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8 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Heading back home is a backward, selfish step.

Trying to justify your faults, coming here, is pathetic.

If the cash ran out, just admit it.



 I'm assuming your comment is aimed at the O.P

 if this is so,then I think it's you that is pathetic.

The guy is going back to the U.K in order to obtain a better education for his child,

to me that makes him unselfish. Where does he say he's ran out of money?

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8 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Heading back home is a backward, selfish step.

Trying to justify your faults, coming here, is pathetic.

If the cash ran out, just admit it.



An offensive unsubstantiated and unwarranted post.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/10/2016 at 10:00 AM, 4MyEgo said:


Each to their own, as we both agree on.


I think one big part must have been missed from my previous post, copy and pasted "and what is left for them in monetary terms" to elaborate, what I made in my 40 plus years working and investing back in Oz will be theirs one day.


From what I have seen thus far, all of our kids that go to school are doing exceptionally well, we test them weekly and if they get stuck on something, we make sure they get unstuck.


Like I said before, basic education, simple teaching from mum and dad on life and let them grow and work out the rest, if they want to become builders, teachers and the like, up to them, but with money, land, rubber trees, eucalyptus trees, palm oil, rice, shares, and term deposits earning interest and dividends, they are on a good foot when the time comes.


Going back to your argument quote:" Tell me if not for your own country to make good money by way of good work and  extra education to in prove your work place and make better money in your work would you be in thailand to day ?. I totally disagree, you can earn good money by way of work and education, to survive in Sydney (my case), but by the time you take out taxes and the cost of living, you don't end up in Thailand, unless you want to rely on the old age pension at 65, 67, 70 whatever it will be, remember I am 56, retired at 55. What brought me to retire in Thailand was assets acquired from investing my money working 2 jobs ( one job being cash paid) and watching those assets grow over time, let's not forget here, if you live in Sydney, rent, drive a car, have kids, you need $100k a year just to live, I know you will argue this and your entitled too, but I have done the math and if you want a break down, just let me know and I will provide it to you, "between the eyes" so to speak 555



Been  band on here that's why I did not get back to you , all I can say is this if you think thailand such a great place for you and your kids good, if I had kids here I would take them home for school.


On the the why you live here all I can say is if you did not have the money you work hard for from Australia you would not be in Thailand to day .


And on the money you have  invested back in Australia , if you think Australia is such a bad country why do you not take all your money out and invest it in your new great county thailand? .


you need to understand you are in thailand because you had a great chance to make good money in Australia.


you seem to think thailand is such a great place , then why did you not come to thailand 10 years ago when you first meet your thai lady and work here and make great money , no you set your self up to come here and live ,  good  on you but it was that great county Australia and your hard work that made you live her well off .


On the $1,000 a week to live in Sydney Australia, I not understand Sydney because I come from Melbourne but when I was with my ex wife and my 2 kids we did not spend that much to live more like $500 a week with every thing.


You life  style Most be a lot  different to mine .


One more thing on the thai life style that you say is so good , ok good for you because you have money that keeps you going here and that is because of Australia and your hard work, my new thai lady of of 2 years has been home 3 times in 12 months and tells me how great my country is and how lucky we are to have everything we went , not like thailand.


I can understand why you come here to live and good on you but for me thailand is just a place to come and  visit my Thais family and for me to meet up with some of my friends, I tried to live here and it is not for me .


I for one can't understand people who bag there country of  Origin to give them a  excuse to come to live in thailand, if you want to live here ok good on you but don't bag my great county Australia.


I am so lucky that my  parents did not stay in  Greece when my dad wanted to live there and took the family back to live 40 years ago .


Yes I have paid my Taxes the same as you but I not care that is how it is , but when I look at the way the old people here are  treated here in thailand and look at how poor some people are I just think that good on Australia the way it takes care of its people, ok yes we have  Bludges back home that will never stop and yes the government waste our tax dollars ,but not much you can do about it .


Just live with it work hard and make good money.


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On 09/10/2016 at 7:57 AM, ExpatJ said:


I think your basic arguement is correct- if parents cannot afford pay for their kids to get better education then they should not try and borrow or put unrealistic pressure on their lives trying to scrape the money together.

But if parents have the money then of course they pay for better education.

But your arguments about letting kids take care of them selves in cheap/er schools is the very common arguement heard from people who cannot afford more. And it's perfectly understandable self justification to make the parents feel better in themselves. But obviously not in the best interests of the kids themselves.


This post has been ruined by some chaps who I would suspect could empty a bar during happy hour.

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Just now, Rc2702 said:

Your right on the money pal. I'm off now. Enjoy happy hour.

Ok good on you enjoy it at 10 am in the morning that says a lot about who you are and am not your pal and would never be your pal you go drink with all you  drunken mates 

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Just now, georgemandm said:

Ok good on you enjoy it at 10 am in the morning that says a lot about who you are and am not your pal and would never be your pal you go drink with all you  drunken mates 

It's 4am where I am pal. Listen just stick me on ignore son.

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1 hour ago, georgemandm said:

Been  band on here that's why I did not get back to you , all I can say is this if you think thailand such a great place for you and your kids good, if I had kids here I would take them home for school.


On the the why you live here all I can say is if you did not have the money you work hard for from Australia you would not be in Thailand to day .


