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Why are Thais always late?


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...it's hilarious to watch them turned back at the departure gates with the plane in the background already pulling out.

I think really they don't care that much on being late...maybe they want to make a grand entrance..or just stubbornness..up to them..i always give them a false time to be there.

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5 hours ago, catman20 said:

im clueless ?


"when there late its cos they dont care, rude, no morals, no principles the list goes on. 


i bet they would not be late if they had to pick up a 5 million baht lottery win !!!!!!!!!!"



Your world is pitch black. You don't even see any white, nevermind the shades of grey.

It seems most of your vision is impaired.

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17 hours ago, Squeegee said:


"when there late its cos they dont care, rude, no morals, no principles the list goes on. 


i bet they would not be late if they had to pick up a 5 million baht lottery win !!!!!!!!!!"



Your world is pitch black. You don't even see any white, nevermind the shades of grey.

It seems most of your vision is impaired.

i suppose Henryford  fits in to my pigeon hole also ? here is his post


I think it's incredibly rude to be late. Basically the person is saying my time is more important than yours and you are not worth putting myself out.

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2 hours ago, catman20 said:

i suppose Henryford  fits in to my pigeon hole also ? here is his post


I think it's incredibly rude to be late. Basically the person is saying my time is more important than yours and you are not worth putting myself out.



I am saying you make gross generalisations about a whole group of people. Generalisations are a useful tool, such as to say that many Thais have a tendency to be late for informal, social situations, but there are also many who are extremely punctual.


Making generalisations to cast a whole nation of individuals in the same negative light is morally wrong, for a start, but also shows a lack of vision and/or refusal to face reality.


I said you don't even see the world in black & white, only black: that Thai nationality or native Thai equals the negative traits you listed, an absurd notion.


That's literally millions of people from all kinds of backgrounds, locations, ethnicities, upbringings... I won't add to the very long list by which you underestimate and wrong other people different from yourself, you shouldn't have to be told.



You haven't acknowledged any other perspective than your own black one, overly negative; not the white perspective: overly positive; nor the shades of grey, ie. the reality that even those funny little yellow people might be individuals too.



To answer the quote directly:


"I think it's incredibly rude to be late. Basically the person is saying my time is more important than yours and you are not worth putting myself out."


This is a reasonable, decent attitude only within context. In another culture it is not in context to the same extent. At the very least, it needs qualifying. Failure to see this is failure to learn, improve and adapt:



On 10/1/2016 at 11:11 PM, StreetCowboy said:

To provide an over-simplifying generalisation, Westerners like myself think that when you arrive, with respect to the appointed time, is about you (and your self discipline), whereas Asians think that when you arrive in comparison to the other person, is more important, and the time of the appointment is a guide to help you achieve that




A much better use of generalising!


Your quote applies only to its own culture. It may still be applied to another culture but it might need adjusting:


"[In Thailand,] I think it's incredibly rude to be late [in certain situations, such as more formal business meetings, despite it actually being expected in certain other formal situations]. Basically the person is saying my time is more important than yours and you are not worth putting myself out [for]."


Now the same thinking applies to the other culture.


Informal situations are no different with regards to Thailand: it depends on the situation, not only the occasion, but where people are in the social hierarchy (pee/nong, greng-jai, etc.) There may be other variables.


As StreetCowboy says:


"At social engagements, I think when the guests of honour arrive late, it is to make sure that no-one else is embarrassed by arriving after them."


Even for Thais who are habitually late it is simply not true that "they dont care", as some too-far-gone sex worker, with the loveliest heart you've ever known but who has no self-control, might tell you.



Of course, many sex workers simply won't care, and they are being "rude" whether they know it or not, just like the fellow across the table who conveniently thinks he's not judging her by his own culture when taking a prostitute out for dinner.


To say "no morals, no principles" either reflects the company one keeps or a complete lack of cultural awareness.


The list does indeed go on.


"i bet they would not be late if they had to pick up a 5 million baht lottery win !!!!!!!!!!"


In saying this you show a failure to recognise not only other cultures but also your own humanity!


Anyone - that's any human being, which is what you are - who had to pick up a 5m THB lottery win, no matter where they come from around the world could also be a safe "bet" not to be late. The example is just silly.


So why use it?


Is it because all of your experiences with Thai people seem entirely financially transactional?


Then you need to get out more and see the wood for the trees.


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