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Elephant picks up woman in Ayuthaya in its trunk and tosses her to the ground - she is severely injured


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It seems to me that nearly all of the comments on this thread are very much pro elephants, but it seems to have degenerated to people insulting one another, this is ridiculous and it isn't going to do anything to save elephants.

There are a lot of valid opinions and things should be discussed in a civilised manner if there is to be any solution, some of the comments here I agree with some I don't but I believe that most people have commented with well meaning intentions.

The biggest threat to the elephant population or any other animal population is mankind it really is that simple and as someone mentioned that a growing human population isn't going to make it better for any wild animals.

While personally I dislike the degrading shows and won't go and see any, I do however love to feed the elephants and do so whenever I can, with regards to the elephant rides i'm not sure if they are a good or a bad thing, one thing I do know though is that elephants are not a cheap animal to keep and if this in someway goes to the upkeep of the elephants then it can't be all bad.

I am in no way an expert on this i'm just an animal lover and i'm sure that there are people on here who are much better informed than me but when people who mainly seem to have the same end agenda start insulting one another their valid comments become tarnished.

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