And on the money you have  invested back in Australia , if you think Australia is such a bad country why do you not take all your money out and invest it in your new great county thailand? .


you need to understand you are in thailand because you had a great chance to make good money in Australia.


you seem to think thailand is such a great place , then why did you not come to thailand 10 years ago when you first meet your thai lady and work here and make great money , no you set your self up to come here and live ,  good  on you but it was that great county Australia and your hard work that made you live her well off .


On the $1,000 a week to live in Sydney Australia, I not understand Sydney because I come from Melbourne but when I was with my ex wife and my 2 kids we did not spend that much to live more like $500 a week with every thing.


You life  style Most be a lot  different to mine .


One more thing on the thai life style that you say is so good , ok good for you because you have money that keeps you going here and that is because of Australia and your hard work, my new thai lady of of 2 years has been home 3 times in 12 months and tells me how great my country is and how lucky we are to have everything we went , not like thailand.


I can understand why you come here to live and good on you but for me thailand is just a place to come and  visit my Thais family and for me to meet up with some of my friends, I tried to live here and it is not for me .


I for one can't understand people who bag there country of  Origin to give them a  excuse to come to live in thailand, if you want to live here ok good on you but don't bag my great county Australia.


I am so lucky that my  parents did not stay in  Greece when my dad wanted to live there and took the family back to live 40 years ago .


Yes I have paid my Taxes the same as you but I not care that is how it is , but when I look at the way the old people here are  treated here in thailand and look at how poor some people are I just think that good on Australia the way it takes care of its people, ok yes we have  Bludges back home that will never stop and yes the government waste our tax dollars ,but not much you can do about it .


Just live with it work hard and make good money.



As hard as it is to read this post, I do, kinda, feel the same about the USA. 


I don't agree with much you say but this one I kinda see it.

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2 hours ago, georgemandm said:

Been  band on here that's why I did not get back to you , all I can say is this if you think thailand such a great place for you and your kids good, if I had kids here I would take them home for school.


On the the why you live here all I can say is if you did not have the money you work hard for from Australia you would not be in Thailand to day .


And on the money you have  invested back in Australia , if you think Australia is such a bad country why do you not take all your money out and invest it in your new great county thailand? .


you need to understand you are in thailand because you had a great chance to make good money in Australia.


you seem to think thailand is such a great place , then why did you not come to thailand 10 years ago when you first meet your thai lady and work here and make great money , no you set your self up to come here and live ,  good  on you but it was that great county Australia and your hard work that made you live her well off .


On the $1,000 a week to live in Sydney Australia, I not understand Sydney because I come from Melbourne but when I was with my ex wife and my 2 kids we did not spend that much to live more like $500 a week with every thing.


You life  style Most be a lot  different to mine .


One more thing on the thai life style that you say is so good , ok good for you because you have money that keeps you going here and that is because of Australia and your hard work, my new thai lady of of 2 years has been home 3 times in 12 months and tells me how great my country is and how lucky we are to have everything we went , not like thailand.


I can understand why you come here to live and good on you but for me thailand is just a place to come and  visit my Thais family and for me to meet up with some of my friends, I tried to live here and it is not for me .


I for one can't understand people who bag there country of  Origin to give them a  excuse to come to live in thailand, if you want to live here ok good on you but don't bag my great county Australia.


I am so lucky that my  parents did not stay in  Greece when my dad wanted to live there and took the family back to live 40 years ago .


Yes I have paid my Taxes the same as you but I not care that is how it is , but when I look at the way the old people here are  treated here in thailand and look at how poor some people are I just think that good on Australia the way it takes care of its people, ok yes we have  Bludges back home that will never stop and yes the government waste our tax dollars ,but not much you can do about it .


Just live with it work hard and make good money.



Banded on TV, been a bad boy have you ?


Each to his own, whatever suites, that's why we have choices.


I think its irrelevant where money comes from, e.g. Australia, USA, UK, we had no choice in the country we were raised in and naturally we worked in that country and made money in that country, suffice to say, if we were raised in poorer countries we probably wouldn't be here. You cannot say its because of Australia that I am here, there are many Australian living under the poverty line, and there is a welfare system that is buckling, with many more Ozzies facing hardship, that work, I was fortunate to push myself harder than most would have dreamed too, and not only worked one job, but created a side job off of the company I was contracting out to, working 7 days a week, and crazy hours, where was the family life, we should be able to work M-F 8 hours a day with annual leave, look at the jobs in Australia today, everyone is employing part time employees only, it's F-----d


The reason I have left my money in Australia is by choice, government guarantees my money in the bank, $250,000 per bank, interest rates are ok when compared to the rest of the world, I only pay 10% tax on the interest, no tax on shares (fully franked), and no capital gains tax on shares, remember I am now considered a foreign resident, so it suites Australia for me to keep my money in the country, as much as it does me, but don't think for one minute, I wouldn't shift it, if there was a better investment that I was comfortable with, that said, I haven't looked outside the square and it suites me for now, I have zero loyalty to Australia, probably as much as the Aborigines do.


