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Trump offends again




NEW YORK: -- The New York Times has published tax documents which suggest Donald Trump filed a massive 916 million dollar loss in 1995 – suggesting he could have earnt 50 million tax free for the next 18 years.


Meanwhile, just days after seemingly losing a televised debate with Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump has once more gone on the offensive:

“Hillary Clinton’s only loyalty is to her financial contributors and to her self, I don’t even think she’s loyal to Bill, you want to know the truth.


And really folks, really, why should she be, right? She has been a disaster. But here’s a woman she’s supposed to fight all of these different things and she can’t make it 15 feet to her car, give me a break, give me a break.”


After the debate with Clinton Trump insisted he’d be “even nastier,” accusing her of bringing shame on the presidency by supporting President Bill Clinton when he was unfaithful.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-10-03


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He's cracking under the pressure. His ugly Id flowing this way and that like piss and excrement from a broken sewerage pipe. Looks like peak Trump has passed just as a red tide passes. Too bad about all the dead fish.


If Donald Trump did not pay Federal taxes for upwards of twenty years, obviously he had a strong motive for not revealing this politically damaging truth. Instead, he pretended he had nothing to hide and that the only reason he refused to release his taxes was because he was under a Federal tax audit. This revelation also helps explain why he has refused to release earlier tax returns for years not under audit. The fact that he hid these motives behind the pretext of a Federal audit raises serious questions about his honesty and integrity. This revelation should give all Trump supporters pause to reconsider whether he is fit to lead and represent the American people.

  (Quote:   Donald Trump, at a campaign rally in Charlotte, NC  on 8/18/2016)

"In this journey, I will never lie to you. I will never tell you something I do not believe." 


all he has to do is shut up,

and let Julian spread the required information that will negate Hillary,

 never showing her political face again


Watch Donald Trump Lecture Americans For Not Paying Taxes:

"On July 18, 2011, Trump appeared on Fox News and was asked about President Barack Obama's comments that well-to-do Americans should make a sacrifice for the country by paying more in taxes."


"He replied:

Well, I don’t mind sacrificing for the country to be honest with you. But you know, you do have a problem because half of the people don't pay any tax. And when he's talking about that he's talking about people that aren't also working, that are not contributing to this society. And it's a problem."





Classic blatant hypocritical B.S. from the Bloviator.





Why would anyone be offended by a tax loss carry forward? It's a pillar of US corporate tax policy. If this offends you I urge you to look at how the Fortune 500 group of companies utilizes US corporate tax policy.

1 hour ago, ivan96822 said:

The election is his to lose...


Not true. He's already lost it.  There's nothing he can do to retrieve a possibility of winning, other than possibly getting the Supreme Court to give him the nod, as Bush Jr. did.  Even if HRC became incapacitated btwn now and Nov 7 (or if one of T's '2nd Amendment redneck sheeple knocked her off) there would still be Kaine to take the helm.

10 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I have predicted that he will offend even more running up to the election. How else is Hilary going to become president!


She becomes prez by being presidential, and very prepared for the job.

33 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

Why would anyone be offended by a tax loss carry forward? It's a pillar of US corporate tax policy. If this offends you I urge you to look at how the Fortune 500 group of companies utilizes US corporate tax policy.


I'm not "offended" by a tax loss carry forward. I'm offended that he told the American people the only reason he wouldn't release his tax returns was because he was under audit. Clearly, that was a lie.

1 minute ago, Gecko123 said:


I'm not "offended" by a a tax loss carry forward. I'm offended that he told the American people the only reason he wouldn't release his tax returns was because he was under audit. Clearly, that was a lie.

He was referring his current tax returns, not returns from eleven years ago.


i'm more offended that the lying clown could lose almost a billion dollars running casinos and still claim to be a great businessman.


Wasn't that a tax return from the 90's that got released?  Anyhow, I agree with you. An audit doesn't preclude one from making a tax return public. It does however limit any negotiations one may have to enter while under audit. Something like "the right to remain silent" when under arrest. I wouldn't release it were I under audit but I'm not running for the presidency and I do understand why people think they should see them.


Let he /she who hath no sin cast the first stone. The Clintons did the exact same thing as Trump.


Clinton’s 2015 tax returns reveal that Hillary Clinton also reported capital gains losses in order to lessen her tax burden through a “carryover.”


Page 17 of the tax returns show “Capital Gains and Losses” for “WILLIAM J CLINTON & HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON.”

The Clintons reported a “Long-term capital loss carryover” of $699,540.

Thus, the Clintons reported a “Net long-term capital gain or (loss)” of “-699,540.”




On 10/3/2016 at 8:08 AM, iReason said:

Watch Donald Trump Lecture Americans For Not Paying Taxes:

"On July 18, 2011, Trump appeared on Fox News and was asked about President Barack Obama's comments that well-to-do Americans should make a sacrifice for the country by paying more in taxes."


"He replied:

Well, I don’t mind sacrificing for the country to be honest with you. But you know, you do have a problem because half of the people don't pay any tax. And when he's talking about that he's talking about people that aren't also working, that are not contributing to this society. And it's a problem."





Classic blatant hypocritical B.S. from the Bloviator.




What is the horizontal scale. I refuse to accept graphs which are incomplete. Reminds me of stuff I see about global warming.

40 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


She becomes prez by being presidential, and very prepared for the job.




She is nothing more than a lying POS that cannot be trusted in any way shape or form

24 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

Let he /she who hath no sin cast the first stone. The Clintons did the exact same thing as Trump.


