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US vice-president candidates face off: what to expect


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16 minutes ago, Linzz said:

What will happen if Trump loses and there's no more tweets and entertainment and it's just boring ole Hillary and getting bored to death?


Well in November and if everyone is bored to death then that may not be a bad thing.  Just think of the alternative if Trump wins?  I doubt it would be boring but my god it would be frightening!

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I have not had time to watch the debate yet in its entirety BUT from the 40 mins or so I have watched I can't help thinking I was watching a PRESIDENTIAL debate. Yes they interrupted each other but without screaming , shouting and personal insults anywhere near the level of Trump and Clinton. Their answers were as we would expect driven by the campaign strategy of their respective parties, but they differed from their 'leaders' in many issues and explained why. Some may have thought it boring, but I consider it far more dignified and becoming of the highest office in the land. I liked both answers but in particular Kaine's on abortion for example. I now understand the media comments about 'the only loser in the debate was Trump'. Well done Kaine and Pence.

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Yeah! They said Vice President Truman wasn't important either. Even Truman said that himself. In his time as Vice President he only met the President for a short 2 visits. Talk about getting a plush Government Job! He never got involved in anything important as the President left him out of everything. But in only 82 days he found himself as President and making major decisions like the dropping of the Atomic Bomb.


I guess you could say the same for President Theodore Roosevelt who became President after President McKinley was shot dead, and Lyndon B Johnson, after Kennedy was shot. You just never know how important these guys can become. But until then they can just sit back and lap up all the cream.    

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I watched the whole debate and found Tim Kaine pugnacious and think he succeeded to show he is a reliable partner, someone you would like to work in team with because you can count on him.

It's important for a V.P, it's a good choice, he deserves respect.   

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17 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Just more plain unadulterated unstrained BS Geeze Louise folks wake up. Its a freak show. We have been around the block so many times on this crap. A pox on all of them. 


The American public is quite used to BS.  They've been hearing it non-stop from the incumbent for the last 8 years. 

Edited by hawker9000
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9 hours ago, Opl said:

I watched the whole debate and found Tim Kaine pugnacious and think he succeeded to show he is a reliable partner, someone you would like to work in team with because you can count on him.

It's important for a V.P, it's a good choice, he deserves respect.   


It is funny that you used pugnacious as I thought Kaine was sounded like a small yippee dog (pug) and Pence was looking at Kaine like Kaine was about to pee on Pence's shoes. Well, in fact Kaine did pee all over Pence's shoes but Pence tried to ignore that and just wacked Kaine on the nose with a newspaper.


Pence: "Bad boy, those are blatant lies and slurs you are using."

Kaine: "But those are Trump's actual words!!"

Pence: "No they are not."

Kaine: "Yes they are!!!"

Pence: "Not."

Kaine: "Are!!!!"

Pence: "I know you are but what am I..."


I like Kaine but he could have toned it down a notch and still attacked Pence. He seemed way to eager to bite Pence as many times as possible.

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15 hours ago, Linzz said:


JT I hope you're not getting a Trump dependency. What will happen if Trump loses and there's no more tweets and entertainment and it's just boring ole Hillary and getting bored to death? There will be a lot of post election anti climax blues and withdrawal rehab all around.

On the other hand if you deliberately vote Trump and he wins, years of blogging ahead. Think about it :stoner:


Yeah, that's deep. JT posts on a bulletin board and responds to wingnuts, he's not a blogger. But I got to hand it to you, you just came up a reason to vote for Trump. 


There will be 8 years of the continuing demonization of HRC on the right wing Fox News media echo chamber. It's not like the Republicans are going to take their ball and go home. Leopards don't change their spots. They have years of lies and conspiracy theories in front of them, although it will be a smaller base after this election fiasco. Could be a split between the mainline Republican wingnuts and the pathetic Trumpeteers. They're still the same group, it just that Republicans become soooooooooo insane that a 2nd party of alt-right wingnut could emerge. I hope so. Wouldn't be long before the two sides are feuding, further diminishing the marginalized deplorables that make up the GOP.  


Angry, crazy, paranoid, racist, it's time for the wingnuts to find constructive hobbies instead of camping in front of Fox News all day, fingering their weapons.   



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17 hours ago, Neurath said:

Yawno - it's enough to make me want to watch Apprentice re-runs. They both have average hair and I'm pretty sure neither can tweet. Average taxpayers without hot wives an no hotels. Sleepy....


16 hours ago, Cory1848 said:

Although Kaine himself was pretty hot when he was young.


16 hours ago, Jingthing said:

OK, made me look. Yeah, not bad.


Lookism!! Men are people too! :whistling:

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10 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

Yeah! They said Vice President Truman wasn't important either. Even Truman said that himself. In his time as Vice President he only met the President for a short 2 visits. Talk about getting a plush Government Job! He never got involved in anything important as the President left him out of everything. But in only 82 days he found himself as President and making major decisions like the dropping of the Atomic Bomb.


I guess you could say the same for President Theodore Roosevelt who became President after President McKinley was shot dead, and Lyndon B Johnson, after Kennedy was shot. You just never know how important these guys can become. But until then they can just sit back and lap up all the cream.    


In the case of Trump/Pence, the VP may be more important than usual.  There are some conservatives who are only voting for Trump because....




[Evangelical Republican pastors are justifying their support for Donald Trump by hoping that God kills the man at the top of the Republican ticket and makes Mike Pence president.]

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