The reason I didn't come to Thailand 10 years ago when I met my wife, if you must know is because my daughter from my previous marriage was 8 at that time, and as I had shared care 50/50 with my X, I would have been heartless to leave her behind at such a young age, yes I would have come, but being of Greek heritage, I am sure you understand. My Thai wife agreed with me prior to getting married that we would live in Australia until my daughter completed year 12, and we would not take her twin boys (2 years old at the time) out of Thailand. She made a HUGE sacrifice leaving her twin boys behind to live with their grandparents, this as you know is a common thing in Thailand and more acceptable, it also suited us, and I supported them by sending 10,000 baht a month to the grandparents, we visited twice a year. It had nothing to do with Australia, I was financial enough at the time to come, but commitment is commitment, my daughter is now 19 going on 20 and visits us here, and is also a big fan of Thailand, constantly complaining about life back in Sydney, struggling to keep up.


$500 a week to live in Melbourne, well we know Melbourne is cheaper than Sydney, $1,000 a week to survive in Sydney doesn't take you far, I am not talking about eating no frills, or no names, meat, fish, chicken, don't forget babies cost, nappies, milk powder, etc etc, if you are renting a one bedroom unit in Wolli Creek you are up for $500 per week, if you have an average mortgage of $400,000, you might be better off as interest rates are low, but then you would have had to put down 25% deposit. I eat good quality food, I wear nice clothes, nothing over the top, but why be a cheap Charlie, always taught, eat good quality, dress well, and when you work it out, its better for you and you feel comfortable, most of the clothes we purchased years ago, are still like new today, so quality is important IMO.


The comment from your Thai lady is coming from someone who doesn't earn a big wage in Thailand, of course she is going to see Australia as better than Thailand, you are buying things that she couldn't imagine buying in Thailand, because she can't afford it. I have everything I have here, I have fresh meat from a cattle station that I stock up on, and to be honest it beats the meat they served us back in Aus, and at a 3rd of the price, e.g. T-bone 135 baht or around $5.00 AUS, there is an abundance of places I can buy things that I would buy back in Sydney, some close to the price back in Sydney and some a little more expensive, the only difference here when comparing to Sydney if you ask me, is the climate, and their government system behind a bit behind the times.


Thailand is not for everybody by far, however, it is very affordable for me, the kids grow up in a different environment with lots of extended family around, I don't mix, but that's up to me, I am very much a home body, I like my comforts, A/C's TV's, Computers and the likes, and when I want a break, I take a short inexpensive trip for a week to Phuket or Pattaya, easy $1,000 all up, and in a nice hotel.


I don't bag Australia, it is my place of birth, but don't think for one minute do I think that I am Australian, Australia belongs to the indigenous people who got ripped off over 200 years ago as did the Indians of America, not wanting to go into the history of it, and I am sure you understand the history, or what parts you were taught at school, which is the glorified parts, it is what it is, and it won't change. I suppose I could say that I feel more at home and relaxed here in Thailand, with all its goods and bad's, you see here I see families riding on motorbikes without helmets, ok, its dangerous, they have the highest road fatalities in the world, but its up to them, and if the cops grab them as they do every now and again, they pay the fine, in Sydney, you can't fart without coping a speeding ticket, red light camera ticket, mobile speeding vehicle ticket, RBT everywhere, and have you ever tried to explain to a cop the reason you did this or that instead of being tailgated, not interested, tell the judge, cops are outright rude and aggressive in Sydney, probably the pressure of the job and the numbers/quota they have to get. I got booked here the other day, told the cop I went through the red light because if I braked the guy behind me would have went up my rear, oh, ok, pay half the fine 200 baht, and please be careful next time, so the fines are nothing, no demerit points, and they give you the benefit of the doubt.


I can understand why your dad wanted to move back to Greece, it is surrounded by islands, is close to Europe and has Zoe/life, Australia has nothing, how many Greeks went back but had to return, for the money, Greece and Europe today are in a bad state, but if you asked me where would I live, Greece or Australia, it would be Greece, however without finances, its pointless isn't it.


 Old people get looked after in Australia as they do in Thailand, although the pension in Australia is better than in Thailand, because of the tax system, Thai's help Thai's, Aussies don't help Aussies, most don't even know their neighbours. Welfare, yes take from Peter to give to Paul, well that was how it was supposed to be, now its take, take, take, and give, give, give, actually just throw it at them and anyone who wants to leave Australia, make sure they don't get the pension, that is unless they return 2 years before and prove that they are prepared to live in Australia, don't do how the American's and the Brit's do, f... them, they don't want to work till they almost die, f... them.


Live with it, work with it, and work hard did you say...how about live, don't work, and enjoy life without having to worry about where you next $ has to come from, I am sure if you had the choice you would keep working till you dropped, because you need to fund your trips back and forth to Thailand 555

Edited by 4MyEgo
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46 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


Banded on TV, been a bad boy have you ?


Each to his own, whatever suites, that's why we have choices.


I think its irrelevant where money comes from, e.g. Australia, USA, UK, we had no choice in the country we were raised in and naturally we worked in that country and made money in that country, suffice to say, if we were raised in poorer countries we probably wouldn't be here. You cannot say its because of Australia that I am here, there are many Australian living under the poverty line, and there is a welfare system that is buckling, with many more Ozzies facing hardship, that work, I was fortunate to push myself harder than most would have dreamed too, and not only worked one job, but created a side job off of the company I was contracting out to, working 7 days a week, and crazy hours, where was the family life, we should be able to work M-F 8 hours a day with annual leave, look at the jobs in Australia today, everyone is employing part time employees only, it's F-----d


The reason I have left my money in Australia is by choice, government guarantees my money in the bank, $250,000 per bank, interest rates are ok when compared to the rest of the world, I only pay 10% tax on the interest, no tax on shares (fully franked), and no capital gains tax on shares, remember I am now considered a foreign resident, so it suites Australia for me to keep my money in the country, as much as it does me, but don't think for one minute, I wouldn't shift it, if there was a better investment that I was comfortable with, that said, I haven't looked outside the square and it suites me for now, I have zero loyalty to Australia, probably as much as the Aborigines do.