Clinton’s 2015 tax returns reveal that Hillary Clinton also reported capital gains losses in order to lessen her tax burden through a “carryover.”


Page 17 of the tax returns show “Capital Gains and Losses” for “WILLIAM J CLINTON & HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON.”

The Clintons reported a “Long-term capital loss carryover” of $699,540.

Thus, the Clintons reported a “Net long-term capital gain or (loss)” of “-699,540.”

False equivalency.


There is a big difference between Capital loss carryover and operating loss carryover. Most people who play stock (me included) know how capital gains and losses work and how to claim them for income tax purposes. This is a personal income loss that the Clintons filed.


Now Trump's loss was an operating loss which means companies that he ran (unsuccessfully I guess) had an operating loss of $916 million dollars. It wasn't Trump's personal income loss, it was his companies. Since Trump operates his many businesses as “pass-through” entities means he passed through all of their earnings, deductions and losses to his personal returns. This is one of the tax "loopholes" Donald could use to not pay taxes for many years after he filed (up to 15 years after).

40 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

Why would anyone be offended by a tax loss carry forward? It's a pillar of US corporate tax policy. If this offends you I urge you to look at how the Fortune 500 group of companies utilizes US corporate tax policy.


Because we are not talking about companies here. We are talking about ultra-wealthy individuals who are able to use convoluted trusts and corporate structures to reduce or eliminate their tax burdens on personal income. This is not something that is available to your average joe, and this, along with other oddities can result is people with high incomes paying much less tax, percentage wise, that middle class Americans.


What Trump messed up here was not using the carry forward loss, instead it was that he did not use the initiative in disclosing it. If he had chose to disclose it early on and, at the same time, used it to push a much simplified tax plan that would eliminate the loophole, it could have been a positive, or at least neutral. However, by giving a BS excuse (I am being audited) and hiding his tax returns, he can't control the message.



22 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

Wasn't that a tax return from the 90's that got released?  Anyhow, I agree with you. An audit doesn't preclude one from making a tax return public. It does however limit any negotiations one may have to enter while under audit. Something like "the right to remain silent" when under arrest. I wouldn't release it were I under audit but I'm not running for the presidency and I do understand why people think they should see them.


All of the information in the tax returns would already be with the IRS, so disclosing the returns to the public wouldn't have any direct effect on the audit. Now, it could lead to Trump not being able to make comments on the returns after release because anything additional he said could be used by the IRS during their investigation. However, that wasn't what he claimed.


Trump offends again...Huh.


I think we could have that as a daily topic. Every day he seems to offend someone, somewhere, somehow. Granted he is just plain offensive by nature. He is offensive to the eyes, to the ears, to the mind and to the soul. His daily vitriol of anyone that attacks him is plainly childish and lacks the temperament is takes to hold any public office much less POTUS.


I will be so glad on November 9th when he slinks back into his reality TV world where I can be free from ever seeing or hearing him again. Start the clock! 36 days until we are Trump free!

13 minutes ago, Silurian said:

False equivalency.


There is a big difference between Capital loss carryover and operating loss carryover. Most people who play stock (me included) know how capital gains and losses work and how to claim them for income tax purposes. This is a personal income loss that the Clintons filed.


Now Trump's loss was an operating loss which means companies that he ran (unsuccessfully I guess) had an operating loss of $916 million dollars. It wasn't Trump's personal income loss, it was his companies. Since Trump operates his many businesses as “pass-through” entities means he passed through all of their earnings, deductions and losses to his personal returns. This is one of the tax "loopholes" Donald could use to not pay taxes for many years after he filed (up to 15 years after).

The fact is that they both did a carryover which is legal under US tax laws. I see it as the pot and the kettle.

50 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

Wasn't that a tax return from the 90's that got released?  Anyhow, I agree with you. An audit doesn't preclude one from making a tax return public. It does however limit any negotiations one may have to enter while under audit. Something like "the right to remain silent" when under arrest. I wouldn't release it were I under audit but I'm not running for the presidency and I do understand why people think they should see them.


Oh BS, you just made that up.  Any statements on your tax returns are statements you have already made "under penalty of perjury" ...vs while "under arrest and the right to remain silent" you haven't made any statements yet!!


323 million people, and these 2 morons are the best they can select to run the country, really?


God bless help America.


I don't see the "offense" here, although Trump has re-written the "rules" on gutter politics, so it's relative comparison. 


Every American and US tax liable non-Americans, can and should arrange their affairs to pay the least tax.   Anyone who tells me it's "patriotic" to pay taxes, is a moron.  I was able to write down losses for TY08, and carried some into TY09, and I'm just a Turbo Tax commando. 


If Trump's lawyers and accountants maneuver his portfolio within regulations and the IRS finds no violations, well then, good for him.   I'm not impressed (or jealous) of the much larger figures being thrown around.  If his lawyers/accountants have screwed the pooch, it'll come out in the wash, and then watch how fast Trump throws his suddenly not too smart lawyers and accountants, under the bus.


If you haven't seen Trump's deposition in suit against CZ International, dated 16 June 2016, pull it up on Youtube.  It's dry but I watched the whole thing (1hr 30mins, 2 parts) the other night, and it gave me far more insight into Trump than any rally or debate, and pretty much confirmed my unflattering view of him.    

23 minutes ago, DiamondKing said:





All he did is use the current laws to his advantage THAT IS SMART BUSINESS


then he's got nothing to worry about and should publish all his tax returns so there's no more of this salacious gossip.

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