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On 04/10/2016 at 7:38 PM, alzack said:

well that would be nice a nice rental for our farm would be good  cant put the link but search north thai villa rent ban sa chaehom 

and good luick



Hey Alzack


Really warming post and of course I wish you and the family all the very best and hope things work out after a 25 year absence for the UK. 


Not wanting to come across as being negative in the slightest, I will however provide you with my point of view on were I think you may have bitten off more than you could chew, suffice to say this is a forum for open discussion and hope you don't take this the wrong way.


I moved here almost a year ago, after planning it for 10 years, so I am a newbie to Thailand, but I believe I have done enough research and have enough knowledge on how to survive here for the rest of my retired life.


I purchased land here 9 years ago, (yes wife's name), filled it, soil has firmed in that time, recently finished building our house, and purchased the car.


I am however too young to obtain a pension and decided that I was in a comfortable enough position to sell up and get out of the rat race back in Oz, 10 years early as opposed to waiting for the old age pension, and working myself to the ground in the process.


This is were I think you went wrong, In my opinion, too many people place too much emphasis on education for their kid/s and spending $'s they don't have, or borrow to give their kids the best education, suffice to say they forget that they too have to survive as well, the 200,000 baht per year could have kept you here, and your son could have attended another school for much less.


What I am saying is, as I never had a formal education when I went to school, if you can call the old school certificate (level 10) an education, I survived, and I worked as an apprentice mechanic and various jobs with that piece of paper, although I did go to TAFE, or college much later in life to study for a further 6 years to get 2 pieces of paper that opened doors further for me in the field that I was working in, this didn't cost my parents anything, and I personally would not of wanted my parents to pay big $'s for my education, as life was tough enough for them, both working to raise 4 boys.


Before retiring I was getting over a 6 figures as salary, although when I looked at what was left after paying taxes, Medicare levy surcharges, and the cost to live in Sydney, and what would be left for us after a further 10 years of work Vs retiring early, I decided that it just wasn't feasible for me, that and watching a few mates and a brother pass before the ripe old age of 50, all working so hard to die young, so I opted to get out 10 years early and have start enjoying life, not even looking at depending on the old age pension, because if I had to live on that, and or watch economic circumstances like your unwind with the pound dropping to a 31 year low, or governments changing policy, I would probably freaking out as others would.


We have 4 kids, our philosophy is easy: Let them crawl before they walk, then watch them run, when they fall, don't pick them up, let them stand up and start again.


Our kids go to semi-private schools that also teaches English, they are all doing well, we also put in our 2 bobs worth when needed, the cost is about 40,000 baht in total for the 4 kids per year, I can afford to pay 200,000 per head per year for an international school, but that would be putting our lifestyle backwards, and we didn't have 4 kids to go backwards, they will get their education, they will survive, but at the end of the day, it will also be up to them to put in their best performances in along the way, because money can't buy life's experiences, and what is left for them in monetary terms, with our knowledge and teachings, will hopefully be beneficial for their lives.

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Hey Alzack
Really warming post and of course I wish you and the family all the very best and hope things work out after a 25 year absence for the UK. 
Not wanting to come across as being negative in the slightest, I will however provide you with my point of view on were I think you may have bitten off more than you could chew, suffice to say this is a forum for open discussion and hope you don't take this the wrong way.
I moved here almost a year ago, after planning it for 10 years, so I am a newbie to Thailand, but I believe I have done enough research and have enough knowledge on how to survive here for the rest of my retired life.
I purchased land here 9 years ago, (yes wife's name), filled it, soil has firmed in that time, recently finished building our house, and purchased the car.
I am however too young to obtain a pension and decided that I was in a comfortable enough position to sell up and get out of the rat race back in Oz, 10 years early as opposed to waiting for the old age pension, and working myself to the ground in the process.
This is were I think you went wrong, In my opinion, too many people place too much emphasis on education for their kid/s and spending $'s they don't have, or borrow to give their kids the best education, suffice to say they forget that they too have to survive as well, the 200,000 baht per year could have kept you here, and your son could have attended another school for much less.
What I am saying is, as I never had a formal education when I went to school, if you can call the old school certificate (level 10) an education, I survived, and I worked as an apprentice mechanic and various jobs with that piece of paper, although I did go to TAFE, or college much later in life to study for a further 6 years to get 2 pieces of paper that opened doors further for me in the field that I was working in, this didn't cost my parents anything, and I personally would not of wanted my parents to pay big $'s for my education, as life was tough

Our kids go to semi-private schools that also teaches English, they are all doing well, we also put in our 2 bobs worth when needed, the cost is about 40,000 baht in total for the 4 kids per year, I can afford to pay 200,000 per head per year for an international school, but that would be putting our lifestyle backwards, and we didn't have 4 kids to go backwards, they will get their education, they will survive, but at the end of the day, it will also be up to them to put in their best performances in along the way, because money can't buy life's experiences, and what is left for them in monetary terms, with our knowledge and teachings, will hopefully be beneficial for their lives.

