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'Unhinged': Clinton slams Trump over beauty queen Twitter tirade


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'Unhinged': Clinton slams Trump over beauty queen Twitter tirade




She has denounced him as a bully, humiliating her for gaining weight.


And, in a pre-dawn Twitter tirade on Friday, Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump hit back with a vague, unsubstantiated claim about former Miss Universe Alicia Machado from Venezuela and a sex tape.


This is the hot topic in the US election campaign, with less than six weeks to go.


Trump’s attacks provided critics with new fodder to question his temperament for the White House.


“Did Crooked Hillary help disgusting (check out sex tape and past) Alicia M become a US citizen so she could use her in the debate?” Trump said in his Twitter messages in the early hours of Friday.


He did not elaborate on his allegations beyond saying that the Clinton campaign was unaware of the beauty queen’s past and had been “duped” by her.


Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who first referenced Machado in Monday’s TV debate, expressed shock at Trump’s ‘middle of the night’ Twitter onslaught.


“His latest Twitter meltdown is unhinged, even for him,” she told a campaign rally in Coral Springs, Florida.


“It proves yet again that he is temperamentally unfit to be president and commander-in-chief.”


Trump, the former owner of the Miss Universe pageants, also branded the former beauty queen ‘disgusting’.


He has suggested he might attack Hillary Clinton in the next debate on the infidelities of her husband, ex-President Bill Clinton.


And on the campaign trail in Novi, Michigan, he was also lashing out over money.


“Hillary Clinton has made a living raking in donations from special interests that have raided our factories and ripped the jobs straight out of Michigan and every other state,” he told supporters.


“That is how she gets rich, by taking your jobs and your money away from you and away from your state.”


Trailing in the polls after a debate he is widely seen to have lost, Trump could see his beauty queen outburst damage his already weak standing among women and Hispanics.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-10-02
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Clinton offends ‘basement-dwelling’ millennials in leaked recording.


Hillary Clinton dismissed millennials as “children of the Great Recession” who are “living in their parents’ basement,” according to a taped speech that recently came to light.

She also derided them for naively falling for rival Sen. Bernie Sanders’ “false promises” — including his free-college pledge that she has since adopted as her own.

Sanders fans and Trump supporters seized on the comments Saturday as the hashtag#BasementDwellers trended on Twitter.


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Oh jees, the wingnuts are off the reservation. 


It just goes to show, there is nothing the hideous buffoon can do or say that bothers his lemming. :coffee1:


Okay, let's saddle up. Off the cliff we go. 1...2...3...okay jump!

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Of course HRC is using this. She has nothing else to persuade voters to vote for her.


More fool Trump for falling into her trap. Perhaps he isn't suited to be president, but that doesn't mean she is. It's just a choice between 2 very unsuitable candidates, and will be won by the least offensive, because there just isn't anything positive to say about either of them.

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1 hour ago, JetsetBkk said:


As usual, a bunch of conspiracy crap.   Had she been charged or found guilty of any of the allegations, she would not have been given a green card and she would not be granted citizenship.



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Donald is just being frank. Who will respect this Miss Universe competition again when the winners start to get FAT ???


Might as well rename as Miss FAT Universe.



HRC just trying all angles to dig up issues !



I believe that Donald is saving the best for last! The impact of the last debate just before election will sway the polls and leave HRC so far behind.


Go DONALD Go ! hahaha :rolleyes:

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38 minutes ago, Pinot said:

Oh jees, the wingnuts are off the reservation. 


It just goes to show, there is nothing the hideous buffoon can do or say that bothers his lemming. :coffee1:


Okay, let's saddle up. Off the cliff we go. 1...2...3...okay jump!



Indeed. Most of the stuff being posted above by the nutters is just delusional nonsense. Every waking day must be a challenge for some as they continually come into conflict over and over with a real world that contradicts the twaddle that defines their reality. 

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Wake up and head over to Stormfront for today's talking points. It's important to be in lock step with conspiracy nonsense. Enough people repeat it and it magically becomes true!


Twaddle is such a great word. Good on ya, Snig!


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22 minutes ago, Snig27 said:


Indeed. Most of the stuff being posted above by the nutters is just delusional nonsense. Every waking day must be a challenge for some as they continually come into conflict over and over with a real world that contradicts the twaddle that defines their reality. 

Don't be so hard on Pinot.

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I know Trump is a hand talker but I think the following applies as well.  A skinwalker is a person with the ability to turn into any animal they desire. I think the skinwalker side of him is more prevalent like 90%. It really amazes me that out of 350 million people Americans will pick one of these 2 <deleted> to be their next leader. Makes one wonder where the journey will go. We live in interesting times. 

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I was thinking "shapeshifter" from Dune series....

" He has suggested he might attack Hillary Clinton in the next debate on the infidelities of her husband, ex-President Bill Clinton."

 Bring it on. In case no one has told him, Bill isn't running for president, Hillary is.

 Trump has been married 3 times, cheated on first wife with eventual wife number 2, and bragged about it.

 Dear Donald: as you won't release tax returns, how about lifting gag order as part of divorce settlements. I'm sure we'd like to hear about that, as it does deal with character and fitness to be president.

