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Thai father caught on tape kicking kid's friend in the face


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3 hours ago, Myran said:

"Kicked in the face" hardly does the extreme violence of this video justice. He repeatedly and viciously stomps on the boy's head with all of his strength – he is obviously trying to kill him and walks away two times, only to come back and stomp on the kid some more because he's moving. It only comes to an end because the boy manages to get up on his feet and run away.


If you haven't seen the video, don't – I feel physically ill having watched it. The violence is absolutely maddening and much worse than the British family in Hua Hin.


If there ever were a good use for Section 44, it would be to execute this disgusting piece of vermin. Good thing that wasn't my kid, or I would be in jail for murder by now.

Thanks for the tip - I was going to, but now I will not.


Here's on in return.  Never take drastic action when 'hot'. Always think slowly and carefully and plan out how to do it - and include a plan B and plan C as well.  Remember - if they never find a body here, then nothing ever happened (the most important part of the plan).

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4 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

Another lesson in Thai parenting.   Small wonder many of the boys grow up to be thugs with role models like that.


Shame on the RTP yet again for not arresting the Father, charging him with assault and letting him face the charges in a court of law.   The slap on the wrist approach never works, when will they ever learn that ?

To learn would require some sort of intelligence. A registerable iq?

Learning is something the police havent yet been able to learn the meaning of nor could ever be put in to practice. Thinking is far too difficult. Running in front of bikes and cars for money is where their heads are at.

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1 hour ago, oldlakey said:

Out of order go back to the other post if you want to launch a personal attack on another member, concerning comments made on ANOTHER post by them

That member is NOT involved at present in this post, hence cannot defend himself which WE ALL have a right to do

I dont like censorship ever, but with posts like yours I can see the thinking behind it


Are you a moderator>

If not: go and report me!

Otherwise: stop getting in my face!

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5 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

But that would mean getting of their backsides and actually leaving the office, not sure that's covered in the procedure manual of the best police force in the world.

Send 'em to 'merka for motivation training to get off their butts & shoot folks on sight.

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12 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

You have got to be kidding...


You cannot honestly believe that line of BS...

 Right on, you cannot honestly believe Thais do things the way they do.  They do things the way they don't do them.

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4 hours ago, Think2Mutt said:

Thank goodness he's not overstaying his visa,dropping cigarette butts on the floor or riding his motorbike without a helmet or he'd really be in trouble like the Farangs are!


Yes, a 4-6 yo boy getting his head kicked in by an adult is the perfect opportunity to front the fight of us poor foreigners. I do, however, wholeheartedly agree that people get off too easily in many of these cases in Thailand. Comparing it to foreigners in the wrong actually getting what they deserve makes no sense to me, though.

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9 hours ago, dotpoom said:

Obviously no excuse for his behaviour.....however,.... have seen many cases on TV and heard many stories from Parents on the radio about how their children's lives had been virtually destroyed (actually destroyed by suicide in some cases) because of bullies in the school. I have to admit....I did sometimes wonder why their parents wern't tempted to take the law into their own hands to protect their child. ...Is it not possible that this is what's happening in the instance.....a Father looking out for his son?


Maybe, but a good talking to is what would have been needed. There's no excuse for a grown man to be attacking a small child.

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5 hours ago, johnhw said:

 Right on, you cannot honestly believe Thais do things the way they do.  They do things the way they don't do them.

I have no idea what you are rambling about but it is BS to post  as the poster I quoted did. 


Moronic even. 

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16 hours ago, simonuk said:

Prison for the attempted murder of a child is the only outcome here that is fitting. 

Disgraceful lack of justice these days in LOS.



As a sidenote Im wondering how quickly the BIB would be gleefully smashing my door down and pushing their grubby palms out if i did anything slightly wrong?


Yup, attempted murder. Have the  guy.


And for your sidenote, go and kick a dog in the face, reckon they'd be bashing your door down in minutes.  . .

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8 hours ago, Sirbergan said:


Yes, a 4-6 yo boy getting his head kicked in by an adult is the perfect opportunity to front the fight of us poor foreigners. I do, however, wholeheartedly agree that people get off too easily in many of these cases in Thailand. Comparing it to foreigners in the wrong actually getting what they deserve makes no sense to me, though.

Its called sarcasm or having a bit of a dig if you like, even extracting the urine

A complete waste of ones time in most cases certainly in this one for sure where you are concerned

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23 hours ago, Myran said:

"Kicked in the face" hardly does the extreme violence of this video justice. He repeatedly and viciously stomps on the boy's head with all of his strength – he is obviously trying to kill him and walks away two times, only to come back and stomp on the kid some more because he's moving. It only comes to an end because the boy manages to get up on his feet and run away.


If you haven't seen the video, don't – I feel physically ill having watched it. The violence is absolutely maddening and much worse than the British family in Hua Hin.


If there ever were a good use for Section 44, it would be to execute this disgusting piece of vermin. Good thing that wasn't my kid, or I would be in jail for murder by now.

Turned my stomach also. Definitely should be locked up for a long time. It's a good job the boy ran! This scumbag would have carried on and probably killed him.

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Maybe the offender was raised with domestic violence, perhaps he's unknowingly acting out his own upbringing. Drug abuse could also be a factor or a combination of the two. Set this guy straight and break the cycle of fear and violence. Hopefully his own son will learn not to behave like this. We could only hope.

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On October 5, 2016 at 1:01 PM, tukkytuktuk said:

Half term break and the press is full of articles on adults hitting kids. Strangling, kicking, punching, throwing objects at them. Is this just the press's latest topic of interest or has Thailand become a more dangerous society for children to grow up in. What happened to peace and harmony? In my street nothing has changed the children happily play, the adults sometimes play with them and the kids are always number 1. Guess these nasty people who hit kids are a minority, I do hope so, for the sake of my own little boy who I adore.

Im sure it is a minority. Think about it,, out of all the people you know who do you know who has it in them to kick a little boy in the face? It takes a special kind of evil to behave this way. Most people just cannot imagine being so utterly cruel and heartless to do such a terrible thing.


The man cannot be normal, he just cannot be. So, I am sure you son is quite safe surrounded by the people around you and protected by you of course.

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7 hours ago, damo said:

Maybe the offender was raised with domestic violence, perhaps he's unknowingly acting out his own upbringing. Drug abuse could also be a factor or a combination of the two. Set this guy straight and break the cycle of fear and violence. Hopefully his own son will learn not to behave like this. We could only hope.

You could be right, however when he does something like this it really doesn't matter anymore. Consideration turns immediately to the little boy and frankly his own son and other children around him.


He has stepped over the line and consideration for his circumstances take a back seat when it comes to protecting children. 

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