I think your basic arguement is correct- if parents cannot afford pay for their kids to get better education then they should not try and borrow or put unrealistic pressure on their lives trying to scrape the money together.

But if parents have the money then of course they pay for better education.

But your arguments about letting kids take care of them selves in cheap/er schools is the very common arguement heard from people who cannot afford more. And it's perfectly understandable self justification to make the parents feel better in themselves. But obviously not in the best interests of the kids themselves.
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Whats wrong with education and schools in Thailand ? I would of thought the kids in the schools in Thailand would be more respectful and well behaved compared to kids in the UK.


he's getting a free school meal, but is it healthy ? I'm guessing thai school food is rice, vegetables, herbs and meat, here in the UK its like junk food, pizza and burgers, but I could be wrong, hope it goes well for your family.



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4 minutes ago, Bonobojt said:

Whats wrong with education and schools in Thailand ? I would of thought the kids in the schools in Thailand would be more respectful and well behaved compared to kids in the UK.


he's getting a free school meal, but is it healthy ? I'm guessing thai school food is rice, vegetables, herbs and meat, here in the UK its like junk food, pizza and burgers, but I could be wrong, hope it goes well for your family.




Whats wrong with education and schools in Thailand ?????



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2 minutes ago, Bonobojt said:


he said the main reason for coming back to the UK was to find a better school for his son, 



Yes, so he is not happy with the schools and education here..


totally agree with him, even if you go to a Private School here, ithey are still lacking ..



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1 hour ago, Bonobojt said:

Whats wrong with education and schools in Thailand ? I would of thought the kids in the schools in Thailand would be more respectful and well behaved compared to kids in the UK.


he's getting a free school meal, but is it healthy ? I'm guessing thai school food is rice, vegetables, herbs and meat, here in the UK its like junk food, pizza and burgers, but I could be wrong, hope it goes well for your family.



The thai education what's wrong with and the school are you for real there are a joke.

you think rice , rice , rice is good for you no it is not .

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4 hours ago, ExpatJ said:


I think your basic arguement is correct- if parents cannot afford pay for their kids to get better education then they should not try and borrow or put unrealistic pressure on their lives trying to scrape the money together.

But if parents have the money then of course they pay for better education.

But your arguments about letting kids take care of them selves in cheap/er schools is the very common arguement heard from people who cannot afford more. And it's perfectly understandable self justification to make the parents feel better in themselves. But obviously not in the best interests of the kids themselves.



I hear where your coming from and you have some valid points, but I suppose at the end of the day, it is also whether the kid/s have the ability to excel.


Have seen a few mates and a cousin back in Oz spend tens of thousands of dollars per year on private schools for their kids, only to find that when they finished, excluding the cousins son who got expelled after being caught in a stolen car, go to waste, as the others kids work in simple jobs with no room to go up the chain. Was the private education costs worth it in these cases, no in my opinion, although I have seen some kids go on into good fields earning good dollars.


My own daughter from my previous marriage was taken out of a public high school at age 14 without any consultation with me, and put into a private school, also made to repeat a year for the best chance to go forward, and had tutoring throughout, yes child support was paid, her marks were average when she completed year 12, she went to university for 6 months then bailed, stating it was too hard, and her mother almost through her out of her home, she is now working. Who is pressuring who ?


I agree, that if you have the money and want your kids to have the best education, why not give it a go for the kids to have a better chance, however, this depends on the country you live and what you would hope for your kids to be one day. 


Both my wife and I want our kids to have a village life, call me and my wife crazy, but what is so good about working in tall buildings, and having titles and big pay packets along with big tax bills, all of these things come at a cost to an individual, to me the village life is simple, and as long as the kids have enough resources and financial backing to have an income derived from the village lands and know the basics, with mum and dads balanced teachings, life is looking good for them in slow lane.