The reason I didn't come to Thailand 10 years ago when I met my wife, if you must know is because my daughter from my previous marriage was 8 at that time, and as I had shared care 50/50 with my X, I would have been heartless to leave her behind at such a young age, yes I would have come, but being of Greek heritage, I am sure you understand. My Thai wife agreed with me prior to getting married that we would live in Australia until my daughter completed year 12, and we would not take her twin boys (2 years old at the time) out of Thailand. She made a HUGE sacrifice leaving her twin boys behind to live with their grandparents, this as you know is a common thing in Thailand and more acceptable, it also suited us, and I supported them by sending 10,000 baht a month to the grandparents, we visited twice a year. It had nothing to do with Australia, I was financial enough at the time to come, but commitment is commitment, my daughter is now 19 going on 20 and visits us here, and is also a big fan of Thailand, constantly complaining about life back in Sydney, struggling to keep up.


$500 a week to live in Melbourne, well we know Melbourne is cheaper than Sydney, $1,000 a week to survive in Sydney doesn't take you far, I am not talking about eating no frills, or no names, meat, fish, chicken, don't forget babies cost, nappies, milk powder, etc etc, if you are renting a one bedroom unit in Wolli Creek you are up for $500 per week, if you have an average mortgage of $400,000, you might be better off as interest rates are low, but then you would have had to put down 25% deposit. I eat good quality food, I wear nice clothes, nothing over the top, but why be a cheap Charlie, always taught, eat good quality, dress well, and when you work it out, its better for you and you feel comfortable, most of the clothes we purchased years ago, are still like new today, so quality is important IMO.


The comment from your Thai lady is coming from someone who doesn't earn a big wage in Thailand, of course she is going to see Australia as better than Thailand, you are buying things that she couldn't imagine buying in Thailand, because she can't afford it. I have everything I have here, I have fresh meat from a cattle station that I stock up on, and to be honest it beats the meat they served us back in Aus, and at a 3rd of the price, e.g. T-bone 135 baht or around $5.00 AUS, there is an abundance of places I can buy things that I would buy back in Sydney, some close to the price back in Sydney and some a little more expensive, the only difference here when comparing to Sydney if you ask me, is the climate, and their government system behind a bit behind the times.


Thailand is not for everybody by far, however, it is very affordable for me, the kids grow up in a different environment with lots of extended family around, I don't mix, but that's up to me, I am very much a home body, I like my comforts, A/C's TV's, Computers and the likes, and when I want a break, I take a short inexpensive trip for a week to Phuket or Pattaya, easy $1,000 all up, and in a nice hotel.


I don't bag Australia, it is my place of birth, but don't think for one minute do I think that I am Australian, Australia belongs to the indigenous people who got ripped off over 200 years ago as did the Indians of America, not wanting to go into the history of it, and I am sure you understand the history, or what parts you were taught at school, which is the glorified parts, it is what it is, and it won't change. I suppose I could say that I feel more at home and relaxed here in Thailand, with all its goods and bad's, you see here I see families riding on motorbikes without helmets, ok, its dangerous, they have the highest road fatalities in the world, but its up to them, and if the cops grab them as they do every now and again, they pay the fine, in Sydney, you can't fart without coping a speeding ticket, red light camera ticket, mobile speeding vehicle ticket, RBT everywhere, and have you ever tried to explain to a cop the reason you did this or that instead of being tailgated, not interested, tell the judge, cops are outright rude and aggressive in Sydney, probably the pressure of the job and the numbers/quota they have to get. I got booked here the other day, told the cop I went through the red light because if I braked the guy behind me would have went up my rear, oh, ok, pay half the fine 200 baht, and please be careful next time, so the fines are nothing, no demerit points, and they give you the benefit of the doubt.


I can understand why your dad wanted to move back to Greece, it is surrounded by islands, is close to Europe and has Zoe/life, Australia has nothing, how many Greeks went back but had to return, for the money, Greece and Europe today are in a bad state, but if you asked me where would I live, Greece or Australia, it would be Greece, however without finances, its pointless isn't it.


 Old people get looked after in Australia as they do in Thailand, although the pension in Australia is better than in Thailand, because of the tax system, Thai's help Thai's, Aussies don't help Aussies, most don't even know their neighbours. Welfare, yes take from Peter to give to Paul, well that was how it was supposed to be, now its take, take, take, and give, give, give, actually just throw it at them and anyone who wants to leave Australia, make sure they don't get the pension, that is unless they return 2 years before and prove that they are prepared to live in Australia, don't do how the American's and the Brit's do, f... them, they don't want to work till they almost die, f... them.


Live with it, work with it, and work hard did you say...how about live, don't work, and enjoy life without having to worry about where you next $ has to come from, I am sure if you had the choice you would keep working till you dropped, because you need to fund your trips back and forth to Thailand 555

Ok I read it  and  laugh what you say .

like I say Australia is what made you to day , we are talking about Australia no were else.

