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Auditor General Office probing Prawit trip to Hawaii


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China Air, Korean Air, Evergreen, ANA, Japan Airlines, China Eastern Air, United Airlines, Delta - to name a few -- all offer flights to Hawaii with one stop along the way.   Why does one stop predicate a 'charter flight' for 38 people?  I'm sure it wasn't cost effective.  If the PM is serious about officials cutting down on junkets, make them fly coach!  They'll still get more than noodles! And free drinks, too!

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5 hours ago, hansnl said:

Compared to former governments?


Good you don't know about spending of other governments in the world, including your own.

Yes but when someone siezes power on an anti-corruption ticket you expect them to set an example. This lot are like kids in a sweet shop.


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And then recently on ThaiVisa there was the story of the retired general (and brother of our present leader Prayut) who steered many most lucrative military contracts to his son and wife's businesses. A round-about wan back to his own pocket............

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26 minutes ago, sawadeeken said:

No different than what we were used to with TAKSIN and YINGLUK..............


Actually Yingluck flew to Hawaii on a scheduled flight for a meeting when she was pm.

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10 hours ago, webfact said:

Auditor General Office probing Prawit trip to Hawaii


and will find that everything was done according to the proper procedures... :coffee1:


Morons.   38 of these clowns went. 38.... Think about that. 


And if they had take commercial airlines, business class, they would have spent $3000 or so a piece without even looking for the best deal.... Let it be twice that for every one of these bloated windbags and it is still well under $250,000 ...



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Naturally the issue of "charter" will always raise eyebrows and questions. However, I can't always say it's not the best course of action because there is more than just "the cost" variable to consider. While I, like everyone else here, is not privy to the decision making criteria, I suspect that things like security, expediency and such were also factors. I don't think that this then means it is wholly impossible to use regular commercial services, I think that it makes it much harder.

What I would be more fixated on is what was the stated objective - or more simply, what did the kingdom (as the tax paying entity) get in value for that expenditure?

It does not have to be an objectively measures element like sales or something, but I do think it needs to be something that can be clearly articulated and substantiated in a public forum.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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5 hours ago, DM07 said:

38 Thai- officials, going for a security meeting...on Hawaii...First Class...

Seems legit!

Nothing to see here!

(Any of the usual suspects want to chime in, on how this administration is so much more transparent and less corrupt then "...but...but...Thakisn..."?


The 20/21 million baht is for the charter flight and associated costs. Now what about 38 hotel and messing bills? 


What was the total cost to the Thai taxpayer?


Still the group photo in their new Hawaiian shirts looked so nice. 555!

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On 10/4/2016 at 5:38 PM, Orac said:


Actually Yingluck flew to Hawaii on a scheduled flight for a meeting when she was pm.

All good then, the shins fed, now new pigs can feed at the trough without criticism.   Problem is this new crop of hogs promised to shut the trough, they have only closed the door whilst they gouge 

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On 10/4/2016 at 1:38 PM, Orac said:


Actually Yingluck flew to Hawaii on a scheduled flight for a meeting when she was pm.

Well, if she did, you can bet that she booked the 'whole front cabin' for all her 'croonies'.......

You can bet that her bill was near this too.......

Another thought is what the military said about not wanting to stop for fuel. they wanted non-stop which enabled them to justify their plush holiday on the 'poor man's' tax money.....

The key question is:    Would this expenditure be considered if they all shared paying the bill from their own pockets?????  The answer surly ---- NO, NOT NECESSARY.....

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