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40 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


I hear where your coming from and you have some valid points, but I suppose at the end of the day, it is also whether the kid/s have the ability to excel.


Have seen a few mates and a cousin back in Oz spend tens of thousands of dollars per year on private schools for their kids, only to find that when they finished, excluding the cousins son who got expelled after being caught in a stolen car, go to waste, as the others kids work in simple jobs with no room to go up the chain. Was the private education costs worth it in these cases, no in my opinion, although I have seen some kids go on into good fields earning good dollars.


My own daughter from my previous marriage was taken out of a public high school at age 14 without any consultation with me, and put into a private school, also made to repeat a year for the best chance to go forward, and had tutoring throughout, yes child support was paid, her marks were average when she completed year 12, she went to university for 6 months then bailed, stating it was too hard, and her mother almost through her out of her home, she is now working. Who is pressuring who ?


I agree, that if you have the money and want your kids to have the best education, why not give it a go for the kids to have a better chance, however, this depends on the country you live and what you would hope for your kids to be one day. 


Both my wife and I want our kids to have a village life, call me and my wife crazy, but what is so good about working in tall buildings, and having titles and big pay packets along with big tax bills, all of these things come at a cost to an individual, to me the village life is simple, and as long as the kids have enough resources and financial backing to have an income derived from the village lands and know the basics, with mum and dads balanced teachings, life is looking good for them in slow lane.

Sorry on the village life thing I have to  disagree with you , but your kids you do as you like .

My  kids back home one of them has not been going well at school ,government school and the school help work out what was happening and now she has  extra help to try and  Excel and it is all free .

Let see if it happens here in a thai school I think not as you know the thai school  teachers are made to pass the kids .

One thing I have leant in my life , kids have to have the best  change and a good education and I understand about what happened back home but that is the  change you take when you bring kids in to this world.

If the kid dose not go well at school then there is  Taf college to help them get a job like I did with my son who now is a  Builder .

But a village in a thailand school big call but hop it works out for you kids .


Tell me if not for your own country to make good money by way of good work and  extra education to in prove your work place and make better money in your work would you be in thailand to day ?. 

That is why it is great to try and give your kids the best  chance in life with good  education .

IF you are paying lots of tax back home that means you are making lots of money and that is a fact.

I just hop it works out for you and the kids but the village life for your kids I think the  odds are stacked up against them here but hop I am wrong.

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On 10/5/2016 at 11:35 PM, georgemandm said:

Well not sure about you am I .

i am saying here in thailand if you want To live well with aircon you have to pay .

i find that very hard to believe you pay just 3200 .

i have a other friend just one aircon not all day 2000 thai bht .

read the like I got if you not believe me I am just saying.


Now been in the home country lately, and added heating costs to the electricity bill? I guess not because you would consider 8000 Baht a bargain.


whats all that  supposed to mean ?.


i pay 2000 thai bht a month in my country for  electricity and my gas is high in winter for 3 months 4000  thi bht a month still not 8,789 is it and that is just for 3 months not all year round.

my gas in none winter months is 1500 thai bht  a month .

I don't know where you live but I moved back to Australia after spending many years in Thailand 

I have a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom  villa  bills are 

gas about $ 30 per month ( 792 baht ) 

electricity $ 35 per month ( 924 baht ) 

I have air-con in the lounge fans in the bedrooms

I cook on gas plus electric oven and it cost me less

than I used to pay in Thailand I could add many more

things but I am getting bored with arguing with all

the pro Thai posters  

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4 minutes ago, White Christmas13 said:

I don't know where you live but I moved back to Australia after spending many years in Thailand 

I have a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom  villa  bills are 

gas about $ 30 per month ( 792 baht ) 

electricity $ 35 per month ( 924 baht ) 

I have air-con in the lounge fans in the bedrooms

I cook on gas plus electric oven and it cost me less

than I used to pay in Thailand I could add many more

things but I am getting bored with arguing with all

the pro Thai posters  

Ok good I think like you

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On 10/5/2016 at 3:21 AM, alzack said:

Hi you guys and firstly to thank you for your kind wishes and positive replies. some times here you know you can get very negative  responses. As you say THE WEATHER. i was brought up on a Farm after we left London after the war, weather and more weather. Walking or biking to school later an 8km bike ( pushbike) to work and back. yes its going to be a pain. But my Thai wife has seen it by way of 10 trips here in Uk, ( camping for christ sake) ,France Germany and USA, and seen lots of different weather. But i'm sure you will agree Thai people just take to different and cooler weather, look at the way they flock North in the thai winter.  I think you are right about thai wives getting pissed off, but i dont work and shes not stuck at home alone, we are always doing something,going some place together, plus a 10 yr old son to look out for of course.