You can't  deny that at all .


My thai yes like most of them ,like your thai  whats a better life with a  foreigner .


If you love thailand so much I am saying take your money and  invested in thailand but you know and I know you would not get the return on your money.


That is what I am saying about Australia it has good and bad things, but to put your money in to super and get tax free money I think is great .


are you joking about the  Aborigines ? .

I am Australia the same as them .


You tell me about thailand people who are old you think you no it , what happens to the ones with no family not one thing they have to work till they die with no help from there government. 


The meat back home is not as good as thai meat haha give me a break Australia meat is one of the best in the world that's why it is  exported all over the world.


On the  Greece thing I am saying I am lucky not to be it that country and be in Australia yes Greece has great islands I agree with you my partners come from one but the place is good for a holiday not to live that is why there would be more Greeks live out of Greece that live in Greece just go to Melbourne now and see it and talk to the ones that are young and have move to Australia for a better life they will tell you about the place not me .


you go on about working hard back home so did I work very hard and I love to work and make money  , look here how lots of them are so lazy it is a joke I needed a truck for the day 6 hours pay him 2,000 thai bht to do the job I needed doing says ok then 2 days later says can't do it why not understand but it would be he is to lazy or  wanted to try and get more money out of me and all he had to do was drive 20 km one way what one hour and drive 20 km back .


like you say and I say thailand is not for everyone but i have tried it and can't do it live here full time , up to you but I will say this hop you stay well and  healthy because when you get older and you will get old best of luck with the thai  Health system of what I see it is a joke in the north east and I am not talking about bangkok.


 Finance Is the key word if you not have money you have jack s??t as you well know so any were you are in the world you need money and Australia give me the  chance to have that money and I am  grateful for that .

Yes Australia has its good and bad I agree with you but when I go home and see my girls I just say how lucky they are to be in Australia and not a 3 Rd world country like thailand.

Goood you help your daughter out when she was young happy to read that not like some man back home that don't.


But you say your thai has 2 kids from a thai man look at how unlucky she was because thai man not give a s??t about there kids not all but a lot .


you go on about the speed  cameras and red light cameras and RBT buses back home , good I think.

It is a great idea to have them all look at out road toll how good it is , now not great but a lot better then it was . 

Are you joking thailand roads are so  dangerous to drive on I should no I was a truck driver back home for most of my life and I come here and just  shake my head .

Thailand need to take a look at our road  System in the way we catch people doing the wrong thing and it will become a better and safer place to drive, first they need to teach them to drive because most of them here have no idea how to drive.

I am happy you like your life in thailand I not care what you do but I just don't like it the way people bag there country's to make  excuses to come and live here in thailand.

what do you care about the old age  pension you have the money to live will in thailand like me if I want to , I not give one s???t about the age pension, the taxs you pay is for the country to be run  properly and the  problem is some of our last governments did not do it right , but not much I and you can do about it , I could have spent all my money from a young man to my old age and  received a  pension but I did not want that in my life I  wanted to work hard and live very well off when I stop working and I do now .

I just say it as I see it here in thailand I have been coming and going for 7 years now and I just not understand how so many get burnt and suck in here , I like thailand ok but it is just not for me and it is for you good just hop you have a good life here , just not forget your daughter back home when you go to the big boy up  stairs .

cheers .



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15 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

That is what I am saying about Australia it has good and bad things, but to put your money in to super and get tax free money I think is great


You pay tax in, I think its 15%, and yes its tax free if you take it out after your preservation age, that is, if they don't change the rules, trust me, they will find a way, and they will stick it to most when the times comes, yes it will be political suicide, but they need the $'s. Now if you are a foreign resident like me, you will be charged 32.5c in the $ until you reach 60 when you can take it out take free, before hand at 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, forget it, yes what's good for the goose, is not good for the gander.


20 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

are you joking about the  Aborigines ? .

I am Australia the same as them .


Spend a couple of minutes and read this: http://www.survivalinternational.org/tribes/aboriginals maybe then you might see that I am not joking, its fact, although like any country that is invaded, people killed, mothers and children raped, we tend to move forward, because what has happened has happened, and those pieces of paper signed by the authorities give us the right to call ourselves whatever nationality we are. When asked where I am from, I say, father Cyrpriot (Cyprus), well one half of it as his birth place is occupied by Turkey, mother from Egypt of Greek decent, and I have been living in Australia.


27 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

You tell me about thailand people who are old you think you no it , what happens to the ones with no family not one thing they have to work till they die with no help from there government.


Have a few in our village, neighbours and folk around always paying a visit, taking things, helping out, from my experience, she knows if there is anything she needs, we are here, candles when blackout from rain etc etc


29 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

The meat back home is not as good as thai meat haha give me a break Australia meat is one of the best in the world that's why it is  exported all over the world.


Please don't speak till you have tried it, I am a big meat eater, and the meat I have eaten is Sydney, including grain fed meat sold at wharf finger restaurants and the like at Wooloomooloo, an enormous amount of pubs, you cannot compare, this Thai/French meat leaves it for dead, my best kept secret in Thailand:


Next time you are up this way, do yourself the favour, just buy either the T-bone or Sirloin, cook it to medium rare and let me know your thoughts, bet you any amount of $ you will be stocking up big time, this is not Thai meat, far from it, I have had the rubbery tasting thong, that's Thai meat, this is rich in colour and same throughout, not patchy, is tight, juicy, thick, and succulent. The stuff we eat back in Sydney is 3rd grade, all the good stuff gets shipped overseas 1st, I knew a few butchers, one who had his own cattle because he was sick of getting the crappy stuff to sell.