 Some married people do cheat, and work through it & stay together. You just toss exes onto pile and go buy another trophy wife. Do you have a "deal" with her regarding open marriage?

Edited by Emster23
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2 hours ago, Credo said:

As usual, a bunch of conspiracy crap.   Had she been charged or found guilty of any of the allegations, she would not have been given a green card and she would not be granted citizenship.



She was charged with very serious crimes, but the country was Venezuela, as I understand.  I'm guessing Venezuela has the same objective devotion to justice as Thailand, so it's no wonder that a drug dealer's concubine can evade conviction...

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21 minutes ago, hdkane said:

She was charged with very serious crimes, but the country was Venezuela, as I understand.  I'm guessing Venezuela has the same objective devotion to justice as Thailand, so it's no wonder that a drug dealer's concubine can evade conviction...


Please list the serious crimes with which she was charged.



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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Of course HRC is using this. She has nothing else to persuade voters to vote for her.


More fool Trump for falling into her trap. Perhaps he isn't suited to be president, but that doesn't mean she is. It's just a choice between 2 very unsuitable candidates, and will be won by the least offensive, because there just isn't anything positive to say about either of them.

That's a real admission from you, Trump is unsuitable to be president.

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10 minutes ago, stevenl said:

That's a real admission from you, Trump is unsuitable to be president.

There's actually a lot positive to say about Hillary Clinton. She lies a lot less than a normal politician and trump lies more than any presidential candidate in history. 

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3 hours ago, Credo said:

As usual, a bunch of conspiracy crap.   Had she been charged or found guilty of any of the allegations, she would not have been given a green card and she would not be granted citizenship.



You actually think the US gubb'ment does any screening? I've got a bridge in Baan Rak... 

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3 hours ago, Snig27 said:


Indeed. Most of the stuff being posted above by the nutters is just delusional nonsense. Every waking day must be a challenge for some as they continually come into conflict over and over with a real world that contradicts the twaddle that defines their reality. 

So are you saying Kellog didn't drop her fat-ass from a cereal endorsment contract...isn't that sexist...shouldn't all the social justice warriors be out in front of their headquarters and stores that stock that sexist-cereal shouting at the top of their lungs?


At to see women like Megan Kelly criticize others about sexism when she herself wouldn't have her job if she herself gained 60 pounds is beyond belief...does she really think she got her job and is paid millions for reading the news while wearing short skirts and sitting behind GLASS desks because of her brains! LMFAO

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14 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

There's actually a lot positive to say about Hillary Clinton. She lies a lot less than a normal politician and trump lies more than any presidential candidate in history. 

And she finally got around to supporting gay marriage after activily opposing it for the first 67 years of her life.

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5 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

You actually think the US gubb'ment does any screening? I've got a bridge in Baan Rak... 

Well, let's see...yes, the US gubb'ment does do some screening.   Just ask anybody who has sponsored anyone to go to the US.   Oh, I have, and I have gone through all the paperwork and the interviews.   



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Just now, Credo said:

Well, let's see...yes, the US gubb'ment does do some screening.   Just ask anybody who has sponsored anyone to go to the US.   Oh, I have, and I have gone through all the paperwork and the interviews.   



Strange how all those terrorists and their famalies make it into the US then...any explanation?

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3 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:
17 minutes ago, Jingthing said:


There's actually a lot positive to say about Hillary Clinton. She lies a lot less than a normal politician and trump lies more than any presidential candidate in history. 



And she finally got around to supporting gay marriage after activily opposing it for the first 67 years of her life.



Yes, I'm surprised more Clintonistas don't care about this issue. Or maybe they do but can't justify her lies so best to keep quiet about it.


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3 hours ago, Credo said:
5 hours ago, JetsetBkk said:



As usual, a bunch of conspiracy crap.   Had she been charged or found guilty of any of the allegations, she would not have been given a green card and she would not be granted citizenship.


But of course - anything the Clintonistas don't want to hear must be a conspiracy.    cheesy.gif




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3 minutes ago, JetsetBkk said:


But of course - anything the Clintonistas don't want to hear must be a conspiracy.    cheesy.gif




As has been said...they support open borders and immigration of rapists and drug-dealers. How else to explain Machado getting her papers.

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2 minutes ago, JetsetBkk said:


But of course - anything the Clintonistas don't want to hear must be a conspiracy.    cheesy.gif





You haven't actually said anything.

All I've seen so far are some unattributed stories on nutjob websites and some AP reports that said she was accused of being a getaway driver but that investigation was dropped because there was no evidence to support it.

Keep going though, the Trump plan of throwing poo and hoping it sticks might work for the Trump fans on here.



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Was she ever  convicted of the crimes mentioned?  As far as I've read, the answer is "no" .

It's kind of like her "sex tape" that turned out to be a scene from a reality TV show.  


Trump and his slurping fanboys need to let this go immediately.  All he and they are doing is hurting the chances of down ballot Republicans.


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16 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

As has been said...they support open borders and immigration of rapists and drug-dealers. How else to explain Machado getting her papers.


So just who has said they support open borders and immigration of rapists and drug dealers?


There will come a time when people like you will be held legally responsible for some of the stuff  you write on the internet, and whilst it may take a while a good start would be with the self policing of forums such as this and having people like you who spout such outrageous trash banned from ever participating. 

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