Although back just 2 months, food cheaper here, our shopping bill good. My car (oldy) but half the price of an equivalent car in thailand. insurance 180 pounds. lovely to buy good wine at last at a good price, and cheese. its so good watching the BBC this week, pound down to its lowest level in 31 years, finished with all that. Just how some guys can get thier annual Thai visa soon will be an issue i think. In the end, i could have stayed on, we have lovely place in the north, but decided to do it for my son, a better chance for him will post again in april watch this space , cheers

All the best to you all 

You wrote a brilliant post previously and even though I am not from the UK, it was quite interesting and educational.


We all have choices in life, only we know what is best for our families.


Some men could give a rats arse about their Thai children every getting an education that will provide more than 15,000 thb per month, but that just shows they care more about themselves.


Those guys are the ones always on TV that never have anything of value to add, while badmouthing all the effort others put in to educated the readers with true stories and facts.


I appreciate the time and effort you put into educating all of us with your experience.


Do not let the naysayers get to you.


Close families can survive anywhere and the quality of life will be better for your son.


You will give him an education where he will have a life of is own some day.


That is the greatest thing a father can do for a son.

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On 10/5/2016 at 10:53 AM, Anthony5 said:

Well I'm sure that is not just 1 aircon, but probably 4- 5 aircons running useless, andalso a swimming pool and an irrigation system .


I have a swimming pool, irrigation system and 2 aircons running every night, and my bill has never been higher than 3200 Baht.


Now been in the home country lately, and added heating costs to the electricity bill? I guess not because you would consider 8000 Baht a bargain.


Oh, we're talking about like for like of course.

I would like to see some proof your 3200 baht bill running 2 air cons and a swimming pool


Send the photos and the bill 

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On 10/5/2016 at 2:25 PM, Anthony5 said:


I doubt very much you're smart, because you make too many ASSumptions.


I'm not married, don't have a Thai partner at all, but I own the property I live on.


Again, show me the money, and I give your more egg on your face than you ever can absorb.

Why do you want to high jack the OP's post with your bullshit?


You need to get lost or start your own post.


The OP has posted something interesting and factual, no one wants to read your continued diatribes about how important you think you are


Seriously man, get lost and start your own post


You add nothing of value here and you high jacked an excellent post of one man's true events

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On 10/6/2016 at 1:41 AM, 4MyEgo said:


Hey Alzack


Really warming post and of course I wish you and the family all the very best and hope things work out after a 25 year absence for the UK. 


Not wanting to come across as being negative in the slightest, I will however provide you with my point of view on were I think you may have bitten off more than you could chew, suffice to say this is a forum for open discussion and hope you don't take this the wrong way.


I moved here almost a year ago, after planning it for 10 years, so I am a newbie to Thailand, but I believe I have done enough research and have enough knowledge on how to survive here for the rest of my retired life.


I purchased land here 9 years ago, (yes wife's name), filled it, soil has firmed in that time, recently finished building our house, and purchased the car.


I am however too young to obtain a pension and decided that I was in a comfortable enough position to sell up and get out of the rat race back in Oz, 10 years early as opposed to waiting for the old age pension, and working myself to the ground in the process.


This is were I think you went wrong, In my opinion, too many people place too much emphasis on education for their kid/s and spending $'s they don't have, or borrow to give their kids the best education, suffice to say they forget that they too have to survive as well, the 200,000 baht per year could have kept you here, and your son could have attended another school for much less.


What I am saying is, as I never had a formal education when I went to school, if you can call the old school certificate (level 10) an education, I survived, and I worked as an apprentice mechanic and various jobs with that piece of paper, although I did go to TAFE, or college much later in life to study for a further 6 years to get 2 pieces of paper that opened doors further for me in the field that I was working in, this didn't cost my parents anything, and I personally would not of wanted my parents to pay big $'s for my education, as life was tough enough for them, both working to raise 4 boys.