41 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

you go on about working hard back home so did I work very hard and I love to work and make money  , look here how lots of them are so lazy it is a joke I needed a truck for the day 6 hours pay him 2,000 thai bht to do the job I needed doing says ok then 2 days later says can't do it why not understand but it would be he is to lazy or  wanted to try and get more money out of me and all he had to do was drive 20 km one way what one hour and drive 20 km back .


Yes Thai's are lazy, the way I work them is, 4 hours 300 baht, but must be 4 hours of good work, if I feel someone not work solid or good, that will be reflected in the amount I pay them, e.g. you work slow and bad, you get 100 baht, you work good and good quality, you get 300 baht, builder with skills will get 500 baht for the day, although his day is usually 4 hours anyway. It also depends what village, you can also understand the Thai way, is very very very relaxed compared to the pace we are used too and the quality controls we are used too back in Oz.


45 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

like you say and I say thailand is not for everyone but i have tried it and can't do it live here full time , up to you but I will say this hop you stay well and  healthy because when you get older and you will get old best of luck with the thai  Health system of what I see it is a joke in the north east and I am not talking about bangkok.


Thank you, so far so good, the local hospital here is good, as are the medical centre's, if I want I have a choice to go to Udon Thani where there are private hospitals and IMO are good, as for operations, not looking at doing any here or back in Aus.


47 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

Yes Australia has its good and bad I agree with you but when I go home and see my girls I just say how lucky they are to be in Australia and not a 3 Rd world country like thailand.

Goood you help your daughter out when she was young happy to read that not like some man back home that don't.


If you have money in a 3rd world country you will do as well as in Australia IMO

There are responsible fathers and there are idiots


49 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

But you say your thai has 2 kids from a thai man look at how unlucky she was because thai man not give a s??t about there kids not all but a lot .


Most X Tha guy's don't give a shit about there kids and yes I am glad to give my wife and her kids a lift in life, after all she has raised mine to a level that I thought never existed, she is a great mother, wife, cook, jack of all trades and a great mate, she deserves what will eventually come to here and the kids, and know my daughter back home will not be left out in the cold, although she is the only grandchild of a multi-millionaire family, so one could say she will be extremely well looked, but has to wait 555


53 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

you go on about the speed  cameras and red light cameras and RBT buses back home , good I think.

It is a great idea to have them all look at out road toll how good it is , now not great but a lot better then it was . 

Are you joking thailand roads are so  dangerous to drive on I should no I was a truck driver back home for most of my life and I come here and just  shake my head .

Thailand need to take a look at our road  System in the way we catch people doing the wrong thing and it will become a better and safer place to drive, first they need to teach them to drive because most of them here have no idea how to drive.


Like I said, you cannot fart on a Sydney road without being booked, nothing to do with speed, its about revenue raising, but over rated IMO, more cops on the road, not behind desks.

Yes Thailand roads are dangerous, but similar to roads back in Aus, you always have to keep your eyes wide open, more motor bikes to look out for here. Let's not forget the population here is 3 times as big as Australia and most people own motorbikes because they cannot afford cars.


57 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

I am happy you like your life in thailand I not care what you do but I just don't like it the way people bag there country's to make  excuses to come and live here in thailand.


Fair enough


58 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

what do you care about the old age  pension you have the money to live will in thailand like me if I want to , I not give one s???t about the age pension, the taxs you pay is for the country to be run  properly and the  problem is some of our last governments did not do it right , but not much I and you can do about it , I could have spent all my money from a young man to my old age and  received a  pension but I did not want that in my life I  wanted to work hard and live very well off when I stop working and I do now


The point that you keep missing is that I worked 40 years paying taxes, it is my right, as it is anyone else's right who works and pays taxes to receive the pension (means tested of course), now because I chose to live overseas, should not give any government the right to say, ah, nah, wait a minute you don't get the pension, but on the other hand will accept me keeping my money in the country because its good for the country, do you see where I am coming from, lets put it another way, you go to the hospital and they say, no, sorry we cannot operate on you because medicare won't cover you, you make too much money, what has making too much money got to do with not operating on you under Medicare. To go further, they take Medicare off you when you leave as well, they don't even ask you if you want to contribute to it as an Australian citizen, nope, you are a non resident, its as if you have a disease, but you can leave your money invested in bank term deposits or shares, but while we are at it, don't vote because you are a foreign resident. This is hypocrisy at the highest level, and I know you will differ because you have already suggested that I park my money in Thailand, fact of the matter is I still have a choice and until that choice is taken away, I will park in in Australia until I find somewhere better, because it does leave a bad taste in my mouth leaving it there to be honest.


1 hour ago, georgemandm said:

I just say it as I see it here in thailand I have been coming and going for 7 years now and I just not understand how so many get burnt and suck in here , I like thailand ok but it is just not for me and it is for you good just hop you have a good life here , just not forget your daughter back home when you go to the big boy up  stairs .


