, be foiled by one's own plan. 


We've only scratched the surface of sniffles nasty life history. Always doing his best to screw everyone if he can possibly make a buck out of it. This is just one of the many bodies left in the wake. He's simply a terrible person. 


Ambushed? Good one. 


The Republican party is dying a slow and painful death. 

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8 minutes ago, ChoakMyDee said:

Hillary murders people, breaches national security, lies about it, and nothing is done. The worst they can find on Trump is he asked a Miss Universe contestant to lose weight. LOL. Wat?


Did you read the entire article ?


They also have a video of Trump pouring champagne on a Playboy limo with scantily clad women in the scene.  They are calling it an adult video !



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17 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Did you read the entire article ?


They also have a video of Trump pouring champagne on a Playboy limo with scantily clad women in the scene.  They are calling it an adult video !


17 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:




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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

have you seen it?  where can it be seen?  I'm a grown-up, I can handle it.


An aptly-named little video segment titled, "TRUMP FANS ARE AS DUMB AS YOU THINK"


watch and weep. . . . . . . ., as you might weep for a zika baby not allowed to enter nursery school.



Let's make america great again :facepalm:

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1 hour ago, wonder6281 said:

He obviously didn't like being ambushed at the debate and he was. Sinking to the lows of HRC is not the way to overcome scum like her. 


Ambushed? The guy is running for president. He's running campaigns targeted at trying to attract the woman vote, so his long illustrious record with shades of racism, sexism, and bigotry is open season. 

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After watching the video countless times, and soiling his sheets, socks and pillow, Trump couldn't stop himself from twitting about it at 3 a.m.  


Melania in the other room, trying to sleep, calls out; "Don darling, what's all the commotion in your golden bedroom?"


Trump, "Oh nothing, Mela. Just sorting out tomorrow's business schedule."

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2 hours ago, wonder6281 said:

He obviously didn't like being ambushed at the debate and he was. Sinking to the lows of HRC is not the way to overcome scum like her. 


HRC is a lily pad to Don's sunken pond scum.


I bet Don now wishes he had mentioned Bill's indiscretions at the debate.  I wish he had also.  It would have furthered torpedoed his already listing 1/4" plywood skiff of a campaign. All The Golden Boy's men and all his of his horses couldn't put Trumpty Dumpty together again. 

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44 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

Hillary played him like a calliope.  I'll bet Putin is just slavering at the chance to push Trump's buttons.


Right. Putin would love Trump in the US's power seat.  Putin is probably already having maps drawn up showing Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, and Ukraine as nested back with Mother Russia.  Kazakstan and all the other 'stans, aren't far behind.....and hanging the maps in his bedroom.  Putin gets a charge from looking at his new maps, almost as much as Trump gets turned on by looking at anal sex videos of his former beauty queens.  Trump's thinking, "now why can't those girls be forever slim and fresh looking?"   While Putin looks at his maps and thinks, "now why can't Russia be it's former fat Soviet self?"

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He's now most certainly cracked and fractured. He looked in the mirror and saw himself as a HUGE pussy because of his disastrous performance in that debate. His fractured and wounded Trumpenstein ego couldn't, just couldn't, stand it. He couldn't sleep. He tossed and he turned and, red skunk hair plastered to red veiny head due to his feverish night sweat, couldn't, just couldn't, resist letting his fat little fingers tweet out his most recent suicide note.  The man is disintegrating and his relationship to the real world becoming even more frighteningly tenuous. Oh Donald, one moment everyone says the sun shines out of your ass and the next moment they're all complaining of sunburn. If only it all wasn't so UNFAIR. If only he was given a WORKING microphone, if only beauty contestants weren't so FAT, if only prisoners of war were WINNERS like him, if only everyone would treat him less HARSHLY, if only interview questions were SUCK OFFS instead. Yeah, if only, if only. This embarrassing red-tinged, hysterically erratic Id should be shuffled off the stage and stored down in the basement with the Oswald Mosley dummy. Times up Donald, the circus has left town and the dogs are pissing on your swag.

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19 minutes ago, ChoakMyDee said:

Hillary and her cronies own the press so Donald is doomed no matter what.


I would rephrase that: the editorial boards of most if not all major newspapers in the country have determined that Trump is unfit to be president, and they write their endorsements accordingly. I don’t believe that “Hillary and her cronies” “own” the several major newspapers in places like Arizona and Texas that have endorsed her over Trump, despite having endorsed the Republican candidate for the past fifty-plus years.


The press can only report what Trump himself says. Likewise, Clinton’s TV ads merely repeat his own words back to the public. I agree with you that “Donald is doomed no matter what,” and thank god for that.
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5 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Is it possible someone anti-Trump was able to tweet using Trump's account name?


Or is The Divider really that idiotic - to have tweeted such a cluster <deleted>-bomb?


Someone did some research on this.  The rancid 3am stuff is sent from an android, the more civil stuff is posted from an iPhone, in the hands of his kids/campaign workers.  So the android messages are from hisself.


One of his sons also has a knack for sending out tweets that backfire on him, I forget if it was Uday or Husay .  :biggrin:




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4 hours ago, Scotwight said:

Google her name and anal.  I saw it on one of the porn channels but I think it is everywhere.


And you believed it?

It's this kind of foul smear that typifies the Trump campaign. "If people hit me, I hit them back hard".

Yeah right, what he means is if people hit him, he lies through is teeth in an attempt to smear them.

He really is a loathsome individual.

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