Before retiring I was getting over a 6 figures as salary, although when I looked at what was left after paying taxes, Medicare levy surcharges, and the cost to live in Sydney, and what would be left for us after a further 10 years of work Vs retiring early, I decided that it just wasn't feasible for me, that and watching a few mates and a brother pass before the ripe old age of 50, all working so hard to die young, so I opted to get out 10 years early and have start enjoying life, not even looking at depending on the old age pension, because if I had to live on that, and or watch economic circumstances like your unwind with the pound dropping to a 31 year low, or governments changing policy, I would probably freaking out as others would.


We have 4 kids, our philosophy is easy: Let them crawl before they walk, then watch them run, when they fall, don't pick them up, let them stand up and start again.


Our kids go to semi-private schools that also teaches English, they are all doing well, we also put in our 2 bobs worth when needed, the cost is about 40,000 baht in total for the 4 kids per year, I can afford to pay 200,000 per head per year for an international school, but that would be putting our lifestyle backwards, and we didn't have 4 kids to go backwards, they will get their education, they will survive, but at the end of the day, it will also be up to them to put in their best performances in along the way, because money can't buy life's experiences, and what is left for them in monetary terms, with our knowledge and teachings, will hopefully be beneficial for their lives.

When ever a person that doesn't know the other person starts out with "Where you went wrong", it nothing more than a hypocrite.


The OP did what he thought was best for his family, not what is best for your thinking.


You are truly misguided if you think a Thai education where they teach English is going to amount to something for their future


With the average Thai college grad earning 15,000 thb per month, you are sentencing your own kids to NO future at all


Funny how you claim to be able to afford International School tuition then in the same sentence talk yourself out of it? I think you probably cannot afford 200,000 per year per child honestly.


You have no education yourself but you put your "2 bobs" in when needed? I am sure that is super beneficial.


My real life experience after having my son in a 500,000 baht a year International School, is moving back to the USA and having him one full year behind.


That is real life experience.


So your 40,000 education is basically worthless and you can tell by your walk/crawl comments that you could care care less what kind of future your kids have.


So are you a good father to put yourself before your kids future?


No sir, you are not.


The OP bit a big bullet to give his son a chance





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1 hour ago, bwpage3 said:
On 10/5/2016 at 9:53 PM, Anthony5 said:

Well I'm sure that is not just 1 aircon, but probably 4- 5 aircons running useless, andalso a swimming pool and an irrigation system .


I have a swimming pool, irrigation system and 2 aircons running every night, and my bill has never been higher than 3200 Baht.


Now been in the home country lately, and added heating costs to the electricity bill? I guess not because you would consider 8000 Baht a bargain.


Oh, we're talking about like for like of course.

I would like to see some proof your 3200 baht bill running 2 air cons and a swimming pool


Send the photos and the bill 




Proof Please. 

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On 10/6/2016 at 1:17 AM, Anthony5 said:


Since you are soooooo rich, and know everything about Thailand, show me the money and I post the documents issued by the Thai government that show my house is in my personal name.


How much money will be required to prove your claims? 


Ill pay to see a rarity like this. 

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On 04/10/2016 at 9:18 AM, alzack said:

Well happy to elaborate on that

1 had been out of the UK more than 25 years (France,germany usa, Korea, then Thailand)  No property in uki, kept a bank, paid all 44 years tax,national insurance,no debts, no court orders nothing.


2 having decided to rent a place, we were turned down by landlords 5 times, deposits, searches, fees lost 5 times. In the end we had to pay 9 months rent in advance plus deposits to secure a rental contract. In a nutshell, my credit score was NIL/zero. they just  could not trace me,where i had been.


3. The main reason to return was for my son to get a better school. This was an uphill thing. there are certain times of the year in UK when you must apply. Of course during this early process I was still in Thailand, thus no UK address to apply. Most would not accept an application with out a local address!

After writing to 10 schools in the area  I chose (my home county) we did get 2 schools that agreed to take him in.

He started September and blended in very fast, his english is good.


4. The tax system is difficult. I wanted to claim the tax relief for my son, which every one gets for a child. After 3 months i still wait. They wanted, and still have, every piece of original documents, passports, birth, marriage papers on and on.  In 10 years I have lost out in the tune of 30K gbp, I could not claim that relief in thailand. it will happen they assure me


3 my income and with my sons age (10) i qualified for housing. council tax benefits. same same with documents but more.