It all boils down to the blokes, and the sooner they learn that a women is like a snake in the grass, that needs to be handled with care, e.g. never put your financials in or near her care, in case you need a quick exit, they will still cop it. I too hope my life here remains as it is today, and for my daughter, well I think I covered that.



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25 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


You pay tax in, I think its 15%, and yes its tax free if you take it out after your preservation age, that is, if they don't change the rules, trust me, they will find a way, and they will stick it to most when the times comes, yes it will be political suicide, but they need the $'s. Now if you are a foreign resident like me, you will be charged 32.5c in the $ until you reach 60 when you can take it out take free, before hand at 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, forget it, yes what's good for the goose, is not good for the gander.



Spend a couple of minutes and read this: http://www.survivalinternational.org/tribes/aboriginals maybe then you might see that I am not joking, its fact, although like any country that is invaded, people killed, mothers and children raped, we tend to move forward, because what has happened has happened, and those pieces of paper signed by the authorities give us the right to call ourselves whatever nationality we are. When asked where I am from, I say, father Cyrpriot (Cyprus), well one half of it as his birth place is occupied by Turkey, mother from Egypt of Greek decent, and I have been living in Australia.



Have a few in our village, neighbours and folk around always paying a visit, taking things, helping out, from my experience, she knows if there is anything she needs, we are here, candles when blackout from rain etc etc



Please don't speak till you have tried it, I am a big meat eater, and the meat I have eaten is Sydney, including grain fed meat sold at wharf finger restaurants and the like at Wooloomooloo, an enormous amount of pubs, you cannot compare, this Thai/French meat leaves it for dead, my best kept secret in Thailand:


Next time you are up this way, do yourself the favour, just buy either the T-bone or Sirloin, cook it to medium rare and let me know your thoughts, bet you any amount of $ you will be stocking up big time, this is not Thai meat, far from it, I have had the rubbery tasting thong, that's Thai meat, this is rich in colour and same throughout, not patchy, is tight, juicy, thick, and succulent. The stuff we eat back in Sydney is 3rd grade, all the good stuff gets shipped overseas 1st, I knew a few butchers, one who had his own cattle because he was sick of getting the crappy stuff to sell.





Yes Thai's are lazy, the way I work them is, 4 hours 300 baht, but must be 4 hours of good work, if I feel someone not work solid or good, that will be reflected in the amount I pay them, e.g. you work slow and bad, you get 100 baht, you work good and good quality, you get 300 baht, builder with skills will get 500 baht for the day, although his day is usually 4 hours anyway. It also depends what village, you can also understand the Thai way, is very very very relaxed compared to the pace we are used too and the quality controls we are used too back in Oz.



Thank you, so far so good, the local hospital here is good, as are the medical centre's, if I want I have a choice to go to Udon Thani where there are private hospitals and IMO are good, as for operations, not looking at doing any here or back in Aus.



If you have money in a 3rd world country you will do as well as in Australia IMO

There are responsible fathers and there are idiots



Most X Tha guy's don't give a shit about there kids and yes I am glad to give my wife and her kids a lift in life, after all she has raised mine to a level that I thought never existed, she is a great mother, wife, cook, jack of all trades and a great mate, she deserves what will eventually come to here and the kids, and know my daughter back home will not be left out in the cold, although she is the only grandchild of a multi-millionaire family, so one could say she will be extremely well looked, but has to wait 555



Like I said, you cannot fart on a Sydney road without being booked, nothing to do with speed, its about revenue raising, but over rated IMO, more cops on the road, not behind desks.

Yes Thailand roads are dangerous, but similar to roads back in Aus, you always have to keep your eyes wide open, more motor bikes to look out for here. Let's not forget the population here is 3 times as big as Australia and most people own motorbikes because they cannot afford cars.



Fair enough



The point that you keep missing is that I worked 40 years paying taxes, it is my right, as it is anyone else's right who works and pays taxes to receive the pension (means tested of course), now because I chose to live overseas, should not give any government the right to say, ah, nah, wait a minute you don't get the pension, but on the other hand will accept me keeping my money in the country because its good for the country, do you see where I am coming from, lets put it another way, you go to the hospital and they say, no, sorry we cannot operate on you because medicare won't cover you, you make too much money, what has making too much money got to do with not operating on you under Medicare. To go further, they take Medicare off you when you leave as well, they don't even ask you if you want to contribute to it as an Australian citizen, nope, you are a non resident, its as if you have a disease, but you can leave your money invested in bank term deposits or shares, but while we are at it, don't vote because you are a foreign resident. This is hypocrisy at the highest level, and I know you will differ because you have already suggested that I park my money in Thailand, fact of the matter is I still have a choice and until that choice is taken away, I will park in in Australia until I find somewhere better, because it does leave a bad taste in my mouth leaving it there to be honest.



It all boils down to the blokes, and the sooner they learn that a women is like a snake in the grass, that needs to be handled with care, e.g. never put your financials in or near her care, in case you need a quick exit, they will still cop it. I too hope my life here remains as it is today, and for my daughter, well I think I covered that.



Ok good 

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Reading posts like this really makes you think twice about making the move to Thailand. The longest i've stayed there is 6 months and by the end i really couldn't wait to get back to my country and get back to work. I usually just go for 3-4 week visits now every year and that really is enough for me. Yet i do want to retire there. I just have other priorities at the moment. The things the OP says about affordable wine,cheese,cheap fresh food,cheap car and school education really shouldn't be taken for granted. One of my favourite wines at the moment is 6 euro's from Lidl(merlot) and i can't imagine getting something for 240 baht in Thailand that comes even close to it. 