There is a thing call HABITUAL HABITATION TEST this basically means I had to prove to them i really was returning to live. (A lot of people from India/Pakistan/Africa have abused the system it seems) So in the end it means these documents and actions

a LONG TERM rental contract

b School acceptance letter

c A car insurance document

d Register to   vote

e doctors/  dentist register

f  T v licence

g Buss pass

h Tax records/all income etc, but all showing the new address

i letters of reference  from old friends (3 police friends helped a lot)


imagine a spider web and every  form and official paper pointing into the center of the  web with the new address. i passed, a lot do not.

i still wait for the increase of state pension which was frozen in thailand.

On top of all this of course is my wife's spouse visa /settlement visa which is well in hand.  It helped a lot that she had a 5 year visitor visa, which allows her a 6 month stay, so she was able to travel with us to get us all settled in. Nearly all the items above are relevant to her visa application too. We are nearly there now,  The sending of original documents has been a problem as they cannot be in two places at once

At 73 yrs old, I never thought I would return but i do it for my sons future, things not looking very good for Thailand really. I do miss many things (not the heat) i walked a lot in our city in the North, the markets, the people working hard to put rice on the table, no handouts, lovely people. i always related to the poor in the North. The rich,the elite, The military, the police and the corruption and politics frighten me to death

The slow but steady erosion of the Pound's value has also been a great concern  these past 8 years. When we built our Farm in the mountains, south of Chiang Mai, we were getting 74, at one point when we bought the furniture it was 78.every  month less and less baht for the monthly Pension transfers.

Those who own a property in the uk, much of the about might be easier . We still own the farm in thailand, maybe  at a later date a PLAN B?

All the  best and thanks for nice comments wishes  Cheers




Of course none of this would have been necessary had you clambered out of the back of a lorry at Dover! :whistling:

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9 hours ago, georgemandm said:

The thai education what's wrong with and the school are you for real there are a joke.

you think rice , rice , rice is good for you no it is not .

Your grammar certainly disproves any theory that a Western education is any better than a Thai one,it is absolutely shocking I'd spend some of your 3 Million on going back to remedial school!

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6 hours ago, Mekong Thunder said:

Your grammar certainly disproves any theory that a Western education is any better than a Thai one,it is absolutely shocking I'd spend some of your 3 Million on going back to remedial school!

Tell me  if my grammar is not that good what dose that mean that you are better then me ?. 

I think not when you poms get of here and think you are sooooo good at English means F??? All 

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1 hour ago, georgemandm said:

Tell me  if my grammar is not that good what dose that mean that you are better then me ?. 

I think not when you poms get of here and think you are sooooo good at English means F??? All 

Your dose isn't working chum..........:sad:

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14 hours ago, georgemandm said:

Sorry on the village life thing I have to  disagree with you , but your kids you do as you like .

My  kids back home one of them has not been going well at school ,government school and the school help work out what was happening and now she has  extra help to try and  Excel and it is all free .

Let see if it happens here in a thai school I think not as you know the thai school  teachers are made to pass the kids .

One thing I have leant in my life , kids have to have the best  change and a good education and I understand about what happened back home but that is the  change you take when you bring kids in to this world.

If the kid dose not go well at school then there is  Taf college to help them get a job like I did with my son who now is a  Builder .

But a village in a thailand school big call but hop it works out for you kids .


Tell me if not for your own country to make good money by way of good work and  extra education to in prove your work place and make better money in your work would you be in thailand to day ?. 

That is why it is great to try and give your kids the best  chance in life with good  education .

IF you are paying lots of tax back home that means you are making lots of money and that is a fact.

I just hop it works out for you and the kids but the village life for your kids I think the  odds are stacked up against them here but hop I am wrong.


Each to their own, as we both agree on.


I think one big part must have been missed from my previous post, copy and pasted "and what is left for them in monetary terms" to elaborate, what I made in my 40 plus years working and investing back in Oz will be theirs one day.


From what I have seen thus far, all of our kids that go to school are doing exceptionally well, we test them weekly and if they get stuck on something, we make sure they get unstuck.


Like I said before, basic education, simple teaching from mum and dad on life and let them grow and work out the rest, if they want to become builders, teachers and the like, up to them, but with money, land, rubber trees, eucalyptus trees, palm oil, rice, shares, and term deposits earning interest and dividends, they are on a good foot when the time comes.


Going back to your argument quote:" Tell me if not for your own country to make good money by way of good work and  extra education to in prove your work place and make better money in your work would you be in thailand to day ?. I totally disagree, you can earn good money by way of work and education, to survive in Sydney (my case), but by the time you take out taxes and the cost of living, you don't end up in Thailand, unless you want to rely on the old age pension at 65, 67, 70 whatever it will be, remember I am 56, retired at 55. What brought me to retire in Thailand was assets acquired from investing my money working 2 jobs ( one job being cash paid) and watching those assets grow over time, let's not forget here, if you live in Sydney, rent, drive a car, have kids, you need $100k a year just to live, I know you will argue this and your entitled too, but I have done the math and if you want a break down, just let me know and I will provide it to you, "between the eyes" so to speak 555



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11 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

When ever a person that doesn't know the other person starts out with "Where you went wrong", it nothing more than a hypocrite.


The OP did what he thought was best for his family, not what is best for your thinking.


You are truly misguided if you think a Thai education where they teach English is going to amount to something for their future


With the average Thai college grad earning 15,000 thb per month, you are sentencing your own kids to NO future at all


Funny how you claim to be able to afford International School tuition then in the same sentence talk yourself out of it? I think you probably cannot afford 200,000 per year per child honestly.


You have no education yourself but you put your "2 bobs" in when needed? I am sure that is super beneficial.


My real life experience after having my son in a 500,000 baht a year International School, is moving back to the USA and having him one full year behind.


That is real life experience.


So your 40,000 education is basically worthless and you can tell by your walk/crawl comments that you could care care less what kind of future your kids have.


So are you a good father to put yourself before your kids future?


No sir, you are not.


The OP bit a big bullet to give his son a chance






Yes the decision he made at the time is the decision he made at the time, no one know's if that decision put him where he is today, that and the pound going the furthest south in 31 years.


To call me a hypocrite is nothing short of gutless, I could turn around and call you something too, but I don't wish to lower myself to your level, far too low for me, thank you.


We are all parents and make day to day decisions on how best to raise our kids, including their education and future, suffice to say, my kids will not be leaving Thailand, they will not be working for anyone, could you not read between the lines, obviously not, they will have enough financial backing to live a beautiful existence in the village, a bit like how man started out, not in big glass buildings, with tossers all the way to the top wanting every inch of your rectum for the $ they pay, and you receiving an existence in a cold society, if you want that for your kids, sel-a-vee, you obviously cannot afford to live in Thailand and provide a normal life for him, hence the reason your back to America, "the land of the free".


You chose to follow you best foot forward and provide 500,000 baht international schooling for your kid and to go back to America, "the land of the free" was that your failing too ?


I could waste my time and prove to you quite easily how I could pay 200,000 a year for each of my kids until they finish school, but pointless, as I said, I don't wish to go backwards, the money is for their future, not to have to work for someone else because they went to this school or that school. You know nothing of me, and I know nothing of you, except that you didn't read a word I said in my post, and I did not start off the way you stated, try reading it again and you might just see who is the hypocrite Yanky.


I would presume something happened to you with your side of getting an education, don't take your failings out on me, hope you are a good father by investing 500,000 baht per year for your son though, remember, you appear to know me and what a bad father I am because I am not providing a "good" education by spending 2,000,000 baht or 800,000 baht per year on international schooling to educate my kids, please, another snob society let out of the bag !!!  


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12 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

You wrote a brilliant post previously and even though I am not from the UK, it was quite interesting and educational.


We all have choices in life, only we know what is best for our families.


Some men could give a rats arse about their Thai children every getting an education that will provide more than 15,000 thb per month, but that just shows they care more about themselves.


Those guys are the ones always on TV that never have anything of value to add, while badmouthing all the effort others put in to educated the readers with true stories and facts.


I appreciate the time and effort you put into educating all of us with your experience.


Do not let the naysayers get to you.


Close families can survive anywhere and the quality of life will be better for your son.


You will give him an education where he will have a life of is own some day.


That is the greatest thing a father can do for a son.


This now says it all:  


"Some men could give a rats arse about their Thai children every getting an education that will provide more than 15,000 thb per month, but that just shows they care more about themselves.


Those guys are the ones always on TV that never have anything of value to add, while badmouthing all the effort others put in to educated the readers with true stories and facts.


Do not let the naysayers get to you".


I now see that you yourself failed to get an education, I learned that when you live in a "democratic society" you are entitled to free speech, too bad some have to take things out of context and have no understanding that everyone is entitled to an opinion, this is why we have a "democracy" Yank.



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