My wife has lived here for 6 years now and has no desire to return to Thailand in the near future and she also looks forward to returning from holidays in which we always have a good time. She says it unsafe for our kids,dangerous crossing the road,poor education,hard to get things done,corruption ext ext. 

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2 minutes ago, irishken said:

Reading posts like this really makes you think twice about making the move to Thailand. The longest i've stayed there is 6 months and by the end i really couldn't wait to get back to my country and get back to work. I usually just go for 3-4 week visits now every year and that really is enough for me. Yet i do want to retire there. I just have other priorities at the moment. The things the OP says about affordable wine,cheese,cheap fresh food,cheap car and school education really shouldn't be taken for granted. One of my favourite wines at the moment is 6 euro's from Lidl(merlot) and i can't imagine getting something for 240 baht in Thailand that comes even close to it. 


My wife has lived here for 6 years now and has no desire to return to Thailand in the near future and she also looks forward to returning from holidays in which we always have a good time. She says it unsafe for our kids,dangerous crossing the road,poor education,hard to get things done,corruption ext ext. 

Ok I hear what you say if I we you I would listen to your wife she knows what she Is talking about, I thank thailand is for thai people very hard for  foreigners here with the visa  rubbish and the roads and the thai bht is to strong now  and the dollar is down .

But lots come here and make a go of it I tried and it dose not work for me it could work for you .

you can do as some do here come and go when you  retire .

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Thailand is not for everybody, thailand is for the real men (like me). men who can survive an atomic war, eat snake, sleep in forest, eat worms...

if you cry like a big baby because you have no air conditioning in your room, Thailand is not for you.
if you need hot water every morning, Thailand is not for you. in this case stay home in your farangland and have a happy life. I will be on the beach in Thailand, while you freeze your balls in winter in your expensive british condo.

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1 minute ago, pattayalover said:

Thailand is not for everybody, thailand is for the real men (like me). men who can survive an atomic war, eat snake, sleep in forest, eat worms...

if you cry like a big baby because you have no air conditioning in your room, Thailand is not for you.
if you need hot water every morning, Thailand is not for you. in this case stay home in your farangland and have a happy life. I will be on the beach in Thailand, while you freeze your balls in winter in your expensive british condo.

And you are   Flake And not a real man are you .

i have read some of your  topics and you seem to me like  A Newbe who has no idea about thailand.

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2 hours ago, pattayalover said:

Thailand is not for everybody, thailand is for the real men (like me). men who can survive an atomic war, eat snake, sleep in forest, eat worms...

if you cry like a big baby because you have no air conditioning in your room, Thailand is not for you.
if you need hot water every morning, Thailand is not for you. in this case stay home in your farangland and have a happy life. I will be on the beach in Thailand, while you freeze your balls in winter in your expensive british condo.

And the award for worst TV comment ever goes to.... Pattayalover  :partytime2:

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5 hours ago, pattayalover said:

Thailand is not for everybody, thailand is for the real men (like me). men who can survive an atomic war, eat snake, sleep in forest, eat worms...

if you cry like a big baby because you have no air conditioning in your room, Thailand is not for you.
if you need hot water every morning, Thailand is not for you. in this case stay home in your farangland and have a happy life. I will be on the beach in Thailand, while you freeze your balls in winter in your expensive british condo.

My happiest times in LOS have been at the beach, in a room at the sand's edge. No AC, no hot water, no tv, no internet, no phone, no bars, no discos, no malls;  just the sand and the sea and the trees.

When I leave LOS for the last time that is what I will remember, not the city BS.

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9 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

My happiest times in LOS have been at the beach, in a room at the sand's edge. No AC, no hot water, no tv, no internet, no phone, no bars, no discos, no malls;  just the sand and the sea and the trees.

When I leave LOS for the last time that is what I will remember, not the city BS.

Well  guess what I am happy for you big deal who cares .

stay as you are in the sun  in the heat no

a c no internet no phones for the rest of your life I think not 

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And you are   Flake And not a real man are you .
i have read some of your  topics and you seem to me like  A Newbe who has no idea about thailand.

been in Thailand long time. I have seen many guys spending all their money here In thailand, buying house, sending their kids to expensive international schools , making parties every week ends, bought expensive cars... they spent all their saving and now complain they must go back to UK and complain about the system. " oh poor me, the £ lost 10%...I must go home now, bouhouhouhou "

what about living cheaply.? I guess many didn't learn anything in their life except consume as much they can until they need help from their government. This is why Thailand is not for everybody but only for the real men.

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5 minutes ago, pattayalover said:



been in Thailand long time. I have seen many guys spending all their money here In thailand, buying house, sending their kids to expensive international schools , making parties every week ends, bought expensive cars... they spent all their saving and now complain they must go back to UK and complain about the system. " oh poor me, the £ lost 10%...I must go home now, bouhouhouhou "

what about living cheaply.? I guess many didn't learn anything in their life except consume as much they can until they need help from their government. This is why Thailand is not for everybody but only for the real men.





According to the thread you just started about your parents and trying to save money, you don't even live here!!!



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